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Public Speaking for Coaches Part 2: Uplevel Your Life Coach Marketing with Speaking

Welcome back to The Abundant Coach! In this episode, we dive into “Public Speaking for Coaches Part 2: Uplevel Your Life Coach Marketing with Speaking.” Host Lauren Brollier Newton shares how public speaking can be a game-changing tool for life coaches looking to enhance their marketing strategies. Drawing from her personal journey, Lauren discusses how to use public speaking to create exposure, build trust, and establish your expertise in the coaching industry.

Lauren provides actionable tips for finding speaking opportunities, including both virtual and in-person engagements, and walks listeners through how to convert these opportunities into paying clients. Whether you’re hosting your own workshops or speaking at summits and networking events, Lauren breaks down how speaking can fast-track your business growth. With her proven approach, Lauren has generated over $4 million in revenue, with 95% of her business coming from speaking engagements.

This episode is packed with valuable insights into life coach marketing, including how to overcome the fear of public speaking and use it as a powerful marketing tool to attract clients and grow your business.

What Does Public Speaking Have to Do With Life Coach Marketing?

Lauren kicks off the episode by sharing the power of public speaking as a life coach marketing tool. She explains how public speaking, whether at networking events, conferences, or virtual summits, creates an instant connection with your audience, allowing them to know, like, and trust you—three critical elements in building an audience of potential clients who want to work with you.

She emphasizes that speaking opportunities go beyond simply delivering a message. They provide a platform to showcase your expertise, offer value, and directly invite potential clients to engage further with you. As a coach, your ability to communicate effectively can lead to business opportunities and deeper client relationships.

The Know, Like, and Trust Factor

Lauren explores the concept of the “know, like, and trust” factor and how public speaking directly contributes to building this essential rapport with your audience. She explains that speaking allows people to get to know you beyond just a static online presence, giving you the chance to showcase your authenticity and expertise.

The “like” factor doesn’t mean that everyone will love you, but those who resonate with your message will naturally gravitate towards you. By providing value, showing personality, and being transparent, Lauren demonstrates how coaches can use speaking engagements to build real trust with potential clients.

How Speaking Grows Your Coaching Business

Lauren explores how public speaking helps grow your coaching business. She highlights that it isn’t always about charging a speaking fee, but using the platform to convert listeners into paying clients. Sharing an example of personal success, Lauren illustrates how a single small-group speaking engagement of only five people generated over $300,000 in revenue through clients and referrals.

The key takeaway is that every speaking opportunity, no matter the size, is a chance to connect, build trust, and offer a direct call to action for your audience. For coaches looking to uplevel their life coach marketing, public speaking offers exponential growth potential.

How to Find Speaking Engagements

Lauren breaks down the process of finding speaking engagements, whether through virtual platforms like podcasts and online summits or in-person networking groups and conferences. She encourages coaches to use Google to search for events within their niche, such as women’s business groups or real estate offices, where potential clients may gather.

Lauren advises new coaches not to worry about the size of the audience when starting. Small groups can lead to massive business opportunities through personal connections and referrals, as shown in her own experience.

Structuring Your Speaking Offer

Another critical aspect Lauren discusses is how to structure your speaking offer. She encourages coaches to offer something valuable, like a free coaching session, at the end of each speaking engagement to give the audience a tangible next step. This allows potential clients to experience your coaching firsthand and increases the likelihood of converting them into long-term clients.

Life Coach Marketing Through Public Speaking: The Results

As a life coach, public speaking helps amplify your message and showcases your unique abilities. Lauren shares that 95% of her revenue came from public speaking engagements, reinforcing how vital it can be for any coach’s marketing strategy. This approach not only establishes you as an expert but also provides ongoing opportunities to reach new audiences and grow your business.

Practical Tips for Implementing Public Speaking into Your Life Coach Marketing Strategy

Lauren wraps up the episode with practical tips for coaches ready to start using public speaking to uplevel their marketing strategy. From small workshops to virtual summits, Lauren highlights how coaches can find the right stages, craft compelling talks, and use speaking as a consistent client-generating tool.

Public speaking is one of the most powerful tools in life coach marketing, allowing you to create authentic connections, build trust, and convert audience members into clients. Lauren’s personal success stories and practical insights in this episode demonstrate that speaking engagements are an essential pathway for coaches to grow their businesses exponentially. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand, these strategies can help you take your coaching business to the next level.


Ready to Start Now? Get Lauren’s 7 Proven Steps to Grow Your 6-Figure Coaching Business

In this step-by-step masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • The easiest way to hit 6 figures without spending money or time on social media
  • How to enjoy abundant time and money freedom coaching less than 20 hours per week
  • The 7 simple steps you can take to make your dream coaching business a reality (in less than a year!)

PLUS…You’ll learn how to know for sure if coaching is your true calling and predict what level of success is possible for you. This free resource is the perfect place to start whether you’re ready to launch your coaching business or grow to even greater levels of success.

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