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follow your passion with Kevin Carton

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Passion Over Strategy: The True Key to Success with Kevin Carton

To explore the importance and impact of following your passion, Lauren sits down with Kevin Carton, personal development coach and co-host of the popular Science and Spirituality Podcast, which boasts 1.3 million downloads and listeners from 113 countries. Kevin, an “old soul” with over ten years of experience in personal growth, has been described as a young Bob Proctor—a high compliment for those in the coaching industry!

In this conversation, Kevin tells the story of how he started his popular podcast. Lauren and Kevin explore how public speaking and podcasting can be powerful tools for growing your coaching business, but only when aligned with your authentic desires. Kevin emphasizes that love for the work, rather than purely strategic thinking, often leads to the most successful and fulfilling results. He shares how trusting his intuition and passion for personal growth has helped him build a thriving coaching practice.

Kevin’s insights will be particularly valuable for coaches who feel called to create but are unsure about how to translate that passion into successful ventures. Whether it’s through podcasting or other means, Kevin reveals how staying connected to your heart and expanding your vision can bring remarkable results, even when the initial journey feels slow.

Get ready for an episode packed with valuable lessons on following your heart, staying consistent, and trusting the process, even when it doesn’t go as planned.

Meet Kevin Carton and the Science and Spirituality Podcast

Lauren kicks off the episode by introducing Kevin Carton, co-host of the Science and Spirituality Podcast, which has reached over 1.3 million downloads. Kevin shares how the podcast began as a passion project between him and his brother, driven by their love for discussing the connection between science and spirituality. Unlike traditional podcast launches, theirs wasn’t about building a business—it was about sharing conversations that mattered to them.

Kevin highlights how his natural inclination to follow his heart helped the podcast grow organically, eventually leading to its current success. His story provides a valuable lesson for coaches who may feel pressured to follow strict business strategies when, in fact, passion and consistency are often the most important factors.

The Power of Following Your Passion in Podcasting

Kevin explains that the initial success of the Science and Spirituality Podcast didn’t come overnight. The first six months were slow; however, by staying true to their passion, the show saw exponential growth.

This period of growth and patience reinforces one of the core themes of the episode: the importance of doing what you love, even when the results aren’t immediate. Kevin and Lauren discuss how expansion creates more expansion and why coaches should follow their intuition and passion instead of being solely strategy-driven. 

Kevin’s advice to new coaches? If you’re not in love with the steps you’re taking, it’s time to reassess.

How Podcasting Can Build Your Coaching Business

Lauren asks Kevin about how the podcast has impacted his coaching business, and Kevin explains that while he didn’t start the podcast with the intention of attracting clients, it became a natural extension of his work. Today, Kevin enrolls 3-5 new clients per month directly from his podcast, proving that when you’re aligned with your purpose, the clients will come.

The conversation also touches on the fear that often holds new coaches back from starting projects like podcasts. Kevin encourages coaches to let go of fear disguised as practicality and to take the leap when they feel called to create something that aligns with their heart. Success, he says, often follows when you’re in alignment with your vision.

Consistency, Patience, and How to Measure Success

One of the key takeaways from this episode is the importance of consistency and patience. Kevin shares how, in the first few months of his podcast, there were times when only 50 people would download an episode. However, by staying consistent and trusting the process, the podcast grew exponentially over time.

Lauren and Kevin discuss how to measure success in the early stages of a project. Instead of focusing solely on metrics like downloads or client sign-ups, they suggest focusing on how aligned you feel with the work. When you’re enjoying the process and passionate about what you’re creating, success is inevitable—even if it takes time to materialize.

Navigating Challenges and Overcoming Doubts

Kevin opens up about the challenges he faced when he and his brother launched their first two podcasts, which didn’t gain much traction. They questioned whether they were on the right path, but their love for the conversations they were having kept them going. Eventually, those early “failures” helped them refine their focus and led to the success of the Science and Spirituality Podcast.

The discussion reinforces the idea that setbacks are part of the journey. Staying connected to your passion will ultimately guide you through the tough times. For new coaches, Kevin’s journey is a reminder that it’s not about having instant success—it’s about staying committed and trusting that your efforts will pay off over time.

Kevin’s story is a testament to the power of following your heart, staying consistent, and trusting the process. As Lauren and Kevin discuss, success is not just about strategy—it’s about loving the work you do and being patient as the results unfold.

Whether you’re considering launching a podcast, building a coaching practice, or taking another leap in your business, this episode will inspire you to take action with passion and purpose.

If you want to know more about Kevin Carton, find him at 


Discover Your Passion, Build Your Dreams, & Become the Architect of Your Own Life

If you want to follow your heart and manifest your dreams in the fastest way possible, you must pair it with deliberate aligned action.

That’s why I’d like to invite you to join me, Mary Morrissey, and the incredible Brave Thinking team at a very special event!

DreamBuilder LIVE Virtual – Register here

Inside this 3-day immersive event, you’ll learn how to create a crystal clear vision of your dream, and you’ll walk away with the step-by-step plan to make it happen.

You’ll discover the spiritual principles that govern success, and equip yourself with practical tools that will set you on the right path – so you can achieve long-lasting transformation in every area of your life.

If you’d love to get unstuck, create change effortlessly and become the architect of your life…

Get your spot here! 

follow your passion and create a live you love