00;00;03;23 – 00;00;31;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
Welcome to the abundant coach. I’m your host, Lauren Brollier Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business, while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you’ll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients. Facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.
00;00;31;26 – 00;00;53;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
Well, welcome to the abundant coach Lauren Newton here. Super, super happy to serve you. And I’m really thrilled about today’s topic. You guys know I’m so nerdy about this stuff. I love supporting you. I love recording these episodes. And so when I say I’m so excited about this episode, every single time I record an episode, truly like, I get thrilled to bring you guys this stuff.
00;00;53;09 – 00;01;18;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
So this episode is the success equation, the success equation for coaches and entrepreneurs. And this is not just business success. This is what we call here at the institute, a phrase that Mary Morrissey coined, which is full spectrum success. So if you woke up in the morning and you had a passion for every area of your life, what would be occurring?
00;01;18;06 – 00;01;35;29
Lauren Brollier Newton
What would that look like? We’re going to do something, a structure that I think is going to help us all really receive this if I want to create full spectrum success. But I feel wealthy and successful in my relationships, and I feel a plan to tune in my health, and I feel an expansion in my business and whatever it is like that full spectrum.
00;01;35;29 – 00;01;55;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
Love every piece of my life. What would I be doing? And, what would that look like? So with full spectrum success, it’s not just the coaching business. I want to be very clear on that, because you don’t want to be business rich and relationship poor. So we’re going to go into how do you create that success equation for yourself.
00;01;55;12 – 00;02;19;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
And one of the things that I want to share is any kind of results in life are created by mindset, skill set and action. So holding the right mindset, the right mindset means that I have a mind that thinks in a particular way that serves the vision that I have for my life. So I’m going to go deeper into each of these.
00;02;19;12 – 00;02;41;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m just setting the stage. So mindset we’re going to talk about that. What is what are the mindset requirements to be able to create full spectrum success in my business, not the hustle and the hard work and the stay up wake up at 2 a.m.. And not that, but really that feeling of how do I use a mindset where I don’t get myself into those hustle stress, overwhelm patterns?
00;02;41;27 – 00;03;02;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
The second thing that’s going to create success in any area is a skill set. And we’ve got four pillars for success in any coaching business that are going to be required for you in order to be successful. And then finally, the third building block of success is action that you can’t just know the mindset, know the pillars, but not use them and then expect to be successful.
00;03;02;24 – 00;03;27;07
Lauren Brollier Newton
So there’s an action taking element to all of this. So let’s start with in my experience, what brave thinking principles are the simplest formula for you to create success as a coach or entrepreneur? And let’s talk about the mindset as you are building your business. You want to be doing things that feel expansive to you, life giving to you.
00;03;27;09 – 00;03;45;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
And let me be clear, that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to feel like it’s a stretch to cause yourself to take certain action. Like the first time I ever went to a networking meeting, or the first time I spoke on a big stage, I had some level of fear. It’s not like if something feels expansive to you, it’s just always going to feel so easy peasy.
00;03;45;25 – 00;04;05;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
You might have to stretch yourself a little bit, but the result of it feels expansive to you. In other words, if you were in that result, you would feel more alive. And so it has to feel expansive to you. In a moment, we’re going to talk about the four pillars to a successful coaching business. And there’s not one right way to do any of them.
00;04;05;14 – 00;04;26;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
So as you’re building your business, you want it to feel expansive. If it’s not feeling expansive, it’s either you’re not doing things that are aligned with who you are or your terrorizing yourself with the fear. It’s always going to be one of those two things. So if you think about how speaking on a podcast but you’re scared, but you would love that, you’d love the result, and that’s ultimately where you want to go.
00;04;26;08 – 00;04;43;29
Lauren Brollier Newton
Well, that’s letting fear terrorize you. Now, if you told me, Lauren, you have to build your coaching business by spamming people in their direct messages on Facebook, I’m not going to do that. I know some people do that. They build their business with it and they love it, and it’s good for them. Like, I’m not saying it’s wrong, but I wouldn’t feel good building my business that way.
00;04;44;01 – 00;05;03;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
The first step of mindset is it has to feel expansive, life giving. You have to feel a passion for it, then find a way to build that fits that passion. You feel for it. So if you feel passionate for it, anything holding you back a sphere but you want to build your business in an expansive way. I’ll give you another example of this.
00;05;03;13 – 00;05;16;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
I saw a lot of people saying, you know, wake up at 5 a.m. and if you want to be successful, you can’t watch TV and stuff like that. And I’m like, well, in my opinion, that sucks. Like, I like watching TV. I don’t want to I don’t want to not watch TV. Like, I like it. I like my shows.
00;05;16;27 – 00;05;38;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
I like that time with my husband Cameron at night, like, no, I don’t think I should have to sacrifice. Relax Station to be successful. Like, no, I refuse that. I that is not going to be how I do this. So it has to feel expansive to you. I am sure that there’s a lot of successful people who did become successful by not watching TV and waking up at 5 a.m. I don’t want to do that.
00;05;38;22 – 00;06;00;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
I want to sleep in and I want to watch TV and I want to be successful. So it felt expansive to me to go, you know what? I bet I can build this business from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and be super successful. And I did, because I held my mind that I don’t. I choose not to wake up at 5 a.m., I choose not to give up TV and I choose to still be successful.
00;06;00;15 – 00;06;24;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
So to be in the mindset of what feels expansive to you and deciding brave thinking is the the courage to live from a vision, to think and live from a vision regardless of circumstances, situations or conditions. So brave thinking is about saying, I believe that I can be successful even if I wake up at seven, and even if I watch TV at night, I believe I can be successful.
00;06;24;25 – 00;06;44;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
That’s brave thinking that there’s not one way. And so when you’re building your business, it has to feel expansive to you. It can’t feel like I’m doing this because I heard some other gurus say that if I don’t wake up at 5 a.m., and even though it feels so constrictive with me, in me and I hate it every single day, I’m going to do it anyway because someone told me to.
00;06;44;19 – 00;07;07;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
That is not going to create expansive results. Expansion creates expansion. Constriction creates more constriction. So the mindset is, I can build this business in a way that feels life giving to me in an infinite universe with infinite possibilities. There has to be a way to be a coach or entrepreneur, and it feel good to me. Number two is that there is.
00;07;07;03 – 00;07;32;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
This is a brave thinking institute principle right out of Mary Morris’s playbook. There is no private good. There is no private good. Here’s what that means. You might be looking at your calendar and saying to yourself, well, if I was really going to serve my clients and my family, I need to work five days a week and I have to make session times available for everyone.
00;07;32;01 – 00;07;53;17
Lauren Brollier Newton
And if a client wants to do something at a certain time, I have to submit to that. And it’s the idea that somehow you have to suffer in order for someone else to be happy or successful. And here at the Institute, we believe there is no private good, meaning it can’t be bad for me and good for someone else.
00;07;53;19 – 00;08;13;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
It can’t be bad for them and good for me. There’s one vibration of good and that’s not private. It’s the vibration that’s broadcasting out in the infinite. So as an example, when I was a school teacher, you know, you work, work all day and work when you get home and you know, you, you give a lot and you’re on every committee and you know all the things.
00;08;13;27 – 00;08;42;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
If you’re if you’re an involved teacher. And I was and I felt suffering energy around that, I felt like I had to be on those committees for our school to run. I felt like I had to, you know, stay late and volunteer and do all these things in order for everybody else to be happy. What I realized over time is it actually wasn’t good for the Committee for tired, resentful Lauren to be on that committee because I was so burnt, I was just like, no longer being at my best.
00;08;42;14 – 00;09;10;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I was like, that wasn’t actually good for them. For Lauren to be in martyr syndrome, serving on the committee, there is no private good. So if it feels good to me, it’s also ultimately going to be good for everyone because there is no such thing as I suffer so other people can feel good. So when you’re building your coaching business and when you’re being an entrepreneur, a part of creating this full spectrum success is, is getting rid of this idea that you have to suffer to please other people.
00;09;10;14 – 00;09;34;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
Now, I’m not talking about not being considerate of people or not thinking about what really serves the client, but I promise you, making yourself available 24 hours a day in session, times everywhere, and just doing everything everybody else wants, that’s not actually going to serve them, because then they think that they have to do that in their businesses and their life in order to be successful.
00;09;34;08 – 00;09;51;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
There is no private good. So, for example, if it feels life giving to you to only coach on Tuesdays and Thursdays so you can do other things Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I would guarantee that there’s clients were a perfect fit for Tuesday and Thursdays right there. So if you’re going to build full spectrum success one, it has to feel expansive to you.
00;09;51;25 – 00;10;24;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
Two, you aren’t suffering thinking that somehow your suffering is helping other people. Third, when you’re making decisions in your business, the decisions you’re making match your vision. So if you don’t have a vision, you’re going to want to create that step one if you could wave a magic wand, what would your business and life look like? For me, when I first started my coaching business, it was I had been waking up for years at 5:30 a.m. to be at work on time with a long commute and in my classroom.
00;10;24;08 – 00;10;39;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so for me, my first vision was I wake up with my eyes open. I don’t set an alarm. Some days that would be eight, some days that would be seven, some days it would be six, some days it would be ten. And I just let myself have that. But I am a person who wakes up when my eyes open, meaning without an alarm.
00;10;39;12 – 00;10;57;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
But when you’re writing a vision, we stay in the positive. So it’s like I wake up with my eyes open. I decided that I was going to always take Fridays off. Now, if I wanted to work on Fridays, I could. But that is a day off. I decided that I was going to go on field trips with my daughters, because they would love for me to go on those field trips with them.
00;10;57;09 – 00;11;16;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so that was my vision that I create this highly successful coaching business, impacting thousands of people, generating lots of income and having a life where this is just the feeling of my life. And so when I’m making a decision, it has to match the vision. So let’s say a client says to me, I would love for my coaching sessions to be on Fridays.
00;11;16;12 – 00;11;32;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
I can say, okay, I can serve you on Fridays, but that doesn’t match the vision. So I might say, well, I don’t have Fridays available, but I do have Tuesdays, Thursdays and Wednesday evenings. Do any of those work for you? Oh yeah. I could do Tuesday morning. And if it’s not a good fit for them, that’s okay too.
00;11;32;11 – 00;11;49;17
Lauren Brollier Newton
But I’m not sacrificing my vision for the hustle culture. All right. So that’s the mindset part of creating full spectrum success. If I had to summarize it in one sentence, it would be if it doesn’t feel good to you, it’s not going to create an expansive result. But no one I say feel good to you. I’m not talking about feeling good to fear.
00;11;49;17 – 00;12;08;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
Oh, I’m not just going to put myself out there because fear tells me not to. When I say feel good to you, I mean you with the capital Y the spirit you the willing to put yourself out there, you not some fear version of you. Okay. The second thing that helps you create full spectrum success as a coach is actually being able to have an impact and generate an income doing it.
00;12;08;23 – 00;12;30;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
So at Rethinking Institute, we train all of our coaches who are trained and certified with our both our coaching and curriculum and our business tools in four pillars. Now, this is not just our coaches. Every single coach. I don’t care who they are. I don’t care if it’s Tony Robbins is doing these four pillars in order to create success.
00;12;30;11 – 00;12;59;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
Pillar number one is coaching and curriculum that you have a command over, not only just coaching skills like you’re really good at coaching people, but you have some sort of resource or curriculum you can take them through to actually teach them how results occur in whatever industry you’re in. So I follow a business coach, on Instagram and Facebook, and I’ve been on her newsletter list for years, and she’s very successful when she’s creating a coaching program.
00;12;59;10 – 00;13;22;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
We do this at the institute, too. I’m just wanting to show you that it’s not just the Institute. Like, I’m not just saying this because it’s the way we do it. I watch every successful coach do this. This is a seven figure coach. She’s a business coach. She creates programs where she is absolutely coaching people, but she’s also teaching them something as well, because just coaching is sort of at the level of here’s the problem they’re facing, and I coach them through it.
00;13;22;16 – 00;13;46;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
But she’s wanting to show them how to build a successful business. So she’s teaching them strategies and she’s coaching them. That’s coaching and curriculum. That’s what we teach at the Institute. The second pillar is business building that you have to know some business things like how to accept payments, how to do your taxes, how you don’t have to do your own taxes, but how to collect that stuff and what kind of a business setup you need and how to make transactions easy.
00;13;46;23 – 00;14;07;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
And do you have a coaching agreement with people and do I need insurance? You got to know that stuff. If you’re going to have a successful business. So mastering that third thing, third pillar and these are skill sets. Remember I said it’s mindset skill set action. So these are your skill sets. Building a successful coaching business. Or you know this could really be broad for entrepreneurs.
00;14;07;26 – 00;14;29;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
The third thing is marketing. People have to know you exist. People have to know that you exist. Marketing is simply about letting people know that you exist and helping them select themselves into your services. They can’t slip themselves in if they don’t know you exist first. And then fourth is enrollment as a coach or a service based entrepreneur.
00;14;29;12 – 00;14;47;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
People have to enroll that. You have to know how to get them to say yes to whatever you’re offering. So those are the skill sets. If any of those are empty or you’re not masterful at any of those, that’s where you’re going to get off track and it’s going to feel a lot harder than it needs to feel.
00;14;47;25 – 00;15;05;26
Lauren Brollier Newton
So you’ve got your mindset that it’s going to has to feel expansive to you now within these four pillars, we have certain ways that we teach them at the institute. But know this. Some people mark it by cold calling, some people market by teaching workshops, some people market with social media, some people market by messaging, people on Facebook.
00;15;05;29 – 00;15;22;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
There’s all sorts of ways to market. There’s no one right or wrong way. The reason I love how we do it is because we do it in a way that makes it flexible enough that you can really make it feel like you, but just know that there’s no wrong or right way to do all four pillars. And I love that.
00;15;22;25 – 00;15;41;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
But you are going to have to do all four of those pillars in some way in a coaching, service driven structure. All right. So I’ve given you a lot of mindset things to ponder. I’ve given you the skill sets that are going to be required if you’re going to have a successful coaching business. Now I’m going to invite you into action.
00;15;41;11 – 00;16;03;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
Action completes the circuit. You can hear me say all these things, but what are you actually willing to do? So let’s think for a moment. Of all the things I’ve said to create full spectrum success, that there’s a large mindset component and there’s a large skill set component, and there’s probably something in here, a gold nugget that you’ve heard that you’re like, yeah, this is mine.
00;16;03;24 – 00;16;23;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
This is I needed to hear this today. All right, you heard it. But now what are you going to do with it? And so now it’s action. So maybe you heard the mindset thing that, oh, I’ve been suffering because I was thinking it was helping people. So what’s a step that you can take today to get on a different trajectory?
00;16;23;07 – 00;16;43;17
Lauren Brollier Newton
Maybe you heard. Oh, I’m making I have a vision, but I’m not making decisions that match it. What’s the step that you could take today so that you’re you are matching your vision more? Maybe you heard something within the pillars that you’re like, you know, I’ve been avoiding the marketing thing or I’ve been avoiding this. And I’m hearing Lauren say that there is going to be a life giving way for me to do it.
00;16;43;20 – 00;17;03;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
There is got to be a life giving way. And you’re going to take a step there. But commit right now, this moment, to what step you’re willing to take to start creating this full spectrum of success for yourself. Because here’s what I know for sure. There is no limit or no ceiling on the amount of good you can experience in this lifetime.
00;17;03;25 – 00;17;28;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
If you would love a successful business working ten hours a week, there absolutely has to be a way. You couldn’t even dream it up if there wasn’t a way. As our mentor Mary Morrissey likes to say, and yet you’re not going to get those kind of ideas if you’re not harmonized with them, willing to act on them. So whatever it is you’re dreaming of for full spectrum success, you can have it.
00;17;28;20 – 00;17;52;29
Lauren Brollier Newton
When I built my coaching business, I can tell you that there were very, very few times where I felt overwhelmed or stressed, and when there were I changed something, I acted on it. I remember a time it was early 2020 where I had enrolled so many clients. I know this is a champagne problem, but I had enrolled so many clients that I started to feel like, oh my gosh, my days are getting too long.
00;17;53;01 – 00;18;12;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
Within a week, I hired my first employee. Why? Because Mary and this institute trained me so well that you don’t just let longing and discontent sit there and sit there and sit there. You do something about it. And so I was able to create my business for all six almost seven years, that I had it in ways that felt good to me.
00;18;12;12 – 00;18;36;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
And that can be true for you. However, notice that the action is such a part of. Okay, I woke up feeling overwhelmed and stressed. I didn’t wait for weeks to hire an employee. I just said, all right, if I don’t want to feel overwhelmed and stressed, I need some help. Let’s get going. So your willingness to act quickly and boldly on the messages that you receive from your higher self, from spirit in you, from whatever it is that orchestrates this universe.
00;18;36;13 – 00;18;53;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
When you hear those ideas, when you know something is yours, it actually isn’t enough to just hear it. You got to do something with it. We love you very much. It’s a privilege, a pleasure and honor to be with you. Thank you for listening, and I’ll see you on the next episode.
00;18;53;16 – 00;19;18;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our website at Brave Thinking institute.com/coach certification, where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you’ll never miss an episode. And while you’re at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review.
00;19;18;12 – 00;19;32;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
To find out how to jump start your abundant coaching career and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free. Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at bti.com/coach quiz. I’ll see you in the next episode.