00;00;03;23 – 00;00;32;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
Welcome to the abundant coach. I’m your host, Lauren Brollier Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business, while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you’ll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients. Facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.
00;00;32;08 – 00;00;52;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
Well, welcome to the Abundant Coach, and I have such a good one for you. And this one has been a long time in the making because I have known this next speaker for a long time, since I was just a baby coach myself and a great friend and someone that I’m just absolutely thrilled to bring to the program and to have her share her gifts, her wisdom, her talents with us.
00;00;52;04 – 00;01;18;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I’m going to read her bio and then I’m going to call her in. So Beth Perkins is an international bestselling author, teacher of shamanism, creative writing teacher, and a Vision quest guide, which we’re going to be talking a lot about today that has studied extensively and received advanced spiritual initiations with shamans worldwide, including Michael Harner, one, Nunez del Prado, Alberto Vito, Marcela Lobos and Evelyn Eaton.
00;01;18;27 – 00;01;43;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
Through her revolutionary shamanic process, shaman visioning that empowers people to break through hidden barriers of limiting beliefs and embrace their greater purpose as a global authority. For the past 30 years, Beth has been seen on Apple+ TV, Roku, Amazon TV and Google TV. She leads high powered vision quests, healing retreats, and shamanic events in the Pacific Northwest and throughout Western Europe.
00;01;43;08 – 00;02;04;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
She has shared the stage with Jack Canfield, Mary Morrissey, and Michael Harner, to name a few, and she has taught spirituality and religion in numerous universities and colleges for over 30 years. Beth is a region Scholar, receiving both her Ma and B.A. in philosophy from the University of California, Santa Barbara, or as US California kids like to say, UC Santa Barbara.
00;02;04;21 – 00;02;10;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
Beth Perkins, welcome to the stage, and I would love for you to start us with a prayer.
00;02;10;20 – 00;02;43;20
Beth Beurkens
Thank you Lord. It’s just so amazing to be with you. We were both baby coaches together as a great expression. So, as, as you said so beautifully, I’ve been practicing shamanism and initiated by shamans worldwide for many, many years, and one of my favorite prayers. I’d like to start all my vision workshops and webinars and masterclasses with is from the Saami people, and they are in the far, far north as Norway and Sweden are the reindeer people.
00;02;43;20 – 00;03;02;23
Beth Beurkens
I it goes like this. So I just invite everybody who’s listening to take a nice slow, deep breath of life, whether you’re driving or walking your dog or whatever you’re doing, just take in these words of beauty.
00;03;02;26 – 00;03;39;07
Beth Beurkens
The earth is a circle. The moon is a circle. The sun is a circle. The drum is a circle. We are a circle within a circle. We share an interdependence with all of life. We have a unity with us.
00;03;39;10 – 00;03;48;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beth. So, tell us about the helping spirits.
00;03;48;05 – 00;03;56;23
Beth Beurkens
The helping spirits? You know, I like to do more than tell. I’d like to show. Yeah. So I tell everybody listening.
00;03;56;23 – 00;04;01;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
You’re going to hear it. And for everybody who’s eventually watching this on YouTube, you’re going to see it.
00;04;01;19 – 00;04;38;07
Beth Beurkens
So, helping spirits, the healing spirits, they’re the compassionate spirits they sometimes called power animal helpers, sometimes called spirit allies or teachers. And they reside in the hidden universe, which is also sometimes called the parallel universe, or the upper world or lower world, the middle world. And, you know, you and I were thinking, why not call? And then why not invite them to come in to this amazing podcast is awesome, awesome you’re doing.
00;04;38;09 – 00;05;04;11
Beth Beurkens
And then I’m doing and have their presence here. And available really take this even one step further available. If somebody is having a really hard time and they’re listening to this, they can just reach out and invite these spirits to come into their lives as they’re listening this listening to this. As for healing, even so, it’s great.
00;05;04;11 – 00;05;33;08
Beth Beurkens
It just it just, like, expands the power of what we’re doing to have them here. And they come with love. The navicent humor, sometimes incredible helping power, healing power. So I’m going to use my rattle for just a few minutes. And I like to call in the powers of the four directions. And I always start in the East, just so people kind of kind of demystify, right?
00;05;33;08 – 00;06;00;07
Beth Beurkens
Well, what is this shamanism thing? We all know what the East is. The sun comes up. Right? So we’ll we’ll start in the east and go to the south and the west, the north and then the shamanic lower world with the power animals. We’re shamanic upper world and teachers and human form. It’s like, come in and do like a a Buffalo councilwoman almost got it.
00;06;00;10 – 00;06;47;10
Beth Beurkens
So, I’ll just do a little whistling. Also, whistling just gives the spirits attention round gets your attention. And and also we have to be careful here, Laura. I’m not going to go too far into a trance state. Not an agenda here. So watch out, watch out. Okay, here we go. All right.
00;06;47;12 – 00;07;07;20
Beth Beurkens
Time to tell you all the power, vision. To guide us through what?
00;07;07;22 – 00;07;24;14
Beth Beurkens
Following the power of child. To be married to life. To the power of unconditional love. To all the things.
00;07;24;16 – 00;07;38;03
Beth Beurkens
00;07;38;05 – 00;07;58;29
Beth Beurkens
Small is the power of the world. Right there in our unsuspecting ears. Our know.
00;07;59;01 – 00;08;08;27
Beth Beurkens
All the power of the north. The great uncle, the great reindeer.
00;08;08;29 – 00;08;23;05
Beth Beurkens
Our greatest power. And the founder.
00;08;23;07 – 00;08;34;07
Beth Beurkens
Providing the power to the little world, the great power. And more helpful to know that there.
00;08;34;10 – 00;08;43;18
Beth Beurkens
Other things that. Alternative way.
00;08;43;20 – 00;08;51;17
Beth Beurkens
The polar.
00;08;51;20 – 00;09;02;08
Beth Beurkens
And environmental power. And the world is a key to the spirit our allies.
00;09;02;11 – 00;09;22;24
Beth Beurkens
The buffalo practitioners. If you want to do that one, you’ll start all of these because from here does show up. Still, for.
00;09;22;26 – 00;09;53;01
Beth Beurkens
This this is. That this is giving back to you what you do for us. Thank you.
00;09;53;04 – 00;09;54;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
00;09;54;11 – 00;09;55;16
Beth Beurkens
00;09;55;18 – 00;10;01;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
Every time I work with you, bath or have the privilege of connecting with you, my heart just opens to the sky.
00;10;01;12 – 00;10;02;05
Beth Beurkens
00;10;02;08 – 00;10;19;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
I love it. I have to tell you something. The audience will appreciate this. I don’t know if you remember this, but when I first moved to Wyoming, we were chatting on the phone and we were talking about something, and I said, I said something to you like this. I said, Beth, every time I visited Wyoming, I could feel the mountains.
00;10;19;27 – 00;10;40;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
I could feel this. But since moving here, my energy feels funky. I feel like part of me is like, still in San Francisco and part of me. And I started telling you this and you said, Lauren, this is this is how I remember it. So tell me if this is something you would have said. This is how I remember you, said Lauren, you are standing in the shaman’s net of power.
00;10;40;11 – 00;11;03;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
Tap in. And that helped me so much that I am, I am there’s a and you gave me some things that I could do, but I’ve always remembered that anytime I start to feel disconnected from the earth or too much in my mind, I remember you telling me you’re standing in the shaman’s net of power. So helpful. So would you just would you just indulge me, but also share with the audience?
00;11;03;02 – 00;11;07;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
What did you. Why did you tell me that? What did you mean by that?
00;11;07;02 – 00;11;31;16
Beth Beurkens
Yeah. The shamans net of power. It’s, the web of being and becoming that massive cosmic web. We’re all part of it, you know, to the listeners, if you’re driving your car right now or, you know, you’re you’re in your room listening to this or you’re out gardening or wherever you’re doing, we’re all connected, but we forget we’re connected.
00;11;31;20 – 00;11;57;06
Beth Beurkens
Yeah, we have to put our hands out. Like plugging the lamp in consciously. No. Oh, connect with the power of the stars. They’re everywhere. They’re in Wyoming, they’re in San Francisco. They’re in Half Moon Bay, right? Yes. They’re in to lay. They’re in, well, in Sammy Land. We just had that beautiful prayer from the summit people. The sun, the moon, the stars, the Milky Way.
00;11;57;09 – 00;12;26;16
Beth Beurkens
Had to. Mama. The earth herself is everywhere. We are honored. We are there. We we we have that potential to really connect. But we live in boxes and we drive the little boxes. Cool ones, you know, Rav4. Woo. Lexus, Mercedes. I mean but but it’s like a box and, you know, just roll down the windows and I mean, it’s it’s everywhere.
00;12;26;16 – 00;12;51;23
Beth Beurkens
This life force is what it is. And the vision quest work that I do, that is so much of what each vision quest, you’re always a man or a woman, regardless of age. What what each person gets reconnected with is the life force. The power is always there, waiting. You know, the sun is a circle. The moon is a circle are a circle.
00;12;51;25 – 00;13;20;21
Beth Beurkens
We have this possibility of reconnecting. And that is so much of what shamanism is about, what a vision quest is about, what all my work is about inviting people like, like what do you do in the morning? Well, I get up, I put the chico on, I go over the blinds. I’m fortunate. I live quite near the Monterey Bay in California, and I watch that orange band on the horizon.
00;13;20;23 – 00;13;46;19
Beth Beurkens
The sun’s coming. It’s like six and connected with that life force. And I draw that into my life really that in, you know. And I’m. And I say that prayer. Thank you, spirit of life in this precious gift, a brand new day. It’s never been lived before. And I bring that brand new day insight and reading. Draw it.
00;13;46;22 – 00;14;04;14
Beth Beurkens
And I feel myself just like you pour water, spring water into a glass for yourself. That it’s it’s available all the time and at night. Oh my God. You see the full moon last night and Mars is right there. It’s like, wow, talk about power. Woo.
00;14;04;16 – 00;14;20;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
You know I love that bath. You know it’s interesting living in Wyoming. And you told me about tapping into the shamans out of power the first time I stepped outside at night. I had never lived in a place that wasn’t filled with lights and city and.
00;14;20;11 – 00;14;21;21
Beth Beurkens
Right, right, right, right, right.
00;14;21;23 – 00;14;30;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
I saw the stars. Millions of them. I mean, I can see when I walk outside my house, the Milky Way. You know that band of your arm? Yes.
00;14;30;08 – 00;14;32;22
Beth Beurkens
Your arm spiral.
00;14;32;28 – 00;14;56;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
And the first time I stepped outside to my humanness, it it almost felt overwhelming. But then I remembered what you said, that this is part of me that I can tap in, that it was so helpful, so I’m thrilled to get into this. So you mentioned the Vision Quest work. So let’s just dive right in. What is the Vision Quest work that you guide people through?
00;14;56;25 – 00;15;00;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I know that you do it online. So like just tell us about that experience.
00;15;00;19 – 00;15;27;02
Beth Beurkens
Oh, I’d love to thank you for the invitation. Yeah. The vision quest. I mean, it is as ancient as human beings, right? Used to be called a pilgrimage. All of our ancestors did this when they were, in times of questioning, even physically sick, doubting. Kind of lost their way at a crossroads. We call it modern day times.
00;15;27;02 – 00;15;52;06
Beth Beurkens
Crossroads. And there are still ancient sites that you can go visit, like, in, in ancient Greece, you know, you can go visit pages, Dream temple and in Egypt, ISIS is doing temples now beneath the Osborne Dam. But, you know, the energy is still there in Malta. You know, the Druid Temples up on top of the hills.
00;15;52;09 – 00;16;19;15
Beth Beurkens
And in North America, we call it the vision quest. It’s it’s all the same. It’s all of our ancestors did this in their times, in our lives. I know I had a dark night in school after finishing my PhD program at UC Santa Barbara. I didn’t want to teach philosophy, and I want to carry a briefcase and wear skirts and hoes and be right in on the.
00;16;19;15 – 00;16;37;20
Beth Beurkens
Was then a blackboard. Right? Then it turned a green book, writing on the blackboard and talking about all these guys. I knew that wasn’t for me. And I just went into a dark mode and saw and I when I moved off the grid, we now call it, I went and lived in a cabin in the southern Santa Cruz Mountains.
00;16;37;23 – 00;17;04;20
Beth Beurkens
No electricity, no phone. No, no. It was a wood burning stove and cold water. Basically. No refrigerator. And I wish I had known about the vision quest. Then when, I was very lost. You know what Dante calls the dark, thick wood? I was in it. I didn’t there were no signposts. There were no road maps.
00;17;04;20 – 00;17;36;07
Beth Beurkens
Now, you know, I hope people find the shaman’s map of power. But the energy, as I like to call it, it’s in there. But I had to spend three and a half years figuring this out on my own, off the grid, and I finally did. I had a dream. Dreams are a big part, I think, of, you know, for all people all over the world of presenting signposts, giving us hints, and sometimes more than hints and big shout outs.
00;17;36;07 – 00;18;07;28
Beth Beurkens
Hey, look at this. This is really important to you. I’m remembering a dream I had last night. Suddenly. So, being lost and unemployed and hundred thousand dollars in debt, you know, PhD programs. It’s like, I’m like, what am I doing? I’ve lost my way. And the vision quest helps a person really find their way, but not the older the new way, the way forward to what is that greater purpose?
00;18;08;00 – 00;18;41;20
Beth Beurkens
What is what? What is that larger purpose? You know, we say in the coaching world you are meant for more. There’s something greater that’s calling to you. And very often this shows up in dreams. But people often don’t know how to interpret that. So get in a vision quest and narratives, amazing tools and ceremonies, ceremony is really where it’s at, to create markers and to find your way and to let go of the old.
00;18;41;23 – 00;19;05;06
Beth Beurkens
I had to really let go of that old identity of I’m supposed to be tenure track philosophy professor, you know, all these five minute cap and reading scholars, all this stuff you just read? I mean, I’m all that, but that doesn’t have any meaning to me right now. What am I doing? So what do I do? I plugged into the shamans of or lay on the ground in the Milky Way.
00;19;05;09 – 00;19;29;17
Beth Beurkens
We watched the ritual hawk circling. I want to know the ten of trees. You know the wild herbs of in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I had no idea what I was doing, but there was this energy that was guiding me. I’ve always been so connected to the earth. It was nature based healing. And, I had eczema.
00;19;29;17 – 00;19;52;02
Beth Beurkens
I had ulcers, I had all kinds of problems. When I got into this Girl Scout cabin up there off the grid, and it was the natural world that healed me, that brought the pieces of my life that were sorting room together into a new kind of configuration and new a new kind of wholeness. And I had a dream.
00;19;52;05 – 00;20;18;28
Beth Beurkens
I just shared the dream briefly. An amazing dream. In shamanism, we call this a power dream. And so I’m standing on the shore of an ocean, and I’m looking out there and I see something bubbling up way out in the ocean. And this, this statue comes up out of the depths of the ocean, and I’m looking, I’m going inside.
00;20;19;00 – 00;20;51;17
Beth Beurkens
And then it like, comes to life and it comes to shore. Water goddess. This is gods Nike, the goddess of victory, who, you know, guides the Greek warriors when they’re in battle. Go here, go there. Don’t do that. To that. You know, it was the inner guidance system that was showing up. I didn’t know, I didn’t know anything about goddesses, but I followed her trail and she she had this brass cylinder this big four inches in diameter.
00;20;51;20 – 00;21;09;27
Beth Beurkens
And she handed it to and I opened it and pulled out this long piece of parchment paper. And it was written in some kind of script language. I didn’t know if it was Chinese or Japanese or Arabic.
00;21;09;29 – 00;21;33;04
Beth Beurkens
I couldn’t read it, but I knew this was the map. This is the energy. This is what I’ve been looking for. And so I just followed her lead and, I studied all of these ancient goddesses. They were goddesses of the moon. I didn’t know they were goddesses of the sun. I didn’t know they were goddesses of the earth.
00;21;33;06 – 00;21;55;00
Beth Beurkens
I just another priestesses and Amazons riding bareback on horses and matriarchal cultures. This was like unknown. That right, was just the very beginning of the woman spirit movement. So I got on that wave and I started teaching that in colleges. I found I found my purpose, but it was the hard way to do this law in three and a half years.
00;21;55;02 – 00;22;00;14
Beth Beurkens
Who’s got three and a half years? Wow.
00;22;00;16 – 00;22;22;17
Beth Beurkens
So I took those teachings. All of my work goes back to that time period. I got out of the Dark Knight of the. I took those teachings and learnings and, well, the vision quest and it’s, it’s a three month program, 90 days. And every week we’re working on something inside. Right? It’s an inside out kind of a job.
00;22;22;20 – 00;22;44;17
Beth Beurkens
What’s going on inside? Yeah, we we work with the the clutter and the boxes piled up and the relationships and the forgiveness and, you know, all of that. But it’s so much it’s inside wants to shift, wants to heal, wants to change, it wants to grow in new ways. And the Vision quest gives a framework within which you know to do that.
00;22;44;17 – 00;23;04;12
Beth Beurkens
And it used to be all my work was in the Swiss Alps or the Italian Alps or the Mojave Desert. And then, I brought it all online. You goodness, I do that just before Covid here. And so, you know, people don’t have to carry an 80 pound backpack anymore. They don’t have to go through the anguish that I went through.
00;23;04;12 – 00;23;18;24
Beth Beurkens
And three and a half years trying to find myself is. And it’s a way of connecting with Holy Mother Earth. We’ve been helping spirits learn in the semantic jury method. And actually with what you’re telling, that is no.
00;23;18;26 – 00;23;40;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
Yes, yes. So how does someone start? Do you is there like a start? Is there. Okay, so when I well, let’s go back to the beginning before I even ask that question. For someone who doesn’t doesn’t have experiences with shamanism or doesn’t know what shamanism is, can you give us, a little bit of an understanding of what that is?
00;23;40;08 – 00;24;15;20
Beth Beurkens
Sure. It’s it’s something that all of our ancestors once practiced. We wouldn’t be here right now if we didn’t have strong shamans in our background. So shamanism is the world’s oldest spiritual tradition. We follow all the world religions down the world tree in the roots. And there is shamanism. All of our tribes, regardless of the continent. We might come from a continent, we live with shamans.
00;24;15;22 – 00;24;40;23
Beth Beurkens
They we can find the wandering herds of animals. You know, when people were hungry, they knew how to do it on a journey and go find where those who could find lost people, they could heal somebody you know, fell off the horse and hurt themselves. Okay? Heal the broken bones. They could heal. The soul. May have left brain and soul.
00;24;40;25 – 00;25;06;23
Beth Beurkens
They could find a new cave that the whole tribe needed to move to. They were the storytellers. We were the, the Spurs and the rats. The Sioux and all of our people. We have shamans, and we all come from shamanic roots. If you go back on your mother’s side of your father’s side, pretty soon you come to your tribe living with shamans.
00;25;06;23 – 00;25;55;05
Beth Beurkens
And, you know, I’m so grateful that my tribe survived and thrived because of who the shamans were. They’re also often the artists, the musicians, the cave painters, you know, all those really good, important things in life. And so you ask me, what is shamanism? Shamanism, okay. Has been around for, let’s say, 75,000 years. And it is, it is a way of connecting with your soul and connecting with the life force, with the helping spirits, with the earth itself, so that you can live your life in a way that required it.
00;25;55;08 – 00;26;29;19
Beth Beurkens
You’re dialed in to your greater purpose. You’ve got your allies with you, and you’re on the LA freeways and you’re on the 405. You know, you’ve got your power animal here with you, behind you. The world and near misses. Those are helping spirits, really, who are watching over us. So, shamanism is actually red hot, right? Because it’s also a way of becoming like an earth keeper, getting connected with the Earth.
00;26;29;19 – 00;26;44;16
Beth Beurkens
And what is happening with, the animals all over the Earth. They’re really counting on us to step it up here and do the things that are going to help them survive. Right. Well, I could say so much more.
00;26;44;19 – 00;26;57;20
Lauren Brollier Newton
Yeah, I love it, I love it. So let me ask you this. So my understanding of you both is that shamanism came first and then coaching. So let’s see. Let’s hear about how those two worlds collided.
00;26;57;22 – 00;27;22;05
Beth Beurkens
Oh okay. They didn’t collide. Really. That’s a great word. I like that it reminds me of like splitting the atom right in Switzerland in that. Yeah. Things of collision and creating the God particle. Right. Tom Hanks a great movie, right? No. For me they just it was they just seamlessly merged. So what can I tell you about that?
00;27;22;05 – 00;28;00;13
Beth Beurkens
Yes. I was up already teaching shamanism. Now Mary Morris here, she found me something. All that happened in magic. Dream builder like mastery. You know, the laws of the universe, different ways of perceiving. And that’s all. Somewhere then is shamanism really? There’s no separation. So it was seamless. Seamless for me, really. And, you know, I have my own way of doing when you, when you go look ahead in your life 2 or 3 years, what does that call.
00;28;00;16 – 00;28;02;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
Oh, yeah. Like time machine.
00;28;02;02 – 00;28;29;15
Beth Beurkens
Time machine. Thank you. Okay. I can’t relate to that. But I can relate to the shamans blanket. And I have a very old 100 year old shamans blanket that healings have happened tours shaman reset. Right. So bring money and on that when people come into a discovery call with me. It’s one of the things I love to do and talk about, you know, what’s going on in their lives.
00;28;29;15 – 00;29;00;28
Beth Beurkens
And I work with five domains. For me, four is not enough. The fifth domain is the spiritual path. So he’s so central to all the people who want to work with me or call to work with me. And I like to, I like to take them on the shamans point. It’s called shaman vision. There’s something about this.
00;29;01;00 – 00;29;38;03
Beth Beurkens
Imagination and quantum physics. And Albert Einstein shamans blanket that really ignites the imagination. Really? Right. And, you know, in my breakthrough calls, sometimes I. I’ve witnessed major breakthroughs that people have right there when they get out of the box. So we’ve been talking about a little box of the car, the box in the house, the box of the TV, and they hear the rattle.
00;29;38;05 – 00;29;56;07
Beth Beurkens
Something loosens up inside, and they just go on the shaman’s blanket and feel so supported by the blankets and the Pueblo people, very, very old. And so soft. Just. Oh, no, it’s better than a Delorean. What can I say?
00;29;56;09 – 00;30;12;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
I love it, I feel it, it’s powerful. So when you in your bio, you talk about being initiated, what is a traditional maybe there isn’t one way, but what is an initiation? And do you do that with your vision clusters?
00;30;12;27 – 00;30;39;25
Beth Beurkens
Yes, that’s a great question. That’s a very perceptive question. It’s what I love about you. You do not miss a thing. Okay. Yes, I do that with my vision. Questions? Absolutely. There are many forms of initiation. Some of them pretty extreme that I have been through. I won’t go into those, but, I see the question then.
00;30;39;27 – 00;30;50;15
Lauren Brollier Newton
Yeah. So what is a I said, what is a traditional shamanic initiation? But then I said, maybe there is no traditional, but do you take your vision quest or do your vision quest or go through an initiation?
00;30;50;17 – 00;31;18;13
Beth Beurkens
Yes. That’s it. Okay. Let’s talk to that. That that is quite so. So, yes, I think the initiation, that vision quest, you go through is what you describe so beautifully in the beginning of that, you step out on your front porch and for the first time in your life. See all of this at night and you realize you’ve got to be there all along.
00;31;18;15 – 00;31;49;24
Beth Beurkens
Oh my God. And part of that, that is part of you, you know? And to Carl Sagan, we are the Stardust, you know, Judy Collins, get yourselves back to the garden. We are gold and we are stored as the initiation is to really remember and feel and experience and be somehow changed on a cellular level. So we start to be able to do a vocation much fuller, clear way.
00;31;49;24 – 00;32;28;19
Beth Beurkens
I can step out of the chains of old resentments and old hurts and all betrayals, and do things like the Death Lodge. In terms of the Cheyenne people, we free yourself up, empty yourself out. It’s all over India, India, India. And then there is a night where a person built out of a purpose circle. Simple circle of stones or rope, maybe on the back porch or in the backyard or on the balcony or, you know, snowing.
00;32;28;19 – 00;32;57;22
Beth Beurkens
Like our vision quest was in Mount Shasta blizzards, right? In terms of this is the night. And so, you know, they do it inside, but with the sliding glass doors open again in that circle of purpose and really calling out to the helping spirits, to the home spirits, to secret ancestors for a vision, and that that is a night of initiatives all night to open, to receive.
00;32;57;22 – 00;33;21;23
Beth Beurkens
And you’re empty because you do all these months of preparation, of letting go, of sevens. Just our ancestors did this, to write this different in different kind of ways. They went into dream incubation rooms were shown on this low that most of the earth. Right. And to keep really close to the earth call out to the earth, mother to a dream.
00;33;21;26 – 00;33;49;18
Beth Beurkens
As for healing. And she comes every time, you know, for thousands of years because it works. And shamanism has been with us for 60, 70. Some researchers carbon dating or saying 100,000 years it’s been with us because it works, and because every shamanic practitioner does the work in his or her own way, with his or her own spirit.
00;33;49;18 – 00;34;23;11
Beth Beurkens
So you become your own spiritual authority. So back to the idea of initiation. Yes, there are, I would say, initiations upon initiation, some of it very small, some of them, you know, getting connected with the rising sun at dawn. And that sounds so simple. But when you’re inside of this container of ceremony with other visionary seekers and everybody’s doing the work and, you know, they’re there in Colorado doing it, or they’re in Connecticut doing and finding out what you do makes such a difference.
00;34;23;11 – 00;34;47;22
Beth Beurkens
It’s tribe. You’re inside of a tribe, and you see that sun come over the rim of the horizon. Does something when you’re open, when you’re in, you welcome that influence, that power. It’s called, you know, one of my teachers, Don Jose Mazzola, he was regional. He went to the hundred 12 years old mazing from Mexico, the Sierra madre.
00;34;47;24 – 00;35;15;00
Beth Beurkens
You know, Jesus would say, what is missing on the planet at this time is you got to get your love out to the sun. You got to get your love down into the earth. You got to get your love out to the ocean. And then this can happen. So you start to restore your life with where we come from.
00;35;15;03 – 00;35;43;06
Beth Beurkens
You know, we we’ve power two sources of power. So that’s part of the initiation is getting connected to true sources of power. And one of them is having a vision, you know, like Moses did this right? Went up the mountain and it was the burning bush. And there were the tablets. I mean, Muhammad did this in a cave, right?
00;35;43;09 – 00;36;13;20
Beth Beurkens
So many of the great spiritual leaders, Jesus of Nazareth, 40 days and 40 nights, right. A quest. He didn’t call them Vision Quest. They called it all of them. 40 days and 40 nights, right? Things happen. What happened with him was you wrestling with the devil. The demon. Right? The the paradigm, we call it in coaching. The doubts.
00;36;13;20 – 00;36;43;25
Beth Beurkens
Yes. You know, kick fear to the curb. The hesitation. Yeah. Cheers. Yeah. I’m not good enough for who I think I am. The vision quest deals with all of that in there is in ceremonial ways. Some of it is being on the earth. It’s just so, and a problem, you know, there’s a New Year’s vision quest is still has a couple openings in it.
00;36;43;25 – 00;37;20;20
Beth Beurkens
I don’t know if I can invite you, you know, hey, if you want to talk with me about this, Laura is going to post a chat, a discovery session with me. It’s completely complimentary. You know, if you’re somebody you really love to know more about where you are in your life right now, where you feel some kind of invisible barriers been holding you back and, like, identify what that is and get some action steps going right to move past that boulder, through that glass ceiling, past the wall, a lot of my vision quest is called I’m Up Against a Wall.
00;37;20;22 – 00;37;39;16
Beth Beurkens
It’s the wall, right? There’s ways to get around that. And through that and Vision Quest give you so many tools and ceremonies. So, that’s part of the question you were asking them. Are there initiations inside of the vision quest? And I answer, that was, yes.
00;37;39;16 – 00;37;57;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
You did beautifully. And yes, we’ll make sure we post that link in the show notes so that you guys can just click and get on over. So what I would like to hear, I have to I have so many questions bubbling up Beth. So I already know you’re going to have to come back for a second episode because I have so many questions.
00;37;57;27 – 00;38;14;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
When I think about you, you seem to so fully embody who you are yourself with a capital S and so passionate about the things you speak of. Many of many coaches have a.
00;38;14;00 – 00;38;15;28
Beth Beurkens
00;38;16;00 – 00;38;44;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
Of being themselves in the coaching world. If I talk about this, if like for example, you’re fully Beth, you have a fully spiritual encompass message. And some coaches feel like if I do that, then the business guys are not going to like me. And if I do this, the Christian people are going to like me. And if I do this, the non spiritual people and they get themselves into this, somebody is going to be mad at me if I just be myself right?
00;38;44;15 – 00;39;07;10
Beth Beurkens
Forget, forget those other people, just forget it. Who are your people? And so much of what the vision quest is about. And I struggled with that when I was a young vision quest. You’re I’m only three years old. I’m a messenger. You know. Who are my people? I was already teaching at the college. The religion, the spirituality, the mythology, medicine.
00;39;07;10 – 00;39;27;28
Beth Beurkens
We all dream more. But I knew there was something more that was calling to me. I knew there was a larger. I didn’t even know the word audience, but I knew there was a larger audience. And that was part of what I vision Quest question about who are my people? So I came to realize largely.
00;39;28;00 – 00;40;08;22
Beth Beurkens
Women and men who are searching for their greater self or the true self, the authentic self who want to be finding their way somehow with nature based healing techniques, who are open to ceremony. Maybe they’re not spiritual, but they’re open to the idea that there is something larger at work in their lives. And it didn’t matter about, you know, I’ve I’ve worked with Catholic nuns in the vision quest.
00;40;08;25 – 00;40;42;22
Beth Beurkens
I’ve worked with so many people from so many different backgrounds businesspeople, doctors, lawyers. That’s really, I think, not the issue. What was it for me anyway? It’s like, who are you people? How is it? Where is your gift that you want to give? It’s going to help your people, whether they’re Christians or Jews or Muslims or, Buddhists or Janus or.
00;40;42;24 – 00;41;10;21
Beth Beurkens
What is the gift? The gift is a universal. You know, that’s one of the things in the vision quest and in all the workshops that I will be so aware that people have a gift. And very often the gift is still in the gift box, the wrapping still on the bows, still on it. So, you know, when I see the people that are wanting to go farther, that want to get out of those is paradigms, right?
00;41;10;21 – 00;41;33;00
Beth Beurkens
Or they’re not like me or they’re not going to like me. So what does take the the the ribbon off, take the bow off. Or maybe it’s rawhide that’s around it or skin or something. I don’t know what your box is like. And just open the lid and just at least look in the box. Let’s do it right now.
00;41;33;02 – 00;42;03;02
Beth Beurkens
Just imagine while you’re driving or with your dog or wherever you are in the garden, just, you know, something. You’re living and you have a gift, and most people haven’t let themselves really look at that gift. When you consider that gift or that gift, just look at it. What is it? You’ve got a gift. What is it might be, you know, helping people with building your business.
00;42;03;04 – 00;42;19;26
Beth Beurkens
It might be music, it might be writing. It might be poetry, might be spirituality, might be a combination of all of those. Like it is for me. So you’re talking about fear, right? It’s fear. Fear.
00;42;19;26 – 00;42;24;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
The if they truly shine their light, somebody is not going to like it.
00;42;24;06 – 00;42;28;13
Beth Beurkens
Well that’s true. And who can.
00;42;28;15 – 00;42;38;29
Lauren Brollier Newton
I mean, that’s the truth. You know, I’ll tell you a story best that I think you’ll love. I think the audience will love. I was coaching with Mary Morrissey in a program that we used to have called The Gold Program. You were in the gold program?
00;42;38;29 – 00;42;41;16
Beth Beurkens
It was in the gold program with you, baby. Yeah.
00;42;41;17 – 00;43;05;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I was. So I was thinking about going from having a smaller group program that I had always had to now having a large master class with lots of people. And and I came to Mary Morrissey, our founder, and I said, you know, Mary, I just feel like I’m going to this bigger group and people are going to be mad at me and they’re going to think, I don’t want a small group coach them.
00;43;05;22 – 00;43;24;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
They’re going to think, I just want to make money and they’re going to think this, and they’re going to think that. So I’m waiting for some spiritual message from Mary Morrissey, like, you know, like some transformational thing. And she looks back at me and I’m saying, they’re going to think this, and they’re going to think that. And she looks back at me and she said, they will.
00;43;24;21 – 00;43;27;11
Beth Beurkens
Yeah they will.
00;43;27;14 – 00;43;33;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
So you now you get to decide, are you going to share your gifts talents and do what you want to do.
00;43;33;04 – 00;43;33;22
Beth Beurkens
Right or.
00;43;33;22 – 00;43;51;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
Not, just like you just said? It’s like, it’s interesting how the mind wants to focus on the people who aren’t the things that aren’t. And there’s so many people, like, when I listen to you, Beth, I’m like, I could listen to Beth all day. I don’t I don’t even think. I mean, for me personally, I don’t even think you need a marketing message.
00;43;51;12 – 00;44;07;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m just like, let Beth talk. And the people, the people will gather. Because when you say you go and you question, you’re asking, who are my people? I believe that as coaches, if we stayed true to that, really true to that.
00;44;07;03 – 00;44;08;13
Beth Beurkens
00;44;08;15 – 00;44;29;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
All the people come out of the woodwork. I mean, recently Beth and I were connecting because, I did some sort of a five day challenge or something, and I mentioned Beth for, for 10s. I just said, oh, this is Beth Perkins. That’s her dog, Sky bear. She’s she’s a shaman and she does coaching. I literally mentioned her for 10s.
00;44;29;03 – 00;44;44;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
And someone calls Beth. And I think that, tapping in in this way that you’re speaking of and, and really knowing who we are and what we offer, I think it solves 90% of it.
00;44;44;07 – 00;44;45;28
Beth Beurkens
00;44;46;00 – 00;44;59;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
Yeah. And then we just can sprinkle some, I don’t know, marketing or whatever you want to call it on it. But I think the more true we stay to the message of who we really are. Yeah, actually the easier it is for people to follow us because then they’re not confused.
00;44;59;25 – 00;45;35;05
Beth Beurkens
Right? We’re being authentic. And people smell that and feel that, taste that and hear that, you know, with with the whole body. Yeah. Authentic. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, this is such a big question that you’re asking, you know, thinking about fear, fear, fear. And Joe Vitale, one of the coaches. Was listening to somebody, Joe Dispenza, who said, here’s a fact about fear.
00;45;35;07 – 00;46;13;05
Beth Beurkens
You feel it in 90s in your body. That’s it. It is 90s. And then you decide if you’re going to keep that going or not. And we do. We just did it. Did that fire? You just did it with all the things and the stuff we’ve heard as those kids about who we are, who we are, and, you know, all of that stuff we work with and the vision quest, we do death, we do visionaries.
00;46;13;07 – 00;46;40;25
Beth Beurkens
There’s ways to really un enable that. You know, un wire, we say as coaches underwire those old beliefs, rewire, reinstall new beliefs. It’s so much my perspective. It’s okay. Yeah that’s all there was. Honor it. Let’s thank it and let’s burn it baby. Burn it. Yeah. Gone make the emptiness and then okay what is, what is the vision we want.
00;46;40;25 – 00;47;04;03
Beth Beurkens
And so what’s the new one. And so who are we truly visionary to make the arrow watch out in the natural world. So, dear, it’s just here. It’s just, you know, 90s. It’s no biggie, but we make something quite large. Yes, yes.
00;47;04;05 – 00;47;08;26
Lauren Brollier Newton
Beautiful. Okay, so I have a couple. I’m trying to fit in as many questions as I can fit in the time.
00;47;08;26 – 00;47;11;21
Beth Beurkens
That I’m doing a great job. Lauren for being part.
00;47;11;21 – 00;47;31;20
Lauren Brollier Newton
Will do part two. So you mentioned something that felt so potent to me when you talked about that dream you had at the beginning. And I would guess, perhaps like me, some people on this or are some people are listening and saying, well, I want to. What did you call it? You called it a, a dream, a power dream.
00;47;31;22 – 00;47;32;20
Beth Beurkens
Power dream. Yeah.
00;47;32;26 – 00;47;49;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
So someone saying, well, I want a power dream, what is there? Can you create a something in yourself that when you go to sleep, you can have an experience more of these power dreams or more dreams that don’t feel like so much gibberish and have more clarity.
00;47;49;03 – 00;47;49;29
Beth Beurkens
00;47;50;02 – 00;47;54;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
Will you be wanting to tell us how in the short time we have.
00;47;54;10 – 00;48;33;23
Beth Beurkens
You know, the shamanism courses that I teach online healing path of the shamans and the power path of the shamans and working between the worlds and unleashing the shaman within. The short answer is you got a clean river. Really clear out every single bit of clutter. Maybe you make a very small altar in there with know and tarot card or statue of Connie in a hunk of turquoise simple candle make the sweeping room sacred space.
00;48;33;25 – 00;48;58;08
Beth Beurkens
So you know what so much of the work is about? Sacred space. Like that’s what we did. Lauren, I’m so grateful that, you know, suggested, let’s let’s work business. Let’s make sacred space so people step into this, they’re going to get so much more to make this living room a sacred space. Hang up all the clothes as Bob practices, get the socks off the floor.
00;48;58;08 – 00;49;01;17
Beth Beurkens
You know.
00;49;01;19 – 00;49;41;06
Beth Beurkens
And then you get in bed. No electronics. You don’t want TV’s. You don’t want to be Kindle? No blue light. Really important. You think about. I would like to have a healing. Whatever spiritual force you connect with on in Buddha all, the whole, Jesus. We just call on that beautiful, powerful, beautiful source to me. Because your power.
00;49;41;06 – 00;50;07;10
Beth Beurkens
I am a helper. Which you. When you please send me a healing drink. We need healing gently. And you have your journal and a pen and a flashlight right there on the nightstand, which means it’s so easy when you wake up, you know, you turn over, you get up to use the bathroom before you get up, before you turn over you.
00;50;07;13 – 00;50;46;08
Beth Beurkens
We look carefully at it. You write it down, don’t turn the lights on the. So keep that connection between time. It’s really. It’s like the veil between the worlds. Keep that connection there. Don’t break it with the lights if possible. You know, write it down or whatever or whatever there is. Just write it down. Then you go back to sleep maybe in another position and you ask again these similes open the world to see the human.
00;50;46;10 – 00;51;17;12
Beth Beurkens
Wake up, write it down. Even if it’s a fragment. Just you write it down and you keep that practice going. It works. It’s sending the the message to the unconscious. I’m opening. Open those doors and listen. I’m here. Person. Show me. Show me to. So you know, for all the people listening who might be in, you know, dark night of the soul right now or loss, tragedy or.
00;51;17;14 – 00;51;27;15
Beth Beurkens
Is this a it’s a beautiful healing ceremony. It’s a starting for it’s going to come in. Can I love that?
00;51;27;18 – 00;51;50;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
I want to hear a little bit about how you, as a coach and teacher and shaman, how do you stay fresh. And what I mean by that is like, how do you say enlivened with it and passion with it, especially when when you’ve taught something multiple times? Sometimes that that newness of teaching it wears off. So how do you stay?
00;51;50;18 – 00;51;56;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
Is it reading? Is it poetry? Is it doing the practices yourself? Like what keeps you.
00;51;56;05 – 00;51;56;16
Beth Beurkens
With that.
00;51;56;16 – 00;51;59;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
Potent ness? If that’s a.
00;51;59;18 – 00;52;34;16
Beth Beurkens
Word, I have a drum. I drum, I walk outside every morning and have a golden retriever, and he he helps so much to remind me on the earth that geography and I have a morning practice with the, was it’s much more elaborate than that. Oh, we want to talk about that or I do, yeah. Okay.
00;52;34;18 – 00;52;35;11
Beth Beurkens
Of course you do.
00;52;35;18 – 00;52;38;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
Yes. I want to hear everything.
00;52;38;08 – 00;53;12;23
Beth Beurkens
I write down or I think one of the other ten gratitudes and I really feel so grateful was, you know, I am so grateful. I saw orders yesterday, on the day. So grateful that I woke up tomorrow. I’m so grateful. Skiba what did you grow up? We got to be in the grass and that we wrote to the water, and I’m so grateful to the clothes.
00;53;12;23 – 00;53;43;22
Beth Beurkens
For more shoes, I do ten simple, basic gratitude. Cup of tea. Let me tell you, the cup of English breakfast tea in the red cup and half and half, honey. Ten gratitudes. And then I like to think of a few people in my life who I have challenges when, you know, the sacred friends, his Holiness the Dalai Lama calls them.
00;53;43;25 – 00;53;48;11
Beth Beurkens
And I said to them.
00;53;48;13 – 00;54;25;04
Beth Beurkens
Why the time? Of this? And then I like to sit quietly. I have 6 or 7 minutes just in the entrance to see an things just like. An ordinary think of a cheese outside look in this. Amazing. Oh, seems 200 year old moderate communism in Monterey cypress and eucalyptus in and thank them. I’m aware of incredible gift. I wouldn’t be here.
00;54;25;04 – 00;54;50;23
Beth Beurkens
We wouldn’t be here without the tubes and the grasses. And I had read a nice slow, deep breath. So up with oxygen, with three deep breaths you breathe out and let it go and create this kind of readiness. Right. And I write, I’m an author. I’m a two time international bestselling author, writing, I mean, there’s something about writing.
00;54;50;25 – 00;55;39;04
Beth Beurkens
Then after that, I write. And it just gives a place on the page where so many things had happened yesterday. Just gives it a place, lets it go out of me. And I think on the page right now I’m creating a new, a new, let’s see what you call a visual workshop, what I call like, you know, masterclass workshop for this Saturday, a meeting, an in-person live retreat in Mount Shasta on this first, second and third up on the mountain, going to sacred places of power and passing the mimicking rites of initiation from the Permian shamanic shamans that have worked with me, passing those rights, those transmissions.
00;55;39;07 – 00;55;49;07
Beth Beurkens
And so, you know, I’m writing about all that and then figuring things out. And I’m just engaged with my life, you know, that really needs to come alive.
00;55;49;10 – 00;56;09;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
I love it, love it. All right. I’m going to ask you the question. I’m just taking notes. I got three pages of notes going here. So I want to ask you a question that I ask everybody on this podcast, and that is if you were building a coaching business from the ground up, meaning you maybe were just newly certified, you’d never done it before.
00;56;09;11 – 00;56;19;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
You don’t have an email list or a funnel or any fancy schmancy stuff, and you’re just building a coaching business from the ground up. What would be the first step that you would take?
00;56;19;12 – 00;56;44;29
Beth Beurkens
I would contact Mary Morrissey. Without a doubt I would get in contact with her and her way of working. You know, the ten steps of dream building that that is it. And you could not do anything more enlivening than that. That’s what I would say, you know, from a professional standpoint.
00;56;45;01 – 00;56;46;29
Beth Beurkens
Is that the kind of answer that you’re looking for?
00;56;47;00 – 00;56;55;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
Yeah. Because, I mean, the truth is, with the ten steps of dream building and getting connected with that is, you know, where you’re going and you know.
00;56;55;02 – 00;57;27;23
Beth Beurkens
How it works. Exactly. You’ve got you’ve got you’ve got ground under your feet and stepping stones. So important to have stepping stones and to have a mentor. You can’t do this work without a mentor, right? I, I would be nobody without Michael Harder and Alicia Gates and one Munoz del Prado and the incredible shamans who work with me and Mary Morrissey, Matt Boggs and Rich Boggs and John Boggs and, oh my God, Jennifer Joy Jimenez.
00;57;27;23 – 00;57;49;09
Beth Beurkens
And you, you’ve got to be stand somebody who no one has done the work but is doing the work, who works with the people, who knows? The traps and can help you spring the trap. Oh.
00;57;49;12 – 00;57;59;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
Love that. Faith, I love to having you. We have Beth’s link in the show notes. For those of you who would like to book a session with Beth because you’re interested in her work. Beth, what a gift you’ve brought to all.
00;57;59;04 – 00;58;05;12
Beth Beurkens
Of us today. Thank you for the invitation. That just kind of came out of the blue was so cool.
00;58;05;15 – 00;58;13;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m thrilled. Well, for everybody listening, we will see you on the next episode. Be blessed. We love you all.
00;58;13;15 – 00;58;44;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our website at Brave Thinking institute.com/coach-certification, where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you’ll never miss an episode. And while you’re at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review to find out how to jump start your funding, coaching career, and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free.
00;58;44;20 – 00;58;52;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at bti.com/coach quiz. I’ll see you in the next episode.
Coaching is often seen as a business strategy, a way to help others, and a path to financial freedom—but what if it’s also a deeply spiritual calling? In this powerful episode of The Abundant Coach, host Lauren Brollier Newton welcomes Beth Beurkens, a globally recognized shamanic teacher, Vision Quest guide, and best-selling author, to dive into the profound connection between coaching and spirituality.
Beth shares how ancient shamanic practices and the Vision Quest can help coaches step into their highest calling, break through fear, and create transformation for themselves and their clients. From tapping into helping spirits to breaking limiting beliefs, this conversation will inspire you to see your coaching business not just as a career—but as a sacred path to purpose and impact.
If you’re feeling stuck, uncertain, or afraid of fully embodying who you are as a coach, this episode will help you step into your truth, trust your intuition, and move forward with confidence, clarity, and alignment on your spiritual coaching journey.
Traditional coaching often focuses on mindset, success, and external strategies. While those are important, spiritual coaching takes transformation to a deeper level. Instead of just addressing goals and behavior, spiritual coaching invites clients to reconnect with their higher self, intuition, and life purpose.
Beth shares how spiritual coaching:
She explains that for many coaches, their desire to help others comes from a soul calling. Ignoring that deeper pull often leads to burnout, frustration, or feeling like something is missing—a sign that it’s time to integrate spiritual coaching into your practice.
The Vision Quest is a sacred practice used by shamans and seekers for centuries. It is a powerful tool for coaches who are looking for clarity, breakthroughs, and alignment with their higher purpose. Beth describes the Vision Quest as a structured spiritual journey where individuals create sacred space, face their inner fears, and receive powerful insights from spirit.
During a Vision Quest, individuals typically:
For coaches, a Vision Quest can be life-changing, allowing them to step into a business that feels aligned, expansive, and fulfilling rather than forced or stressful.
Many coaches struggle with fear—fear of being too different, fear of being judged, or fear that embracing spirituality in their business will push some people away. Beth and Lauren discuss the importance of owning your voice and trusting that the right clients will be drawn to you.
Beth shares a powerful truth: fear is temporary and lasts only 90 seconds unless we choose to hold onto it. When coaches move past their fear and fully embody their authentic selves, they not only attract their ideal clients but also experience greater ease, flow, and success in their business.
Lauren and Beth also talk about how worrying about people who “won’t like” your message is a waste of energy. Instead, coaches should focus on serving the people who are waiting for their unique wisdom and guidance.
Spiritual coaching is not just about concepts—it’s about practical, grounded ways to bring sacred wisdom into your business. Beth shares some of the ways she stays spiritually aligned while coaching, including:
These simple yet powerful practices strengthen a coach’s intuition, deepen their impact, and help them navigate their business with greater trust and flow.
Beth is offering listeners a free discovery call! To connect with Beth and explore where you are on your life path and how you can move forward, please click here.
To connect with Lauren and find out how the Brave Thinking Institute can support your coaching journey, visit: bti.com/coachcertification
If this episode resonated with you, you might be feeling a deeper calling to explore spiritual coaching and step into your full purpose as a coach. That’s why The Life Coach Accelerator was created—to help aspiring coaches like you take the first real steps toward making a difference in the world.
In this free 5-day challenge, you’ll:
✅ Gain clarity on your unique coaching gifts and purpose.
✅ Learn how to create a coaching business that aligns with your soul’s calling.
✅ Discover how to attract the right clients without fear or hesitation.
✅ Overcome money blocks, fear, and self-doubt that keep most coaches stuck.
✅ Take the first step toward a thriving, abundant coaching business.
If you’ve been waiting for a sign to start your coaching journey, this is it.
🔗 Join the Life Coach Accelerator today!