Revealing the invisible side of how money moves (and how it can move towards you.)
Heads up:
This article may not be quite what you’re expecting.
If the title calls to mind someone sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed, meditating for money to appear, think again.
When they hear “financial freedom through spirituality”, a lot of people imagine things like energy healing, chakras, auras, past lives, mediumship, or mystical experiences beyond the physical world.
Others associate the term with organized religion: thinking of prayer, worship, sacred texts, and devotion to a higher power.
And some link it with moral virtue: the idea that spirituality is about being a “good” person who cultivates kindness, compassion, and integrity.
None of these are “wrong” views of spirituality at all, but I mean something a bit different by it here.
Over the course of my 50+ year career, I’ve become known as the world’s leading authority on “the invisible side of success.”
By “invisible”, I mean the perceptions, feelings, and thoughts that are so deep within us, so unspoken, that they dictate all the results in our lives without us even knowing it.
Most of us lack an awareness of the invisible side of our relationship with money. As a result, we often pursue financial success in a purely behavioral way.
We tell ourselves things such as:
- “I just need to save more money”
- “Ugh, why can’t I stop overspending at Target?”
- “How do I earn a raise so I’m not stressed about my finances all the time?”
Granted: some may well benefit from saving more, cutting expenses, or negotiating a raise.
However, this whole way of looking at money –– “I don’t have enough, now what can I do to manage it better or earn more?” –– is an extremely limiting lens that makes true abundance impossible.
Those who reach prodigious financial success do not just randomly stumble on a few winning moves.
They have a completely different internal relationship with money that ripples outward and literally creates their success.
Meanwhile, the search for a fast answer to financial stress is one that cannot lead to wealth.
And achieving financial freedom through spirituality starts with deeply understanding why this is the case.
So let’s examine where money and spirituality mix in more detail than most ever do!
Why searching for a financial “fix” keeps you in a state of financial lack and prevents you from creating financial freedom through spirituality.
I realize it might sound absurd.
“If I’m struggling financially, or doing well but wanting to do a lot better” you might think, “then what could possibly build wealth, besides me finding a way to build it?
“After all, it’s not like a huge sum of money is going to come from just laying on the couch and hoping!”
This is true––but there is a lot of daylight between frantically scrambling to earn more on the one hand, and laying on the couch with your fingers crossed on the other. These are not the only two options!
The critical (and missing) understanding is this: The people most desperate to find a way to get rich tend to be the ones who struggle the most to achieve lasting wealth.
What keeps them stuck isn’t taking action. Rather, it’s the quality and the source of the actions that they take.
Here’s a specific example—one that reveals why most people unknowingly repel wealth, even as they work harder to attain it.
Imagine a person who, in their financial discontent, constantly cycles through one fast-money scheme after another.
One day, they’re about to cash in on a big crypto run. The following month, they’re gung-ho about day trading.
Next it’s affiliate marketing. Or drop shipping on Amazon. Then maybe it’s flipping houses, or renting out a property on Airbnb.
I know: “Some people DO earn a lot of money from ALL of those things!” Yes. They do.
But here’s what almost nobody asks: why is it that the same type of person is always jumping from one of these money-making schemes to the next?
Why do they never seem to land on anything that truly builds lasting wealth?
It’s because they’re not actually looking for a sustainable way to build financial freedom.
They’re looking for a fix. A fast, external solution to an unbearable inner state of financial lack.
But when you act from a place of lack, you don’t create abundance—instead, you reinforce scarcity.
And this psychological starting point of lack and scarcity, colors every detail of how this person pursues financial freedom.
Most people who chase these opportunities don’t truly commit to them in a meaningful way. They dabble.
They buy a course, watch some YouTube videos, maybe even make a little money…but soon, reality sets in.
They realize:
- Crypto isn’t just “buying the dip”—it’s a psychological warzone where the real winners prey on amateurs.
- Day trading isn’t passive—it’s a high-stakes job with ruthless competition from investing professionals.
- Affiliate marketing, drop shipping, and Airbnb rentals aren’t automatic cash machines—they require serious business skills, capital, patience, and adaptability.
Of course, none of this is what the person signed up for. So the cycle begins anew. And they move on to the next thing that promises quick results.
This cycle repeats, not because these ventures can’t potentially work, but because the person pursuing them is coming from a place of financial lack, not financial mastery.
People who create financial freedom through spirituality don’t scramble for quick fixes. They develop a way of seeing the world that naturally attracts wealth-building opportunities.
Now, let me be clear: I’m not judging or putting down anyone who has a scarcity-based outlook on money.
Instead, I will say this: I completely understand! After all, what are the dominant social messages that we absorb about money?
Most of us didn’t grow up learning how to sustainably create financial freedom through spirituality. Instead, we grew up hearing about money as a fleeting resource that we needed to save as much of as possible, and spend as carefully as we can, before it recedes and we’re broke.
You may have heard phrases from your parents like “money doesn’t grow on trees.” Or even “we don’t talk about money in this house.” (As if finances are some kind of shameful subject.)
The tragic irony is that these outlooks on money do not lead to generating more of it. They in fact repel wealth from our lives!
Why? Because of a profound truth that almost none of us are taught at any point in our lives:
Money is energy. And it moves. It doesn’t stand still.
This is why people who treat money as something to hoard and guard, often find that it slips through their fingers no matter how hard they try to hold on.
Conversely, those who understand money as a flowing force—something that circulates, expands, and follows value—tend to attract more of it rather easily.
It’s not that they’re lucky. It’s that they’ve shifted from a mindset of fear and lack to a mindset of creation and expansion.
Wealth isn’t built by anxiously chasing dollars. It’s built by aligning yourself with value. Creating it, amplifying it, and directing it in ways that make money flow to you instead of you chasing it.
Take an extreme example: Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google. They didn’t launch version one of their search engine and instantly rake in billions.
Instead, they were obsessed with solving a massive problem: how to organize the world’s information better than anyone ever had. They kept refining and perfecting Google. And soon, money became an inevitable byproduct of the value they created.
Now, you don’t need to start the next Google to build wealth. But this proves a simple truth, which is that abundance flows to those who create undeniable value. Not to those who chase money.
True wealth builders don’t chase. Not because chasing is “bad” or “unspiritual”, but because they know it isn’t necessary and doesn’t work!
Okay, so where do I go from here? What’s the next step to achieving financial freedom through spirituality?
The “next step” isn’t so much an action––that would be falling back into the fast money trap––but an understanding.
An understanding of just how profoundly the messages you’ve absorbed from the world about wealth have limited your ability to attract and build it.
Know this: these messages don’t just influence you. They shape your entire financial reality. Quietly scripting your beliefs, behaviors, and results without you even realizing it.
It’s fully possible to replace these messages with new and generative ones––but it starts with awareness.
Financial freedom through spirituality isn’t about rituals, affirmations, or manifesting wealth out of thin air.
It’s about looking inside yourself with a keen eye for the ways that your own thinking is keeping wealth away.
Without self-blame, and without the knee-jerk reflex to “fix it” with some kind of instant moneymaking move.
As your awareness grows, these old beliefs fall away, and wealth becomes surprisingly easier to build.
This is the first transformative step down the road to true financial independence!
Your financial reality is a reflection of your deepest subconscious patterns. If you’re ready to uncover the invisible beliefs holding you back—and replace them with a mindset that naturally attracts wealth—download my free Magnetic Money Mindset Workbook right now!
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