00;00;03;23 – 00;00;32;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
Welcome to the abundant coach. I’m your host, Lauren Brollier Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business, while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you’ll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients. Facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.
00;00;32;07 – 00;00;54;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
Welcome to the Abundance Coach, Lauren Berlin Newton here your guide and super happy to bring you this episode. This episode is all about transformational coaching, being the future of the coaching industry and why I think that that’s true. So welcome on in. And I’ve got a quote for you today that is one of probably my top ten favorite quotes of all time.
00;00;54;04 – 00;01;18;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
It’s by William Blake. I’ve heard it said two different ways. So I’m going to I’m going to share it with the way that it’s written. And apparently the book that he wrote it in, it says this if the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is infinite. I’ve also heard heard it written as if the lenses of perception were cleansed.
00;01;18;00 – 00;01;44;26
Lauren Brollier Newton
Everything would appear to man, as it is infinite. In this world, we can often really, get into the fight flight freeze mode, which is purely human, purely nervous system that keeps us, connected to constructs which aren’t really true, but they felt so true to us based on what we learned when we were growing up. You know what the circumstances and conditions say that we almost cannot see outside of it.
00;01;44;28 – 00;02;09;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
But when you get into the work that we talk about a lot on this podcast, the transformational coaching work that we teach and train here at the institute, you start to see that everything is a construct and therefore meaning everything is just made up. A bunch of humans got together and they made it up anyway, and that if we cleansed ourselves of all the beliefs we’ve been given, all of that, we would see that actually there’s an infinite level of possibilities.
00;02;09;10 – 00;02;39;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
And the reason why I bring that quote in today when we’re going to talk about transformational coaching, is that’s why I believe, and I know the institute believes, that transformational coaching is really the future of the coaching industry, and that is that transformational coaching, especially as we teach it here at Brave Thinking Institute, honors the clients knower. So our our founder, Mary Morrissey, has a quote where she says, your know or knows your intuition, your gut, your higher self, you with a capital Y, you always know the truth.
00;02;39;28 – 00;03;02;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
Sometimes the constructs of life, the things that have occurred and the things that people have told us and what we were raised with. And all of that gets in the way of us hearing from hearing from that part of ourselves that actually knows the truth. Transformational coaching, as we teach it at the Institute, honors what the client knows.
00;03;02;07 – 00;03;25;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I want to go deep into that in today’s episode because I think it’s really important. So let me just put it this way. I think there will always be some level of very directive coaching, like if you want to, you know, I don’t know, become a mechanic. Here’s what, here’s what you need to do to build a mechanics business step by step strategic.
00;03;25;08 – 00;03;49;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
Will there always be some level of that? I’m sure there will, because, when people think about results, they usually think about how I have to know how to do it before I can even vision for something, I have to know the exact pathway. And yet, those of us who have lots of experience, either in business or in life, know that no two people’s pathways are going to look exactly alike.
00;03;49;04 – 00;04;16;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
And it’s sort of mind boggling how a lot of times in the coaching industry, we treat everybody like their pathways are going to be alike when the truth is, every human is as unique as a thumbprint. It’s like everybody’s journey is going to look different. And I think sometimes the reason people get so frustrated with with a more direct way of coaching, where it’s like, you do this, you do this, you do this, and then you have the result is it does a lot of leave a lot of room for the uniqueness of the individual.
00;04;16;07 – 00;04;43;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
Transformational coaching is based on grounded in the idea that a person can create very, very different results than the results they’ve always created. It’s also grounded on here in the the Institute through spiritual law and principle. What I just said that everybody is, is unique is a thumbprint that no two people’s pathway is going to look exactly the same.
00;04;43;27 – 00;05;09;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so it would be important that, as they’re going toward that transformation where they want to have a completely different set of results, that the part of them that can get more tuned in to that voice inside of them, that’s always speaking the truth. That is actually where the heart of it is, where the heart of coaching is, is helping the client know what feels right and good for them.
00;05;09;07 – 00;05;28;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
I think back to my own journey in entrepreneurship, and it really started when I was a school teacher and I wanted to pay the bills. I wanted to get out of debt. That was my that was all that I knew about a vision was I wanted to get out of debt so I could enjoy life more. And so I had a couple different side hustles, like I tutored and taught music on the side.
00;05;28;02 – 00;05;53;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I joined a network marketing company, and I started a business, because I was wanting to get out of debt. That is usually the way someone goes in a traditional sense, when they want something different, is they go straight to the how. How am I going to create more money so I can pay off my debt? So you see me, you know, dabbling in these different things, trying to make ends meet and all of that energy comes from lack.
00;05;53;15 – 00;06;08;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
If it’s because I need to get out of debt, there’s no there’s not a real vision there. I mean, I had a thing that if I was out of debt, I wouldn’t be so stressed. And if I was out of debt, then, you know, this would be easier. But I didn’t really have a a great picture of what my life would look like beyond that.
00;06;08;16 – 00;06;29;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so as I was building the things the music, tutoring, the music lessons, the tutoring, the side business, I will immediately went always straight to the how, how is it going to work? And I would follow other people who had done it and, and try to do what they did kind of thing. And I didn’t have a great level of success with that.
00;06;29;03 – 00;07;01;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m not saying I didn’t create any success. There were moments and great, great moments of success. Of course, in any growth journey, but I was always going straight to the how can I get it to work? You know, I’m going to get my hands on it and twist it around until I can get it to work. And transformational coaching is very different in that the first thing that we have a client do is paint a picture of what life would look like if it was working with a magic wand, and some clients can be very, very resistant to that in the beginning because it’s like, well, how is that ever going to work out?
00;07;01;19 – 00;07;20;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
Right? We again, we go straight to the how is it going to work? But the only thing that your mind can bring up when you ask the question, how is data that it already has? It’s just like, okay, how would I figure this out based on what my intellect has already done? And if your intellect has never done it, then you’re out of luck, right?
00;07;20;06 – 00;07;41;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
But if from a transformational standpoint, you get really connected to the what it is that you would love, so you could see it, smell it, taste it, feel like it, we call that matching the frequency of the vision, so to speak. And that can sound really woowoo and it can sound really like out there. But let me just say that, I mean, you, you work with frequency all the time.
00;07;41;06 – 00;08;04;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
You tap into a radio station, you get every song on that frequency. You tap into a television station, you get every show on that frequency. And if you want something different, you change the frequency. And it’s the same with life and this kind of life coaching. But one thing that a coach can never tell you, and I don’t care who they are and how good of a coach they are or whatever the deal is, is what your vision is.
00;08;04;18 – 00;08;37;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
Nobody can know that for you. No, nobody. I personally don’t think we should ever even be making suggestions of what somebody might want. How can anybody else know that for you now? Somebody with expertise and let’s say, like a Myers-Briggs level personality test can help you gain insights into yourself. The spiritual coaches, psychics, Oracle readers, Myers-Briggs test facilitators, all those kind of things help you to have an understanding of yourself and reveal things to you.
00;08;37;12 – 00;09;06;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
But ultimately, nobody can know for you what’s going to feel expansive because they’re not in your body, they’re not you. And so transformational coaching gives the client the opportunity to get to know themselves in a way where once that vision of what they would really love is established, you, the coach, now give proven, practiced, tools and practical tools to start getting them in that direction.
00;09;06;05 – 00;09;31;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so why do I believe this is the future of coaching? I believe more and more, this world is waking up to a very, How would I see this awake to no longer following the norms or the rules or, you know, when I would my both my parents have both been in their jobs. My dad for, I don’t know, almost 60 years, the same job.
00;09;32;00 – 00;10;06;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
He’s in his early 80s. He just fully retired. But 60 years in the same, in the same company. And my mom, more than, gosh, 50 years and very stable and rule following and all of those things, the next generations, you know, Jen, Jen, is it Gen X? I forget what the generations are. I’m a millennial, but the following generations, especially millennial and and, younger are no longer okay with just being told that something is the way it is.
00;10;06;16 – 00;10;28;26
Lauren Brollier Newton
Because just because we said so or or that, you know, that stability or even homeownership or all these things that used to just be so the norm are different now. You see more people becoming nomads and influencers and traveling and not having that same sort of stability. And I’m not saying that that’s not stability. I’m not using that word stability.
00;10;28;26 – 00;10;58;28
Lauren Brollier Newton
I shouldn’t even use, in this case, what was traditionally known as stability is no longer accepted, because when and I’m speaking for a whole generation also. No, I’m being very general. I’m not saying this applies to every person, but when we think about what is desired now in younger generations in terms of freedom and flexibility and time, freedom and working from home and virtual and, and all sorts of entrepreneurial endeavors and things like that, you can just see that an old model of coaching, of directive coaching.
00;10;58;28 – 00;11;23;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
This is what you should do. This is what you should eat, this is what you should, blah, blah, blah. Here’s what I think. Here’s the here’s the routine is falling away. And more and more people want to do things that feel life giving to them and on their own. And so speaking very generally, you know, you know, and speaking for a whole generation now, that’s why I think more directive forms of coaching are going to be dead very soon.
00;11;23;26 – 00;11;50;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
I also think our not completely dead, but I think, they’re going to have to make some shifts to be able to accommodate for the way that people’s, spirits and outlooks and things are going toward, the other thing that I think is that with the coaching industry over the last 20 years becoming more common, a lot of people have taken more directive styles of coaching and not had the result that they wanted.
00;11;50;13 – 00;12;12;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
And the reason for that is because if you’re following a prescriptive, sort of way of doing things like you’re eating this or you’re taking these steps to get a job, or you’re if you want to get a job, you got to do this on LinkedIn and that and this and that list. And they didn’t have the results or the process didn’t feel good to them, then that is clouding their experience of what they’re going to do coaching wise moving forward.
00;12;12;25 – 00;12;30;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
And the reason that those things aren’t sustainable. Let me let me rephrase and say not sustainable for most or you should do this, this and this. If you want to grow even some of these social media classes, here’s here’s what you can do to get hot in social media right now. They’ll always be around. And we know the algorithm changes every week.
00;12;30;21 – 00;12;54;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
There’s so much desire among people. How do I create real and lasting transformation? Big time results that I can use over and over again for the rest of my life, and feels good to me. Now for some people, they find more directive things like I’m going to eat keto or I’m going to become an expert, on LinkedIn to grow my business or whatever.
00;12;54;00 – 00;13;12;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
And that feels very life giving to them. And that’s why I do believe that there will always be some form of directive coaching, because if that kind of plan resonates with the person that’s sustainable for them, then they’ll be great with it. More often than not, we know, unfortunately, people lose the weight and gain it back. People build the big business and then they lose it all.
00;13;12;13 – 00;13;33;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
And why is that? Because psychologically, in the subconscious mind, we actually don’t create what we want. We create what we believe. And if I have not changed the belief that caused the result, then the likelihood that I just go back to the familiar pattern is there, and then people get sour on coaching because they’re like, yeah, I lost 100 pounds, then I get it back.
00;13;33;21 – 00;14;04;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
So keto didn’t work for me or this didn’t work for me. But really, what didn’t work is that they didn’t change the subconscious belief. So a transformational coaching model like we teach at Brave Thinking Institute addresses all of the challenges that I just shared, that the model transformational coaching is about giving people the psychological, the mindset, the spiritual tools to know how to make a change, to know how to make a different decision, to know how to discover what step is right for you.
00;14;04;17 – 00;14;23;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
To know how to know in this moment if social media is going to be like giving to you, if LinkedIn is going to be life giving to you, if this or that is going to be life giving, and that changes what felt good to me two years ago doesn’t feel good to me now. How do we give people the tools so that when that happens, which it does, if you’re an awaken, aware person to then move forward.
00;14;23;18 – 00;14;55;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
And that’s why I believe a spiritual transformational coaching model is the way forward. One of the tools that we teach at Brave Thinking Institute is called the Brave Thinking Activation process. The Brave Thinking activation process is a wonderful tool where you can create results in any area of your life by getting tapped into what it is you want, sourcing ideas, looking for the ideas that feel life, giving an electric to you, only moving forward on those ideas and leaving the rest behind.
00;14;55;06 – 00;15;32;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m oversimplifying the process, but that’s really what it is. And every human actually has the capability inside of them to connect to something more infinite than themselves, to connect to what’s creating and illuminating this whole universe. Tap into it and source ideas from there, and know the exact right step to take. I’ll give you a very, very beautiful version of of this that I was working with one of our coaches who’s a client who, was just in a funk and having some challenge is and I can’t remember even at this moment what her question was, but it was something about building her.
00;15;33;00 – 00;15;54;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
Oh, it was something about building her business and feeling like she needed to serve everybody. And some different things about client management and things like that. So I took her through a sort of meditative version of the brave thinking activation process. We call it the brave thinking coaching method, where you have the client really connect to what it would look like if it all worked out, get out of the problem energy, get into what it would look like if it all worked out.
00;15;54;25 – 00;16;15;28
Lauren Brollier Newton
Feel what that feels like and then ask for a message from their higher self, spirit, life, God, whatever name you want to put on it and then source an action they can take. And when we got through this whole process, I could have recommended her. Well, you can do this with your calendar. You can do that. You can change your coaching model.
00;16;15;28 – 00;16;36;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
I could have given her all sorts of strategic initiatives that she could have done from my professional experience. But when she tapped into the feeling of her vision, what she came up with and what step, that was very clear for her that she needed to take, I think there was a dam of some sort, like a dam reservoir kind of thing, somewhere near where she lived.
00;16;36;07 – 00;16;51;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
And she said, okay, I her I know very clearly what I need to do. I’m going to go, I’m going to put my feet in the water and I’m just going to take a nap right there. And I’m like, great. And she felt super expansive about that. And she knew she more answers were going to reveal themselves to her and off she went.
00;16;51;26 – 00;17;09;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
There is no way in human life, human birth that I could have said to her, you know what? I think your next step is? Go to this dam and put your feet in it and take a nap. Like I could not know that for her. She knows it for her. But what I could do is pause her, slow her down, give her a process to go through.
00;17;09;11 – 00;17;31;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
And here she creates her own result and feels really good about that result that she’s going to create for herself. Now, based on the guidance that she hears for herself. There have been times in my coaching, career where I have taken myself through some of these transformational spiritual coaching processes, one of which, when I was doing the Brave Thinking activation process, is I got an idea.
00;17;31;04 – 00;17;50;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
The question that I was asking was what step can I take to generate 24 speaking engagements? This is back in 2019. In 2019, it was the beginning of the year, and I wanted to have 24 speaking engagements to grow my business. I could have done a more directive thing of like, let me go see how everybody else is booking speaking engagements and this and this and that.
00;17;50;08 – 00;18;11;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
But I take myself through a more transformational process, this brave thinking activation process, and I source ideas. And one of the ideas I got was post your blog on LinkedIn. The logical mind wants to say a posting a blog on LinkedIn isn’t going to lead to 24 speaking engagements. Or what does that have to do with anything? Or blah blah blah.
00;18;11;15 – 00;18;33;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
But we know from this process those of us who have done it and taught it and used it many times, that the answer that you get when you’re connected to what William Blake said, the infinite, the possibility, the fact that my left brain doesn’t have to know everything. I don’t have to have the experience or the training, but I can source an idea right now that’ll move me faster, quicker, easier toward the result that I want.
00;18;33;05 – 00;18;47;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
I trust it, I’m like, okay, I don’t use LinkedIn. I think I had an account, but I didn’t use it. But I do have a blog and so I can go post that on LinkedIn. The fast forward on this story is this blog leads me to connect with a guy who I had known who was an executive coach, and we collaborated.
00;18;47;23 – 00;19;13;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
Sometimes he invited me to coffee. At coffee I had the Or, but right before the coffee I had the realization that he has an event that he organizes where I can ask him for a speaking engagement. My logical mind goes, all right, that would be one out of the 24 speaking engagements I was asking about. But at that coffee, which all stemmed from me posting that blog on LinkedIn, I was able to secure 19 speaking engagements from this guy.
00;19;13;08 – 00;19;38;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
So the story, long story short here is it’s likely that a more directive coach would not have been able to tell me to post a blog on LinkedIn to gain traction for a 24 hour speaking engagements. Maybe they would have. Maybe they wouldn’t. Most likely not. But my intuition, my connection to the infinite, that power that nobody can take away from us knew exactly the connections, everything.
00;19;38;13 – 00;20;06;20
Lauren Brollier Newton
There’s there’s such an intelligence at work. So helping people tap into that form of coaching where you, as the coach, don’t have to have all the answers, actually, nor should you, because you actually can’t know for someone what’s going to feel expansive to them. Now, if I went and told our coaches, hey, I think you guys should all post blogs on LinkedIn to get speaking engagements, we can see that that’s not going to work for them.
00;20;06;20 – 00;20;26;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
That was my message based on the connections I had for that day and time. And please believe at Brave Thinking Institute we do directive coaching. We know how to help people, book speaking engagements and build their coaching business and all of that. But that’s not all, because at the end of the day, we trust that the client knows what their next step.
00;20;26;24 – 00;20;58;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
That’s going to feel life giving us of the plethora of tools we’ve given them or beyond. So when a coach says, I know what you should do and this is what you need to do, I think that that style is going to go away very quickly, because I believe that there’s something in all of us at this time on the planet seeking to have more freedom and, not be in the constructs of what was just acceptable before for us.
00;20;58;00 – 00;21;17;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
You know, I’m just going to stay in this job for 50 years, even if it doesn’t feel like giving, because I have my retirement, I don’t think that’s acceptable in the new generations. And that means that as coaches, we must adapt to being able to support people. With with less directive and more helping them cultivate from within with our guidance.
00;21;17;00 – 00;21;32;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
I want to be very clear. It’s not like we’re just saying to the client, hey, you know, deep down inside, so what is it? There’s lots of tools and strategy to that. So I want to be very clear. This is not just like, so let’s let’s dance under the moon and see what comes up that that could be a tool.
00;21;32;08 – 00;21;55;26
Lauren Brollier Newton
But there is a very strategic, practical way to help our clients discover what it is from that for them, what it is they would love next. And one of our main tools is in transformational spiritual coaching is we’re very vision driven. As I mentioned, we have people start from a vision. That is it. That vision has its own very particular energetic signature that we can tap into.
00;21;55;26 – 00;22;23;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
And then they can see if the choices that they’re making in their life are in alignment with that vision or not. And then from there, the other part that’s powerful about spiritual transformational coaching is it doesn’t matter what area of your life you’re working on, you could take that same brief thinking activation process as just one of hundreds of tools that we have at the institute, and you could apply it to love and relationships or health and wellbeing, or your career like I was doing, or to time and money freedom.
00;22;23;16 – 00;22;48;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
So transformational coaching is also about looking at the client as a whole and not compartmentalizing. So for a long time where we’ve we’ve kind of been as a society. And I again, I’m speaking of very general terms is I’m career rich but but relationship poor or in relationship rich but money poor or whatever it is. Like there’s it’s like this either or like if I’m happy here, I can’t be happy here.
00;22;48;07 – 00;23;05;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
And many people think about that and think of life that way. When you’re a transformational spiritual coach, you’re always inviting clients to lean into the yes. And if you would like, if the client would like for it to be either or, that’s okay. They are the highest authority on their life. As we’ve been talking about this whole episode.
00;23;05;22 – 00;23;32;07
Lauren Brollier Newton
And we’re going to always invite the client into a yes. And what if you could make more money and have more time with your kids? What if you could have a deeper relationship with your husband and thrive in your career? What would that look like? Would you be interested in painting that type of a picture? And once you know what that what is without the paradigms and the limits and the I should think this and I should think that, and you strip all of that away and just get the person to what they really want.
00;23;32;09 – 00;24;00;15
Lauren Brollier Newton
It’s actually easier. And this stuff they’ve been doing to themselves, like terrorizing themselves, that it has to look this way or that way, is actually not true in an infinite universe with infinite possibilities and a power breathing us that knows all things. Whatever name you give, that power, whether it’s waves and particles or you know, God. So this is the future, I believe, because people have more autonomy desires now than ever before.
00;24;00;17 – 00;24;23;28
Lauren Brollier Newton
And it’s also just a universal truth with a capital T, you can look at any religion, any ancient text, the mystics of old monks, whoever you want to, and see that this wisdom is old. It’s not new. We’re just having the opportunity now to bring it to a new level, to this, to this new era, this new age, if you will.
00;24;24;01 – 00;24;43;29
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I said a great many things. It was a little bit stream of consciousness there, I get that. But if there’s anything inside of you that feels resonant with this idea that, I actually can’t know for the client, I haven’t walked in their shoes. I don’t know their history. I don’t know their soul. I don’t know what life is calling them to do in this lifetime.
00;24;43;29 – 00;25;15;15
Lauren Brollier Newton
I don’t know any of that stuff, but I can give them tools, resources, and practical guidance to get exactly where they want to go. Let me end with just one more example, so we can ground this and be a little bit more practical. In our transformational coaching model, we have the clients think about their whole life. Yes, we can focus on one area, but let’s make sure if we’re married, our founder will say, if you’re going to create life for the next 365 days, you might as well create a life that you like and all the categories rather than, yeah, we can focus on one, but let’s dream up what we would like all of
00;25;15;15 – 00;25;37;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
our life to look like, because we’re going to create it anyway, so we might as well create it by design rather than by default. I personally have all the quadrants I get excited about. I get lit up by my relationship quadrant, I get lit up by my time and money freedom quadrant I get lit up by my vocation career quadrant I don’t have up until now, get so lit up about health and well-being, especially when it comes to physical health.
00;25;37;11 – 00;25;52;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m like, yeah, yeah, I don’t have time for that. And it doesn’t. And the funny thing for me is it’s not that I, I don’t even believe necessarily that it’s a limiting paradigm. I’m sure it is. I’m sure there’s a part of it that is. And there’s a part of it that that’s like, that’s not my that’s not my gift and talent.
00;25;52;00 – 00;26;11;07
Lauren Brollier Newton
In this lifetime, however, I am in a physical body, and I do want to be in this physical body for a really long time and be around for a long time. As much as I can create that and be healthy and vibrant and all that, of course. So being coached through this, especially from our master coach Kirsten Wells, she’s not going to tell me what to do.
00;26;11;08 – 00;26;31;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
Yes, I could exercise. Yes, I could eat better. Yes, I could honor myself. Yes, we all know that. It’s not like we don’t know. That’s the other thing about transformational coaching is it’s like most clients are coming to you because they have no idea how to do it. Of course they do. In the health and Well-Being quadrant, it’s like, give yourself more rest, eat well, exercise, honor the spiritual side of your nature.
00;26;31;04 – 00;26;51;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
Like in some ways it’s obvious, but for each individual person, they could have had struggles with that, of what that means. And do I have to exercise in this way? And there’s a lot of paradigms that come around with that. So being coached through a transformational model, it’s like, well, what would you love in terms of your body, your vitality?
00;26;51;15 – 00;27;09;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
And for me personally, I was kind of a tough case. I was like, I don’t like any exercise and I don’t like blah, blah, blah. You know, I’m one of those clients that’s like that. And thankfully Kirsten, our master coach, was willing to take me through a process of discovery for myself. So she didn’t force me into anything.
00;27;09;21 – 00;27;32;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
She just could see that there might be something life giving for me when it came to my health and well-being, and she took me through a lot of different processes and challenges and things that I could, think about and wonder about for myself. But I came to my own conclusion and they were fantastic conclusions that if somebody else would have gave me the idea, I would have been like, no.
00;27;32;16 – 00;27;55;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
But because I was led to the right ideas for my health and well-being, that would work for me, that I created, that felt good and felt aligned. That Kirsten, as even as a master coach, could not have known for me what was going to feel expansive, but she could get me to the conclusion. And now it’s sustainable. Now it’s not like I’m doing this because I should, or I’m doing this because someone told me, or I’m doing this because it’s a fad or I’m doing this workout plan.
00;27;55;12 – 00;28;21;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
But then since it’s not really sustainable, I’m going to lose the weight and get it back. What I what what came from her taking me through a transformational process is I received answers for myself that no one else could have given me, that now are sustainable for the long term, that I can feel all in on. And that’s what actually creates transformation is something that’s sustainable for that soul, which only they can know, but we can help them get there.
00;28;21;23 – 00;28;31;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I said great many things there. I love you all very much. I’d love to hear how this lands for you. And until then, I’ll see you on the next episode.
00;28;31;28 – 00;29;03;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our website at Brave Thinking institute.com/coach Certification, where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you’ll never miss an episode. And while you’re at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review to find out how to jump start your abundant coaching career and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free.
00;29;03;06 – 00;29;07;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at BTI. Com slash.
00;29;07;22 – 00;29;10;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
Coach Quiz. I’ll see you in the next episode.