Your New Year’s Resolutions: Have You Lost Your Inspiration?
Here Are 3 Piece-of-Cake Practices to Re-Ignite Your Motivation, Gain Momentum and Live Into Your Vision
With 2019 here, this is a great time to hit the refresh button your New Year’s resolutions (read more about New Year’s)!
Are you absolutely full steam ahead or have you lost some of your inspiration? Are you making progress or do you already find yourself underperforming and not producing the results you’d really love?
5 Quick and Simple Morning Habits of Highly Successful People
Accomplish More, Become Your Best Self and Feel Amazing in 30 Minutes a Day or Less
Have you ever wondered how highly successful people are able to create such extraordinary results in their lives – and in a fraction of the time that it takes most others? Well, one of the secrets to their success lies in how they choose to begin each and every day.
A Christmas Idea That Changes The World For Good
As We Celebrate This Magical Holiday, Know That There’s So Much More to the Story of Christmas Than Gifts, Family and Parties
As a student, teacher and mentor in transformational principles for over 40 years, I’ve studied many different religions. I’ve been to India ten times to walk in the footsteps of Buddha, and I’ve been to Israel 14 times to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.
I’ve studied many other great teachers who have transformed lives around the world through what they’ve taught and their ways of being.
Your Inner Greatness Is Already Inside You
What does it mean to be great, and what does it really take to live a life of greatness?
Most of us have been trained to think about greatness in terms of comparison to someone else. For example, we look at Steve Jobs and think,
“Wow, he was a great innovator.”
Sometimes, when we look at those who are great at their sport, their profession, or their hobbies, we experience something I call comparison despair.
We think,
“I’ll never be as great as they are. Why should I…
Setting Your Goal and Protecting Yourself from Drift
Goal-setting is a drag for most people.
It’s very easy to daydream about something we would like; finding the love of our life, having the money that can afford us the freedom we desire, having the career that matters to us, enjoying better, vibrant health, but it’s hard to actually set a goal and then even more challenging to achieve it.
The reasons most people don’t achieve their goals is fear, limitation-based thinking and procrastination
In other words, we imagine having the life we really want and before long, doubt and worry sneak in.…