A 30-Second Morning Gratitude Practice For Greater Joy Each Day
Here’s a Simple But Highly Effective Way to Generate a State of Gratitude Every Morning, Even When You Don’t Feel Like It, So That You Have a Happier, More Productive Day
As you know, living from a state of gratitude is one of the keys to creating a happier, more fulfilling and abundant life.
When you wake up in the morning though, like many of us, you may not feel instantly positive and overwhelmingly grateful – especially if you haven’t slept well or the alarm jolts you awake!
Three Family Thanksgiving Traditions Worth Sharing
Three Meaningful Ways To Give Thanks This Holiday Season, From My Family To Yours
It’s that wonderful time of year again! A time when we gather together with family and friends to share a meal, reconnect with loved ones, celebrate and most importantly, give thanks. Yes, it’s Thanksgiving!
33 Deep Mindfulness Gratitude Quotes
Inspiring gratitude quotes to shift your perspective and raise your vibration! [Plus, free inspirational quote phone wallpaper]
Would you love to experience greater ease, flow, and abundance in your life? If so, gratitude is the pathway that will take you there!
Gratitude helps us to transform our mindset to attract opportunities for greater abundance and joy into our lives.
In other posts, I’ve shared powerful insight about the benefits of meditation and how to practice gratitude during times of adversity…
But sometimes, we just need a little inspiration…
No Dream is Too Big | You Were Made for More
3 Proven Ways to Unlock Bigger Dreams and Have a Life of Joy, Fulfillment & Abundance
Have you ever heard the saying that you are a child of God, a child of the universe, or something similar? You might not disagree… But what does that mean exactly?
Personally, I believe it means that we didn’t create ourselves. Neither you or I have the higher intelligence to create our own bodies or organize our brains into the magnificent interfaces they are.
And, because we didn’t create ourselves, we can access this…
3 Steps to Making Good Decisions All the Time
Follow These 3 Decision-Making Steps and You’ll Be Well On Your Way to Making Powerful, Purposeful Decisions More Quickly and Easily In All Areas of Your Life
Do you ever find yourself having trouble making decisions? Or when you do make a decision, do you often look back and second guess whether or not you made the right decision?
How To Prioritize Every Task Today So Your Calendar Doesn’t Make You Cry
How to prioritize tasks and fill your calendar with meaningful things, including time for fun, rest and rejuvenation
When you look at your calendar – whether it’s on your wall, on your computer or on your smartphone – do you see what your days, weeks, and months look like and feel thrilled?
What My Son John Boggs Taught Me About Halloween
Halloween Is a Time to Have Fun, Wear Costumes and Eat Candy…But There’s One More Thing You May Find Helpful to Remember
What’s your favorite Halloween memory?
Mine occurred during the fall of 1980. My children’s father and I had decided to spend a year exploring the United States while I spoke at 100 different churches around the country.
3 of My Favorite Quotes by One of My Dearest and Long-Time Friends, Les Brown
These Powerful Les Brown Quotes Are Sure To Help You Choose the Path That’s Right for You and Propel You Toward Success!
I first met Les Brown in 1987. Les and I were both just starting out on our journeys to grow our work in the world. Together, with another man who was doing the same, we were invited to work with a mentor named Jack Boland.