How Living With Intention Can Turn Unfavorable Circumstances Into Appreciated Blessings
You May Not Always Have Control Over What Happens In Your Life, But You CAN Choose How You React to People and Situations, No Matter How Frustrating They May Seem!
Author Charles Swindoll once said,
“Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.”
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, but I also understand how challenging it can be to put our emotions on pause and shift how we react to people we feel frustrated by, or in situations, we find very challenging!
What’s Your Mindset? | Fixed and Growth Mindset Examples
The Key to Unlocking New Opportunities, Long-term Success, and Living Up to Your Greatest Potential
Have you ever faced a challenge in your life that you just couldn’t seem to overcome? Maybe you’re even facing a challenging circumstance, situation or condition at this very moment.
Napoleon Hill once said, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
In every challenging situation you or I will ever face there is opportunity, even if we can’t see it right away.…
How to Get Closure With Someone You Feel Has Let You Down
3 Powerful Steps You Can Follow to Release Pain, Anger or Resentment from the Past, and Move into a Happier, Freer and More Joy-Filled Future
Before I was a transformational life coach, I was a counseling psychologist for many years.
After counseling many individuals and couples from a psychological framework, I learned that most of us tend to rehearse the pain of our pasts over and over again, hoping that if we relive it enough, it will go away.
Break Through Your Love Blocks | How to Have Happy Relationships
How a Pair of Socks Almost Ruined My Relationship and the One Simple Shift to Be Happy in Your Relationships
“Do I even know the real him? Are things going to go downhill from here, now that he’s revealing his true colors?”
In an instant, I went from marital bliss to feeling that things would start to crumble. Maybe my love story was too good to be true, and this was the first glimpse of what the future held for me.
What caused me to question my entire…