Honoring The Extraordinary Life of Bill Harris, Who Recently Passed From This Earth
Bill Harris Was A Leader In The Fields Of Personal Development And Science… And Most Importantly, He Was A Dear And Beloved Friend
Today, I invite you to join me in celebrating the incredible life of Bill Harris, a leader in the personal development movement who passed from this earth on May 1 after a few months of illness.
2 Incredibly Important Lessons My Mom Taught Me – Plus A Very Special Free Gift In Honor Of Mother’s Day
The Special Gift I Have For You Today Is Actually Something That’s Very Dear To My Heart That My Mom Created A Few Years Before She Passed. Apply It, And You’ll Experience More Fun, Joy And ALIVENESS Each Day!
Did you know that on Mother’s Day there are more phone calls being made around the world than on any other holiday?
5 Steps to Completing a Project You May Be Procrastinating On
Here’s A Surefire Process That’ll Help You Complete Any Project With Greater Ease And Speed
Are you procrastinating on doing what you know you need to do to complete a project that’s important to you?
Or have you ever gotten excited about starting a new project – perhaps planning a big family event, making some upgrades to your home or planning your dream vacation – but then somewhere along the way you lost your inspiration and motivation to keep going with it?
The Top 3 Qualities to Look for In an Accountability Partner
The World’s Most Successful People Have An Accountability Partner
Do You?
If not, here’s how to pick one.
If you’re committed to transforming your goals and dreams into reality, you can absolutely accelerate the process by having a mastermind partner.
So what exactly is a mastermind partner, also known as an accountability partner?
This is a person who believes in you and your dreams. They believe that there’s a power within you that’s far greater than any circumstance, situation or condition, and they believe in your ability to create the…
How to Apologize In a Way That Will Make Your Relationships Stronger Than Ever
FREE DOWNLOAD: 10-minute guided audio meditation, “The Power of Forgiveness”
Here Is A Simple But Powerful 5-Step Process For Making The “Perfect Apology” That Mends Fences And Builds Bridges
Have you ever apologized to someone for something you did or said, but then afterward, you felt like your apology wasn’t fully received or accepted? And so you weren’t able to fully mend the relationship?
7 Priming Examples to Achieve Your Dreams Faster & Easier
How to “Hack” Your Unconscious Mind to Set Yourself Up for Success
Are you truly in control of your thoughts and actions?
What if there was a way to “hack” your subconscious mind with subtle cues to sway the way you think, behave, and even your mood?
This phenomenon actually exists – and the good news is that you can harness its power to speed up your manifestations.
In his groundbreaking book Blink, bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell shines a light on how subtle changes in…
What Saint Peter and a Donkey Stuck in a Well Can Teach You About Rising Above Adversity
Whatever your personal spiritual beliefs may be, here’s a little Easter humor to remind you that every adversity brings with it an opportunity to grow and expand into the next, best version of yourself.
There’s a funny story about Easter that has stuck with me for many years, and it goes like this:
Two Simple Ways to Feel More Inspired and Passionate About Your Life
Deepen your connection to your intuition: free guided audio meditation
Wondering How to Find Your Passion? Here Are a Few Easy Ways to Break Out of Your Regular Routine and Experience Greater Aliveness Each and Every Day
As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are growth-seeking by nature. We love and thrive on the feeling of progression and achievement.
But it’s also very easy to fall into routines that can leave us feeling stagnant or stuck. While routine can be healthy and productive, routine can also actually lull the brain to sleep.