4 Powerful Lessons from Martin Luther King Jr. on How to Transform Dreams Into Reality
Important, life-changing lessons from Martin Luther King Jr. on how to dream big, persevere in the face of adversity and live from a place of love
Martin Luther King Jr. is of one of the most influential American leaders of all time who changed the entire landscape of the country.
Pomodoro Technique: The Simple Way to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated
One simple technique that will help you get motivated and stay motivated when pursuing your goals and dreams!
Did you know that we all have different motivational styles that work best for our type of personality? This has been scientifically researched and studied by the American Psychological Association.
In order to get motivated and stay motivated, we have to determine the ideal motivation style for us.
An Important Step to Achieving Your Goals and Dreams
One of the most important steps to achieve your goals and dreams this year is to kick fear out of the driver’s seat of life!
Here’s a short story of how I did precisely that.
As we launch into a new year, many of us are looking for inspiration and opportunities to take the necessary steps to achieve our goals. Many of us also set New Year’s resolutions in hopes of fulfilling our dreams.
Would you love to turn around a year from now and say that this year was actually the very best …
A Simple 5-Step Process For Evaluating Your Goals
Here’s how to evaluate your goals and dreams, and make sure they are worthy of your time, attention and energy
The end of each year is a very special time – a chance to reflect back on the progress you made on the goals you set for yourself, on all of the opportunities that came your way, and the challenges you may have faced over the past year.
Most importantly, the New Year is also a time to create a clear and compelling vision for what’s next for you!
Happy Holidays! Here’s How to Experience More Love, For Yourself and Others, Than You’ve Ever Known
Experiencing More Love This Holiday
Many of us grew up on all kinds of Christmas carols, and when we hear those Christmas carols, they can actually take us right back to the days of our childhood.
One of my favorite Christmas carols has a line in it that says,
“Let every heart prepare Him room.”
To me, this line of the song means to let your heart prepare room for the real meaning of Christmas – for the real transcended experience of having a light that comes into your life…
10 Ways to Use Gratitude to Raise Your Vibration Instantly
Daily Practices To Feel Better, Manifest Faster, and Transform Your Life
Raising your vibration is one of the fastest ways to align with the life you desire.
If you want to manifest your dreams and live a life full of joy, abundance, and purpose, learning how to raise your vibration quickly is key.
And one of the simplest, most powerful tools to do this is practicing gratitude.
When you focus on gratitude, you naturally shift your energy from lack to abundance, from stress to peace, and from fear to love. It’s like…
The Time I Felt a Lack of Compassion for Someone Who Was Struggling, And What I Learned From It
Have you ever judged someone without knowing the whole story behind why they were acting the way they were?
A number of years ago, after food shopping at a grocery store, I got into the checkout line to pay. The store was busy, and the line up to reach the cashier was long.
After being in the lineup for some time, I eventually noticed that the cashier seemed really grouchy and irritable with each customer she dealt with.
How to Increase Your Creativity and Generate Great Ideas That Can Turn Into Extraordinary Dreams
Great ideas don’t have to be “once in a while” occurrences! You can actually increase your creativity and generate amazing ideas simply by tuning into the power that’s already within you.
Have you ever wanted to increase your creativity, so that you’re able to inject more inspiration, fun and flow into a dream you want to transform into reality, or something else you’ve set your mind to?
Should You Sacrifice Your Financial Stability to Pursue Your Dreams?
Do you have to sacrifice your financial stability in order to build your dreams?
Many of the people I work with have asked me things like:
“Do I have to give up my job in order to pursue my dream? It’s safe and comfortable, but what I REALLY want is to be pursuing something else…”
“But I’m worried that if I go for my dream and it doesn’t work out, I’ll have given up everything that I’ve built up until now. What should I do?”
The Time I Was Incredibly Rude at the Airport, and the Invaluable Life Lesson I Learned from It
The life lesson I learned by getting mad at taxi drivers, airport security and missing my kids’ spring break.
Years ago, I committed to speak at a conference, without realizing at the time that this speaking engagement would cause me to miss most of my children’s spring break.
When the event was over, I wanted to get home as quickly as possible so that I could spend at least a day with my kids before they went back to college.
I’d already arranged to catch an earlier flight over the phone.
I thought…