Are You Drinking Poison, and Expecting the Other Person to Die?
Some relationships can make letting go of resentment seem impossible.
They can feel so unhealthy or toxic that, once we finally get out of them, all we want to do is leave them in the past and keep moving forward.
We have no desire to reconcile with the other person who we may feel has wronged or betrayed us…
And we may even look for ways to avoid running into them out there in the world, because we don’t want to be reminded of our negative or painful experience.
Law of Abundance | Create a Life of Prosperity and Success
3 simple and powerful practices to activate the Law of Abundance in your life!
Many of us have internal programming that prevents us from achieving the success and abundance we’d love.
These limiting beliefs and paradigms can cause us to block the abundance of the universe. We self-sabotage, miss opportunities, and allow financial success to pass us by, even though it’s available to us.
As my good friend Bob Proctor used to say, “Most people don’t earn $50,000 a year because they want to earn $50,000 per year… they earn $50,000…
A Simple But Powerful Personal Development Habit That Can Transform Your Life
All of us face challenges in life from time to time – but, by applying a simple personal development habit, the mountains you face can quickly become molehills!
Every single one of us faces challenges from time to time in our relationships, career, business, finances, or any other area of life.
But there is a very simple but powerful personal development habit you can apply that can help you overcome any challenge, faster and easier than you ever imagined possible!
Feeling Adrift? Here’s Advice from Ancient Roman Philosopher, Seneca, on How to Create a Life You Love
Advice that has been around for this long has to be great! From Ancient Roman Philosopher, Seneca, you can learn to create the life you want and shift your thoughts toward success!
Do you feel adrift like you don’t know which way your life is going?
Wouldn’t you love to know how you to find your direction… but perhaps you are not sure of which course you should take?
How To Tune into Your Heart Intuition
Here are 3 surefire ways to tune into and be guided by your heart intuition, so that you’ll make wiser and more confident decisions in all areas of your life!
Heart intuition is the natural ability or power to know something without physical proof or evidence.
Whether you call it an inner knowing, your higher self or your “sixth sense,” that wise inner voice inside is always communicating with you in ways that your logical, rational mind can never know.
3 Simple But Powerful Steps for Solving Any Problem Like Einstein!
Follow These Simple Problem-Solving Steps to Overcome Challenges with Ease!
“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking that created them.”– Albert Einstein
The most successful people know that sometimes the most difficult situations and the biggest challenges can only be overcome with a new perspective.
In fact, understanding the power in simply generating a new perspective can help you to overcome any circumstance, condition, or situation you may face!
But how? Like Einstein, understand that everything that exists within the…
One Dad’s Fun, Annual Tradition for Honoring and Deepening His Relationship with His Adult Daughter
A few years ago, I received a call from a friend of mine who was ecstatic after a breakthrough weekend that he’d just had with his daughter.
That previous Friday afternoon, he’d driven to his daughter’s college campus for the annual Parent’s Weekend.
Between her school work, her boyfriend and her packed social schedule, his daughter’s calendar always seemed to be wonderfully full – and this being her senior year, she seemed to be even busier than usual!
Why Celebrating My First Mother’s Day at Age 17 Was Actually a Blessing
Mother’s Day is often a day of reflection for me.
I celebrated my first Mother’s Day at the age of 17, and while that may sound scary for some, it was actually a blessing for me.
My sons, Rich Boggs (2) and John Boggs (5)
Whether you’re a mother or not, I’m sure you’ve had moments in your life that have rocked your world in a big way. We’ve all been there.
It’s what we do when we stare down the seemingly impossible situations in our lives that show us what we’re truly capable…
17 Surprising Dating Tips for Women | How to Find Love
Little-Known Advice To Avoid Early Dating Mistakes, Attract Your Man Faster, And Build A Healthy Relationship
“Will I ever find love?”
There’s no escaping Valentine’s Day. Everywhere you look, there are red and pink heart decorations, chocolates on sale, and flowers…
It can seem like it’s all there just to remind you how painfully single you are.
You’ve tried everything to find a partner, but you have no idea how to find love…
Especially, how to find love in 2024.
These days you find…
What the Dalai Lama Told Me About His Enemies That Will Cause You to Rethink Your Relationships
Many years ago, I received an invitation to travel to Dharamsala, India, the seat of Tibet’s government in exile, to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
The group I represented at the time was to be interviewed to see whether or not we would have the opportunity to co-facilitate three week-long meetings with the Dalai Lama and other world leaders, to discuss how to solve the world’s most pressing problems.
Naturally, I said “Yes!”