Who Is In Your Positive Circle of Influence?
Entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, once said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
I invite you to pause for a moment to absorb the significance of that statement.
Next, think about the five people with whom you spend most of your time.
If you combine the annual income of those five people and divide it by five, chances are this is approximately the same amount of income that you earn.
Those of us who’ve studied the art and science of…
How to Overcome Failure & Bounceback to Even Greater Success
The 3 Steps To Turning Setbacks Into Stepping Stones
“Am I not cut out for this?”
There may have been times when you set your heart on something — when you took action, stepped outside of your comfort zone to achieve your dream…
And still didn’t experience the results you wanted.
Or maybe you experienced some success, only to slide back again.
That feeling of failure can be tough. I know this from personal experience!
And yet, one of the defining traits of highly successful people…
Self Improvement: The Top 3 Transformational Books to Have in Your Library
What personal growth and self-improvement books do you have in your library that inspire you and help you develop new highways of awareness, so that you can create a life you truly love living with greater speed and ease?
After investing the last 40+ years studying the invisible side of success, and the last 30+ years coaching tens of thousands of people in the art and science of transformation…
I’ve found that every single person wants to live a life that they love.
Not everyone may be able to articulate…
How to Deal with Negative Naysayers with Love & Compassion to Maintain Happiness
Do you have negative naysayers in your life — people who may be trying to discourage you from pursuing your goals and dreams?
How do you handle this type of negative criticism, so that you can maintain your happiness and positive thinking, and keep moving forward toward what it is that you would truly love?
Any time you seek to stretch beyond your comfort zone, and set a great goal for yourself or take some new kind of positive action toward a dream that you have, there will often be people in your…
Is It Selfish to Pursue Your Dreams?
Have you ever wondered if it’s selfish to pursue your dreams?
The answer to this question is, it depends! It CAN be selfish to pursue your dream, if your dream is only about you.
But most dreams, even the ones that may seem selfish to you, actually DO benefit the world around you!
Let me explain:
After investing the last 40+ years studying the spiritual side of success, and the last 30+ years coaching tens of thousands of people in the art and science of transformation, I’ve found that every…
4 Top Teachers of Transformation Reveal Their Secrets to Overcoming Fear & Making a Difference
Highly successful people will tell you that, rather than try and reinvent the wheel when it comes to transforming your dreams into your reality, follow in the footsteps of someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve!
This week, I’ve asked several of the world’s top teachers of transformation 3 very important questions about:
- how to overcome fear
- deal with “negative naysayers”
- making a difference in the lives of others
If you have a desire to create a life you truly love living and…
You Created The Results You Have in Your Life
Many of us create our lives by default…
We allow our habitual ways of thinking, the circumstances and conditions that we find ourselves in, and the expectations of others, to dictate the choices we make and the results in our lives… without stopping to ask if what we are creating is what we would truly love.
Years, sometimes even decades, may pass by until one day, we hear that “still, small voice within” whispering to us that there’s so much more to life than what we’ve been experiencing.
The Power You Are Not Using: A Story of Personal Growth
I was on vacation with my grandchildren in Cabo San Lucas, when they suggested we rent four-wheeled, all-terrain vehicles.
I will admit, I’m more of a read-a-book-by-the-pool type of person. I’m not a big fan of motorcycles, and though my children explained that ATVs were different because they had four wheels instead of two, that did nothing to assuage my fears.
What Gandhi Wants You to Know About the Power of Positive Thinking
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
What does this mean? How does it embody the power of positive thinking… and how does it instruct us on finding happiness?
We think, we speak words, and we take action. But when our words and actions are not in alignment, we are essentially teaching ourselves and others that we can’t be trusted.
In other words, our thoughts, words and actions lack integrity. This can erode our sense of trust in ourselves, which in…