Change Your Words, Change Your Mindset | Mindset Transformation
The easiest way to master the art of mindset transformation and start achieving your goals
How many times have you told yourself you were going to do something to improve your life…
But then months or years pass by without much actually changing?
I’ve been there… and it’s easy to get down on yourself! It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the problem is you.
What if the problem isn’t you?
What if you just haven’t had the support or awareness to change the part…
How to Be Happy – and How to Be Unhappy
Happiness eludes a lot of people
There are books written about it.
There are pharmaceutical drugs intended to help people feel it more often.
We invent and buy things that promise to make us feel just a little bit happier, every day.
Yet, none of these are an easy answer to how to be happy.
When I was a very young woman, just beginning to study personal development, the topic of happiness was something that fascinated me. I noticed that there were some people that were happy pretty much all…
Unfolding Your Good
Forgiveness is a shift in perception, which removes a block to the awareness of Love’s presence.
There’s a saying that goes,
To hold a grudge is to drink a little poison each day and expect the other person to die.
It’s true!
Forgiveness is a cleansing of your mental field.
It cleanses mis-perceptions; it puts you in a higher vibration.
You and I have the power to charge every experience with an opinion, deciding this is good, or this is not good.
The Inner Critic – What is it and Why it Matters
Research has shown that we all have a learned voice of internal judgment, the inner critic.
That internal voice can shut down your genius.
When you realize that it doesn’t matter what happened in your upbringing, you are liberated.
As author Tom Robbins writes,
It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
When you practice applying the right perception, that inner critic no longer has a hold on you and you open to a whole new experience.
Rather than wallowing in any stagnant negative feelings, find something that…
The Power of Forgiveness | Forgiving What You Can’t Forget
A Simple Guide to Letting Go of Resentment, Getting Closure and Healing Your Heart
Have you ever had a sense of built up resentment about something or someone from your past?
Maybe it’s a betrayal that still stings, an argument that haunts you, or a loss you can’t let go of. These feelings can keep us stuck, making it hard to move forward and live lives we love.
But what if I told you there’s a way to free yourself from the hurt, and open the door to a brighter, more peaceful future?
In Honor of My Friend, Wayne Dyer
It was with great sadness that I learned of the passing of my friend and colleague, Dr. Wayne Dyer.
I first met Wayne 30 years ago through our mutual mentor, Jack Boland.
Jack introduced us because he saw that we had something in common—we understood that the invisible side of our nature works to produce the visible side of our results.
Since then, Wayne and I worked together often, exploring that invisible side and examining how life works.
Through his stories and teachings, he helped us laugh at…
Love Is What You Are
Love is what you are – in your essence, in your deepest core.
You are never separate from love.
But often, from living in fear, your body will close to the feelings of love; your heart will close in protection.
But closure is not a final state.
Love is like a rose, opening in bloom.
The bud is tight, protected, contained – yet its destiny is to open and blossom, to unfold its fragrance for all to enjoy.
Today, be willing to feel the love in your heart.
What you Focus on Expands
Have you ever noticed that what you focus on, you start to see more of?
If you’re hungry, you start noticing the restaurants on the street. If you want to buy a new red sports car, all of a sudden you see little red sports cars everywhere.
What you focus on expands.
Most of us have a tendency to focus on what’s missing and what’s wrong because we want to fix what’s missing and we want to fill what’s wrong.
A much more powerful way of doing this is to…
The Holy Instant of the Universe
In A Course in Miracles there is a reference to something called the “Holy Instant.”
The Holy Instant is this very moment.
All the possibility for a miracle, all the possibility for breakthrough, all the possibility for creativity, invention, healing, transformation…
Everything is contained in this Holy Instant.
Imagine walking through this day realizing that moment by moment, you are in the Holy Instant of the Universe.
There is nothing blocking you from unlimited good except your own sense of separation.
That means the only thing…
Notice What You’re Grateful For
When you have a negative thought, treat it like an ash that has popped out of the fire and landed on your jacket — flick it off right away and it won’t burn you!
Thoughts of doubt, worry and fear are not something you want to take over your consciousness.
The moment you spot them, flick them off and go back to noticing what you’re grateful for.