What you Focus on Expands
Have you ever noticed that what you focus on, you start to see more of?
If you’re hungry, you start noticing the restaurants on the street. If you want to buy a new red sports car, all of a sudden you see little red sports cars everywhere.
What you focus on expands.
Most of us have a tendency to focus on what’s missing and what’s wrong because we want to fix what’s missing and we want to fill what’s wrong.
A much more powerful way of doing this is to…
The Holy Instant of the Universe
In A Course in Miracles there is a reference to something called the “Holy Instant.”
The Holy Instant is this very moment.
All the possibility for a miracle, all the possibility for breakthrough, all the possibility for creativity, invention, healing, transformation…
Everything is contained in this Holy Instant.
Imagine walking through this day realizing that moment by moment, you are in the Holy Instant of the Universe.
There is nothing blocking you from unlimited good except your own sense of separation.
That means the only thing…
Notice What You’re Grateful For
When you have a negative thought, treat it like an ash that has popped out of the fire and landed on your jacket — flick it off right away and it won’t burn you!
Thoughts of doubt, worry and fear are not something you want to take over your consciousness.
The moment you spot them, flick them off and go back to noticing what you’re grateful for.
DreamBuilder LIVE Changed 1,000 Lives
Last weekend, at DreamBuilder LIVE, something amazing happened:
Our participants banded together to lift 1000+ people from poverty and desperation into hope, abundance and joy!
There’s an amazing story behind that moment… and it all started with a crushing betrayal.
The betrayal
Before I knew my friend, Cynthia Kersey, her husband left her for another woman. She was deeply hurt, and her therapist told her that to get through the pain, she would also need to work through her anger.
When Cynthia asked how long she would need to stay…
How to Make Room for Expanded Good in Your Life
The mind is a funny thing.
For many of us, maybe even for you, when you are ready to create greater success than you have ever known, your mind will dig into the past and tell you why it can’t happen.
When reaching for expanded joy, love, and success, your mind might show you pictures and tell you stories about the failures of your past.
It wants to build a case for why it won’t happen now.
You might even find thoughts floating around which seem to tell you that thinking about…
The Invisible and Visible Laws
You are operating in a life that has two components: the visible and the invisible.
Just as there are physical laws, there are laws of mind and spirit.
If you’re wondering if this is true, just test it out.
Put your mind in harmony with the good you seek, begin to expect it and notice that you will begin to experience ideas, opportunities will arise, and people will make suggestions that are in harmony with your desired good.
Have you ever decided to buy a blue car and all of a sudden…
How to Relax In The Now
We live in a world that keeps us very busy.
Most people are not relaxed.
There’s only one place to be relaxed, and that’s in the now.
If you are thinking about the past, or the future, you won’t be as relaxed into the moment as you could be.
Try this:
Feel your body relax.
Feel your breath rising and falling.
Everything is here and now.
Just feel your forehead relax and your shoulders let go.
Sitting in God’s Classroom
I love reading the poetry of Hafiz, the Persian poet in the 1300’s who in his poetry writes about having a love affair with life itself, right in the midst of our daily living.
He writes this one sweet little poem that I want to offer you today for consideration.
We have all come to the right place.
We all sit in God’s classroom.
Now, the only thing left for us to do my dear, is to stop throwing spitballs for a while.
What a wonderful thought!
The Law of Mind
No desire is felt until the supply is ready to appear.
That is the truth.
The minute you have a desire, it is immediately in the Law of Mind, in the Law of Receiving.
The supply exists at a level that you are not aware of, but when you embrace your desire and expect its fulfillment, you draw it to you.
The Law is infinite; it does not withhold any more than the law of mathematics could withhold numbers.
You may make mistakes as you find your way, but they…
Trust That What You Plant Will Grow
If a farmer plants corn in her field, she knows that at the end of the season, she will harvest corn.
She won’t start doubting the corn, worrying that tomatoes will pop up.
So it is in consciousness.
What you focus on will manifest.
If you doubt that process, you are out of harmony with the Law.
Trust that what you plant is what you will harvest!
Today, proceed without doubt.
Trust in your desires, and expect all good to come to you.