How to Get Over Fear of Rejection & Go After What You Want
4 Strategies to Help You Let Go of the Need for Approval & Achieve Your Dreams
Life is an adventure, brimming with opportunities to seize!
But, for many of us, it can feel like there’s an invisible barrier keeping us stuck. Whether it’s going after your dream job, approaching someone new, or even expressing your opinion, this ever-so-common fear can keep you from living life to the fullest. When triggered, this fear can feel overwhelming and scary and prevent you from doing things you truly want to do.
In this post, I’ll help you…
7 Benefits of Having Fun | The Transformative Power of Joy
Discover why having fun is important for a more joyful and vibrant existence, and how you can start creating more fun in your own life today!
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to let the pursuit of fun slip through the cracks. In fact, for many people, fun might feel like a distant memory… Something frivolous that only children get to prioritize.
But, it’s so important to recognize that embracing fun isn’t just a luxury; it’s necessary for our overall well-being! Making time and space for fun and joy is…
101 Positive Self Talk Quotes to Overcome Your Inner Critic
Positive Self Talk Affirmations to Help You Embody Your Best Self & Build a Life You Love
Positive self-talk is a technique that works by practicing replacing negative thoughts with encouraging, optimistic ones.
This internal dialogue involves using affirmations and encouraging words during challenging situations. Think of it as choosing to listen to your inner coach vs. inner critic!
At Brave Thinking Institute, we teach a simple results formula. Your thoughts impact your feelings, your feelings impact your actions, and your actions determine your results. That means, if you want to change your results,…
Rediscover the Magic: How to Fall in Love with Life
Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and it’s easy to feel stuck in day to day tasks and challenges. I often say, some people can live for 90 years, but most end up living one year, 90 times!
If you want more out of life than living the same year over and over, here’s the important truth: In each year that we experience the gift of life, we also have an opportunity to fall in love with living all over again.
In this post, we’ll explore proven strategies that can help you build…
7 Myths About Meditation to Let Go Of Now
Break through these common misconceptions about meditation and start experiencing the profound benefits of this simple tool today!
You may have heard or read about all the ways that meditation can improve your life- mind, body, and spirit! But, so many people miss out on the life-changing benefits of meditation because it seems so… hard.
If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I can’t meditate”, or “It just doesn’t work for me…”
It might be time to explore the truth about meditation and reconsider these common meditation misconceptions.
Meditation Myth #1: Meditation practices…
5 Ways to Train Your Brain to Achieve Your Goals
Overcome common obstacles and train your mind for success. You can accomplish anything!
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”
-Henry David Thoreau
Have you ever gone to the gym or started an exercise program to increase your strength?
If so, you’ve probably experienced how consistency and repetition of even the simplest movements can have a real and lasting impact.
In the same way, our brains are highly adaptable and can be shaped through deliberate practice…
7 Tips to Finding True Peace in Chaos
How to master the art of inner peace and stay calm in stressful situations
We all have stress in our day to day lives.
And if you feel like your life can move beyond stressful and get downright chaotic from time to time, you aren’t alone!
The good news is this…
Staying calm in the midst of chaos isn’t a personality trait you have to be born with. It isn’t a gift only available to a few blessed individuals. In fact, finding peace in chaos is both a skill you can…
Limiting Beliefs Exercise: How to Find What’s Holding You Back
Learn how to identify your limiting beliefs and remove the invisible blocks keeping you from accomplishing your dreams
If you’ve struggled to achieve real transformation in your life, sometimes despite your best intentions and effort…
Your progress and success may be blocked by a limiting belief (or several!).
In this post, you’ll learn:
3 Powerful Money Mindset Shifts | How to Manifest Money
Make these simple, practical mindset shifts for greater financial abundance. Start manifesting more money today!
How do you feel when you think about money?
What thoughts come up when you think about your financial situation?
Money can be a source of fear, stress, and limitation…
Or it can be a resource that allows us to take care of ourselves and do more good in the world.
That isn’t to say that the numbers don’t mean anything, but numbers and balances aren’t the whole story. In fact, your money mindset plays…
Unlock the Secret to Happiness: Choose to be Happy & Change Your Life
Activate the power of choice to feel better, achieve more, and live longer!
Want to know what most people get wrong about being happier?
Happiness isn’t something that can be bought or achieved through external means alone. At its core, happiness is an inside job.
If you want more happiness in your life, consider this: Happiness is a state of mind. And we each have the power to choose our state of mind at any given moment.
In fact, the practice of choosing to be happy is a powerful tool that can…