My Law of Attraction Journey | What 50 Years of Manifestation Taught Me
Brave Thinking Institute founder Mary Morrissey shares her 50-year Law of Attraction journey and how she’s manifested her dream life.
Have you ever wondered what a lifetime of manifesting could do for you?
Is there a way to exist in a state of life transformation, where you’re constantly vibrating at your highest level? Can you make your future life a happier life?
That’s exactly what I’ve done with my own life, and what I’ve dedicated myself to helping others achieve. In my fifty years of studying the spiritual principles of success, I’ve…
Top 10 Manifesting Mistakes | “The Law of Attraction Ruined My Life”
The Easy Way To Skip Past The Deadliest “Dream-Killing” Pitfalls When Manifesting
Ever since the movie The Secret came out, the Law of Attraction has captured people’s imagination.
The idea that you could harness a seemingly magical invisible force that will grant your every wish…
While you only have to sit back and think positively about what you want…
And everything you desire could just fall into your lap is pretty appealing, right?
When it comes to manifesting and the Law of Attraction, most people have…
3 Ways to Shift Your Paradigm and Manifest Your Dreams
We all have “paradigms” that we’ve carried throughout our entire lives. These collections of thoughts and beliefs make up our understanding of “normal” and define our limitations.
They also draw the line in the sand between the life we know and the life we would love. Some paradigms whisper in our ear all the reasons why we can’t, won’t, and shouldn’t cross it.
Most of the time, we listen. After all, they make sense in our current awareness, where circumstances, situations, and conditions demand all of our attention.
But if you would…
How Meditation Helps Shift Your Energy and Raise Your Vibration
Meditation is often understood as learning how to “not think”, but many find that they quickly lose focus after just a few minutes (or seconds) of trying.
However, when done correctly and intentionally, meditation can have a great deal more power and potential than simply emptying your mind. The practice of meditation can change your energy, shift your frequency, and act as an empowering spiritual reset.
In this post, you’ll learn what your “frequency” is, how it influences your emotions, and what you can do to turn meditation into a life-changing practice that isn’t just about…
Common Law Of Attraction Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
The Law of Attraction works perfectly, but that doesn’t mean we operate it perfectly!
Just like the Wright brothers studied gravity and faced failure along the way to achieving flight, your frustrations with manifestation may simply be a disconnect with how the Law of Attraction really works.
And if the Law of Attraction fails to produce the results you desire, I invite you to consider some of the most common Law of Attraction mistakes that result in self-sabotage and manifestation blocks.
Today’s post will help you overcome your frustration and disappointment and…
The Law of Attraction: What Is It and How Does It Work?
The Law of Attraction is the relationship between your thoughts and how they create your reality. Where your thoughts create vibrations, and your thinking generates a frequency that attracts things with the same energy to you.
In short: like attracts like.
And similar to the law of electricity or gravity, the Law of Attraction is active and working all around you regardless of your awareness or belief in its existence.
But when you do have the awareness and understand how to work with it, you can use the Law of Attraction to create intentional,…
3 Surprising Ways Brave Thinkers Use The Law Of Attraction
What is a Brave Thinker?
People who know that no matter what happens, there is always a seed of greater good in any difficult circumstance or challenging condition.
Brave Thinkers are people committed to finding, planting and growing these seeds, because they know doing so is the key to making their greatest dreams come true!
At this very moment, there is a place inside you where you can develop the same ability to have a circumstance without it completely having you.
Where no…
The Science Behind The Secret and The Law Of Attraction
In the same way the laws of gravity, electricity, or magnetism work regardless of our awareness, the Law of Attraction is always actively at work in our lives – at all times, for all people!
Just like magnetism can be harnessed to create superpowered “maglev” trains (in which magnets help achieve train speeds of up to 375 mph!), developing a spiritual and scientific understanding of the Law of Attraction can help create powerful results, and deeper harmony, in every area of your life.
The purpose of today’s lesson is to explain how the scientific principles behind…
7 Easy Exercises to Attract Abundance & Manifest Anything
Your Simple Guide To Get Unstuck and Create Your Reality
Imagine opening the door to every single dream you hold dear – greater joy, fulfillment, and even financial security.
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it a titanic task? Not at all.
Today, we’re diving into some simple, powerful exercises to help you tap into the abundance mindset you need to attract abundance in your life…
So you can start manifesting your desires faster than you ever imagined.
These practical exercises will help you create…
Law of Attraction Exercises | 11 Easy Ways to Manifest Your Dream Life
Use these simple, practical manifesting exercises to make the Law of Attraction work for you
Consider this…
Every physical form – from chairs and buildings to systems and lighting – was first a thought. That thought, paired with inspired action, led to its physical manifestation.
The same creative power rests in you: to bring your own dreams from the realm of imagination into your physical reality.
These 11 simple, but powerful, exercises will help you work WITH your inner creative power to bring your dreams into reality, master the Law of Attraction,…