Innovative Tools and Practical Advice to Create a Life You Love Living
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By: Mat Boggs
Updated: November 2, 2021
The Simple Truth About Whether Life Coaching Without Certification Works – and Is a Coaching Certification Worth It
Do your personal goals include becoming a life coach – or do you even feel called to follow this rewarding and lucrative career path? If you’re like many other aspiring life coaches, one of your top questions is “Do you need any certification to be a life coach … or can I just call myself a life coach and get started right now?”
This question is common – and very understandable. Aspiring life coaches are unique…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: October 29, 2021
In the same way the laws of gravity, electricity, or magnetism work regardless of our awareness, the Law of Attraction is always actively at work in our lives – at all times, for all people!
Just like magnetism can be harnessed to create superpowered “maglev” trains (in which magnets help achieve train speeds of up to 375 mph!), developing a spiritual and scientific understanding of the Law of Attraction can help create powerful results, and deeper harmony, in every area of your life.
The purpose of today’s lesson is to explain how the scientific principles behind…
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By: Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Updated: October 28, 2021
Imagine having a life-long friend that has experienced every single moment with you and knows you better than anyone else in the world…
…but makes it a point to remind you of your flaws and failures every chance they get.
You probably wouldn’t want to be around someone like that!
But as much as you try to shake them off, they only fade into the background…
Just to come back right as you’re about to try something new – or make a significant change – or take a risk!
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By: Mat Boggs
Updated: October 26, 2021
Checklists are so powerful because of their simplicity and capacity to do two things:
Although this free life coach checklist is capable of both, it’s primarily designed to help you visualize your next steps and encourage you to take action!
These 5 things form the foundation of a proven, repeatable checklist to launching, growing, and maintaining a successful…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: October 22, 2021
Imagine opening the door to every single dream you hold dear – greater joy, fulfillment, and even financial security.
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it a titanic task? Not at all.
Today, we’re diving into some simple, powerful exercises to help you tap into the abundance mindset you need to attract abundance in your life…
So you can start manifesting your desires faster than you ever imagined.
These practical exercises will help you create…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: October 19, 2021
For most people, even thinking about a career change can feel daunting and even disruptive.
Stepping outside of your comfort zone is bound to create resistance, starting within yourself. Perhaps you doubt that the pivot will be successful or that everyone (including your own inner voice) is right that “you’re not ready” or that “it won’t work out.”
Our goal today is to assess those thoughts and feelings head on and recognize the 3 blocks to successful career change…
So you can move beyond them and easily shift your life into a…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: October 16, 2021
Consider this…
Every physical form – from chairs and buildings to systems and lighting – was first a thought. That thought, paired with inspired action, led to its physical manifestation.
The same creative power rests in you: to bring your own dreams from the realm of imagination into your physical reality.
These 11 simple, but powerful, exercises will help you work WITH your inner creative power to bring your dreams into reality, master the Law of Attraction,…
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By: John Boggs
Updated: October 16, 2021
Today I’m going to change your view on leadership with an 11-year old friend of mine – Logan.
His fresh perspective on leadership blew me away. And not only will it add to the deep, intuitive leadership skills you already possess, but it’s simple enough to challenge the fundamentals and take them to a whole new level.
To prove my point, I’m sharing our discussion on the three things leaders avoid doing and how the same lessons apply to everyday life (you can watch the video here). With these refreshing, timeless insights, you’ll…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: October 12, 2021
Imagine for a moment that you’re on the road. You put on your favorite music and let your thoughts fade into background noise. Next thing you know, you zone out and everything shifts into auto-pilot.
Eventually, you realize you don’t know where you are!
Everything looks unfamiliar, you’re in a daze, and you feel completely lost.
Dread and disappointment creep into your thoughts as you wonder – “Wow, how did I get here? And how do I get back on track?”
This story represents a life coach on auto-pilot.
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: October 11, 2021
When large numbers of people – with similar beliefs and goals – come together for a singular purpose, magic happens.
When two or more are gathered together, they produce a collective vibrational signature. That frequency then generates their results. These frequencies, when combined, raise the vibration of the whole room and interact with your subconscious. A ripple effect is created that impacts your mental, emotional, and spiritual reality long after the event ends.
If the people you surround…
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