Innovative Tools and Practical Advice to Create a Life You Love Living
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By: Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Updated: March 15, 2021
How many times have you looked in the mirror and thought, “If only…”
If only I had a flatter stomach…
If only I had less cellulite…
If only I could lose just a few pounds…
How often have you seen images of picture-perfect Instagram models and even against your wiser self, a part of you wished and longed you could look like them? (Even though the rational part of you knows that the pictures you see on social media have all been airbrushed, filtered,…
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By: John Boggs
Updated: March 13, 2021
How a Pharmaceutical Company Accidentally Confirmed the Power of a Simple Tool to Improve Leadership of Yourself – and Others
Your effectiveness as a leader has a direct impact on many things in your life and business: Your income, your ability to influence and persuade the people you lead, and perhaps most importantly, on the purpose you feel and your ability to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
So it’s not surprising that leaders like us constantly seek tools, tips and resources to become more effective as leaders. We know that…
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By: Mat Boggs
Updated: March 11, 2021
Have you ever heard the statement “You don’t attract what you want in life, you attract who you are”?
Well, it’s absolutely true. And recently I decided to put it to the test by asking women who got married after working with me:
What are your lives like now? What shifts helped you call…
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By: Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Updated: March 6, 2021
Adopt My 3 Simple Daily Practices to Shift Your Mindset, Raise Your Energy, and Change the Trajectory of Your Life
As an ambitious woman who wants to squeeze as much juice as possible from her amazing life, you’re likely juggling a career, family, friendships, building healthy habits, keeping the house clean, staying ahead of errands (and then somehow trying to carve out some “me time” and rest).
You expend a lot of energy to keep all of these activities organized and in motion. The danger we face is when we get out of balance…
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By: Mat Boggs
Updated: March 5, 2021
You know that phase at the beginning of every relationship where you’re having such an incredible time and you just want to tell the person exactly how you feel?
But you’re worried it’s too soon to share something that deep…
Or that it might scare him away…
So you hold back on sharing those thoughts.
Well, I’ve got good news for you!
Chances are, if you’re having butterflies and you can’t stop smiling whenever you think of him, it’s more than likely he feels the exact same way! …
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By: John Boggs
Updated: February 26, 2021
On Valentine’s Day 27 years ago, I experienced both one of the lowest points in my life, as well as one of the highest highs! The business leadership lesson I learned in the aftermath of that experience has served my success for the past 27 years – and the biggest takeaway from that day’s emotional roller coaster can serve you, as well.
On that February 14, I walked into my boss’s office and received devastating news. “John, today…
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By: Mat Boggs
Updated: February 25, 2021
So, you’re dating somebody new, you’ve got great chemistry, and everything seems like it’s progressing well…
But then he tells you he’s not sure he wants a relationship!
How you react to this situation could determine whether the relationship progresses into an incredible connection… or hits a dead-end rut neither of you can…
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By: Mat Boggs
Updated: February 19, 2021
Feminine energy is one of the most powerful tools for attraction.
Feminine energy and masculine energy are polar energies which means they attract one another.
Let me be clear. We are not talking about a specific gender. As human beings we embody both masculine and feminine energy. Men and women have both masculine and feminine energy.
Think of these energies like a spectrum or a scale, where on one end you have feminine energy, and the other end…
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By: Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Updated: February 19, 2021
My Journey From Body-Abusing Professional Dancer to Birthing the TranscenDance™ Movement
Modern society, particularly in the Western world, has inevitably created a separation of our mind, body and spirit. But as “spiritual beings having a human experience,” we’re meant to be at one with the beauty of our whole being. Did you know you can experience your body as the chalice of your soul — the sacred vehicle through which your spirit gets to enjoy its human experience?
Conscious dance is a unique movement and healing modality that creates divine expression, and unity among…
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By: John Boggs
Updated: February 19, 2021
Love him or hate him, there’s no denying that now Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady, is a G.O.A.T. — Greatest Of All Time!
For all the years he played for the New England Patriots, a huge rival of my favorite team, I considered him a nemesis. But straight off his seventh Super Bowl win — especially considering the circumstances — even I must acknowledge and admire his GOAT status.
If you, like me, would like to be the ‘greatest…
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