Innovative Tools and Practical Advice to Create a Life You Love Living
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: May 30, 2019
Comments: 8
By: Rich Boggs
Updated: May 29, 2019
Comments: 1
By: Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Updated: May 24, 2019
OK, so let’s dive right in here!
It’s called nitric oxide!
You might be asking, “What is it, why is it important, and why should I care?”
Nitric oxide is a powerful molecule that resets your power grid and reboots your body the same way you reboot your computer in order to make it work better. Nitric oxide is like a refresh button for our body and soul!
Nitric oxide is also crucial to maintaining optimal health because it causes muscles in the…
Comments: 5
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: May 24, 2019
How to Focus on the Gifts They Left Behind: A Simple Way to Think About and Honor Those Who Are No Longer With Us In Physical Form
In the United States, Memorial Day is a national holiday dedicated to remembering and honoring those who died while serving in the military. However, over the years, Memorial Day has also become a day to remember any loved ones who have passed away, regardless if they served in the military or not.
Comments: 9
By: Rich Boggs
Updated: May 14, 2019
Comments: 0
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: May 11, 2019
5 Unique, Heartfelt Ways to Express Your Gratitude, Whether Your Mom Is Here or Not
When we were little, most of us didn’t understand all of the day-to-day things – big and small – that our mothers did for us.
Comments: 19
By: Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Updated: May 10, 2019
Would you love to feel more vibrant, and live a more passionate and connected life?
The picture below is of my 40th birthday with my favorite women.
Included are my mom, daughter, mother-in-love, adopted mom, adopted aunt, my BFF, and some amazing friends all who I adore.
Who isn’t in the picture above is my maternal grandmother Dorothy, who I miss every day.
Here’s a picture of my My maternal grandmother Dorothy…
Dorothy always said,
“If you create an attitude that life is fun, and grasp the…
Comments: 11
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: May 9, 2019
A True Story From Jack Canfield About Going After “Unattainable” Dreams
Monty Roberts owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro, California. Several times per year, Monty allows my friend Jack Canfield to use his house to host fundraising events for youth at-risk programs.
Comments: 6
By: Mat Boggs
Updated: May 7, 2019
Comments: 7
By: Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Updated: May 6, 2019
With all of the demands put on us these days through work, family, life and social obligations, it’s easy to put ourselves on the back burner.
But in doing so, we end up exhausted, stressed and overwhelmed.
True self-love is the foundation of a happy and fulfilled life, and an essential key to giving love AND receiving love from someone else.
When you take time to nourish yourself, you’ll be able to put your best self forward in your personal and professional life.
Here are 5 power questions you can…
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