Innovative Tools and Practical Advice to Create a Life You Love Living
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: May 3, 2016
Comments: 37
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: April 27, 2016
Have you ever felt weighed down by your past?
As if no matter what you do, you can’t seem to shake the hurt, pain or the negative thoughts from experiences long over?
Happiness, joy and fulfillment feel long gone, and you honestly forget the last time you felt that way.
But regardless of how long you’ve been feeling this way, you can start creating change in your life.
If your past is holding you back from creating a life you…
Comments: 6
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: April 22, 2016
Comments: 0
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: April 8, 2016
Comments: 2
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: April 6, 2016
Are you an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur?
Do you find yourself wondering, “Why is finding time to grow my business such a challenge?“
If finding time to grow your business has been a challenge for you, you’re not alone…
Time is a limited resource, and every single one of us only has 86,400 seconds in a single day — yet, the world’s most successful people are able to accomplish much more in those 86,400 seconds!
What’s their secret?
In just…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: February 16, 2016
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: February 15, 2016
Comments: 2
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: January 28, 2016
“You have power over your own mind – not over events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Marcus Aurelius
When I learned how to apply this quote to my life, I gained the ability to stay calm even when my circumstances seemed overwhelming. I also learned to use a simple mind hack to shift my thoughts and turn serious problems into unappreciated blessings, while also finding unexpected solutions along the way.
Comments: 10
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: January 21, 2016
Have you ever had a day when you felt irritated, stressed and strained, and every little thing that happened seemed to make it worse?
People around the world, especially Americans, often report feeling overwhelmed by busy-ness. We’re surrounded by electronics, opportunities, choices and information, all coming at us at high speed, and sometimes our brains struggle to sort through the deluge.
People today have to make more decisions in 24 hours than our ancestors did in a year. Even little things, like buying a pair of athletic shoes, are more complicated than they used to be,…
Comments: 2
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: January 14, 2016
Mother Teresa once said,
We can do no great things; we can do only small things with great love.
What this woman practiced absolutely transformed the thinking of many, many millions of people on this planet, about what a difference one person can make.
So today, go into everything you’re doing, every conversation you have, and seek – not to do great things – but to do small things, with great love.
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