Innovative Tools and Practical Advice to Create a Life You Love Living
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: April 1, 2015
No desire is felt until the supply is ready to appear.
That is the truth.
The minute you have a desire, it is immediately in the Law of Mind, in the Law of Receiving.
The supply exists at a level that you are not aware of, but when you embrace your desire and expect its fulfillment, you draw it to you.
The Law is infinite; it does not withhold any more than the law of mathematics could withhold numbers.
You may make mistakes as you find your way, but they…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: April 1, 2015
Comments: 67
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: March 25, 2015
If a farmer plants corn in her field, she knows that at the end of the season, she will harvest corn.
She won’t start doubting the corn, worrying that tomatoes will pop up.
So it is in consciousness.
What you focus on will manifest.
If you doubt that process, you are out of harmony with the Law.
Trust that what you plant is what you will harvest!
Today, proceed without doubt.
Trust in your desires, and expect all good to come to you.
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: March 18, 2015
What if you knew already that today is an absolutely great day?
Everything that will happen this day, every person you will meet, every thought you will think; everything has been orchestrated by the universe, by the love itself in which you live, move, and have your being.
Trust that right now you’re in the midst of a great day.
If there’s something you want to have happen in your life that isn’t here yet, use today to celebrate it as if it were already here.
Thank the universe in this moment…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: March 10, 2015
Comments: 4
By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: March 4, 2015
One of the greatest gifts you can bring every person you meet this day is to truly see them.
I don’t mean just seeing people at the personality level, or as their history or what they look like at a physical level.
Instead, let’s make the practice about seeing essence.
Practice seeing the “being” inside the human being.
Practice seeing the great soul in the amazing disguise of the human flesh.
In that seeing, you are actually helping anchor heaven on earth. By the seeing, you’re helping someone before you…
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By: Mat Boggs
Updated: March 3, 2015
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: February 26, 2015
Are you constantly being distracted by tasks that need to be completed?
Sometimes, it’s easy to see the opportunities that have come into your life… but harder to act on them.
You know that you need to do the things that move you closer to your dream, but you’re constantly dogged by thoughts of the tasks that you promised yourself you would complete, but haven’t yet accomplished.
These thoughts can drain your energy, focus and confidence, and leave you unable to move forward.
So today, I’m giving you a simple exercise to…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: February 25, 2015
Buddha was once asked a series of questions by his followers.
“Are you an angel?”
He said, “No.”
“Are you a saint?”
He said, “No.”
“Then who are you?”
The Buddha said, “I am awake.”
So today is an opportunity to practice being more wakeful.
To be awake is to recognize the miracle of aliveness.
We can be awake and, instead of trying to hunt for miracles, we can realize…
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By: Mary Morrissey
Updated: February 17, 2015
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