00;00;03;23 – 00;00;32;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
Welcome to the abundant coach. I’m your host, Lauren Brollier Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business, while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you’ll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients. Facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.
00;00;32;03 – 00;00;55;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
Welcome back to the Abundance Coach Lauren Newton here. Super happy to have you. And we’ve got a great topic today. I am having a fuzzy socks kind of day. Not a fuzzy socks kind. It is. It’s like you just want to wear fuzzy socks and be all warm and cozy. So in this fuzzy socks day, I’m super thrilled to bring you this podcast episode where we’re going to talk about creating a successful mindset, the thoughts that can change your life.
00;00;55;19 – 00;01;18;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I. If I had heard this podcast episode title a few years, maybe 7 or 8 years ago, I would have rolled my eyes because I would have thought about all these successful people who are saying it’s all about mindset and all about mindset and been like, oh really? How does that work like that just sounds like so something people say when they’ve already been successful or something like that, like, how does that even work?
00;01;18;10 – 00;01;42;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
Like, how does changing my mindset going to really do it? Because I didn’t think of myself as a negative thinker. I was a hard worker. I was a positive thinker to some regard in my own mind, like I just didn’t. I didn’t fully grok, like, how is me thinking a different thought? Actually going to create $1 million result or a business of my dreams, or like I didn’t fully understand it because I hadn’t really heard a practical application of it until I met Mary Morrissey.
00;01;42;09 – 00;02;03;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I’m so grateful that I did. So today I’m going to give you a really practical view. Mindset is everything. I swear, if you could just get 90% of your energy on focusing on what your thoughts are, you’re thinking your life would change dramatically for the better 100%. And because we think thoughts all day long, that can seem in some ways like a very big undertaking.
00;02;03;03 – 00;02;26;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
And the great news is you don’t have to change your whole mindset overnight. Just a slight change in mindset can lead to dramatically, dramatically different results. When I’m working with our clients who are coaches and I’m helping them grow their business and some of our coaching programs, our coach certification and our after support programs. I can hear just in the way that a coach asks a question why they are or are not successful.
00;02;26;29 – 00;02;49;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
And the reason I can hear that is because I can hear the vibration or the feeling tone of what they’re asking and where it’s coming from, and I can hear whether they notice it or whether they don’t notice it. And all of that tells me whether it’s a mindset issue or an actual strategy issue. I would say 98% of the time it is a mindset component.
00;02;49;22 – 00;03;12;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
It could be a strategy thing, but more so it’s a mindset component around the strategy, around the thing that they’re doing. This is a very important topic. I am going to share a quote with you by Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein says your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions. Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.
00;03;12;11 – 00;03;28;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
Other words, whatever you’re thinking about is going to be the result in your life. And that is absolutely the case. So I want to I want to illustrate this by telling you a story. Now, I tell my signature story a lot about what was going on at the time. I got divorced and I met Mary and I became a coach.
00;03;28;27 – 00;03;54;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
You’ve heard it other places. Maybe you’ve heard it on this podcast, but hardly ever do I get a chance to share or share with you what happened to leading up to the moment of getting divorced and finding out my husband lived a double life and all this stuff, and I’m going to take the moment to do it here today, because I think this is a very clear demonstration of how changing your mindset can change your life, and what thoughts to think and how to do.
00;03;54;14 – 00;04;23;28
Lauren Brollier Newton
It is illustrated perfectly in this story, so you can borrow everything I did during this story in order to start creating the successful mindset that’s actually going to change your results. I was married, I was a school teacher, I was teaching school, and I also had a side business. And at the time, that side business was doing about $400 a month, and it was in a network marketing company and business, a company I still love to this day, but I couldn’t get myself beyond $400 a month.
00;04;24;00 – 00;04;36;29
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I thought I was working really hard, and I thought I was doing everything that I knew how to do to grow this business. Now, on some level, I was very proud of myself. I was a school teacher, and somehow I figured out a way in a network marketing business, I’d never run a business or done anything before.
00;04;37;06 – 00;05;01;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
Very, very part time. I got in my organization, as we call it, to $4,000 of sales a month, which was about a $400 paycheck to me. And in some ways I felt very, very proud of that. But in other ways, I was so freakin frustrated because I saw all these people in the same company having great success, people who weren’t even, maybe as good at me at teaching or some other things like having way more success.
00;05;01;24 – 00;05;19;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
I didn’t understand at that point all that I know now, of course, about how results are created and all of that. So at the time I had, I wanted to grow that business so that I could have more income so that I could deal with the debt and all the other things I had, because at the level of fact, my school teacher paycheck was not very much.
00;05;19;19 – 00;05;37;29
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I’m having this side business. A friend of mine who knows I have this side business tells me that she read a great book and that she thinks I would like it in that book, which is the book the Answer by John Aziraphale. And if you if you listen to my episode with him, you heard me mention this story briefly.
00;05;38;01 – 00;06;06;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so I start reading this book. Really, the thing that I’m thinking is going to help is this business I’m trying to grow on the side. This part time network marketing share products, Mary Kay kind of business. And so I’m reading it for that. There is a chapter in that book where John Nazareth talks about affirmations, and he talks about the importance of writing affirmations and working with affirmations in terms of what you really want in your life, not what you think you can do, but really, what do you really want?
00;06;06;09 – 00;06;25;20
Lauren Brollier Newton
What would what would it be good for you? There was a point, or at least I don’t know if he says this in the book or this is just what I took from it, but on a personal level, I was having a realization that I wasn’t happy with teaching, and that terrified me. And the second thing I was having a personal realization of is I also wasn’t happy in my marriage, but my marriage had just started.
00;06;25;20 – 00;06;44;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
I wasn’t even married for a year, maybe just about a year. And so that terrified me. But as I’m listening to the answer, I’m realizing that there’s there’s in some level I’m going to have to face this. And that was really scary for me because I had been shoving it down for a long time and just trying to avoid it and trying to positive think my way out of it and all these things.
00;06;44;03 – 00;07;17;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I make a series of affirmations based on his work in the book. It wasn’t a vision yet. I didn’t understand that. I just make a list of affirmations. And here was how the list of affirmations read my husband I grow deeper in love every day. We’re affectionate with one another. We grow dreams together. And I’ll just tell you why I wrote those affirmations based on, John Nazareth’s instruction in the book is because I didn’t feel like we were growing in love every day, and I didn’t feel like we had any shared dreams, and I didn’t feel like we were affectionate.
00;07;17;25 – 00;07;39;20
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I basically just did the opposite, which is what was part of the instruction on the vocation or work side of it, which was one of my other Dissatisfactions. I said, I wake up every day with passion and purpose, and the reason I wrote that is because I was not feeling passionate and purposeful about teaching by any means, and I was no longer feeling passionate or purposeful about the side business.
00;07;39;20 – 00;08;03;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I wanted to feel differently. So I wrote, I wake up every day with passion and purpose. I generate $20,000 a month in income, which is hysterical because I wasn’t even generating between my school paycheck and my and my network marketing check. Maybe 3400 take home max. So I wake up every day with passion and purpose. I generate $20,000 a month in income, and I help other people build their dreams.
00;08;03;05 – 00;08;20;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
And the reason that I wrote that is because in a network marketing business, you can help other people build their business and then maybe help them make their dreams come true. And I did want to do that. Now, just know this. I didn’t know I was going to be a coach at that time. I didn’t know anything about dream building or visioning or all the things we talked about on the Abundant Coach all the time.
00;08;20;19 – 00;08;37;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
I just did what John Nazareth told me to do. Okay, so I was, what? A lot of times we call that an unconscious competence. I didn’t know if it was going to work, but I was really good at just following that instruction. It’s interesting because I had read hundreds of other self-help books up until that time, and I’d never followed through with it.
00;08;37;13 – 00;08;55;28
Lauren Brollier Newton
And there’s a part of me that wonders why did I follow through with it this time? What caused me to actually take action this time? And I think it’s because I was reaching the point where one I was getting miserable enough, but to, I think he laid it out in such a practical way that I could understand it.
00;08;55;28 – 00;09;12;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
And that’s why I wanted to share this with you today, because hopefully when you hear what I did and how I did it and what things changed for me and what it led me to, it’ll give you some practical tips to do something to and create that successful mindset. So the other thing John Nazareth said is that you can’t just say the affirmation once.
00;09;12;16 – 00;09;31;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
It has to become your mindset. Now, I’m not quoting directly from the book, I’m just sharing my memory of the book. So what I was really good at and we can talk about this on another podcast. But I had I was good at saying the affirmations, every day and here’s how I did it. And this is really powerful.
00;09;31;22 – 00;09;58;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
I didn’t know then this is what I was doing, but now I know it’s called habit stacking and habit stacking is where you take something that you’re already doing, and you stack a new habit on top of it to make it easier. So as an example, if you always brush your teeth every day and you’re wanting to also, I don’t know, learn Spanish, you could play those Spanish tapes while you’re brushing your teeth because you always know you’re going to brush your teeth.
00;09;58;08 – 00;10;16;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
So you just stack the new habit on top of it, right? So now I have it stacked. I didn’t know it was called that, but I. But how? Here’s how I did it is every time I got in my car, I said these newly written affirmations as I was in my car a lot because I commuted. So I commuted to work every day and from work every day, and then I might maybe run some errands.
00;10;16;16 – 00;10;35;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
So every time I got my car, I said these affirmations because I was going to be in my car anyway. I just thought, well, that’s a good idea. So I say these affirmations. My husband, I grow deeper in love. We’re affectionate with one another. We build dreams together. I wake up every day with passion and purpose. I generate $20,000 a month and I help other people build their dreams.
00;10;35;24 – 00;10;57;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
How can I still remember these affirmations to this day? Because I said them over and over and over and over and over again every time I got in my car. So if you want to create a successful mindset, part of my recommendation to you is you look at what you’re struggling with, you create opposite day with your affirmations, and it’s not enough to just say it in the morning or just do it in your journaling.
00;10;57;02 – 00;11;13;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
It’s there’s a rigor to saying it all the time. What that’s going to do is it’s going to create a new neural pathway in your brain, and then it’s just going to become part of who you are. So I say these affirmations every day, every day, every day. The other thing I want to share with you is part of what fails with people.
00;11;13;22 – 00;11;28;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
Creating a successful mindset is they try it for a day. And if your life doesn’t change in a day, they give up. And the idea is that you’re just going to say these affirmations until they become your mindset. You’re not saying, I’m going to sand for 30 days and say what happens? Saved for ten years if that’s what it takes.
00;11;28;01 – 00;11;44;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
But say the affirmations I didn’t have an attachment to when I was going to stop saying the affirmations. I was just in for the experiment. So you want to be willing to just keep saying the affirmations until you see the results that you want to have, but there’s no timeline on that. It’s not like, oh, I’m going to say this for five days, and if I don’t see the results, I’m going to quit.
00;11;44;22 – 00;12;00;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
No, the successful mindset is the thing that you’re now building now. Like like I said at the beginning of this episode, you don’t have to change all your mindset a day if you’re just willing to say, I said six affirmations. If you’re just wanted to say two or 4 or 6, you’re good. That’s all you have to do to start.
00;12;00;16 – 00;12;21;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I say these affirmations every day. I didn’t see a great difference in a week, I didn’t, but after two weeks I did start to see some serendipity happening. I had a neighbor that lived next door to me. Her name was Pat and she was a lovely lady. She knew about my side business for years because I had invited her before.
00;12;21;14 – 00;12;40;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
She’d seen people coming over to my house for my little home parties or whatever, but she she was never interested in it. She never said yes to the invites. And then one day I see her at the mailbox outside of our houses, and she’s like, oh my gosh, I’ve been thinking about you so much. I totally want to hear about your whole thing that you do.
00;12;40;02 – 00;12;56;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
And will you come show me? And so, like within a day, I’m at her house, I’m showing her she’s purchasing products for me. And I remember thinking like, oh, this is interesting. She’s live next door to me all these years. At that point, it was 2017. I had been doing this, business since 2013 with not much. It was not a ton of success.
00;12;56;13 – 00;13;21;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
I was proud of myself for the things I created, but wanted more, of course. So for four years she knew she had been invited. She never did. What made her say yes now. And I know now, knowing everything I know it’s because my mindset changed. I wasn’t weird, I wasn’t hoping, I wasn’t in a get energy. I was in the energy of my affirmations that I help people and I generate this much income and I’m passionate and that vibration attracts people.
00;13;21;10 – 00;13;40;26
Lauren Brollier Newton
The vibration I was on previously might have attracted some people, but not enough to really grow it, you know, thriving business or anything like that. So I saw that. The other thing that happened is I was supposed to have a get together at my house where I would show my products that month that I was saying the affirmations.
00;13;40;26 – 00;13;59;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
I was supposed to have a party on a Saturday. On Friday, people were dropping like flies. They said they were going to, come. And then on Friday they’re calling me saying, oh, I’m sick or I can’t come. And there was a part of me that wanted to get in despair about that. But what I did, what did I do?
00;13;59;13 – 00;14;19;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
I went right back to my affirmations. My husband, I go deeper in love every day. I’m passionate and purposeful. So that’s the thing about affirmations. You’re saying them habit stacking, but you’re also saying them when other things trying to come up above in your mind. Remember, this is about creating a successful mindset. So I’m having thoughts of I’m not going to be successful or this sucks, I’m going to notice that thought.
00;14;19;09 – 00;14;44;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m going to change it. A brave thinking institute we call that tool. Notice what you’re noticing. If you notice yourself out of harmony, just get back in harmony. Say the affirmations. So I did see some things starting to move. So this is October 2017. November 2017 comes and I decide this is the month I have been floating around this $4,000 mark in this little side gig that I have forever, and I want to generate the next level.
00;14;44;16 – 00;14;59;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
So in network marketing, you have ranks where you can reach certain ranks depending on the number of sales you do. So I’m like, you know what? This is the month that my team and I are going to do $10,000. And so I’ve been at $4,000 for years. I’m sick of it. I’m doing something different. Now. Here’s the thing.
00;14;59;10 – 00;15;18;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
Why did I think that? Thought I’m doing something different? Well, I’ve been saying for, you know, 30 days I wake up every day with passion and purpose, like I’m on the wavelength now of success because I’ve been saying these things over and over again every day. When good stuff happens, when bad stuff, whatever’s happening, I’m saying these things.
00;15;18;19 – 00;15;47;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I decide. November 2017 is my month 40 days into saying these affirmations. Now, 40 days is a very significant number in a lot of cultures. In the Bible. There’s a lot of things that happen over the course of 40 days, and I believe that is because why why do all these metaphysical texts, whether it’s the Bible or the old, the Old Testament, the, the, you know, all these ancient texts have 40 days is a very symbolic number.
00;15;47;21 – 00;16;08;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
It’s because things don’t happen overnight in human birth. Oh, surprise, surprise. Because like, every, every, Instagram person would like to make you think that things happen overnight. I’m here to tell you they don’t. They don’t. They require rigor. Can they happen overnight? Absolutely. More often than not, it is a there’s a gestational period to how results are created in life.
00;16;08;03 – 00;16;38;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
But when you’re pregnant it’s nine months. When a tree grows there’s a certain gestation that happens. And same with dreams. 40 days into saying these affirmations, my husband at the time comes home, looks like he’s seen a ghost and says to me, you’re not my dream girl precedes on giving me a list of all the qualities a dream girl would have that I don’t have, and then says, you bring nothing to the table.
00;16;38;08 – 00;17;05;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
Of course, in that moment I’m so. I was literally sick to my stomach. My life, like literally my life flashed before my eyes because I had just got married. I had wedding gifts that were just still in their boxes, and I’m like, why is this happening to me? And I’m distraught and I’m upset. I, I was a, at that time in my life, I was more of a, hard shell kind of person, like a hard exterior.
00;17;05;24 – 00;17;26;16
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so I didn’t really let him see how upset I was at first. I was just like, oh, okay, if that’s how you feel about me, then kind of like, excuse me, excuse the expression, but for you and and, and yet on the inside, I was very, very dying. Well, I started to get really emotional by the time we finished the conversation, and he left and he was like, I don’t want to see you cry.
00;17;26;16 – 00;17;39;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
And he left. And then I’m just sitting there like, oh my God, what am I going to do? Sell my house? Tell everybody I’m getting divorced after one year of marriage. Now, I didn’t know at the time he was living the double life. He just made it like, hey, you’re not good. And that’s why I don’t want to be with you anymore.
00;17;39;25 – 00;17;57;23
Lauren Brollier Newton
So we start this separation. The next morning, I woke up. I didn’t really sleep the previous night. I call in sick to work because I’m like, there’s no way in hell I’m going to teach, you know, eight year old how to read today. I was sick to my stomach. I was literally like, I don’t know if you’ve ever had something like this happen.
00;17;57;23 – 00;18;17;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
Some sort of a traumatic event, but your nervous system is just, like, on high alert. So I’m, like, walking around my house just in a daze. And I hear this. My husband and I grow deeper in love every day. We build dreams together. We’re affectionate with one another. I make $20,000 a month. And there was a part of me that wanted to look at the sky and, like, flip off the universe.
00;18;17;02 – 00;18;38;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
Like what? No. Like, I don’t need these affirmations today. Obviously they didn’t work. And then, as if to be you know, this is how the infinite works, is we receive the perfect messages at the perfect time if we’re open to them. A friend of mine who knew nothing about what was going on in my personal life, but did know that I was on this mission to make this November.
00;18;38;06 – 00;19;14;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
My $10,000 a month sent me a text message with an image in it, and the image said, don’t be surprised at how quickly the universe will move with you. Once you have decided, don’t be surprised at how quickly the universe will move with you. Once you have decided. And I looked at that text message. And it’s not that I wasn’t still distraught or sick to my stomach or freaked out, but I looked at that text message and I had like this knowing inside myself and the knowing was, oh my gosh, this isn’t this isn’t like my affirmations didn’t work.
00;19;14;29 – 00;19;44;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
What if this is my affirmations? Did it work because I’ve been saying them for 40 days, and I’ve been saying that the kind of love I would want is where we grow deeper in love every day. We build dreams together and we’re affectionate with one another. That’s the love that I have claimed over 40 days. Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that he leaves, because if he really doesn’t love me and he really doesn’t think I’m his dream girl, and he really doesn’t think I bring nothing to the table, then we’re not a match.
00;19;44;13 – 00;20;08;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
These affirmations are not a match. None of this works. And maybe this is the universe moving with me, because why had he never said this? We’d been together for seven years. Why did this not ever occur over seven years? But today it’s happening. And as stressful as it was and is heartbreaking as that time was, I did have a knowingness that it was because I had gotten on a different wavelength.
00;20;08;21 – 00;20;35;28
Lauren Brollier Newton
The second crazy thing that happened that month. So that was November 15th, that my husband and I have this conversation. I reach November 30th, my $10,000 a month, despite everything that was happening in my personal life. And that is when coincidentally, I knew this was not a coincidence. My relationship changes dramatically, my business changes dramatically, and the only thing that had changed was my mindset, was the thoughts I was saying to myself.
00;20;35;28 – 00;20;59;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
Thinking to myself, being with myself. And so the other crazy thing that changed the course of my life that happened that month, it happened two days before my husband left me, is a good friend of mine, reached out to me and said to me, hey, do you want to go to this thing called Dream Builder life? And I was like, I don’t know what that is, but it seems like it’s in harmony with my affirmation.
00;20;59;27 – 00;21;18;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
So let’s do it. For those of you who don’t know what Dream Builder Live is, it’s Mary Morrisey and Brave Thinking Institute signature event and training. So just so my husband leaves me at day 40, my friend introduces me to Dream Builder Live at day 38. So if I calculate correctly, I don’t want to take the time to do it here.
00;21;18;22 – 00;21;42;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
But 40 days was November 15th. I ended up at Dream Builder Live on January 26th, so and that changed the course of my life that that’s where I became a coach. That’s why I’m here doing this podcast at Brave Thinking Institute. That’s how I generate the multi million dollars that I did in my coaching business. That is all because I said these affirmations.
00;21;42;22 – 00;22;07;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
I got myself in harmony with the matches to my dream. Now the fast forward on this story is of course, I eventually find out that my husband lived a double life and all this stuff. But January 26th, 2018 I find myself at my first dream builder live. And at that Dream Builder live. When Mary got on stage and started talking about all the things that had occurred in my life, basically, I felt like she was talking to me when she talked about all the way that results occur.
00;22;07;14 – 00;22;32;17
Lauren Brollier Newton
I knew that’s why what had occurred to happen in my life. I knew why all of this. The affirmations worksheet helped me put it into perfect shape. So let’s fast forward now to 2025. Think of my affirmations. My husband and I grow deeper in love every day. I have a husband today, a husband that I do grow deeper in love with every day that I am so in love with, even more than the first day I met him.
00;22;32;19 – 00;22;57;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
We do. My husband, Cameron and I build dreams together. We do share affection with each other every single day. It is not a coincidence that those affirmations that I stated back in 2017 led me on a trajectory for all of that to come true. Why did my first husband leave? Because he wasn’t the person. My success mindset helped me to change my life.
00;22;58;00 – 00;23;16;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
I said the three affirmations. I wake up every day with passion and purpose. I generate $20,000 a month doing it and I help other people build their dreams. My coaching business created that and now my position at Brave Thinking Institute created all of that. So I’m sharing this with you. To say it really does begin with the thoughts you’re thinking.
00;23;16;12 – 00;23;36;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
It really does begin with the level of rigor in which you’re willing to create a success mindset, and you don’t have to change every thought tomorrow or your whole mindset. If you’re willing to just select six affirmations like I did, memorize them. Say them all day, every day, and throughout your day, and have a commitment to say them until it becomes your life.
00;23;36;16 – 00;23;55;15
Lauren Brollier Newton
Everything will change for you. Everything would change for you if you were willing to do that. And every time in my life since then, when I’ve been working with my vision or working with something I want to create, I do the same formula and I create it. It’s it’s not magic. It’s actually brain science. It’s the way that your brain works.
00;23;55;15 – 00;24;23;20
Lauren Brollier Newton
It’s the way that we are a conduit with the infinite intelligence pouring through us. Everything that I said back then came true. Now notice the willingness when something went apparently wrong, when my husband comes home and leaves, that I didn’t. I didn’t get myself in despair like, oh, this didn’t work. Everything that occurs on the frequency of this new mindset is going to be proper to your dreams.
00;24;23;22 – 00;24;40;17
Lauren Brollier Newton
And the reason it occurs the way it does is because you will have to let go of some things that are not a match to your success. In my case, it was a relationship. Thank God for that, because the very best thing that ever happened in this journey was the thing that I also, at the time, thought that was the most devastating.
00;24;40;20 – 00;25;03;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
So whether things seem to be going right to you or seem to be going wrong too, you have a willingness to hold those with an open hand that actually there are going to be some things that fall away, and there are going to be some things that get created. But trust that if your affirmations and the thoughts that you’re thinking are true to what you want to create, all the different things that occur are the perfect and right thing.
00;25;03;13 – 00;25;30;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
So that is really the story of how all of this occurred. There’s a lot of other things that happened. There was ups and downs. There was moments where I literally thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. There were moments where, you know, I’m moving back into my parents house and I lost my dogs and all of this stuff, but in the end, the net gain, the summary of it all, is that changing my thoughts in the fall of 2017 led to everything that occurred, including that invitation.
00;25;30;14 – 00;25;54;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
I got to Dream Builder Live, which really transformed my life in ways I could have never even imagined. So the question for you is, do you have a willingness? Do you have a willingness to just write some affirmations and stick with them and habits stack them when you drink your coffee, or when you get in your car, or when you get in the shower, or when you brush your teeth or wherever is going to feel like you can stack that habit.
00;25;54;23 – 00;26;25;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
Are you willing to have a better result? Because I promise you, you will. If you do it now, I’ll say one more thing. It can be challenging in the face of circumstances to hold true to your affirmations. I actually made a decision when my husband left, and that is that I was going to keep saying my affirmations because obviously they were working, so I didn’t get I didn’t get involved with the despair of that relationship leaving.
00;26;25;10 – 00;26;44;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m like, you know what? I’m going to see my husband. I grow deeper in love every day. We build dreams together. We’re affectionate with one another because whether it’s him or not, I still want to be in love, you know? Like, eventually. So I just kept saying my affirmations every single day. I got to Dream Builder, live my life changed, and you think about how it all came true in the end.
00;26;44;11 – 00;27;10;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
I had better tools once I met Mary and had Brave Thinking Institute gotten my structure of support and got my my coach certification. I mean, way better tools because there’s so much beyond affirmations. But if you want to start, if you want to start creating success and creating a mindset, the affirmations, the final thing I want to say, I would be remiss if I didn’t say it, is that it’s not enough to say the affirmations and that’s it.
00;27;10;10 – 00;27;26;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
Notice that as I’m saying, the affirmations I’m acting on the ideas, the opportunities, the people, the thoughts and experiences that come my way, I had to take action on the ideas that were coming my way. So when the friend said, hey, do you want to go to Dream Builder Live? I attracted that, I manifested that I had to say yes.
00;27;26;18 – 00;27;43;28
Lauren Brollier Newton
I had to be willing to take days off work. When that was scary. I had to be willing to do a lot of different things that I wouldn’t normally do. So just know that when the success becomes your mindset part of what comes to you is opportunities, ideas, and you have to be willing to act on them. I had to get myself to Dream Builder live.
00;27;44;00 – 00;28;04;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
I had to say, you know what? I’m still going to build this business. Even though my husband just left me. Like there’s things that you’re going to be required to do. Ralph Waldo Emerson said the first currency of the universe is ideas currency. Meaning how are you going to get paid the first currency, the first way the universe pays you the first sign of manifestation is ideas.
00;28;04;05 – 00;28;21;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so mostly what this mindset is going to bring you is ideas and opportunities. You have to have be willing to act on the idea. You have to be willing to accept the opportunity when it comes to you and when something seemingly bad happens, like in my case, my husband leaving, you have to be willing to see it.
00;28;21;29 – 00;28;41;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
If this was my affirmation coming true, how would I be holding this? Because I could have just said, forget the affirmations, they’re not working. All right. I said a great many things here. I hope you find this helpful. Are you willing? I’d love to hear what happens for you in your 40 days. You can always reach out to us podcast at Brave Thinking institute.com.
00;28;41;01 – 00;28;58;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
And for those of you that are already part of the Brave Thinking Institute family and you’re in coach certification, you’re in programs with us, please never hesitate to share with me what’s going on. Has the podcast working for you. I love you all very much. I thank you for listening and I will see you on the next episode.
00;28;58;26 – 00;29;30;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our website at Brave Thinking Institute E-commerce Coach Certification, where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you’ll never miss an episode. And while you’re at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review to find out how to jump start your funding, coaching career, and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free.
00;29;30;03 – 00;29;37;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at bty.com/coach quiz. I’ll see you in the next episode.