[00:00:00] Lauren Brollier Newton: Welcome to The Abundant Coach. I’m your host, Lauren Brollier Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business while making a profound difference in the world. Each week you’ll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients, facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.
[00:00:30] Lauren Brollier Newton: Alright, well welcome and we have got a good one for you today. I am so thrilled about this interview. So, are you interested in YouTube? Are you interested in marketing? Are you interested in how someone could go from literally struggling nothing to multi multimillion dollar businesses? I’m gonna introduce you to someone who has had more than 170 million views.
[00:00:55] Lauren Brollier Newton: on YouTube Think about the impact of that is a bestselling author and is [00:01:00] also the co-founder of coach certification and of the whole Brave Thinking Institute. So please welcome Mat Boggs in the house. Mat Boggs. How are you?
[00:01:09] Mat Boggs: Thank you, Lauren. As you were doing that intro, I thought, you know, you say, we’ve got a good one for you today. I thought, have you ever said, we’ve got a kind of got a mediocre one for you
[00:01:18] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah, I brought you a mediocre guest today, but don’t tell him. I
[00:01:23] Mat Boggs: exactly. Okay. We’re just going to get through this one. We’re just going to get through it and just see how we do.
[00:01:28] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah, just, you know, write and review, leave a good review. Maybe not on the mediocre one, but yeah, exactly. Mat, I’m so thrilled to have you. I have so many questions for you. So let’s dive right in. So you are the co founder of Brave Thinking Institute. You have trained and certified more than 5,000 coaches, but you’re also a YouTube star who’s created a very Very successful coaching business.
[00:01:51] Lauren Brollier Newton: And what I love about this, Mat is sometimes you will hear from someone who has always sat in the executive seat or talk a lot about marketing or coaching, but [00:02:00] you’ve actually built it. And that’s why I’m so excited about asking questions today. So I want to know, how did you first and foremost get interested in coaching at all?
[00:02:10] Lauren Brollier Newton: Like, what made you go, I want to be a coach, especially because you’ve been in the game long enough that wasn’t like, you know, there wasn’t coaches all over TikTok in those days. So how did that all start for you?
[00:02:20] Mat Boggs: What’s interesting is that more than me getting interested in coaching, coaching got interested in me. I’ll explain why, like, I’ll give you the example of that. I always knew I wanted to teach. I became a certified biology teacher and teaching in the traditional classrooms. I just felt like there was more for me.
[00:02:37] Mat Boggs: I wanted to teach transformation. I wanted to teach personal development. And so then I can remember being 22 years old and sitting on a lunch break as I’m a substitute teacher. Actually, no, I was getting my teaching certificate. So I was teaching biology in the student teaching classroom in my lunch break out in my car and I’m journaling in my journal and I’m dreaming [00:03:00] up a school.
[00:03:00] Mat Boggs: If I could teach anything, That I would want, I would teach people how to create dreams, how to build their visions. And I remember writing at the top of this sheet of paper, the vision years, it was going to be called the vision years was this school and how fascinating now that we certify and train dream builder coaches to help people craft a crystal clear vision and then bring that vision to life.
[00:03:23] Mat Boggs: It’s just like, wow, how amazing this universe is. And so. Getting my teaching certificate. It was in that process that I got an idea to write a book about what makes love last because it was a big pain point in my life. I wanted to solve it for myself, myself so that I could have the love of my life and create a family.
[00:03:40] Mat Boggs: And so I ended up interviewing America’s greatest marriages. Couples who’ve been married over 40 years, traveling 12,000 miles around the country in an RV with a documentary film crew and my best friend. And, we learned things that absolutely transformed our hearts. And it led to me finding my wife getting married and I was, promoting that.
[00:03:59] Mat Boggs: [00:04:00] Going around speaking, I was like, this great, I get to teach, this is what I get to do. And in all of these talks, I had people coming up to me saying, will you coach me?
[00:04:09] Mat Boggs: Like, This is great. You’re teaching me how to make love last from what you learned from all these couples, but help me with step number one.
[00:04:16] Mat Boggs: Like, help me like find the person
[00:04:18] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah.
[00:04:19] Mat Boggs: and I had no idea how to help them. I had no, this was 2007. I didn’t, I wasn’t a certified coach, but I wanted to, I had a desire to, I had a desire to serve and coach and transform. And so I got a coach certification my, a life coach certification process I went through and, and did my best to start helping people.
[00:04:37] Mat Boggs: But quickly realized that selling a book in the back of the room, is not going to cut it. And even though I had an audience, I was able to go around and speak. I already had way more of a platform than most people who are starting. I had already been on the today show twice. I already had somewhat of an email list.
[00:04:54] Mat Boggs: I had already done some things and here I was with a platform with a coaching [00:05:00] certificate. And I still couldn’t grow the business and that was even more embarrassing and more painful. Like most people’s like, well, if you have all of this, you should make it successful. It was like, I struggled to grow this business, but that was what ultimately got me into coaching in the first place.
[00:05:15] Mat Boggs: Is it really are these audience members coming to me saying, I want you to coach me
[00:05:20] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah, that’s so interesting, Mat, couple of different things. So let me ask you this is, were you struggling? So you have this platform, you’ve been on the today show, you’re speaking. So people are coming to see you speak. Is it because you didn’t know how to monetize that?
[00:05:32] Mat Boggs: I didn’t know how to monetize it. I was selling books at the back of the room. And then even when I became a coach, I didn’t know how to like invite people into the coaching program. I didn’t know what my price structure should be. I didn’t know really even how to run. Like I had some moderate success.
[00:05:48] Mat Boggs: I had made $22,000 my first year, but I spent $24,000 to make the 20. I was still upside down and completely broke. And so, yeah, it was a tough [00:06:00] beginning for sure.
[00:06:01] Lauren Brollier Newton: I think it was Jim Rohn who talked about before he passed away, or maybe it was someone, maybe it was a protégé Jim Rohn, but I just remember someone saying that he realized that just by speaking and getting the speaker’s fee and not selling products. services coaching packages that he had missed out on so much income, but impact because he was so focused on the speaking.
[00:06:23] Lauren Brollier Newton: He didn’t, and didn’t know how to monetize it.
[00:06:25] Mat Boggs: Yes. Yeah, no, a 100 I mean, speaking is like the tip of the iceberg and the speaking fees is like the tip of the iceberg. 90 of that impact transformation that’s available for audiences is in working with you beyond that stage. And 90 of the revenue therefore is in working with you beyond the stage.
[00:06:44] Lauren Brollier Newton: So when you get to this point where you know, you want to be a coach, coaching finds you. It’s funny Mat because I will tell you that I didn’t know really what a life coach was when I started. When I found Brave Thinking Institute, I didn’t know people did that. I wasn’t in a world where people hired [00:07:00] coaches.
[00:07:00] Lauren Brollier Newton: I wasn’t in a world where that was a thing. And so I just knew I wanted to help people. I wanted to speak. I was a good teacher. And so it was kind of a similar thing in that. Then I found out, Oh, that’s what life coaching is. Well, that’s a match for me, that term didn’t mean anything to me.
[00:07:14] Lauren Brollier Newton: So I didn’t know I wanted to be a coach, but when I found out what it was, I was like, yeah, I’m in a 100 and probably a lot of listeners listening now are in that same place. Oh, I can speak. I can teach. I can help people. Perfect.
[00:07:26] Mat Boggs: Yeah. Like, I remember my very first life coaching moment. So like a big part of what I do today is I help women manifest their man. Right. And help them call in the love of their life, create that beautiful relationship and nurture and grow it into something amazing, beautiful partnership. And I can remember you’re talking about not knowing what a life coach was, you know, as we were growing up, there were no life coaches.
[00:07:48] Mat Boggs: even today, Yeah. People still don’t know what I do. Even my close friends I invited one to come to one of our seminars. It’s called dream builder live, this big personal development seminar. And Lauren, you’ve been, you came when you [00:08:00] first, your journey began at a dream builder life. And so when she came to dream builder live afterwards, she goes, Mat, I’ve known you for 10 years.
[00:08:08] Mat Boggs: And I honestly can say, I didn’t know what you did. Like I had no idea what you did. And it’s so common for people who are, you know, speakers and coaches and whatnot, that your family’s like, well, I don’t know exactly what you do. Cause it’s so nontraditional. It’s not like you’re an accountant. They just don’t have an image of what it looks like.
[00:08:26] Mat Boggs: But Check this out. When I was 13 years old. I’m in junior high and one of my friends is dating. Another is dating this girl. She’s a friend of mine as well. And they broke up, they break up and she’s just heartbroken. And so she calls me cause she knows I’m friends with him. And so I’m talking to her in this back in the day where you couldn’t like.
[00:08:44] Mat Boggs: Go to your room with a private conversation because the phone is mounted on the wall and it’s got like a, a long early cord. And so I’ve got this long cord kind of pulled around this other room and I’m sitting in this chair and the cord’s like tight, you know, [00:09:00] and I’m talking to her for like a half an hour and I’m just trying to do it, say anything I can say to help her out and to help her gain some perspective and why things went down the way they did.
[00:09:09] Mat Boggs: And at the end of this conversation, she goes, Mat. You’re really good at this. Like you should do this when you grow up.
[00:09:15] Mat Boggs: And I
[00:09:16] Lauren Brollier Newton: Oh
[00:09:17] Mat Boggs: I was, and I’m 13 years old, I’m
[00:09:19] Lauren Brollier Newton: Oh my God.
[00:09:19] Mat Boggs: And I remember thinking to myself, I hang up. So thank you so much. And I hang up the phone and I remember you know, walking back to hang up the phone and thinking, Well, this would be like the coolest job ever.
[00:09:29] Mat Boggs: If I could do that as a living, like that would be amazing. And that was like the first life coaching moment that I had where I knew that I felt lit up by helping people shift a state, by helping people overcome a problem, by helping people move forward when they’ve had some kind of struggle or pain.
[00:09:46] Mat Boggs: and now it’s like, okay, well, this is literally what we get to do. Is get on the zoom or, you know, the phone needs sometimes. And it’s like, okay, you help them understand where it is that they want to go, where they are now, [00:10:00] what’s in the way and help them create breakthroughs. And it’s like, that’s the most, can’t imagine a better job.
[00:10:05] Mat Boggs: Like this. Now, some people hate it, right? Some people are like, I just want to tell, cause to be a life coach, you got to have some patience. You have to be really good at listening. You have to have compassion. You know what I mean? And empathy. and other people are like, Oh, I could never do that.
[00:10:19] Mat Boggs: Like, I just want to tell people what to do and then have them do it. Like I do not want to walk them down the path. You know what I mean? and I just think, you know, well, everybody’s different. And I guess that’s why they make you know,
[00:10:31] Lauren Brollier Newton: But I will tell you this Okay. So this is one of like the, so when I first became a coach, I hear, you know, if you want to speak, if you want to teach, if especially these, you know, spiritual principles and help people transform, this is for you. Then I heard the word life coach.
[00:10:45] Lauren Brollier Newton: And I think my mind immediately went to,
[00:10:47] Lauren Brollier Newton: Well, you’ve heard me say this before, but I was like, I heard the word life coach. I identified it with like super woo woo. Like I got to wear a tie dye and like burn incense and be super flowy, which is not my personality at all. [00:11:00]
[00:11:00] Mat Boggs: of me
[00:11:01] Lauren Brollier Newton: It’s objective didn’t get,
[00:11:02] Mat Boggs: you didn’t get the crystal outfit. We sent you when you got certified.
[00:11:06] Lauren Brollier Newton: Exactly. I was like, I don’t like that. Like, that’s so not my personality. And so I had that, but then I also thought similar to what you’re saying for some people, the only model that I had in my mind was therapy. So I’m like, I do not want to listen to people stuck in their problems. That was actually a thing that came up for me.
[00:11:23] Lauren Brollier Newton: But you and Mary Morrissey, our other co-founder
[00:11:27] Lauren Brollier Newton: taught me was that there’s structure to these calls. And I think that’s something really important for new coaches to know. It’s not like you’re just getting on the phone and going like, okay, so tell me everything that’s going on in your life. And let’s just, you know, have a complainer session about that.
[00:11:41] Lauren Brollier Newton: That because we. Learn how to coach with a structure of support, like a structured call. To me, it’s not draining at all because you know, you’re going somewhere with that client and you know that they’re going to leave feeling a hundred times better than they got on the phone with. And it’s not like this long drawn out, like.
[00:11:59] Lauren Brollier Newton: Thing. And that was [00:12:00] very, very helpful for me because as a teacher, I ran off structure, man, I was like super structured teacher. And if it was loosey goosey, it did not feel good to me. And so I loved knowing that in a coaching session, you’ve got a place you’re going. And that really helped me get over that idea of like,
[00:12:15] Mat Boggs: then
[00:12:15] Mat Boggs: let me just say that’s with the Brave Thinking Institute because when I got certified and this hadn’t been developed yet, the Brave Thinking Institute didn’t exist
[00:12:23] Mat Boggs: back then.
[00:12:24] Mat Boggs: It really wasn’t a, there was no structure for the coaching call that we got trained in. We got trained in how to ask really great evocative questions and kind of discover the client and help them understand what they wanted, but There was no progression.
[00:12:37] Mat Boggs: There was no like, okay, this week we’re working on this, this next week we’re going to learn this and
[00:12:42] Lauren Brollier Newton: so I would not
[00:12:43] Lauren Brollier Newton: well. I, that would not work for me. I, it would be too loosey goosey.
[00:12:46] Mat Boggs: well. and what happened was, and I remember some of the most painful moments in coaching for me early
[00:12:51] Mat Boggs: on was,
[00:12:51] Mat Boggs: Feeling like, okay, the first couple of weeks or the first month two, We’re good yet. Some really good momentum. And
[00:12:57] Mat Boggs: I was
[00:12:57] Mat Boggs: in longer term coaching programs with [00:13:00] these clients.
[00:13:00] Mat Boggs: Like they would want to sign up for six months and things like that. And I remember one woman in particular, she
[00:13:04] Mat Boggs: was from Ireland,
[00:13:05] Mat Boggs: Living in the States and she, we just kept coaching together, but after a while it just felt like she was just going in these big circles. And she wasn’t making progress.
[00:13:15] Mat Boggs: And yeah, well, she didn’t, she wanted to keep coaching, which is fine. It’s like, okay, we’re making money for me. It didn’t feel good. And for her, ultimately it didn’t feel good because she wasn’t progressing. And at our last dream builder live, I had someone who came up to me and enrolled in our coaching certification.
[00:13:30] Mat Boggs: This guy already had three other certifications. And was already ICF certified. And I said, well, this is very interesting because you, let me ask you this. Why are you adding this other certification? Like, why is this Mater to you? Why is it important to you? What will it do for you? And he said, frankly, he goes, I know exactly what I’m missing.
[00:13:48] Mat Boggs: He goes, I’m missing two things. He goes, I know how to ask really great coaching questions. He goes, but the problem is my clients can only solve The problem or answer that question [00:14:00] from their current level of awareness. And that current level of awareness is what got created the problem in the first place.
[00:14:05] Mat Boggs: They’ve got to move to a different level of awareness. What I love about BTI is they’re literally studying transformational principles in a proven program, going through. A set of lessons each week that evolve their thinking. Yes. And then you combine that with powerful questions, you get a whole new result.
[00:14:25] Mat Boggs: And so I’d never heard anyone put it that way. And I
[00:14:27] Mat Boggs: It’s that was really, really and the other thing he wanted, which isn’t ties back to your introduction is the marketing side,
[00:14:33] Mat Boggs: because I got really tired of, it’s like, you see the people who are selling courses out there. Are often just marketers.
[00:14:41] Mat Boggs: They’re the ones who just learned how to market and they were so good at marketing. They’re like, what can I make the most money at? And they’re, so they’re selling advice is often not even great advice or low vibration advice where the most transformative teachers and principals, because they’re not marketers aren’t getting the eyeballs.
[00:14:56] Mat Boggs: And I was tired of that. I was like, that sucks, man. We have to. Get people [00:15:00] really, really great advice, great training, great transformation.
[00:15:04] Lauren Brollier Newton: So speaking of this, Mat, so how did you go from, I have this following, but I don’t know how to monetize it to actually knowing how to monetize it, building a structure. And then what you’ve created today, I mean, holy smokes, when you think about that.
[00:15:17] Lauren Brollier Newton: So,
[00:15:18] Mat Boggs: I got to the end of my money
[00:15:19] Lauren Brollier Newton: that’ll,
[00:15:21] Mat Boggs: And uh, you’re like, okay, what am I going to do to pay rent? I’m literally on a job board and I’m looking for like substitute teaching jobs. And cause I, don’t have any money to pay rent. And so. In that moment, I’m thinking I’m just literally praying to God and I’m feeling defeated and I’m feeling like a failure because I had so much of a platform that other people don’t even have.
[00:15:42] Mat Boggs: And I still can’t make it work. And so I remember leaning back and just praying to God and saying, God, what can I do? That I haven’t been doing. What can I do that I haven’t been doing? And such a great question. Another way to ask this question and Gay Hendricks taught me this. If you’re wanting to create movement in ourselves is what do I need to face [00:16:00] that I’ve been resisting facing? And for me, it was. The Lone Ranger syndrome, you see, because my mom was had already made it in this field. She was already a thought leader already, you know, famous in her circles. I wanted her to be proud of me. I wanted my family to be proud of me. And I thought if I ride on her coattails. No one’s going to be proud of me.
[00:16:21] Mat Boggs: It’s like, I, despised children of famous people that got their big break because their parent was famous. Like for me, that was unfair. I thought it wasn’t, you couldn’t really feel good about that success because you didn’t really earn it. And so I distanced myself from any of that to such a degree that I was literally felt like I was slashing my way through the thicket of the jungles.
[00:16:43] Mat Boggs: Trying to just figure it out and that’s the slowest way to success. Right as I ask this question, what can I do that I haven’t been doing? And I hear, let go of the Lone Ranger syndrome. I see that I have Think and Grow Rich on my desk. And I’ve been studying that book and I have this awareness that, oh my [00:17:00] gosh, everybody that’s chronicled in Thinking and Grow Rich. That amassed amazing success. They all had mentorship. They all had people that helped them shorten the gap, cut the learning curve. And so I then asked myself, well, who do I know that I could call? And it was like, you know, the last one I wanted to call my mom, but I, put my ego aside because my dream of helping people was more important than my ego.
[00:17:24] Mat Boggs: And I called her up and I said, Hey, can we. go to lunch I said, I haven’t shared this with you, but I’m really struggling financially. Nothing’s working and this and that you’re having success. Can you show me what you’re doing? And she said, sure. And so we went to lunch and she shows me her business model and how she enrolls coaches, clients, and how she makes an impact.
[00:17:44] Mat Boggs: And I’m thinking to myself, well, shoot, I’m already doing half of this stuff. I just don’t know the other half. And so she laid this out and I’m thinking I could do this. It was going to take energy and focus, but those were two things I had plenty of, cause it Matered to me. And so that next year I applied the [00:18:00] formula that she had.
[00:18:01] Mat Boggs: And instead of generating $22,000 generated $117,000 And frankly, it was way easier. And I had joy of being able to wake up and flip open my calendar. And There were coaching clients on my calendar and it was just such a great feeling. So at that lunch though, my mom said, well, look, you don’t have any money.
[00:18:21] Mat Boggs: I showed you my formula. If you want to make some money right now, cause you got to pay rent in a couple of weeks, I’m putting on an event and we’ve got a revenue. we’ve got a venue for 300 people. And I’m like, mom, I get 200 people. You got to have more than 300 people. Like let’s get like 700 people there.
[00:18:36] Mat Boggs: And her business partner who was at the lunch with us said, well, Mat, once you put your money where your mouth is and come in and market this event. And so we ended up getting like 725 people at the event. And that was the first time where we partnered up where I said, you know what, mom, I’ve got. Some skillsets in marketing, but I’ve got a long way to go and to learn.
[00:18:54] Mat Boggs: Why don’t we partner up? I’ll help you with the marketing. You’ll teach me what you know about the coaching business [00:19:00] and we’ll both grow. grow and that’s how I started.
[00:19:02] Lauren Brollier Newton: That’s awesome. You know, I think this is so important, this idea of the Lone Ranger and like, Oh, had the same thing, Mat. Like if I ask for help, I’m weak. If I have to ask for help, I’m weak. That was the paradigm that I had. The great news is when I came into Brave Thinking Institute and I did all the training for whatever reason, Mat, and I think it’s just because like you said, the mission, the calling.
[00:19:19] Lauren Brollier Newton: I wanted everyone to have this, this way of thinking that I was learning this idea that you can think a different thought and you can actually go on a different trajectory. Like I was in the middle of a divorce. I’m living in my parents basement. And like, just from a three day dream builder live, I could feel my life changing.
[00:19:35] Lauren Brollier Newton: And that’s, I was so on fire. Like, I want everybody to know this because I like, like all these books on my shelf, Mat, are all personal development books. It wasn’t like when I came to dream builder live, I had read thinking rich. I had like, I, it wasn’t like I didn’t have any exposure to personal development, but they stayed on the shelf.
[00:19:51] Lauren Brollier Newton: It was like, I don’t know how to get that to come from the page into my life. Then I come to work with you guys at that three day event and I’m like, Oh, that’s how you get it off [00:20:00] the page and into real life. once I heard that I wanted everybody to have it. So I think the reason why I was such a good student.
[00:20:08] Lauren Brollier Newton: Was because I wanted everybody to have it. So if you and Mary said, go do this to market your business, I went and did that. And it was so interesting because so many coaches along the way would say, what are you doing to be successful? And I’m like, literally everything that my certification and Mat and Mary tell me to do, I am doing it.
[00:20:25] Lauren Brollier Newton: And I think that’s why I became successful so fast because I knew you guys knew what you were doing and I could get my Lone Ranger syndrome out of the way enough because I knew I wanted everybody to have this.
[00:20:35] Lauren Brollier Newton: so let’s talk about marketing because to me, Mat, like I’ve had the privilege of working with you both as a client for six years and now I get to work with you all the time in the Institute.
[00:20:46] Lauren Brollier Newton: And to me, you have the most brilliant marketing mind of anybody I know. And so how does that get developed? Like it’s 2007 you’re learning coaching skills. You’re already good at marketing because you got your book. You’ve been on the today show, but like, how did you get [00:21:00] so good at marketing?
[00:21:01] Mat Boggs: Well, I appreciate that compliment and, It’s by being really bad at marketing and failing a lot and getting it wrong and figuring out, Oh, that didn’t work. And half the stuff you think is good is not. And then you figure out, Oh this, actually strikes a quarter with people. So, and it’s also being humble enough to know that there’s always a way more that you can learn.
[00:21:20] Mat Boggs: Like, I don’t see, I don’t actually consider myself, even though I’ve got the skillsets and the results and the reputation for it, like a marketing master, because. I want to go learn from the marketing masters. So I don’t put myself in that category because I’m always seeking to grow and learn.
[00:21:36] Mat Boggs: And the real lesson in this came from early on, I had lunch with this gentleman who was in my industry and crushing it in digital marketing. I mean, they were already doing over a million dollars in digital product sales for their coaching business. And I said, Hey man, can you teach me what you’re doing?
[00:21:51] Mat Boggs: And he’s like, yeah, let’s go to lunch. So we go to lunch together and. He sits down with me and he flips open this white legal pad and he flips it over. And he’s like, [00:22:00] okay, now tell me what your ideal clients, how would they describe their problem? And I’m like, well, they’re okay. I don’t know why we’re going through this exercise.
[00:22:09] Mat Boggs: Like, just tell me how you market your business, dude. Like just, and he’s like, no, no, this is important. And so we started going through and we get about like 10 or 15 things and I’m starting to get really impatient. Because I want to know what’s your campaign. What do you do? Like, show me what, how are you selling a million dollars?
[00:22:25] Mat Boggs: And we, all we have so far is a half sheet of things that my clients are saying they’re struggling with. and I literally, and he kept pulling me back to this list. He kept pulling me back to this list. And I have to say, I was so ignorant and stubborn that I left that entire lunch frustrated. I was like, well, that was a big, I had to drive all the way up to LA and I was like, well, that was a big waste of time and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
[00:22:51] Mat Boggs: And it wasn’t until years later that I realized, Oh, Wow. This guy there’s a reason he’s selling millions of dollars and it’s because [00:23:00] he knows Mark, there is no marketing without the right messaging. Marketing is messaging. And the first thing you have to be able to articulate. Is what problem you solve and most people, especially new coaches, I’ll say we do, you know, a lot of these five day challenges and, we have one coming up called master your message.
[00:23:20] Mat Boggs: And on day one, we talk about, okay, we want to master our message. We’ve got to answer this question. What problem do you solve? And immediately coaches will go like the newer coaches, even coaches that have had some success. We’ll say I help people achieve their dreams and live more fulfilled lives. Great. That’s what you help them do. But what problem do you help them solve? Because achieving their dreams isn’t a problem, right? Living more fulfilled lives isn’t a problem. That’s an outcome. Well, what problem do you solve? And when you can articulate, like, I’ll just add give an example. Well, Achieving your dreams or feel living a more fulfilled life is, well, the problem is people feel unfulfilled.
[00:23:58] Mat Boggs: I help people who are feeling [00:24:00] unfulfilled. I help people who are feeling a lack of purpose and feeling the pain of being lost in their life. Like, how can you articulate that pain? And Eben Pagan, early on in the course that I took, said this, and I just think it’s brilliant, that when you can articulate someone’s pain better than they can, they will automatically and subconsciously assume you have the answer.
[00:24:21] Mat Boggs: So we spent a lot of time really just, and what I love about this, this is empathy marketing. This is service marketing, not manipulation marketing. This is like, okay, let me really listen. Let me really get inside the shoes of my clients. Let me really try to understand their life and their experience and their pain.
[00:24:41] Mat Boggs: Because Not only is that going to help you make you a better coach, but it’s going to help you connect with them better. Cause you’re able to say, Hey, have you ever woke up in the morning and looked at yourself in the mirror and thought, is this all there is? Like, is this all that life has for me? And you really want to feel way deeper, more fulfilled, more on purpose, more passionate, but you have no [00:25:00] idea where to start.
[00:25:00] Mat Boggs: And you’re just like, okay, that’s going to resonate with people because someone’s going to hear that and say, I don’t even share that with my best friend. How does this guy know that? Oh, he must have the answer. He must, have been there himself. Right? so that is really the first and most important key is knowing how to articulate the pain and the ambition line of your ideal client.
[00:25:23] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yes. So true. And I remember one time I took a speaking class with Pat Quinn and he said to me he was really good about saying, we’re going to stay away from the jargon that we would all use in the coaching industry.
[00:25:37] Lauren Brollier Newton: And if your client woke up in the middle of the night, they wouldn’t say, I think I really need to overcome my limiting beliefs.
[00:25:44] Lauren Brollier Newton: That’s not what, you know, like that’s not the thing that is actually on their mind in the middle of the night. And I think that’s, what’s so brilliant about the way that you teach master your message and everything is like What is the client thinking? What is the client feeling? Not what we think they need or need to overcome, or maybe [00:26:00] keeping the jargon out of it and going really to the heart of what are they feeling?
[00:26:03] Lauren Brollier Newton: And what is it they want to
[00:26:05] Mat Boggs: Because what you’re speaking to is the process. People go to two places when they missing the problem. The coaches will go to either the outcome, which is I help people grow and scale their business, right? If people live on purpose or they’ll go to the process, they help people do, which is what you’re saying.
[00:26:20] Mat Boggs: Like overcome. I help people repattern limiting beliefs. I help people heal their inner child wounds. I help people heal. But like you’re saying, no one wakes up in the middle of the night saying, really need to heal my inner child. Today, like they don’t say that, you know,
[00:26:34] Lauren Brollier Newton: 100 also like nobody actually wants to overcome limiting beliefs. They want where that’s going to take them. They want the pain resolved and the pleasure of what the experience would be. And actually, I don’t know if you would agree with this, Mat, but I think too much talk about process actually takes people away from actually wanting to participate because they don’t actually know what the process is.
[00:26:56] Lauren Brollier Newton: And so they could hear that and think. Oh, that sounds boring or that sounds [00:27:00] scary, or that sounds whatever, if there’s too much process and it actually takes away from them wanting to step in.
[00:27:06] Mat Boggs: Well, 100%t And they don’t need to know the process. To be able to say a yes, they just need to believe that your process works. It’s
[00:27:15] Mat Boggs: proven That’s it.
[00:27:16] Mat Boggs: it’s reliable, it’s repeatable, it’s worked for other people. And then they trust that they’re like, okay, I’m going to be on for the ride.
[00:27:22] Mat Boggs: You know,
[00:27:23] Mat Boggs: like you need to know how many, exactly how many loops, twists and turns are in that rollercoaster.
[00:27:28] Mat Boggs: You just know the look on people’s faces when they’re done
[00:27:31] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah,
[00:27:31] Mat Boggs: that they’re super
[00:27:32] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah,
[00:27:33] Mat Boggs: They’re having a great time and they’re laughing and they’re high five and you’re like, I want that ride. Like that looks good to me.
[00:27:38] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah exactly. If I’ll do whatever it to get there. And no, this is so great.
[00:27:56] Lauren Brollier Newton: So I want to talk a little bit about your love and relationship [00:28:00] coaching business. So you’ve built a YouTube channel. I wrote down, I wrote this down like a week ago, so I’m sure it’s climbed since then, but you’ve had 170 million views.
[00:28:07] Lauren Brollier Newton: You’ve got more than 1.2 million subscribers on YouTube. And so, I have so many questions about this, so let’s take it back. And so you knew that you wanted to serve the love and relationship space since you wrote the book project everlasting is what I’m understanding. So tell us about how YouTube changed the face of that business for you or grew that grew and evolved that business for you.
[00:28:30] Mat Boggs: I would say for everyone listening, really pay attention to what you’re being called to do next. Like what do you have a passion for? Even if it’s unreasonable or doesn’t make a lot of sense. So for me, I had this passion for making videos. Like I wanted to make videos. I wanted to put good content online that people could just watch.
[00:28:52] Mat Boggs: And at that moment, there was no conscious strategy of like, Oh, this is actually going to be really [00:29:00] great for my business. It was way more of a creative outlet for me. It was way more of a, if I create this. I will feel better because I know I’m contributing. It wasn’t a conscious. This is going to be a bad ass marketing strategy.
[00:29:13] Mat Boggs: No, it was like, I want to, I’m a teacher. I want to teach. and I would say that for any of us who have, felt that creative urge and denied it and suppressed it and put it down. I fully know. What you’re going through. I know the pain of that. I know the shame of that. I know like, Oh, it’s like you have this desire, whether you want to write a book, start your own podcast or do your online social, whatever it is.
[00:29:38] Mat Boggs: It’s like, if you’re not doing it, that life force energy has to go somewhere. And we’ll often like dampen our own energy. And so. I had this YouTube dream. I put out a couple of videos and then I got really distracted by proven marketing strategies. And I was like, okay, we’re going to go do these proven things that I’m learning in all of these conferences and digital courses.
[00:29:59] Mat Boggs: But I still [00:30:00] felt this calling, but I just put it down. And there was fear. There was fear of like the imposter syndrome. You know, there are all these other dating coaches out there and relationship coaches. And I don’t have a PhD and I’m, I don’t have some special, specialized relationship certificate.
[00:30:14] Mat Boggs: So who am I, you know, and four years I put it off. And finally I go to this mastermind with other dating coaches and there’s a guy there named trip. And this is like I so much great gratitude for trip because he literally changed my life. And he doesn’t even really know to the death. We’re talking and a couple of my videos that I put on four years earlier had like gone viral.
[00:30:38] Mat Boggs: Like one of them had like, you know, half a million views or something. And then I got scared because I was like, well, what if the next stuff I put out sucks compared to that stuff? And Trip was like, dude, you got these like six videos and you’ve already got 25,000 subscribers, but you haven’t put a video out in four years.
[00:30:54] Mat Boggs: What are you doing? And I said, I know getting that. I’m going to start. I’m going to start. And he was like, I’m going to [00:31:00] start to let’s start together. And I said, great. And so he’s like, okay, we’re going to leave here. We’re going to go do our YouTube channels. I said, I’m in. We gave each other a big high five.
[00:31:07] Mat Boggs: This was December holiday party. We leave next December comes around same holiday party, same mastermind. I show up. I hadn’t done one video. I completely got in the same old rut, the same old fear. I can do it later. Show up to the, this holiday party and guess who’s there. Trip. Guess who? I don’t want to see.
[00:31:30] Lauren Brollier Newton: A 100 Yeah. Please don’t ask about YouTube my
[00:31:35] Lauren Brollier Newton: YouTube channel
[00:31:36] Mat Boggs: You’re like a hiding and kind of walking around the other parts of the party and he sees me, right? And he’s like, Mat, dude, how’s your YouTube channel, man? Check this out. And I kind of deflected. I was like, would you tell me about yours first? And he shows me his, his phone. He’s already got 120,000 subscribers, millions of views.
[00:31:56] Mat Boggs: He had done one video a week. And in that moment, [00:32:00] I felt so embarrassed. Shame that I hadn’t done mine jealous that he had done his envious of the result. He had, it was like, was like such pain in that moment of not taking action. Finally, the pain of not taking action, exceeded the pain of taking action, the fear of taking that action.
[00:32:20] Mat Boggs: So he asked me what I had been doing. And so I said, is due to in full honesty, man I, didn’t do it, but I’m committed. Now I’m doing it.
[00:32:29] Mat Boggs: I left and the difference was I was decided. I was decided. And so I left that week and I decided this week I’m going to hire a videographer, get some accountability, someone who’s going to show up for me.
[00:32:40] Mat Boggs: And that week I filmed my first three videos and it was hard and it was painful and it was brutal and they weren’t
[00:32:46] Mat Boggs: very good.
[00:32:47] Mat Boggs: But I did it and I was on my way and that was eight and a half years ago. And we have not missed a video since every week. For eight and a half
[00:32:58] Mat Boggs: years.
[00:32:59] Mat Boggs: and what I would say [00:33:00] is I would just, actually we’re writing a book proposal to sell to a publisher for my second book.
[00:33:05] Mat Boggs: And you said, well, how has this impacted my coaching
[00:33:07] Mat Boggs: business?
[00:33:07] Mat Boggs: It’s generated millions of dollars, like literally millions of dollars, but that’s not even that. Well, that’s great because it allows me to keep
[00:33:15] Mat Boggs: doing it.
[00:33:16] Mat Boggs: The best part is this impact
[00:33:18] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yes.
[00:33:19] Mat Boggs: in the book proposal. We’re clipping out comments. Of videos and I mean, we’ve tens of thousands of comments and so I have my executive assistant going through and finding comments that are like beautiful that we can put in this book proposal and so just before this podcast, we’re going through these comments and I haven’t seen many of these before because I look at them, but they come in, you know, all the in old videos.
[00:33:40] Mat Boggs: They’re coming in. And so I’m seeing things I’ve never seen before. And, you know, women saying, Oh my gosh, Mat because of you, I was able to get over my heartbreak and create a new healthy pattern. I’ve attracted the love of my life. And I’m so grateful. Thank you for doing what you do. Keep up the good work.
[00:33:57] Mat Boggs: And there’s so many comments like [00:34:00] that. Like it just filled my heart with joy. And to me, that’s the real fulfillment of knowing that something you created something that you did, you showed up for someone and it changed their life. It impacted them.
[00:34:12] Mat Boggs: Yeah.
[00:34:12] Mat Boggs: they’re like never the same when they learn something like that.
[00:34:15] Mat Boggs: and so that’s the most fun part of it all.
[00:34:17] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah. I think there’s two really important things that you said there, that there’s all sorts of marketing advice all over the place. There’s all sorts of ways to market a coaching business, but you kept feeling like Paul and you had a passion for something. And when you went over and just tried to do what you should do.
[00:34:34] Lauren Brollier Newton: It wasn’t maybe as successful, but when you went with, I really want to be on YouTube. I really want to make videos. Not everybody has that call. And you went call and you followed your passion. I think the passion and the authenticity and the energetic signature of that is going to attract way more than forcing yourself to do something that you just think you should do.
[00:34:51] Lauren Brollier Newton: Cause it’s good marketing. Like, you know, like, I mean, I’ll give you an example for my own coaching business. I decided to have an in person workshop in Cody, Wyoming. 10,000 [00:35:00] people here and I just trusted, like, I’m feeling so passionate about this. I believe clients will come, clients will fly in. I believe we’ll get people from all over the state of Wyoming and we used old school marketing.
[00:35:11] Lauren Brollier Newton: Like we were in the newspaper, flyers, billboards, radio, because this is more of an old school town and I don’t think anybody would have given me the advice to do that. And we had our most successful, or two most successful workshops of all time, right in the middle of rural Wyoming, where there’s 10,000 people, the next town’s an hour away, and the other side is Yellowstone, so it’s just grizzly bears.
[00:35:33] Lauren Brollier Newton: So, but I believe it was successful because I was like, I want to serve this community. I want to do this. I love the idea of having it right here in my hometown.
[00:35:41] Mat Boggs: And so for people listening right now, cause I know that I would be in the audience going, well, what does she mean successful? Like, what does that look like like for you?
[00:35:47] Lauren Brollier Newton: Successful looks like a weekend event that generated about $300,000 in revenue.
[00:35:52] Mat Boggs: Geez. Think about that. Think about that. Think about like, I mean, someone who’s highly successful doctor lawyer will work [00:36:00] a whole year For 300 grand. And in one weekend you generated $300,000 in your business. And the cool part was then like how many clients came out of that, give or take.
[00:36:10] Lauren Brollier Newton: I would probably say like 25 clients.
[00:36:14] Mat Boggs: Yeah. So then you have 25 amazing people that you get
[00:36:18] Mat Boggs: connect with, work with, help transform.
[00:36:20] Mat Boggs: so
[00:36:20] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah I was passionate about is I knew I could bring from what I had built my list, my clientele. I knew people would fly into Cody. We did it hybrid. So people were online and stuff too. But I was like, I want people in this town to know about this stuff. Like I want this, I want Wyoming to know that you can think a different thought, that you can have any dream you want, that there’s a structure and a system to it.
[00:36:41] Lauren Brollier Newton: And so what brought me joy is seeing a lot of clients on that roster. Live in the state of Wyoming and like make that impact. And it’s funny because you’ll hear people say things like, well, in small towns people don’t have money so it’s not gonna convert. You’ll know, you’ll hear all these paradigms about, oh, in a small town you’re not gonna have someone invest in a [00:37:00] high ticket coaching program.
[00:37:01] Lauren Brollier Newton: People all over the state of Wyoming, they came, they invested in high ticket programs, their life was forever changed and it’s ’cause I just like didn’t let the noise. Get in the way of, no, I’m feeling a call for this. I’m feeling a passion for this. And I can trust that I wouldn’t be feeling it if there wasn’t a purpose for that.
[00:37:17] Mat Boggs: This is exactly, if you want unreasonable success, you’ve got to take unreasonable action. I mean, like you were like, okay, I’m going to go against the grain. I’m going to actually do
[00:37:25] Mat Boggs: this.
[00:37:26] Mat Boggs: And I love that. That’s a great example.
[00:37:29] Lauren Brollier Newton: And I think too, think both of us have experienced this, Mat. There’s sometimes you follow the call and you’re like, okay, I needed to fail. You know, like there’s sometimes you get this great idea, you feel passion for it. And it doesn’t go the best way. But you learn so much from it for sure. So Mat, when you put out those first, so you see trip again, you’re like, there’s no way I’m going to not make these videos that week.
[00:37:49] Lauren Brollier Newton: You start making videos. Did it take a while to grow a following? Because I could imagine that for some coaches here, they have been putting out social media posts. They have been publishing on YouTube and they’re still got like 22 subscribers [00:38:00] or 30 subscribers. And so what would you say to the person who they are putting out content, And it just feels tedious in the beginning stages.
[00:38:09] Mat Boggs: That’s
[00:38:09] Mat Boggs: a really
[00:38:09] Mat Boggs: good. Question because it can feel tedious in the beginning, especially in defeating, like when you’re not getting the following that you want and
[00:38:17] Mat Boggs: so on and so
[00:38:17] Mat Boggs: forth. But there’s a couple of ideas that I think are really powerful. Number one is that just like when you write a book, that book lives on forever.
[00:38:26] Mat Boggs: That book will outlive you. There are people right now who have made YouTube channels and they’ve passed away. And now their content is still serving people. Their content is still online. And so what you’re putting online, as long as that platform is still
[00:38:39] Mat Boggs: alive.
[00:38:40] Mat Boggs: And you know, for all intents purposes, we don’t see YouTube going away
[00:38:43] Mat Boggs: anytime soon.
[00:38:44] Mat Boggs: As long as that platform still lives, your content will live with it and people can find it. And so what it means is that just because your
[00:38:51] Mat Boggs: video didn’t.
[00:38:52] Mat Boggs: Strike a chord or go viral today doesn’t mean that two years from now, people aren’t going to be [00:39:00] watching it and people aren’t going to be going back and being served by all this content.
[00:39:05] Mat Boggs: And the number one thing that drives clients in your coaching business is no like and trust the more they know you like you and trust you that you can actually help them. The more readily they’re going to invest in higher level programs with you. Well, it’s like a relationship. It doesn’t happen overnight.
[00:39:22] Mat Boggs: So no, like, and trust really gets built with mileage, with minutes, like mileage online is minutes online, right? So it’s minutes they’re watching or the hours they’re watching and the amount they’re consuming. So every video you create is going into the bank account of no, like, and trust. Every video you create and it lasts there.
[00:39:42] Mat Boggs: It’s not like it’s going away. It’s not going to evaporate. No, it’s permanent. It lives there. So that’s one mindset is to say, okay, this is an investment. in my coaching business It’s not like you’re trying to make a withdrawal. It’s an
[00:39:54] Mat Boggs: investment.
[00:39:55] Mat Boggs: And the second thing is then
[00:39:56] Mat Boggs: I would say that I, got obsessed with [00:40:00] how to create content that would
[00:40:02] Mat Boggs: grow
[00:40:03] Mat Boggs: And here’s what I mean by obsessed and other people like, well, you should just happen and whatnot, like, no, Get good at this stuff.
[00:40:09] Mat Boggs: I would be in the gym and I’m watching Daryl Reeves, how to grow your YouTube channel business while I’m on the stair climber machine. And I’m like tuned in. I’m going to VidCon in Anaheim, the big YouTube convention and learning from other creators, how you grow a channel. Cause there are absolute ways.
[00:40:27] Mat Boggs: And I would say that, yes, everything ebbs and flows, but we’ve got more ability today to reach people than we ever had any of our, like, Processors, you think about the Jim Rohn’s and the less Browns and Wayne Dyers and all of these folks, our ability to reach people now is easier than it’s ever been with all the live streams and all the platforms.
[00:40:47] Mat Boggs: And the pessimists will say, well, yes, but it’s more crowded than it’s ever been. Well, yeah, but more people are online for longer than ever before either. So while it’s more crowded, they’re also giving you the ability to have their attention for way more [00:41:00] amounts of time. And so there’s always opportunity.
[00:41:02] Mat Boggs: And so,
[00:41:03] Mat Boggs: if we want to go into a couple of the best practices, okay, how can I help the
[00:41:08] Mat Boggs: learning curve?
[00:41:08] Mat Boggs: A few of the best practices, if you were to take your process, whatever you as the coach helped someone do, and you were going to break it down into five stages and you say, first, they’ve got to do this.
[00:41:20] Mat Boggs: Then they’ve got to do this, this, this, and then they will get the outcome that they want. Those five stages. What would those five stages be? And then in each one of those stages, there are questions people have and problems they experience in their around that topic. The goal is take one little micro topic.
[00:41:42] Mat Boggs: So instead of that big topic, take a micro topic. In other words, what’s one question they have, what’s one thing they struggle with, what’s one problem in that category and make a video about that. And really give great content, like really give a full solution to that one [00:42:00] thing. And because when you give a full solution to that one thing, people feel this expansion of positive energy.
[00:42:06] Mat Boggs: They feel this transference of knowledge and they’re like, wow, you just gave me that gift. Thank you so much. I want to learn more. And there are people who are literally, well, Mat, what if you do that on all your content, you’re going to give away the whole thing. Well, people still want to be guided People still to be like your coaching program is basically that whole thing, right?
[00:42:25] Mat Boggs: And you delivering it live. People still want two things. They want it all curated and organized for them because online it’s scattered and it’s everywhere. want it organized so they can do it fast, simple, easy, and only the most important pieces. That’s your digital course. Second is they want to be guided and for you to know them so you can apply those principles to their specific situation.
[00:42:45] Mat Boggs: Well, that’s coaching. Right? And so you make one piece of content on one problem and give them the full solution. And the way you open your video is you don’t do a big long intro. And we’ve tested like lots of different stuff is you literally just dive [00:43:00] right into the problem is you open with a question.
[00:43:02] Mat Boggs: Have you ever felt this way? If you have today, I’m going to share with you this really powerful process that can help you shift that energy and transform that result. And then you go into teaching your content. Now there’s the, all the algorithms. Are interested in one thing and one thing alone, watch time. They want watch time. And it’s not just your video. It’s do they go from your video and stay on the platform to more of videos So how do you increase watch time? Well, there’s a few easy proven ways. Okay. Number, maybe we’ll have to give three right here Okay. The first is give a series of steps. So today I want to share with you five steps for how to reprogram a limiting belief or five steps for how to boost your confidence or five steps for how to lower anxiety or five steps for how to whatever it is you’re going to do.
[00:43:50] Mat Boggs: you go through the steps. Well, people are going to watch all five. Because they don’t want to miss one of those steps. Second way, and this is sort of a ubiquitous universal way to increase your [00:44:00] watch time, but it also, in my opinion, isn’t just for that. It’s, you actually are a better teacher where you teach a step and tell a story, teach a step Give an example, like teach a step.
[00:44:11] Mat Boggs: And so these stories take people on a journey where they can really visualize it in action. They can visualize what you’re teaching in action. And so, you know, I bring in a lot of stories about my wife and I, cause we do, you know, love and
[00:44:23] Mat Boggs: dating
[00:44:24] Mat Boggs: channel relationship channel, bring in a lot of stories of just my
[00:44:27] Mat Boggs: personal life.
[00:44:28] Mat Boggs: You know, like, one time we were talking about, How to cultivate your intuition. And I told this whole story
[00:44:34] Mat Boggs: about
[00:44:34] Mat Boggs: how we took a trip to mammoth and I felt called to buy antifreeze coolant. And I was like, I already have cool. I was arguing with this. I was asking for intuition, but then when it came, I was arguing with it saying, I already have We don’t, it was a ski trip. And I just hear this voice say, go get antifreeze. There was a hardware store across the street. So finally I listened, bought it, put it in the truck. Maybe we have a leak. Who knows? At the end of this [00:45:00] snowboard trip, I get back in the car, pop the hood. Look, they are full of antifreeze.
[00:45:04] Mat Boggs: We don’t need it. We’re driving home. We’re in the middle of nowhere in between Mammoth and Southern California, Orange County. And off the side of the road is a car with her hood up. And there’s like four people outside with their hands up trying to get cell reception. They can’t get cell reception. I pull over.
[00:45:21] Mat Boggs: And I’m like, babe, do you mind if I give them the antifreeze? Maybe they need it. And she’s like, yeah. And so I get out of the car with the antifreeze and I walk up to them and I say, Hey, you guys don’t happen to need antifreeze. Do you? And the woman starts crying and she’s like, Oh my God, that’s exactly what I need.
[00:45:36] Mat Boggs: And she gives us a big hug and she’s, you are an angel. And like, I started crying and I get back in the wife. I
[00:45:41] Mat Boggs: my
[00:45:41] Mat Boggs: wife, what’s up with tears. And it’s like, Oh my gosh, you never know. Oh. When you’re being guided
[00:45:46] Mat Boggs: and you’re
[00:45:47] Mat Boggs: being you’ve an intuitive hit hits you. You never know why we try to rationalize why, but if you just follow through, it opens up
[00:45:53] Lauren Brollier Newton: magic
[00:45:54] Mat Boggs: of life.
[00:45:54] Lauren Brollier Newton: And so anybody listening to this on your channel, they might not remember the stuff, but they’re going to a 100 remember the [00:46:00] story.
[00:46:00] Mat Boggs: right. They’re going to remember the antifreeze cause it puts pictures in our mind. So people remember with story, with emotion, with pictures, cause it’s memorable. So try to think of what stories can you share in your teaching. Examples are okay. Stories, A
[00:46:18] Mat Boggs: plus
[00:46:18] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:46:20] Mat Boggs: This is an example on steroids.
[00:46:21] Mat Boggs: And the third thing that you can do, and we do this a lot, is give lists,
[00:46:25] Mat Boggs: Like the 10 most dangerous thoughts that always kill your dreams. Now, lists will be either
[00:46:31] Mat Boggs: like, you’re going to give,
[00:46:32] Mat Boggs: A list of, well, now we’ll go into the, this, I’m thinking about this next
[00:46:37] Mat Boggs: tip. And it’s really
[00:46:38] Mat Boggs: More about the title itself, but you come up with this list of things.
[00:46:41] Mat Boggs: You’re going to give the top 10 reasons, this or 21 things to do, or this and
[00:46:45] Mat Boggs: that.
[00:46:45] Mat Boggs: And lists are good because people want as many of the lists as they can. Not quite as sticky as steps, but Cause people feel like if they miss a step, they won’t get any of it to work. Right.
[00:46:56] Mat Boggs: But lists or lists are good too.
[00:46:57] Mat Boggs: And we use lists a lot. Now, those [00:47:00] three things, if you do them well, will increase watch time. And that’s exactly what these algorithms want. And then they’ll push you out to more people. 75 of our views are recommended videos. Meaning it’s not people who are searching for us. It’s not people who are like just glancing on it’s, they’re being recommended to the audience because
[00:47:20] Lauren Brollier Newton: the
[00:47:20] Mat Boggs: platform wants that video to go to that person because of the watch time.
[00:47:25] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah. That’s so awesome, Mat. So I have a question I’ve been wanting to ask you. So you do a love and relationship YouTube channel and you have some, what I would say are spicy topics. And I think one of your highest views video, this one that’s like, you know, I don’t remember the exact title, but it’s like seven texts that’ll drive him wild or
[00:47:44] Lauren Brollier Newton: something like that.
[00:47:44] Mat Boggs: Yeah Sexy, sexy texts that will drive him wild. Yeah.
[00:47:47] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah. So, I think about that and then I’m like, Oh my gosh, what is Mat’s mother think when she sees that video? Like I personally like get a little bit.
[00:47:57] Lauren Brollier Newton: Like embarrassed, like a little bit blushed when I think about [00:48:00] some of these topics. So, and I know we have coaches here, they might not be loving relationship coaches, but they’re thinking about putting a content and they’re like, is it too spiritual?
[00:48:07] Lauren Brollier Newton: Is someone going to think it’s this, am I taking too much a stand on this? And they have this fear that their topic is going to be to something. And so how do you personally put out your content, put it out in a way that you love putting it out? And get over the worry of someone’s going to think this is too racy.
[00:48:26] Lauren Brollier Newton: Someone’s going to think this is too this or whatever that fear is. How have you overcome that?
[00:48:30] Mat Boggs: That’s really a great question because one of the comments that came in that we were reading. Sifting through for these testimonial comments talked about how all of the videos that I put out have
[00:48:40] Mat Boggs: this
[00:48:40] Mat Boggs: like, healthy, positive vibration to them. And they really love that. And so I think that the purpose is no Mater what topic you’re going to talk about, know what the vibration of your brand is.
[00:48:51] Mat Boggs: So are you the, person who’s lifting the vibration of the world? Are you bringing positive energy? Is it love? Is it peace? Is it joy? [00:49:00] Or, you know, is it a bit of antagonism? Are you the contrarian? Are you the, you know, the, whatever your brand. Is to know that like, I’m just naturally, I’m not really this smack talker, like I got a bunch of buddies and they’re way better at trash talking than I am.
[00:49:14] Mat Boggs: Like I just not, I’m not
[00:49:16] Mat Boggs: that
[00:49:17] Mat Boggs: guy. I’ve always been a bit just more on the positive side. And, so
[00:49:21] Mat Boggs: even when
[00:49:21] Mat Boggs: I do racier videos. They’re talking about sex. Cause that’s what, I mean, it’s real. It’s like, also talk about whatever is actually real for your audience. I bring it in a way that is respectful and healthy and positive vibe.
[00:49:36] Mat Boggs: And doesn’t feel like icky or any of that, because that’s how I would want to receive it.
[00:49:41] Mat Boggs: Also.
[00:49:41] Mat Boggs: The
[00:49:41] Mat Boggs: second thing is,
[00:49:43] Mat Boggs: To have the courage to be real with your audience, because they’re going through real stuff right now, right? Like they’re going through real situations, hard situations. It’s like, think about the client that you’re helping and what they’re going through in their life.
[00:49:58] Mat Boggs: The struggles, the arguments that [00:50:00] what that really is behind locked doors behind when no one can see what’s going on. You want to meet them there. You want to meet them where life is really happening. and you can even take on really tough
[00:50:11] Mat Boggs: topics.
[00:50:12] Mat Boggs: But from a higher level of consciousness and it will just, it will always pull people up.
[00:50:16] Mat Boggs: And so that’s for me. What I feel is, like my, responsibility, my duty is to the best that I can speak to the real situations that people are in and people I know, because like sexy texts, for example,
[00:50:30] Mat Boggs: like, just like, I’m not great at trash talking. Like I was, and I opened the video saying, I’m not good at sexy texts.
[00:50:35] Mat Boggs: Like
[00:50:35] Lauren Brollier Newton: I just
[00:50:36] Mat Boggs: I would send my wife a sexy
[00:50:37] Mat Boggs: text and she would
[00:50:38] Mat Boggs: be like no, like that’s too much Like, and then I send her another one and she’s like, come on, make it more, make it more. And then I sent another one. She was like, okay, okay. We got to stop way too much. And like,
[00:50:49] Mat Boggs: what like, what’s
[00:50:50] Mat Boggs: the medium Yeah.
[00:50:53] Mat Boggs: so I had to then go and learn. And so I was like, so anybody out there who feels like you just like, don’t know what to say, because you’re embarrassed or you’re the, [00:51:00] but you want to keep things spicy and fun, here’s the ones that are for sure going to hit the mark. And you’re like, okay, great.
[00:51:05] Mat Boggs: Thank you for doing the research for me.
[00:51:07] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah.
[00:51:08] Mat Boggs: And so it’s like, you want to, that is what people are looking for. I did it because I experienced the pain of not doing it
[00:51:14] Mat Boggs: right.
[00:51:14] Mat Boggs: right
[00:51:15] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yep.
[00:51:15] Mat Boggs: And I was like, okay, I want to help people who felt like I did in this situation.
[00:51:19] Lauren Brollier Newton: I love that, Mat, because I love what you’re saying about, like, it’s the vibration you come from. It’s the level of consciousness you come from. And it’s also the discussion people are having. So it’s like, am I going to let my, whatever it is, my, fear of being seen My fear of what people think I’m gonna do a video on how to get in the way of people who are coming to get my help.
[00:51:36] Lauren Brollier Newton: And, a big thing. And I think,
[00:51:39] Lauren Brollier Newton: I was, I don’t know who it was that said it the other day, but,
[00:51:42] Lauren Brollier Newton: They were talking about people who troll online, you know, I’m sure you’ve gotten, received sometime in your, lifetime negative comments or the trolls or whatever. And the way that this person put it, I don’t know, I remember who it was, but he was like, I am not going to let,
[00:51:55] Lauren Brollier Newton: Someone in a low vibration stop me from serving the people I want to serve.
[00:51:59] Lauren Brollier Newton: [00:52:00] that’s just not going to happen. And I thought, yeah, that’s so brilliant. Like I’m here with a mission. I know you are so
[00:52:05] Mat Boggs: Here’s one of the best things that have served me around trolls and criticism. Cause I, would love to say, you know, you hear all these people like, you know, don’t give an F and I don’t care what other people think and this and that. And I think you can strive to that. But I think human being we, all have an innate born desire to belong.
[00:52:22] Mat Boggs: We are community beings. And so on some level, like you can build the muscle where you don’t care what other people think, but at the same time, you do care what some people think. And so it’s like, where is that line? And so instead of not caring what other people think, I think transforming your perception.
[00:52:40] Mat Boggs: Of their comment is even more powerful. And here’s what I mean by that. I realized that as I was doing my research on YouTube and what made channels thrive, I would go to these like high
[00:52:50] Mat Boggs: YouTube channels.
[00:52:51] Mat Boggs: And I noticed the YouTube channels that had like, not very many views, never had negative comments. There were only positive comments. They’re all positive. If you think one [00:53:00] comment, it was always good. You know, two, three comments, always good. Like, Hey, good job. Keep going. But when you got big and you had a thousand comments, it was like 80 percent good, 20 percent just nasty. And I went, Oh, so it’s only when you’re shining your light.
[00:53:14] Mat Boggs: Do you call out the trolls?
[00:53:16] Mat Boggs: love that.
[00:53:18] Mat Boggs: So really they’re negative comments are evidence that you’re finally shining your light bright enough. It’s like, okay, only when you’re light shining, do you cast a shadow? And so I remember my very first negative comment. And I was like one video, like blew up at like 25,000 views in like a week.
[00:53:37] Mat Boggs: And I was like, whoa. And there was a few comments underneath and people were like, I love this. Thank you so much. This and that, this is great. And then there was one comment that was like, this guy is an effing idiot. I cannot believe he’s saying what. I had conditioned myself enough to wait for the negative comment and put a frame around it that it meant I was finally shining my light, that I pushed back in my chair, threw my arms up [00:54:00] and I went like, Whoa, I’ve made it baby. Like this I’m finally shining my light. Great enough. I got a troll and it was such an empowering moment where I had started being
[00:54:12] Mat Boggs: love that.
[00:54:13] Lauren Brollier Newton: I love that. I’m finally shining my life bright enough. I got a troll. I love that. It’s so good. It’s so good. Way to flip the script. So Mat, I want to ask you something. I ask every guest on this podcast, and I’m especially interested in your answer because over the last 15 years, you have trained and certified more than 5,000 coaches.
[00:54:30] Mat Boggs: Goonies. The answer is goonies.
[00:54:32] Lauren Brollier Newton: So my question for you is you had to start a coaching business from the ground up today. You don’t get to take your YouTube subscribers with you. You don’t get to take your email list. You’re starting it from scratch today. the first move you make?
[00:54:49] Mat Boggs: Do I get to bring my current level of awareness or am I also brand new?
[00:54:53] Lauren Brollier Newton: No, you get to bring your awareness, but you don’t get to say, Oh, I would email my list because you’re starting from
[00:54:58] Lauren Brollier Newton: scratch
[00:54:58] Mat Boggs: I don’t have a list.
[00:54:59] Mat Boggs: can So it’s, [00:55:00] yeah, it’s one of those things where you’re like you’re a bad ass business owner. We’re going to drop you in the middle of a city with no credit cards, no money. And
[00:55:06] Mat Boggs: got to go.
[00:55:07] Lauren Brollier Newton: billionaire. It’s
[00:55:07] Lauren Brollier Newton: Yeah,
[00:55:08] Lauren Brollier Newton: billionaire. A hundred percent.
[00:55:09] Mat Boggs: of those things. Yeah. So the first thing that I would do is be on other people’s stages. Like I would call stages and interviews and podcasts and say, Here’s who I am. Here’s who I help. Here’s the problem I solve. And here’s what we can do for your audience. And because other, you don’t have to have your own list or your own platform. There’s lots of people who have their own list and other platforms.
[00:55:32] Mat Boggs: And it’s again, the fastest way to create know, like, and trust. So what would I prioritize out of that? I would prioritize in person speaking engagements, physical where as much as digital is way more of a long tail. In person is immediate. Like you go in and you could do a 90 minute presentation and people come up to you, the back of the room and you schedule appointments for enrollment calls right then and there.
[00:55:54] Mat Boggs: So it would be 100 leveraging, speaking, leveraging a workshop. [00:56:00] and this is one of those things that in my opinion, it’s the fastest path to impact and the fastest path to a thriving six, seven, eight figure coaching business.
[00:56:09] Lauren Brollier Newton: I love that, Mat. I agree a 100 I will wave that flag all day of what you just said, because in person it creates faster conversion, higher conversion, and we hardly hear anybody anymore talking about it. And I believe it’s the way that many of, well, this is how we train and certify our coaches.
[00:56:25] Lauren Brollier Newton: But even if you’ve never come to brave thinking Institute, you get yourself out there in person, you build relationships, you speak, you can hit six figures so much faster. And that means that you’ve had more impact. So Mat, I’m with you a 100 on that. Mat Last one will you come back to the abundant coach podcast again sometime?
[00:56:41] Lauren Brollier Newton: Cause I’ve got about 200 more questions I’d like to ask you
[00:56:44] Mat Boggs: A 100 Absolutely. I love long term relationships. So let’s have a long term
[00:56:50] Mat Boggs: relationship
[00:56:50] Mat Boggs: with that.
[00:56:51] Lauren Brollier Newton: fun with this. Well, Mat Boggs, thank you very much. And where can our audience find you?
[00:56:54] Mat Boggs: BraveThinkingInstitute.com BTI.Com all kinds of great [00:57:00] programs there. And for anyone who’s listening that wants, I mean, that’s one of the things I’m really, really proud of that brave thinking Institute has done is they’ve literally. Created a done for you talk, a done for you workshop, a done for you presentation, the teaching stories, the principles, the exercises, the PowerPoints, the media, like the videos you can show to transform audiences.
[00:57:22] Mat Boggs: So anyone out there who is loving the idea of being on stages and speaking, and you want literally a presentation that can generate six and seven figures for you, like call up the brave thinking Institute because it’s done rocks. It’s awesome. It’s awesome.
[00:57:36] Lauren Brollier Newton: Amen to that. Thank you, Mat Boggs. We love you so much. We appreciate all your wisdom you shared today.
[00:57:41] Mat Boggs: Thank you, Lauren. My pleasure.
Are you ready to take your coaching business to new heights? In this episode of The Abundant Coach, I sit down with Mat Boggs, co-founder of Brave Thinking Institute and YouTube sensation with over 170 million views. Mat has trained and certified more than 5,000 coaches and has built a multimillion-dollar coaching business using the power of YouTube marketing.
From Struggle to Success
Mat shares his personal journey of struggling to monetize his platform and grow his business despite having a significant following and appearances on major media outlets like The Today Show. He reveals how a pivotal conversation with his mother, a successful thought leader in the industry, helped him shift his mindset and embrace the power of mentorship and collaboration.
Harnessing the Power of YouTube
Discover how Mat turned his passion for creating videos into a thriving coaching business that generates millions of dollars in revenue. He shares his top tips for creating engaging content, increasing watch time, and leveraging the YouTube algorithm to reach a wider audience. From crafting compelling titles to incorporating storytelling and lists, Mat breaks down the key elements of a successful YouTube strategy.
Empathy Marketing: Connecting with Your Ideal Clients
One of the most powerful takeaways from this episode is Mat’s approach to empathy marketing. He emphasizes the importance of understanding your ideal client’s pain points and aspirations and crafting your messaging to speak directly to their needs. By articulating their struggles better than they can themselves, you establish trust and credibility, positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your field.
Overcoming Fear and Shining Your Light
Mat also tackles the common fears and limiting beliefs that hold coaches back from putting themselves out there and sharing their message with the world. He shares his own experience of overcoming the fear of judgment and embarrassment and reframing negative comments as evidence that he was shining his light brightly enough to make an impact.
The Fastest Path to Impact and Income
When asked about the first move he would make if starting a coaching business from scratch today, Mat’s answer is clear: leverage other people’s stages. He emphasizes the power of in-person speaking engagements and workshops to create immediate impact and generate high-converting clients. By sharing your message and expertise with other people’s audiences, you can quickly build know, like, and trust and accelerate your business growth.
If you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level and harness the power of YouTube marketing, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and discover the strategies and mindset shifts that have helped Mat Boggs and countless other coaches create thriving businesses and a profound impact in the world. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of the industry’s top experts and unlock your full potential as a coach.
If you want to know more about Mat Boggs, find him at: https://www.bravethinkinginstitute.com/
10x Your Impact and Make Marketing Your Coaching Business EASY
There’s one secret ingredient that the most successful coaches, speakers, and difference makers use to grow their audiences and turn raving fans into paying clients. Even Mat Boggs, whose incredible success with Youtube Marketing and social media you heard about in today’s episode, uses this increibly powerful marketing tool… The power of STORY. But, not just any story, a SIGNATURE STORY. To find your signature story and learn exactly how to use it to amplify your success as a coach or speaker, grab your spot in Mat’s next 5 Day Life Coach Challenge!