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Public Speaking for Coaches Part 1: How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

In this episode of The Abundant Coach, host Lauren Brollier Newton takes on one of the most common challenges faced by coaches: the fear of public speaking. Whether you’re terrified at the thought of speaking in front of an audience or simply want to improve your skills, this episode is packed with practical advice to help you overcome anxiety and step into your role as a confident speaker. 

Lauren explains why public speaking is essential for growing your coaching business and shares techniques, including powerful exercises, and mindset shifts to help you manage fear. She also explores the deeper purpose behind your calling as a coach, showing how connecting with your “why” can give you the courage to face your fears and make a greater impact. This episode is the first part of a two-part series on using public speaking to grow your coaching business– be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode!

Why Public Speaking is Essential for Coaches

Lauren begins the episode by highlighting the crucial role public speaking plays in every coach’s career. Public speaking is a powerful tool for marketing your coaching services and connecting with potential clients. Whether you’re delivering a keynote, recording a video for social media, or simply introducing yourself to a potential client, your ability to communicate effectively is key to growing your business.

Understanding the Fear: Why Public Speaking Triggers Anxiety 

Public speaking isn’t just intimidating for no good reason– it’s science! Lauren explains that the fear of public speaking is deeply rooted in our nervous system’s survival instincts. When you’re standing in front of an audience, your body interprets this as a form of exposure, triggering a fight-or-flight response similar to what you might feel if you were in physical danger.

This evolutionary response is useful when you’re in actual danger, but it can be a major barrier when it comes to public speaking. Lauren reassures listeners that they’re not alone in experiencing this fear—it’s one of the most common fears in the world! She encourages listeners to recognize that this fear is not a reflection of their abilities, but rather a natural response that can be managed and overcome.

Practical Techniques to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking with Ease 

Lauren introduces practical techniques for managing and overcoming the fear of public speaking. She begins with a powerful, often underrated tool: breathwork. 

She introduces a specific method called “rectangular breathing,” designed to help calm the nervous system.

Rectangular Breathing Technique:

  • Inhale: Breathe in through your nose for six counts.
  • Pause: Hold the breath for three counts.
  • Exhale: Breathe out through your mouth for six counts.
  • Pause: Hold the breath for three counts.

Lauren guides listeners through this breathing exercise, emphasizing its effectiveness in resetting the nervous system and reducing the feeling of panic that often accompanies public speaking. By practicing this technique regularly, even when you’re not preparing for a speaking engagement, you can teach your body to remain calm under pressure.

Shifting Your Mindset: Connecting with Your ‘Why’ 

Beyond physical techniques, Lauren discusses the importance of mindset in overcoming the fear of public speaking. She shares the story of her mentor, Kirsten, who hated public speaking but eventually found the courage to step on stage by connecting deeply with her mission. Kirsten’s desire to make a larger impact outweighed her fear, motivating her to push through her anxiety.

Lauren encourages listeners to identify their own “why”—the deeper purpose behind their desire to coach and help others. By focusing on this mission, you can shift your mindset from fear to service, allowing your passion to drive you forward. This shift in perspective can make the act of speaking less about the fear of judgment and more about the impact you want to have on your audience.

Envisioning Success: The Power of Visualization 

Lauren introduces the concept of visualization as a tool for overcoming fear. She invites listeners to imagine themselves speaking confidently on stage, free from anxiety. By visualizing a successful outcome, you can begin to rewire your brain’s response to public speaking, making it a less daunting experience.

Imagine looking back on your life and asking yourself whether you’re satisfied with the impact you’ve made. This exercise can help clarify whether your fear is worth holding onto, or if it’s time to let it go in pursuit of your larger mission.

Learning to Embrace Your Unique Voice 

Lauren concludes the episode by reminding listeners of their unique gifts and the importance of sharing them with the world. Public speaking, she says, is not just about promoting your coaching business—it’s about fulfilling your purpose and making a meaningful impact. By overcoming your fear, you can step into your full potential as a coach and create the change you were meant to make.

Tune in to Part 2: Lauren will show you how to use public speaking as a powerful tool to grow your coaching business. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!


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FIVE DAYS will give you the tools and support you need to translate who you are and what you do into messaging that resonates so deeply with you ideal clients that they feel it in their bones. 

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