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Self Care for Coaches: How to Invest In Yourself to Make an Even Bigger Impact

As a coach and business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and grind, believing that working harder will lead to more success. But, what if the key to creating a thriving, abundant coaching business lies in doing less? Join me for this episode of The Abundant Coach, and explore the concept of self-care for coaches. Discover how prioritizing your well-being can actually enhance your effectiveness and impact as a coach, making you even more successful and fulfilled.

The Myth of Hustle Culture

Leave behind the pervasive limiting belief that success as a coach requires constant hustling and working long hours. In this episode, Lauren challenges this dangerous mindset, emphasizing that energy flows where it’s directed and that success can be achieved without sacrificing your well-being.

The Power of Intentional Self-Care

Lauren kicks off this insightful episode by sharing one of her favorite quotes: “Everyone should spend 15 minutes a day in nature, and if you’re busy, make it an hour.” She explains how this simple principle can transform your approach to self-care and coaching.

Self-care isn’t just about lighting candles and taking baths—it’s about nourishing your soul and creating the space to connect with your inner wisdom. This is the equation for quantum leaps– where true, full-spectrum success is created.

Real-Life Application: The Horse Ride Before the Workshop

Lauren recounts a powerful story about choosing to ride her horse before a major workshop, despite feeling the pressure to prepare. While it may seem counter-intuitive, his decision led to a more grounded, creative, and effective presence during the event.

She illustrates how self-care practices can lead to better performance and greater impact in your coaching business. When we get caught in the pressure of being busy, doing everything, and constantly running, we miss the opportunity to connect with the deepest parts of ourselves– the parts of ourselves that inspired us to want to make a difference in the world in the first place. 

Self-Care as a Tool for Quantum Leaps

Drawing inspiration from historical figures like Henry David Thoreau, Lauren discusses how taking time for self-care can lead to profound insights and breakthroughs.

She explains how aligning with your higher self and creating from a place of flow can generate quantum leaps in your coaching business.

Practical Steps to Shift from Push to Flow

Lauren offers practical tips for coaches to move from a state of stress and overwhelm to one of ease and creativity. Techniques include mindful breathing, generating flow-inducing thoughts, and regularly pausing to reset your nervous system.

Lauren challenges the notion that constant busyness is necessary for success, and instead encourages coaches to embrace spaciousness and intentional action.

She shares a personal story (and an exercise you can do today!) about how a single inspired action led to 19 speaking engagements, demonstrating that success doesn’t require endless hustle.

Key Takeaways

  • Self-care for coaches is not a luxury—it’s a necessity for sustainable success and impactful coaching.
  • By investing in yourself and prioritizing your well-being, you can create a more effective and fulfilling coaching practice.
  • Remember that doing less can often accomplish more, and that your best ideas and breakthroughs will come from a place of flow, not stress.

Connect with Lauren Brollier Newton:

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