00;00;03;23 – 00;00;32;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
Welcome to the abundant coach. I’m your host, Lauren Brollier Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business, while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you’ll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients. Facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.
00;00;32;02 – 00;00;58;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
Welcome back to the abundant coach Lauren Newton here. Oh my gosh, I am really, really excited for this episode. I know I say that every single episode. That is because I love what we do here at Brave Thinking Institute. So this episode steal my favorite spiritual coaching tool for rapid results. When we first dreamed up the topic for this episode, I was originally going to teach multiple tools and I’m going to call this one tool.
00;00;59;00 – 00;01;17;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
Now, I think there’s multiple tools within this story, but I’m going to call the whole story. I’m going to highlight the one tool that I actually think makes the most difference in people’s business is mine, for sure. But I’m going to tell the tool that you can steal today through the frame of one of my favorite stories ever about growing my coaching business.
00;01;17;05 – 00;01;43;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I don’t believe I’ve told this one on the podcast before. I know sometimes I get I’d say the same things over and over again, but you know, repetition is good. But this one brand brand new story to this podcast. So I’m gonna start with a quote, as I always do. Every failure, every heartbreak, every adversity carries within it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.
00;01;43;12 – 00;02;08;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
But like any seed, it must be found planted, nourished and harvested. And that’s by Napoleon Hill. So that brings up the story perfectly. You’re going to hear how it plays a role in the story. I’ll share the quote again as we go through. But I’m telling you this story because being spiritual is not about any one thing. It’s not like, oh, well, I’m a Christian or oh, well, I’m a Buddhist or oh well, I’m a person that meditates.
00;02;08;12 – 00;02;28;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
In my opinion, being spiritual is about knowing that there’s something more than this human body and life that there’s something greater in, in all of us, or for all of us, or with all of us, and that we can actually use it as a guidance for how to live our lives. I think for me personally. So let me just be controversial here for a minute.
00;02;28;23 – 00;02;51;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
I laugh at myself because sometimes I say it’s controversial. It’s actually not that controversial, but I say it because I know for a lot of people it is like it’s not universally controversial, but in certain circles, you know, it is controversial. And here’s what I’m gonna say. That’s controversial. It’s not spiritual to suffer. And yet so many people talk about being so spiritual, but they’re freakin suffering.
00;02;51;05 – 00;03;22;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I’m like, how is that spiritual? Like, I don’t think that is spiritual. I think you are spiritual. Yes. All of us are spiritual beings having a human experience. And I think the honesty that we want to have with ourselves and all of us is I am endeavoring to be a spiritual person, and yet I notice myself still suffering because I watch way too many people who would say that they’re on a spiritual path and are on a spiritual path, or who are, doing something very spiritual, suffer so much.
00;03;22;05 – 00;03;44;04
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I want to put the ease back in spiritual, the flow back in spiritual, because I believe when you’re really living spiritual law and principle, none of us do it perfectly. But everything does get easier. So the controversial thing that I want to say, if that hasn’t already felt controversial to you, is that I would like for us to start mixing the idea of that.
00;03;44;09 – 00;04;15;12
Lauren Brollier Newton
The more spiritual you get, the more results you have, because that’s what we do at Racing Institute, where our whole institute sits on the foundation of spiritual on principle. And that by essence makes life easier, more flow, more results, easier manifesting. And so when that is not happening, when it’s not getting easier, when you’re not having more flow and more results, you want to ask yourself where are the places where I’m doing spiritual things, but maybe not fully understanding it because I don’t see my results flowing easier?
00;04;15;16 – 00;04;35;29
Lauren Brollier Newton
That makes sense. All right, so framing that all up to say, the reason this tool is going to create rapid results for you is because it really stands on the ground of spiritual on principle. Let’s just take it back a minute and say, what is spiritual law and principle there? Immutable. You cannot change it. In other words, laws of electricity.
00;04;35;29 – 00;04;55;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
We know how electricity works. We now know how to leverage the power of electricity. You can find easier, more efficient ways to use it. But for hundreds, thousands of years of human birth, tens of thousands of years in human birth, we didn’t know how to use electricity to light our houses. But when we discovered electricity, we didn’t make up how electricity works.
00;04;55;21 – 00;05;15;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
That’s the universe. That’s God’s spirit. Life, science, ways and particles, whatever words you want to put on it. Electricity works the way it works and we can’t make it work our way. Mary Morse’s mentor, Jack Boland, always used to say to her, Mary, I can’t make it work. Your way, but I can show you how it works. Electricity is like that.
00;05;15;05 – 00;05;31;20
Lauren Brollier Newton
I can’t make it work your way, but I can show you how it works. Gravity’s like that. I can’t make it work your way. But I can show you how it works. That’s what spiritual on principle is. I can’t make it work your way. But I can show you how it works. So this is one of those stories of this is how it works.
00;05;31;23 – 00;05;48;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
And you can find the ways that you put on these tools, this particular overarching tool. But the many things I’ll share within this story for your own life. I had the privilege when I was early in my coaching business early 2019, of having the opportunity to speak on stage with Mary Morrissey at one of the coach certification events when I was a client.
00;05;48;26 – 00;06;04;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
Speak about my wins and my successes and how I created them, and thank Mary for everything she had helped me with. And so the morning of the time I was going to be on stage with Mary, we were hitting our marks, meaning I was standing on the stage and there’s tape on the stage like, this is where you’re supposed to stand.
00;06;04;16 – 00;06;30;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
And so I was standing there and I was, you know, learning how to walk across the stage. And Mary came out on stage with me and we were chatting about something. And then she stood next to me and she said, look out at this room lawn. Look out at this stage. Look out onto the tables and the seats and, you know, and it was a big ballroom filled with round tables with white tablecloths and probably seats for, you know, 3 to 400 people.
00;06;30;23 – 00;06;54;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
And she put her hand on the small of my back and she said, look out. She said, memorize this. This is normal. Now, what Mary was doing is she was helping me take any one time thing or crowning moment of my life, or this is a one time deal, or I have to be nervous about that. She was taking all that energy out, and she was sharing with me that this now is normal for me.
00;06;54;10 – 00;07;13;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
Lauren, speaking on a stage with 3 or 400 people in the audience. It’s just normal for Lauren now. And she was emanating that to me and showing my nervous system and my subconscious mind, this is normal now. This is just what you do. Well, she did a really good job transmitting that to me because when I got home, I did not want it any longer.
00;07;13;18 – 00;07;28;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
Speak in the room I was speaking in. I’d been speaking for about two years of, of my coaching business. Maybe it was about a year and a half. I’d been speaking in a in a meeting room that could hold up to 25 people. And I was proud of myself that, I had sold it out one time. I had 26 people.
00;07;28;14 – 00;07;45;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
I oversold the room, but once I got out of the ballroom, I just had this feeling of like, I don’t want to go back to the small room, or I don’t want the small room to be my normal. At a very minimum, I want the big room to be my normal. And so I was thinking about, okay, well, I want to be in the ballroom so I could rent a ballroom.
00;07;45;27 – 00;08;02;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
Then, of course, all the fear should scare me. How are you ever going to rent a ballroom? You only have 25 people, and that’s got to be really expensive. And you’re going to waste a lot of money and you know all the fears about having the ballroom. So I did something that I know in spiritual law, in principle, you really should not do if you want to have a fast result.
00;08;02;16 – 00;08;19;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
And that is, I sold my soul to the devil, so to speak. I let the fear govern me and I made a deal with myself. Now you will hear a say in the Institute. Delay is the killer of dreams because it tricks you into thinking you’re doing something because you say, I’ll do it next week, but you haven’t really made a decision.
00;08;19;13 – 00;08;33;18
Lauren Brollier Newton
If you’re doing it next week, you’re just thinking about it. You’re flirting with it, but you’re not really doing it. I knew that by this point in my coaching career, that delay is something that you really want to be careful when you give in to it. If you really want something, don’t delay the step that you know you can take.
00;08;33;18 – 00;08;51;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
But I delayed the ballroom and I made a deal with myself. I’m like, okay, Lauren, you’ve been having, you know, an average of between 15 and 25 people at every event. And if you’re going to fill 100 person ballroom, then you probably need to, like, prove to yourself that you can sell it out for four months in a row, because 25 times four is 100, and then you can sell a ballroom.
00;08;51;28 – 00;09;07;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
Now that doesn’t really even make sense. Like I’m going to circumstance like it doesn’t even make sense how I logically thought I was mapping this out. But whatever I decide to delay and I put so much effort into the next event because I’m trying to get the 25 to prove to myself that I can eventually have the ballroom.
00;09;07;21 – 00;09;29;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
And I’m trying to get that 25, and I’m working hard, and I’m actually paying for marketing, which I’d never done before, and I’m doing all these things. And the next event comes and four people showed up. That was the smallest amount of people that I had ever had attended workshop in the history of my coaching career. So what is the logical mind want to say?
00;09;29;12 – 00;09;46;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
The logical mind, which, by the way, is not spiritual. It’s it just takes the past and circumstance and mixes it around and tries to get you convinced about it. The logical mind says you only had four people. How are you ever going to fill a ballroom? You can’t fill a ballroom. So I listened to that for a while.
00;09;46;28 – 00;10;13;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
I listened to that voice, and then I thought, no, real spiritual on principle says that all possibilities exist. And we know that even science says that. Now physics has shown that like, there are an infinite number of possibilities and everything is just sitting in superposition, waiting to be moved. So I’m like, okay, it can’t be an impossibility that just because I had four people today means I’m never going to be able to fill a ballroom that is not a spiritual truth.
00;10;13;03 – 00;10;50;19
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I use the Napoleon Hill quote that I started with at the beginning of this episode to hold the spiritual truth with myself. Every failure, every adversity, every heartbreak carries within it the seed of an equal or greater benefit. Meaning, however hard something seems, there has to be an equal good to. However, like if it seems a ten on a scale of 1 to 10, bad, then there has to be a ten scale good coming from this heartbreak, failure or adversity.
00;10;50;22 – 00;11;08;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
Now you might be asking me, the skeptics listening to this episode might be asking me, okay, Lauren, but how do you know that spiritual law is it could be just a great quote, but maybe it’s not true with a capital T? Here’s how I know there is a law of Polarity in this universe. You know, dark because you know light, you know, alive only because you know, dead.
00;11;08;27 – 00;11;35;15
Lauren Brollier Newton
You know, rain because you know sun. You the universe instructs us through contrast. And there is a polar opposite to everything in this universe. So if this is this bad, there has to be a good. Okay. So that’s part one of the quote. Part two is that but like any seed of an equal or greater benefit right. So any seed has to be found planted, nourished it and harvested.
00;11;35;18 – 00;11;52;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
Meaning you got that seed has to get planted in the ground and it has to have the right amount of nutrients then in order to grow enough to be harvested. Well, we know that as a scientific truth. So the whole quote I can see stands on the ground of not only spiritual truth, but really a scientific truth as well.
00;11;52;28 – 00;12;15;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
With that said, I just decide to hold that quote. This is a spiritual truth for me. Having only four people come after, you know, 16 or 8 maybe. Let me think how long I had been certified at that point, like maybe 14 continuous months, I had had never had less than, let’s say, ten people. So this felt like a very real sad result for me.
00;12;15;08 – 00;12;38;17
Lauren Brollier Newton
So there has to be an equal or greater benefit. So I hold that quote. Here’s what I mean by saying I hold that quote. I’m saying this quote over and over and over again, every failure, Lauren, every adversity carries within as a seed of an equal or greater benefit. So what I was doing is I was opening myself spiritually to what the seed of good is, and only for the people coming to my workshop.
00;12;38;20 – 00;12;58;28
Lauren Brollier Newton
I hold that quote. So this is my workshop is on a Saturday. I’m saying this quote over and over and over again to myself Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And nothing is revealing itself to me at that point. So this is really something for you to know. And it’s kind of a tool within tool is don’t just say an affirmation once and expect it to change your life.
00;12;58;28 – 00;13;20;11
Lauren Brollier Newton
Like come on, hold it for a while with yourself. Speak it to yourself because the fear is normal. In human birth, all of us have given into fear. And if you don’t hold the energy in the direction of where you want it to go, the direction of C, you can’t have a ballroom. See, it’s only for people that will take over if you don’t tell the energy where to go.
00;13;20;13 – 00;13;37;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I called this quote, but then finally, a week in, I hear clearly and here’s how you know it’s a spiritual. It’s between you and spirit or you and yourself and not just really like your own. Pushing is when you hear a thought and you’re surprised by the thought, or you’re like, where did that thought come from? Or oh my gosh, that’s an
00;13;37;27 – 00;13;57;15
Lauren Brollier Newton
That’s when, you know, to really pay attention and listen to it. Here’s what I heard loud and clear. Lauren, look at this. See. And this is actually how it’s going to be. It says, see you can be a failure even in the room you don’t want to be in. Spirit speaks to you in ways that you will understand.
00;13;57;16 – 00;14;15;20
Lauren Brollier Newton
I knew what that meant to me. I knew what that meant to me because what I was afraid of going into the ballroom was failing. I’m going to lose money. Nobody’s going to show up. What if I booked this ballroom and I just waste my money? And at that time, I knew that to rent a ballroom and have the kind of event I wanted for a day and to feed people because I truly believe in feeding people.
00;14;15;20 – 00;14;43;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m an Italian. So you don’t invite someone somewhere and then not feed them. So I knew to have a workshop in the way I wanted to have it for a day in a ballroom would probably cost around $10,000. I didn’t just have $10,000 laying around at that time in my coaching business. I knew that I was going to have to put that on a credit card, and if nobody came and people didn’t enroll in my coaching business, I would have to then pay interest on that and try to scramble to find a way to pay that off.
00;14;43;04 – 00;15;01;27
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I knew that the reason I wasn’t booking the ballroom was out of fear of failure. Fear of loss. So when I heard a spirit speak to me and say, you can fail even in the room, you don’t want to be in, I knew exactly what that meant. Here I am in a room I don’t want to be in, and I still failed.
00;15;01;29 – 00;15;19;24
Lauren Brollier Newton
So then I said to myself, and I heard why not fail in the room you do want to be in? Like if you’re not going to roll anybody and you’re not going to, you know, whatever, why not be on the stage you want to be on? Because that in itself is a dream achieved. That in itself is a crowning moment.
00;15;19;27 – 00;15;37;25
Lauren Brollier Newton
So I heard that. Now what do you do with it when you hear it? Because I could hear it and then go back to the same old crap. But you’re not going to create rapid results doing what you’ve always done. So I knew if I want rapid results, if I want change, if I want something different, I’ve got to be willing to put my ass on the line.
00;15;37;28 – 00;16;04;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
And here’s the thing that I have learned, and this is one of my quotes that I developed over time, that I hope you will share with others, is that the universe responds in proportion to the boldness of your action, and that is actually my favorite spiritual coaching tool. And you can steal it. But please quote me. Steal my favorite coaching tool right here.
00;16;04;04 – 00;16;26;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
Universe responds in proportion to the boldness of your action if you act. I’m not even going to say the quote that I was going to say, okay, I guess I can say it. There’s a rap song, I think it’s a 90 song. So that’s that’s my era, that’s my jam. That says act like a trick and a trick.
00;16;26;05 – 00;16;49;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
You get dealt with. So this creates a positive or negative if you act like an a trick is slang for just a jerk, like a terrible person, a sleazy person, that’s what you’re going to get dealt with and meaning. That’s the result you’re going to create. And when you act towards your vision, that’s the results you’re going to create.
00;16;49;00 – 00;17;08;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
So the boldness of your bad behavior that’s going to come back to you and the boldness of your vision driven, impactful behavior is going to come back to you. So the universe responds in proportion to the boldness of your action means that if you just get a little bit bold, you’re going to have a little bit better result.
00;17;08;05 – 00;17;28;22
Lauren Brollier Newton
But if you get massive bold, you’re going to have a massive result. And so my massive move in this moment, not knowing where the $10,000 was going to come from, not knowing any of it, was, you know what, I’m going to go rent the ballroom because at least if I fail, I’m failing on the stage. I want to be on in the room I want to be in, so I didn’t.
00;17;28;22 – 00;17;47;00
Lauren Brollier Newton
Here’s the great thing about being in the room you want to be in, and that’s a metaphor for anything you want in your coaching business, is I got way more passionate about marketing my workshop because I was thrilled to be in this room. I told everybody I saw all my friends, I’m going to have this ballroom workshop, and this is going to be the food, and this is going to be the music.
00;17;47;04 – 00;18;12;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
And people couldn’t help getting excited with me because I was passionate and enthused and excited and thrilled about it. And so just okay, so let’s let’s count the months. So, so maybe like three months later from this failure ballroom, but sorry, failure four person workshop. We’re by the way, nobody enrolled. I had my ballroom workshop. I didn’t know how I was going to pay for it.
00;18;12;01 – 00;18;37;06
Lauren Brollier Newton
I didn’t know how I was going to go to four people to fill a ballroom. That room could fill 100 people. Well, 100 people didn’t register. 128 people registered for that workshop. This is what I’m talking about. Spiritual law and principle. Mastering this for rapid results I want something. I hear the spiritual call that is mine. My mentor helps me see that it’s mine.
00;18;37;09 – 00;19;03;08
Lauren Brollier Newton
And originally I act out of fear and I have a fear result, but instead I act with boldness and I have a boldness. I have 128 people come. That workshop generated $58,000 in sales that day, and friendships and relationships with clients that I would have until today. Like there’s people who enrolled at that workshop that I can think of that I’m still close to today.
00;19;03;08 – 00;19;24;14
Lauren Brollier Newton
Friends with today, rooting for today, watching them build dreams today. So I was afraid I wasn’t going to make back the ten grand I made $58,000. That’s $48,000 profit. Coached amazing people, and learned a spiritual truth that I get to share with you today. And that is this you’re going to face failure. There’s there’s so many teaching points within this.
00;19;24;14 – 00;19;53;10
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’m going to use the main tool is the universe responds in proportion to the boldness of your action. But there’s another thing in here that I taught you today that I hope you take with you forever. Every failure hole. This is not mine. Now, this is Napoleon Hills, but every failure holds in it. Feedback for you I failed in the 25 person room because that was not the room I was supposed to be in, and if I hadn’t failed, if it would have just been 25 people again, then what I would have learned is, yeah, delay your dreams.
00;19;53;10 – 00;20;15;21
Lauren Brollier Newton
And you know, maybe someday you’ll be in the bathroom. The universe knew that. As I’m saying, my vision, God, spirit, life, infinite universe knew that. As I’m sharing my vision that that what if that ball, if that little person room got filled, I’m not moving and I’m not helping the people I’m meant to help. And so it gave me and it helped me co-create.
00;20;15;21 – 00;20;35;05
Lauren Brollier Newton
It doesn’t just give it to you, you co-create it with the infinite. This failure result that caused me to see that my room was the ballroom. That’s where Lauren is from. Now on. And that changed my life forever. And I never went. It’s not that I won’t let me. Let me just be clear. It’s not that I won’t speak to a small room of people.
00;20;35;05 – 00;21;05;13
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’ll impact as many lives as I can, whenever I can. But I have claimed for myself that my room, whether it’s a virtual room or a podcast or whatever, is the ballroom. That kind of a room. And that was not just my win. I impacted so many lives because I had a willingness to step up. My invitation to you today is take off the failure, take off the fear, put on the boldness and just see what the universe has in store for you.
00;21;05;15 – 00;21;13;09
Lauren Brollier Newton
That’s how you create rapid results. I love you very much and I’ll see you on the next episode.
00;21;13;12 – 00;21;27;01
Lauren Brollier Newton
Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our website at Brave Thinking institute.com/coach Certification, where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities.
00;21;27;03 – 00;21;28;17
Lauren Brollier Newton
Be sure to subscribe to the show on.
00;21;28;17 – 00;21;50;03
Lauren Brollier Newton
ITunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you’ll never miss an episode. And while you’re at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review to find out how to jump start your funding, coaching career, and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free. Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at bti.com/coach quiz.
00;21;50;06 – 00;21;52;02
Lauren Brollier Newton
I’ll see you in the next episode.