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Transformational Coaching In Challenging Times with Expert Coach, Katie Augustine

In this episode of The Abundant Coach, host Lauren Brollier Newton is joined by veteran coach Katie Augustine to dive deep into the transformative power of coaching during difficult times. Drawing on her 12 years of experience and having worked with thousands of clients, Katie offers valuable insights on guiding individuals through personal and collective challenges. Together, they discuss how transformational coaching empowers clients to overcome obstacles by focusing on vision, growth, and co-creation.

Tune in for an uplifting conversation packed with actionable strategies for coaches and anyone passionate about making a positive difference.

Introduction to Katie Augustine and Her Coaching Journey

Lauren opens the episode by introducing her guest, Katie Augustine, a senior coach at the Brave Thinking Institute. Katie brings over a decade of transformational coaching experience, working with a vast number of clients across the globe. In addition to her coaching practice, she is also an international best-selling author, with her latest contribution to the book Cracking the Rich Code being a pivotal project that allowed her to share her vision and passion for transformational work.

Katie’s journey from being a banking attorney to becoming a transformational coach is nothing short of inspiring. She discusses how her professional background and personal interests in indigenous cultures and spiritual studies led her to a career that combines heart-centered coaching with practical tools for transformation.

Evolutionary and Transformational Times: Coaching Through Collective Struggles

As they dive deeper into the episode, Lauren and Katie discuss the current times as “evolutionary,” referring to the collective challenges and changes many people are experiencing. Katie shares how these times offer opportunities for growth, both personally and collectively, and how she helps clients navigate these shifts through the powerful tool of visioning.

Katie emphasizes the importance of holding a clear vision, not only for one’s personal life but also for the world. By asking clients, “What would you love?”, she guides them to see beyond their current struggles and create a vision for a future they want to live in. She explains that this visioning process shifts clients from a problem-focused mindset to one of possibility, allowing them to take empowered action towards creating their desired future.

Tools for Transformational Coaching

Katie provides insights into the specific coaching tools she uses to help clients during these challenging times:

1. Visioning: Katie stresses that holding a clear vision is a cornerstone of transformational coaching. Whether clients are focused on personal growth or navigating larger societal issues, starting with the question “What would you love?” helps move them from focusing on the current problem to imagining the possibilities.

2. Breathing and Metacognition: Drawing from her own experiences, Katie encourages clients to notice their thoughts and feelings through metacognition. This practice of “noticing what you’re noticing” allows them to identify when they’re in a constricted state and redirect their focus towards expansion. She also uses breathwork to help clients regulate their nervous systems and shift out of fear.

3. Energy and Intention Setting: Katie believes in the power of intention and collective energy. Drawing on teachings from indigenous cultures and spiritual practices, she shares how coaches can work with clients to hold a higher vision not only for themselves but for the world. Whether it’s personal growth or environmental healing, Katie teaches that our collective thoughts and intentions have the power to create real change.

Addressing Client Resistance

Lauren asks Katie how she works with clients who feel overwhelmed by the state of the world and are unable to imagine a better future. Katie explains that sometimes starting small is key. She helps clients envision just one aspect of their life that could improve, such as the future they’d want for their grandchildren. By guiding them to create a specific, relatable vision, she helps them expand their capacity to imagine and work towards broader change.

Transformational Coaching for Coaches

Lauren and Katie also touch on the unique challenges coaches face, especially when they are working on their own growth. Katie shares that one of the greatest gifts of transformational coaching is that it allows coaches to live what they teach. She encourages coaches to use the tools they offer their clients, such as visioning and breathwork, in their own lives. By doing so, they can embody the principles they teach and inspire their clients through authentic leadership.

The Importance of Expansion vs. Constriction

Katie also introduces the concept of expansion vs. constriction, which she uses frequently with her clients. She encourages individuals to notice when they feel expansive—light, hopeful, and open—and when they feel constricted—tight, fearful, and limited. By becoming aware of these states, clients can actively choose to focus on what brings expansion, aligning themselves with their highest vision and creating the best possible outcomes.

Practical Takeaways for Coaches

In this episode, Katie offers numerous practical takeaways for coaches, including:

  • Hold the Vision: Help your clients hold a vision of what they would love, especially when they feel overwhelmed by current challenges. Encourage them to see beyond their current conditions and focus on possibilities.
  • Breathe and Reset: Teach clients breathing techniques to help them reset their nervous systems and shift their focus from fear to possibility.
  • Expand Your Own Vision: As a coach, embody the transformational principles you teach by continually expanding your own vision for your life and the world. Use your personal growth to inspire and uplift your clients.

Lauren wraps up the episode by celebrating the power of transformational coaching during challenging times. She highlights Katie’s insights on how maintaining a vision, focusing on expansion, and holding space for the collective good can lead to profound personal and societal change. Lauren encourages coaches to embrace these tools in their own lives and with their clients.

If you want to know more about Katie Augustine, you may reach out to her at: 

The World Needs Change More Than Ever… Are You Meant to Make an Even Bigger Impact?

If this episode resonated with you and you’re ready to take the next step in their coaching journey, don’t miss the opportunity to take the free Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz, designed to help you discover your unique path as a coach.

In just a few minutes, you’ll discover the gifts and unique qualities you already have that could make a profound difference in the lives of others. Discover how you’re uniquely designed to make a difference. 

Take the free quiz now! 

transformational coaching