Lauren Brollier Newton: [00:00:00] Welcome to The Abundant Coach. I’m your host, Lauren Brolier Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you’ll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients, facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.
Well, hello, welcome back to the abundant coach. I’m really, really thrilled for the topic that I’m going to bring you today. because I think it gets missed, especially inside the coach culture that seems to be established, especially in the online world, where we commonly hear things like hustle slay. And to me personally, this is me, try it on and see if it fits for you.
But for me personally, the hustle slay all day, stay up, get up at five in the morning. To me, that doesn’t feel life giving. I’m like, I don’t want to get up at four in the morning. Isn’t there a way in an infinite universe with infinite [00:01:00] possibilities to have a highly successful coaching business and a balanced life.
I’m not saying you don’t have to work hard. I’m not saying you don’t have to put your mind to things and take action and be bold and overcome fear and all that stuff. I’m not saying that at all, but what I’m saying is I don’t want to have a coaching business where I have to wake up at 3am in order to be able to be successful at it.
So today’s episode is what is full spectrum success. And how do I get it? Because this really changes the framework of this hustle and slay culture that we seem to be really interested in, in the coaching world. So here’s the quote that I have for you today. Some people live 90 years, others live the same year, 90 times.
And that’s a quote from Mary Morrissey. So living life over and over and over again in the same way, I don’t think any of us would say, Oh yeah, I’m in for that. I want to sign up for that. And yet so many of us do it that way, rather than really living a full 90 years. And that’s why I want to talk about full spectrum success today.
So let’s do this. First of all, I just want [00:02:00] you to think for yourself, how do you define success? How do you personally define success? Think about the ways in which you have been. saying whether you’re successful or not successful. And then I want you to think, what do you think to yourself? Like if I said to you, Hey, I want to tell you about someone who’s really successful.
Just notice the preconceived notions that come to your mind around that, Hey, I want to tell you about someone that’s really successful. What comes to your mind, the type of job they have, the amount of money they have, what comes to your mind? And I have noticed in our culture, especially American culture, but you know, tell me if this lands kind of around the world, because I know we have listeners from around the world, that it’s often when, if I said to you, Hey, I want to tell you about this person that’s really successful.
Your mind would likely go to their job title. Like they’re an executive or they’re a lawyer or they’re this, that, reaching some sort of a pinnacle in wealth or career, the material things that they have, the house that they have, where they live. My guess is that for most of us, that’s what would come to your mind when I say, Hey, I want to tell you about someone [00:03:00] who’s really successful.
And here’s the reason why I want to redefine it. If you have a great job with a great title, but you hate it. Is that successful? If you have a lot of money, but you’re freaking out all the time because you have all sorts of undeserving patterns or fear of losing it pattern. Is that really successful? If you’re super rich in your job, you like it, you’re successful.
You make lots of money, but your relationships are failing. Is that really successful? And so that’s why I want to redefine what success is because here at brave thinking Institute and the way I would personally define it as well, we call it full spectrum success. That it actually isn’t enough to have the job title or to have the house, but not have someone to share it with when that’s your dream.
So full spectrum success is loving all areas of your life, like being absolutely in love with all areas of your life. I’ll give you a great example of how I used to define success and sort of a rude awakening I had. This is before I was a coach or [00:04:00] anything, but I worked for a school district in California.
I was a teacher for a couple of years. I did student teaching, taught elementary school for a couple of years.
And there was a position in the school district that I worked in and it was, called the literacy coach.
Kind of similar to reading specialist. It wasn’t special ed. It was the step before a child goes to special ed, where they get intervention from a reading teacher.
And that’s what the literacy position included district wide position where I would be in charge of the professional development for the fourth grade teachers in the district.
So to me, this was an accomplishment. I was young.
I was probably the youngest lit coach that there ever was in that
school district. and I was getting this upgrade and it wasn’t really actually a money upgrade, but it was sort of a title upgrade.
and a schedule upgrade. And I remember thinking to myself, I
don’t know why this thought came to my mind, but I remember thinking to myself.
When I get to sign my email for the first time with
literacy coaches, my title, like I’m going to feel amazing.
Like my life is somehow going to change. And then I remember writing that first email with my signature line
saying literacy coach [00:05:00] and not feeling any different. And I can actually remember where I was standing, remember the moment and go, well, you know, I just remember thinking to myself, like, why
is it?
I thought this was going to be so different And I feel
nothing different. And that is because in all areas of my life. there were places where I was very unfulfilled, unhappy, et cetera. So it’s like you can put the title on top
of it, but if nothing’s changing about the way you’re feeling about your life inside, then it’s kind of a moot point.
I mean, was I happy to be the literacy coach? Yes. Was I happy with my new schedule? And yes, that there were so many other things
going on in my life that I didn’t feel that success because everything
else was weighing so heavy. So full spectrum success, loving all areas
of your life. You love the home You live in. You love the area you live in. You love your family. You love the relationships you’re
building. You feel fulfilled at work. You are just not. That doesn’t. And by the way, full spectrum success doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It just means the main parts of your life. You’re really in love with what you’ve created.
So, How do we create this? Okay. We can define [00:06:00] it that way. Lauren. Sure. I agree with you. If I’m miserable, but I have a
great job title. It doesn’t make me successful. Okay, we’ve redefined that But now.
how do I go about
achieving full spectrum success? Because one of the questions that came in, I’ll just do it right now.
Usually I do a coaching corner where I ask a question or I tell you a common question people ask about this, or someone sends in a question. The question is how do you even start thinking about full spectrum success when it feels so overwhelming because you’re not in love with all
these different areas of your life? So the great news is you want to go from the shame scale
to curiosity. If you can Get yourself out of shame, like, Oh, there’s all these things and it’s going to be so hard to change it. And where do I even start? Of course, you’re going to
feel like crap. Anybody would So we want to change the thinking. We want to change the mindset around it.
And we actually want to ask a different question. Get curious about what if I just explored each of these different areas of my life and what I would like instead. If I’m not happy with this, what would I like instead? And we just go to curiosity. We stay out of judgment. That’s really going to [00:07:00] help. So the beginning of creating this idea of how to start
creating full spectrum success. is asking yourself a question.
And that is what would I love
in each area of my
life? what would be happening in my life? If I was in love with each corner
of my life. And so this is very
You’re suspending here. Any doubt. that you have about being able to achieve this. this. is a moment where you’re just given a magic wand, a genie’s lamp, guaranteed success, guaranteed the full spectrum success. and you get to dream up anything that you would want because actually loving your life is success. So if I loved my life, what would I look like? What would that look
like? So for example, if you loved your work in the world, what would that look like? And I’m going to say here, and I know a lot of you who are listening have done this with me or with the Institute many, many times.
Some of you, this is the first time you’ve
ever done this, but I want you to not go, Oh, I’ve done that before. I’ve written a vision. I want you to very pause on this for a second. and I want you to get out of [00:08:00] list making like I would have this, I would have this, I would have this, I would have this. And let’s get more emotional about it. and let’s actually think to ourselves, okay, a day in the life of my work in the
world that I love,
what would I be doing? And you’re going to dream into that. Would I
be speaking on stages as a coach? Would I be recording a podcast episode? Would I be a guest on a famous podcast? Would I
be actually just doing a couple of client calls and that’s it for the day. Would I be working on a PowerPoint for a new program? Would I be going out in my community and serving? Like what would your work in the world look Like if you were in love with it? If you were feeling super fulfilled. Would you get on an online summit and speak to a crowd of 5, 000 people? Would you be writing a book?
And maybe it’s a mix of all of these things, but if you loved your work in the world, and you actually woke up in the morning and thought, I love this. what would
that be? That’s your
work in the world. Now here’s the deal. If you haven’t yet become a coach or you are a coach or whatever the deal is, and you’re not a hundred
percent clear what you [00:09:00] would love, which by the way, in the beginning is very normal, I would say, 60 to maybe 70 percent of people, when asked that question, the first feeling they have is I have no
idea. And so if that’s you all good, like we’re just going to go
with that. Okay. So let me tell you a story
about a client I had I had this client who had been, she was one of my coaching clients. She had been a an accountant, I believe she was for many, many years. And she some of the issues that she had with that is it was boring.
She didn’t like who she worked with. She didn’t want to be sitting at a desk all day. And so she had enough resources in her life that she could quit The accounting job while she figured out the next step of what she wanted to do. And so in our coaching, she was always like I have no idea what I want to do.
I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I
think she was probably in her sixties if I had
to guess. But I do want to work and I, you know, I want to do something, but I have no idea what I do. No idea what I would do. Now, first of all, let me just put a pause on this story and say this, the more you repeat, I have no idea.
I have no idea. I have no idea. You’re freaking out your nervous system step by step there. So I’m going to ask you to really [00:10:00] pause that. Stop saying that. Do you want to have no idea? if you would love to have an idea, stop saying you have no idea. reverberating with that energy. So that would be my first, I probably did that coaching with her, but let me just say it to you. if you keep repeating that, it’s going to be that. I would invite you. if you’re that person who’s like, I have no idea what I want, I’m not sure, start saying, I’m so happy to be discovering what I would love. and just notice The vibrational difference of, I have no idea, I have no
idea to I’m so happy I’m discovering it. I’m so happy ideas are coming to me. you actually set the groundwork in your mind before You feel it. So say, I’m so happy that. I’m discovering now. Okay. So she, was saying she had no idea.
And I took her, through this exercise. If you would absolutely love it, you. had a magic wand. you could do anything. No holds barred. you’re guaranteed success. what would you love? And she was blank. And so I said to her, okay, First of all, how much money would you love to make?
Let’s just start there. Because you’re saying you’d love to work. I can’t remember if she said she had to work for finances, but you love to work. How
much money would you love to make? And she said, well, I have to [00:11:00] make it. I would love to make at least 80, 000. Okay. So you’re generating 80, 000. So now we
know something. And that is enough to start. Even if that’s all she knew. It’s like, I’m so happy and grateful. I’m
generating 80, 000. Okay. Cause now I have something that I would be in love with. Okay. She doesn’t just want 80, 000. She can make that as an accountant. So I said, so would you be working in an office?
Would you be working from home at, you know, like where
would you be working if you could just wave a magic wand? She’s like, Oh no, I would
be working outside. I would be working out in nature. Beautiful. So I’m generating 80, 000 working out in nature. You start there. That right there is enough to start establishing a pattern or a blueprint for what full spectrum success would be for
you. So I said, you’re working outside. Why would you love to work outside? I was just curious. And she said, I love working with birds.
Okay. I love birds. I’m a birder. I go bird watching. All right. So you’re
working outside, something with birds. 80 grand a year, anything
And she just threw in, yeah, and I want to work with really nice people.
Cause then, you know, in the accounting world, sometimes I worked with not So nice people. So that was all
she knew about full spectrum [00:12:00] success for her.
I’m outside. I’m working with birds. I’m working with nice
people, 80 grand. So, when she quit being an accountant, she didn’t just spend one
year trying to
figure this out. Five years. She was in a, I can’t figure this out
pattern until we asked these questions about what
full spectrum success would look like to her. And she’s created this vision and immediately on this coaching session, it didn’t take time on this coaching
session. She says, Oh my gosh, I just got an idea.
And the idea was that she had a friend.
That worked for the Audubon society. Audubon society is the biggest birding organization in North America. At least it might be in the world. I could call them. So notice this. Why was it that for years and years and years, she had no idea
what to
do, But now she not only had an idea, she had an action step she could take. because she aligned her mind with what that full spectrum success would look like for her. She went on to get a great job. She even met the love of her life out in nature. So it was really awesome. Ready to dive deeper into building an abundant coaching practice. Watch our [00:13:00] free six figure coaching masterclass at bti. com backslash masterclass to learn the secrets of the most successful life coaches. she had a friend That worked for Okay. So if I left my
work now, if you loved your relationships, what would success to you look like in relationships? Would you have a significant other? Would you spend more time with your kids?
Would you, what would it be? And we’re going to do the same
thing for relationships. Even if I just have a couple of sentences of what it would look like for me, that’s
my start. That’s my start. I can’t achieve
full spectrum success if I have no idea what direction I’m heading in. So that’s next. what would it look like if you loved your
wellness results? So when I say wellness, health and wellbeing is
another way to say it. I’m not just talking about
physical health, although that can be included, but like your spiritual, your mental,
your emotional health, what would that look
like if you were a success in that area If you were in love with it? And I want to say in the health and wellbeing one, it’s tempting to go like, Oh, I would lose weight.
I would work out. And maybe those things are dreams to you. And you’d be in love with that. But think about what health [00:14:00] brings you. So like, for example, on this, I had a
client who. she wanted to get healthy and lose weight, but it wasn’t working for her. It wasn’t happening. And I knew that’s not motivating to her.
If it was motivating to her, she would have taken
steps. And so finally I asked her, well, why do you want to lose weight? And she said, well, I want to be able to roll on the grass with my grandkids. So success to her in the area of
health and wellbeing looked like rolling in
grass with her grandkids. So again, don’t go with
conventional shit here. Go with what you would absolutely love. What would wellness success
look like to you and only you All right. And then the final category would be, What would you be in love with in the area of time And money freedom time, meaning I don’t have to ask my calendar for permission.
I can do whatever I want to do. Money,
Meaning it’s if I want to go do something, it’s in my bank account time and money freedom. What would success look like to you
in that area for you
personally, So that you would wake up and go,
I love
my life. So I’ll tell you a little story around the time and money freedom, because as you dream into this, there’s going to be a [00:15:00] part of your mind that says, how are you going to have that?
And that’s not realistic and blah, blah, blah. Remember, we’re not, navigating any of that. We’re just
saying, if I was in love with my life, I might not even ever take
action on this, you know, just calm down nervous system. But if I wasn’t in love with my
life, what would full spectrum success look like? That’s all we’re doing. So for me personally, I start my coaching business.
And after probably a year into my coaching business, it started to feel
constrictive to me. Cause I was working a lot, which is, Hey, good problem to have as a coach. I’m working a lot. I have lots of clients, but I was starting to feel like I felt like when I was a teacher, like, Oh my God, I’m working back to back to back to back.
I don’t have a lunch break. So I was like, okay, this is time to look at what would it look like if I was in love with this area in my life? And I knew I
didn’t want to see clients on Fridays. That’s what came to my mind. Like I could do marketing work, I could do admin work, or I could just take the day off, but I don’t
want to see clients on Fridays. So all these fears come up about, well, what if the Friday is the only day the client can work with you. And You know, what if, the, you know, like, what if you don’t make as much money because you’re not working on Friday? all [00:16:00] these fears come up. And so what I did is I
just went forward into my calendar, you know, beyond where I had anything
And I just visualized four days and Fridays off or
Fridays with just admin or marketing work.
And it felt so good. Like when I saw that on my
calendar, when I should actually visualize, I’m like,
this feels so good. Now, the hilarious thing is I was so worried about what if Friday is the only day that this client has available to see me. And literally from the time I made that decision, and I would, you know, enroll a
new client and I would say, you know, I have Thursdays at two or Mondays
at five or whatever it. was. No one ever asked me for a Friday. ever. It’s hilarious. It’s like, I was so worked up about that thinking I couldn’t have my full spectrum success because of this condition or whatever, and it didn’t even turn out to be true. And it felt so much better. And I was in love with that. Look at my calendar. and be like, I’m in love with not having things
scheduled on Fridays. So you can have it.
All right. So now what do I do with all of this? What I want you to do with
each of these categories that we’ve gone
over. you’re in love with your work in the world. most for most of you, that’s a career.
[00:17:00] Maybe it’s becoming a coach. Maybe it’s your coaching business, whatever it is. If I was in love with my relationships, If I was in love with my health and wellness, and if I was in love with my time and money freedom, what would it look like? And I’m going to highly, highly, highly, recommend that you write it down.
This is what full spectrum success looks like to me. And it’s not going to look like anybody else on this planet. It’s not going to look like how I would define it. It’s not going to look like how anyone on
this planet would define it. because this is your unique blueprint, your unique, I would say,
soul print.
Exactly what you would love And you’re going to find that even though, yes, you’re going to have doubts about it and you’re not going to know how to do it at first and all of that. But then internally, you’re going to see that what you’ve written and you’re going to feel very expansive when you think about it.
I remember seeing Darren Hardy, who is a success coach. I saw Darren Hardy speak, and he talked about when he was wanting to attract his wife, who her, her name is Georgia, but before he knew her, he wrote down every single quality he would love in the love of his life. And it turns out that his wife, when he met her and married her and she, every single thing on that [00:18:00] list, because it was defined, he had a blueprint, he could make decisions, he could go toward it.
So I want you to write it all down, everything that you would love if you were having that full spectrum success. And then this is very important when you write it down, all you have to do now, and this is like so calming to the nervous system. I don’t have to know how to get there. I don’t have to know every step.
I don’t have to take action. There’s nothing I have to do. But if I would love to get closer to that full spectrum success, what’s one step I could take towards these things that I’ve written down? Just one step, because here’s what I
know. You look at my story. I write down my vision of full spectrum success and a step that I could take is to no longer offer Fridays.
No matter what the fear is saying, no matter this, that’s just a simple step and
it made, moved mountains. It moved mountains when It came to how I felt about the life I was living. So you’re going to write it all down and you’re going to actually take a step and you’re going to see as Mary Morrissey would say, baby steps will take you all the way up Mount Everest. This is such a wonderful process for your soul [00:19:00] because you’re going to hear things that you haven’t been letting yourself hear up until this point. So going back to full spectrum success full spectrum success is loving life in every area And we don’t have to do it ever overnight.
We don’t have to do it overnight. You don’t have to fix it today.
but now you know, and you have a blueprint of what full spectrum success looks like to you and you take a step toward it. With a coaching hat on now. I mean, this is really more about you. This episode is about you leaning into your full
spectrum success and starting to align your actions with this blueprint. But one thing that I will say, I want you to put your coach hat on for a second. And when you work with clients around this. you will never, ever have a client that is truly satisfied until they have
this, They can reach the work goals. They can do whatever They can hustle And flay all day or whatever they’re wanting to do.
But until they start to experience at least a piece of this feeling of full spectrum success, no amount of money, no amount of goal
It’s going to give them the full life satisfaction that they’re looking for from a coach. So I don’t care what kind of coaching you [00:20:00] do. You’re a real estate coach. You’re a health coach.
You’re a NLP practitioner. You’re a brave thinking Institute coach. You are a mindset coach, a success coach, a business coach, whatever kind of coaching you’re doing. I would highly recommend making this part of repertoire, that you have a willingness to look beyond just the moment to moment of the very specific niche that you coach and ask them some of these questions about broadening what they would absolutely love. Because you’re going to find, like I said earlier, with the example of the client who wanted to roll on the grass with her grandkids, it actually wasn’t about losing the weight. It was about where that would bring her and what that would
look like to, her. And you want to, I would say, give your clients permission.
To think outside the box on what success really means to them. I’ll just say one more thing about success. You know, I once had a mentor ask me, what are your rules for success?
I was like, what do you mean? What are my rules for success? And he said, well, when do you get to feel successful? It’s a great question. We all have personal rules for success of how and when we [00:21:00] allow ourselves to feel successful. And I thought about that and I would say I was pretty common to most people. It’s like, I get to feel really successful. I get to feel for successful when I reach a big, giant goal. That was my personal rule for success. So he’s like, Oh, so you only really get to feel good and successful like every once in a while when you hit the big pinnacle goals. Are you in love with that? Could you redefine your rules for success? I was like, Oh, this is so good. Cause remember I have a, I already at the point I’m having this conversation with my mentor, have a view of full spectrum success.
It’s interesting, because I decided to make a very
simple rule for when I get to feel successful. it’s not outside of full spectrum success. of course, I want that. I want to wake up feeling in love with my life, but I’m not going to wait until it’s all perfect to get to feel
successful. So I made a personal rule for
success. You can make it anything you want You can make your personal rule for success that you’re endeavoring
towards your full spectrum success Anytime I think about it or take a step toward it, I get to feel successful. Or you get to [00:22:00] feel successful. Another thing could be is like, I
laughed once today and that brought me joy.
And so anytime I feel joy, I get to feel successful. It could be anything you want, but really think about how you’ve been, what your personal roles for
success have been. So I decided to make a new personal role
for success And I get to call every day
successful if I do this one thing. And that one thing for me personally is reminding myself that I’m a spiritual being, having a
human experience.
If once today I reminded myself that I’m more than just my human body, that there’s more to me than just the material things around me, that I truly am spirit and form. I call that a
successful day. Now you might be thinking to yourself, okay, this got off track. What the hell does that have to do with full spectrum success?
Well, I personally know it’s only when I’m connected to that part of myself. Can I really access ideas, the infinite. The feeling of love my life does not come when I’m all intertwined and interrupted by my nervous system. So if I’m able to access that part of myself once a day, I know it’s leading me to that full spectrum success.
So I’m giving you a lot of assignments in this podcast episode. You didn’t know you were going to have homework. You know what? You [00:23:00] don’t have to do it, but I know for sure if you write down what your vision of full spectrum success is and take a step toward it, you’re already going to feel so much freer.
So I love you all very much. Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. I really, truly am holding that it’s helping you. Helping you move forward. We’re here for you. Reach out anytime, rate and review the podcast, reach out to us on social media. We’d love to hear from you. I’ll see you for sure. In the next episode. get to feel Thanks for joining me this week on the abundant coach. Visit our website at brave thinking institute. com slash coach dash certification, where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. So I decided to
Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or via RSS. So you’ll never miss an episode.
And while you’re at it, if you loved the show, give us a rating on iTunes and tell a friend to find out how to jumpstart your abundant coaching career and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free meant to be a life coach quiz available at bti. [00:24:00] com slash coach quiz. See you next week. spectrum success? Well, I personally know it’s only when I’m connected to that part of myself. Can I really access. ideas, the infinite, uh, the feeling of, I love my life does not come when I’m all intertwined and interrupted by my nervous system.
So if I’m able to access that part of myself once a day, I know it’s leading me to that full spectrum success. So I’ve given you a lot of assignments in this podcast episode. You didn’t know you were going to have homework. You know what? You don’t have to do it, but I know for sure if you write down what your vision of full spectrum success is and take a step toward it, you’re already going to feel so much freer.
So I love you all very much. Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. I, I really, truly am holding that. It’s helping you. It’s helping you move forward. We’re here for you. Reach out anytime, rate and review the podcast. Reach out to us on social media. We’d love to hear from you. I’ll see you for sure in the next [00:25:00] episode.
Welcome to the very first episode of The Abundant Coach! In this premiere episode, I dive deep into one of the biggest secrets to creating a career (and life) that you absolutely love– “Full Spectrum Success.”. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to create more ease and fulfillment in your business, this episode is packed with challenging questions, powerful exercises, and inspiration to help you succeed without sacrifice.
It’s safe to say that most coaches start their careers with the desire for success. But most coaches also fail to realize how their very own definition of success might actually be keeping them stuck in struggle, frustration, and unhappiness!
This episode will help you get clear about your sneaky success blocks and show you exactly what to do to create the type of results in your coaching business you’ve dreamed of. From saying goodbye to hustle culture to breaking free from old limiting beliefs, these questions and exercises will help you envision a path to true success.
Full Spectrum Success is “success without sacrifice.” It’s success that sparks expansion and aligns all areas of your life with what you would love. And your definition of “Full Spectrum Success” is unique to you and no one else. In this episode, I’ll guide you through a powerful, clarifying exercise to discover the vision of success that completely lights you up. Not only can you use this exercise for yourself, but use it with your clients as well!
Throughout the episode, I share practical tips that you can implement right away to help you shift the way you create success from the energy of hustle to ease. You might resonate with the story I share about the client who had no idea what true “Full Spectrum Success” would look like for her (until we asked the right question) or the mentor who challenged me about the “success rules” I didn’t even know were limiting me. Either way, these actionable insights will help you create more abundance and fulfillment, not only in your coaching career but in your life as a whole.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to create true success in all areas of their life. Tune in to learn how to break free from the limiting beliefs keeping you from true abundance and fulfillment, redefine success to create results with ease, and find inspiration for a lifetime of “Full Spectrum Success” without sacrifice. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to discover the success your soul was made for!
Listen to the full episode now and shift to “Full Spectrum Success!”
Connect with Lauren Brollier Newton:
Your “Full-Spectrum Success” starts WITHIN. Discover and learn how to leverage the natural gifts, talents, and abilities you already have within you to become the wildly successful coach you’re meant to be. In just a few minutes, this quiz will reveal the type of coach you’re meant to be, and how you can make a massive impact on the world with your gifts. Take the quiz now!