Feel More Confident In Your Body and More Radiant, Vibrant and Alive in Your Life
So that You Can Fully Give Your Gifts to the World
Become More Confident, Joyful,
Abundant and Full of Life
Thousands of women worldwide have already transformed their well-being & lifestyle from the inside out.
Now it's YOUR TURN to feel more CONFIDENT in your skin and more ALIVE in your life than ever before!
Felicia Searcy Professional Speaker, Coach & Author
Tucson, AZ
Before working with Jennifer, even though I worked with other mentors, I still had this relationship with my body
as something to force into a particular shape. Or I’d work out to beat my body into shape, like it was something to just whip along and ignore the wisdom. Through the Vibrant Healthy Woman Program, I’ve come to deeply love, cherish and revere
the intelligence of my body and to love myself more fully. This allows me more confidence and freedom to do my work in the world.”
Dr Edison de Mello MD, PhD Diplomat, American Board of Integrative Medicine,
Founder and Medical Director
Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine
I whole heartedly recommend Jennifer’s ground-breaking Vibrant Healthy Woman Coaching Program to any woman; especially
those who have ever believed that they had to settle for less, who were made to doubt their power, their birthright gift of being anything they aspire to be.
Tera Warner Founder of the world's largest online raw food cleansing
and detoxification programs for women
Jennifer Joy Jiménez has what it takes to open the floodgates to femininity, flexibility and freedom. She creates
the safety within which stiff, overworked and out-of-touch women like myself can open the doors to self-love and develop the courage to move and express ourselves with confidence and authenticity. What’s it going to take to breakthrough your
limitations, self-judgment and self-image so you can finally express and experience Life as it moves through you? Jennifer Joy Jiménez cracked me wide open, and she can do the same for you.”
Rickie Byars Beckwith Singer, Author, Song Writer
Jennifer is truly amazing, her use of movement, music and language is a true gift to all who dare to release themselves
to her healing power!"
Nancy Marmolejo Marketing Strategist, Speaker, Author
In the work I do, I can easily get stuck in my head and out of touch with my body. Working with Jennifer has really
given me a chance to get re-connected and grounded in my body. She has helped me gain more poise and grace which has been especially crucial to the work I do as a public speaker. Thank you so much Jennifer.”
Eileen Pachecko
I definitely got the results I wanted with the course and much more. I feel like I have evolved light years from where I was to where I am now. This program was the missing piece I was looking for to integrate all that I had been working on with my personal development growth. I am so grateful that I have reclaimed my confidence and self-esteem. I am supportive and nurturing of my entire being and I now fully appreciate the miracle of my human form.”
Pattie Craumer
I am much more confident, calmer, and freer to express myself as a whole woman. I found my deeper worth and dance and movement are now like a celebration of my body. My body is truly a beautiful thing. And I am worth it! This is truly a unique program in the world of 'all the same' stuff. Jennifer is gifted at helping anyone love their bodies and themselves in a whole new way.”
Tina Aiton
I have installed new patterns and habits of self-care that have been easy to maintain and I feel at peace and comfortable doing so… I have released 18 pounds and gained lean muscle. My clothes fit better, I feel more energized and confident in my skin… I am forever changed by the growth I experienced during the program because the shifts have gone much deeper than just changing a habit or activity and then trying to maintain that…the change came from a much deeper place and feels permanent.”
Debbie RosasCEO, founder and co-creator of Nia
Jennifer is a gifted, creative teacher. She reminds us that through dance we can evolve into spirited and spiritual beings who celebrate the joy and gift of life in the body.”
Mary MorrisseyInternational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, CEO Consultant, Visionary, Empowerment Specialist
Jennifer Joy Jiménez has helped thousands break free from limitation to a truly vibrant healthy life, and she can help you, too! When you work with Jennifer not only will your body thank you, but your life will be transformed.”
Candy NorrisAmarillo, Texas
I struggled for 30 years with my self esteem, and now I accept my body more and I am much happier as a result. I released 78 pounds, and NOW I’m back into my size 14 jeans! Without suffering and deprivation. I can play more with my grand-daughters now, and I feel wonderful!”
Ivy McDonald
I am so happy and grateful now that I have banished my sedentary lifestyle and finally started eating healthy and exercising regularly. I have now built up my confidence and motivation to move across state lines to South Carolina and go back to school to follow my dream career. I am feeling very confident and proud of myself.”
Lauren Brollier
I’m a former teacher, and I didn’t think it was possible to be both powerful and feminine, and I had so-so health practices. Through the VIbrant Healthy Woman Program I discovered my inner voice, and the magic of being a vibrant, powerful and feminine woman. I cleaned up my diet, cleared up my skin, and I now allow myself to shine in my relationships, and I feel confident in her bikini, especially when I’m with my boyfriend!”
Kimberly Tilton
I completely re-patterned a very heavy habit of self-criticism which had been running since childhood. This has led to deeper feelings of self love and acceptance, freedom, expansion, and abundance as I move through life. I am finally releasing extra weight, which I've carried as a form of protection for over 15 years! I've made major changes to my diet and have released 40 pounds. Also, I found it easy to release the clutter in my home, which had plagued me for decades! Now I live in a home that is organized and beautiful. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Jennifer and to have had such massive growth in the past year due to her programs and her incredible skill as a coach and mentor!”
Dori King
I have gotten in touch with my physical body through exercise, dance and movement and I feel more energized and good about my body. I am eating healthy, nutritious life giving foods. I have lost 12+ pounds! Yeah! I feel more attractive and am loving and appreciating myself more like a best friend. I Feel more happy and joyful and hopeful about my life and direction. I have experienced increased sensuality. I Feel like the lower half of my body is coming alive and is breathing! I feel more of a sense of being alive and looking forward to life, more hopeful, supported and believed in a way I have never had before. I realized how to embrace my own feminine beauty, and allow myself to shine from inside. I feel more like a woman. I feel better about me, and what I have to offer, and that I do have something worthwhile to offer the world. My studio is clean and tidy, my home is less cluttered and it has helped my clarity. This program has also helped to improve my relationship with my husband and inspired him to clear out ‘stuff’’, eat healthier and exercise. I appreciate him much more, and we are getting along better. I am also much more patient and loving with my mother. Jennifer offered me strong support and encouragement when I needed it most, but with a wise and loving strength.”
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Discover How to Reconnect with the Deepest Part of Yourself with World-Class Retreats and Proven Programs
I’m Jennifer Jiménez, certified transformational coach, international speaker & author, health & wellbeing industry leader and conscious dance maven.
And I’m super passionate about…You!
Especially your radiance, confidence and aliveness!
Welcome to your new soul sanctuary where you can discover more about increasing your confidence, radiance, vitality, happiness, spiritual fulfillment, joyful fun movement & dance, and all things Vibrant — Healthy — Living. Whether you’re here for a little mind-body tune-up, a whole-life re-boot, or you’re looking for a fun, like-minded community of wellness seekers…welcome home!