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DreamBuilder LIVE Virtual...
If you’re longing for a better life...
Discover the 3-step proven formula to overcome any challenge & turn your dreams into reality
(even if you feel overwhelmed & have no idea what to do next)
In the comfort of your own home!
A life-changing virtual experience – 3 full days of proven strategies,
spiritual principles & practical tools for transforming yourself and creating a better life
(all from the comfort & safety of your own home)
We’re living in extraordinary times...
Which is why we’re offering you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to join us for an extraordinary event, which will reveal the simple, 3-step system for creating extraordinary results in every area of your life:
This is a brand-new event. We’ve never released all this information online before...
And we are THRILLED to offer you this amazing opportunity to join us, June 12-14, so you can discover how to thrive in these challenging times and come out of this global crisis stronger and better off (in your finances, career, relationships, health, and more) than ever before!
DreamBuilder LIVE Virtual is not your typical, “sit and watch” online event.
This will be an interactive, immersive Virtual Event unlike anything you’ve experienced before!
For every training session, you'll feel like Mary is right in your home with you. And throughout the weekend there will be plenty of opportunities to practice what you’re learning in small group activities with other people from around the globe.
DreamBuilder LIVE Virtual will be a high-energy virtual experience that will leave you feeling inspired and ready to change your life!
Join us for this virtual event and you will:
Be guided by Mary and her expert faculty in an intimate ‘video chat’ experience to start creating a life you love living right away.
Discover how to turn even the most chaotic & challenging circumstances of your life into extraordinary results – faster and easier than you ever imagined possible.
Connect with a loving community of thousands of other like-minded people, ready to support you in creating the life of your dreams.
Receive the practical tools & spiritual practices you need to both thrive personally in this challenging time, and support your loved ones to do the same.
‘Download’ a high-vibration mindset that will help you harness the GOLD hidden in any challenge (even the current global crisis!) and catapult your growth forward.
Who are you going to be in these extraordinary times?
In any crisis, two kinds of people inevitably emerge:
First, there’s most of the world…
The people who contract, give into fear, and waste the abundant opportunities for growth and greatness available all around us. The people who say “I’ll wait ‘til this all blows over,” sit back and let their dreams wither away.
And then, there are the DreamBuilders...
The people who rise above their circumstances, harness the opportunities for growth and become rocks of support for everyone around them. The people who stay focused on their dreams, achieve the “impossible” and shine creativity & love into the darkness of the world.
We are a company & community of DreamBuilders.
We believe that right now is the BEST time to focus on building your dreams – because right now is ALWAYS the best time, no matter what is happening around us.
We believe that there is FAR more potential inside you than any circumstance, situation or condition – because the human spirit is powerful beyond measure.
We created this virtual event to help you tap into your inner-powers, so you can transform your circumstances into a life you absolutely love…
...the life of your dreams come true.
A limited-time special offer...
Our company Mission is to 'empower you to create and live a life you love living…'
...and to live true to that, we want to offer you a limited-time offer to attend this event for an extremely LOW price:
Total Investment = $97.00
Each ticket includes access to all 3 days of training, plus a box of ‘Event Materials’ (full of goodies to support you in having a transformational experience) shipped right to your door.*
*Due to the current global shipping delays, international registrants will receive their materials digitally.
Sign up and change the trajectory of your life...
Demand for this brand-new virtual experience is already so high, we’re expecting to quickly hit our system capacity for live attendees.
So, if you’d like to take part in this extraordinary experience, so you can discover the proven formula for transforming your dreams into your reality, become the person you’ve always wanted to be, and create the life you’ve been dreaming about for years...
Hurry up and register before it’s too late!