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to Get Unstuck and On Track Toward a Life
That Serves Your Higher Purpose
…In Just 5 Minutes Each Day

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Are you a spiritual, goal-oriented person who's ready to break through a plateau and live your life’s purpose?
Do you long for a life that's freer, fuller and more an expression of your true self?
Do you have a dream speaking to you?
If you’re reading this…
Chances are you’re already successful in the traditional sense. You have a decent career and you're good at what you do. But you may have outgrown this particular space in your life, and you're ready to move up.
You're grateful for everything you have, but you don’t feel fulfilled, or like you’re living your life's purpose. You've plateaued – and you could use a little extra inspiration to get to the next level.
You’ve set a goal and felt excited and committed about achieving it. But weeks or years later find that you’ve drifted back into old patterns and nothing has changed.
If all this sounds familiar, then you’re in the right place, because:
You want something more… But you’re not sure how to get more.
And you’re not alone.
The world is changing.
More than at any other time in history, people are searching for ways to make a meaningful contribution to the world as much as they’re looking for happiness, security and contentment with their family and finances.
Not everyone succeeds in living that kind of life – a life that excites you and makes you jump out of bed every morning smiling because you love your life and you're doing something meaningful with it.
Most people spend their time longing for something more, but never quite getting more.
Instead of living 99 years, they live one year 99 times.
In other words, they never venture far from a set routine that keeps them from realizing their full potential.
Why does this happen? Here’s what I’ve come to realize...
Many of us create dreams but never reach them, and it's because often, our decisions are out of alignment with our goals.
We may even unknowingly sabotage our goals.
Mental habits, or paradigms, govern our thinking. They control what thoughts we entertain, and which ideas we act upon.
Paradigms don’t want to change.
That’s why, when you get an idea to change your life, something alerts those paradigms – and they do everything they can to distract you, dissuade you, and discourage you from making that change. You stay stuck.
Another gift I received from you Mary is an understanding of God, the universe and how it works. Your words really resonated with me, something clicked. I love that the universe has all the answers, what a relief. and we just need to ask the right question. That tool is constantly at play for me as well as many others. I listen to your recordings frequently. I choose from them randomly but ironically it's always just exactly what I need at that moment.”
Kate F., Los Angeles, C
So how do you rise above your paradigms?
You create a support structure that lifts your thinking — and switches you from the “problem” channel to the “opportunity” channel, every day.
In the four decades I’ve been teaching, mentoring and coaching, I’ve found that if you want success, you have to do what successful people do:
Work with a mentor, someone who has been where you are, and who has reached that next level – and who can hold a space for you to achieve more
Start each and every day with the right mindset, often using a specific practice or morning ritual
Using the aforementioned mentor relationship and morning ritual, break old paradigms that are holding you back from reaching that next level – by taking actions that are in alignment with your new, bigger goals
In order to reach the next level, you must start at your core. You must switch your very being from the “problem” channel to the “opportunity” channel.
You need to find a mentor, re-align your mental habits and take action each day.
Not sure how to do that? I have great news…
I have progressed so far knowing Mary and learning the Laws of the Universe, learning the intellectual faculties, knowing how to apply them to myself, learning that the greatness I have inside transcends any kind of program or counseling program you could ever do.”
Jill K., Sacramento, CA
I’m going to share with you how to start each day on the
proper vibration, the proper channel, for success.
When you begin each day with a new and more effective way of looking at your life, you spend the rest of the day heading in that direction.
The result: sooner than you thought possible, you achieve that next level of success you want so much.
But before I get into the details of how I am going to share that with you, let me tell you a little more about myself and my experiences.
I’m Mary Morrissey and I’m known as one of the world’s
leading coaches on the Spiritual Side of Success.
My program, “My Morning Mentor,” has the potential to quickly take you to the next level — in just 5 minutes per day.
It’s a bold promise, I know. So why should you believe me?
I’ve been teaching, speaking and coaching for the last 40 years. I’ve been an ordained minister for more than 30 years. I earned my Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, and an honorary doctorate in Humane Letters.
I am the best-selling author of Building Your Field of Dreams, No Less Than Greatness, and The Miracle Minute. I built 2 multi-million-dollar businesses from the ground up.
I led and facilitated 3 week-long meetings with the Dalai Lama (a big dream of mine!), met with Nelson Mandela, and spoke at the United Nations 3 different times.
I even had my own PBS Special and was featured in the movies, “Beyond the Secret,” “The Moses Code,” and others.
These things didn’t happen without big failings and huge setbacks, either. I almost died of a fatal disease when I was a teenager and at one point in my career, I lost everything.
In other words, I've experienced utter failure and fought back from it on more than one occasion.
I'm not telling you this to brag. I'm telling you this so you know I've been where you are. I've lived life at EVERY level, from failure to mega-success.
So I know what it feels like to yearn for more, to feel discontent with where I am presently and to long to move on and up to the next level.
I also know what it feels like to begin taking those steps – and finally, to reach that next level and soar.
If I can do it, so can you.
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When You Pay Now For 1 Year
The “My Morning Mentor™” program gives you 3 critical tools for success each morning:
A mentor – someone who is dedicated to your success
A paradigm-shifting mindset that leads to actionable steps towards your new dreams and goals
Encouragement to take action on your new mindset
Here’s how it works…
Each morning, you receive a short coaching video from me, your personal mentor, that encourages you and gives you the spiritual tools you want to be your best that day.
Gain the focus and clarity you need to ensure all your actions are in alignment with your goals.
These coaching videos nourish your heart and soul. They show you exactly how to master your life and unlock more joy, self-worth and confidence. When you do, you begin achieving your goals, taking those next steps, living in fulfillment and abundance.
The strategies I share in My Morning Mentor™ are PROVEN to work, and they WILL change your life.
Imagine having a support system that gets you focused, clear, and in alignment with your higher purpose, every single morning.
The best part is, it takes only 5 minutes per day.
Start today and enjoy an entire year of my morning mentor. Here’s how...
To become a member of My Morning Mentor™ and receive my daily, 3-minute coaching videos right in your e-mail box, simply click the “Add to Cart” button below.
Enjoy a 25% discount when you pay for a year in full right now at $269.73. Make the commitment now and relax knowing that you’re on your way to creating a life you’ll love, along with enjoying a 25% discount over the regular price and no future charges on your credit card.
For about $1 a day or $29.97 a month when you pay monthly. Pay as you go and start creating a life you’ll love today at a price you can afford every day.
I watch the My Morning Mentor videos at the start and the end of each day to be clear on what I want to focus on while I’m at work and then again in my dreams.”
Lisa V., Boston, MA
These videos
are awesome, Mary.
Thank you!”
Peter F., Fairfax, VA
I listened to my video this morning, Mary and had an a-ha moment! I realized I had been engaged in scarcity thinking. Thank you for the reminder.
I feel so much lighter!”
Daniela R. London, England
I look forward to being your morning mentor and sharing these transformative, inspirational practices with you. I know you are ready to start living your best life, and I am honored to help you get there.
Your paradigms might be kicking in right now. Maybe they’re saying this is too good to be true, it’s worked for others but won’t work for you, the timing simply isn't right. Maybe they're even echoing your well-meaning family and friends: you should feel lucky to have what you do – it’s just greed to want more.
If so, don’t let your paradigms keep you from growing and realizing your dreams.
Take action now. Let me be your coach and guide you to that next level.
Are you ready?
Yes, Mary! I’m ready to have YOU as My Morning Mentor!
I understand that when I join “My Morning Mentor” for one year I will receive:
Coaching videos filled with inspiration and action-steps to put me in a vibration of possibility each morning for one full year.
Daily spiritual tools I can implement every day so that I can live my BEST life.
A consistent source of encouragement to reduce fear, doubt and worry.
Daily practices to overcome scarcity thinking and align myself with abundance.
We offer two convenient ways to pay.
Select the option on the order form that’s best for you…
Regular Price: $359.64
Pay in Full $269.73
Pay Monthly for 12 Months
$29.97 per month