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Program Overview
First dates can involve a lot of “fact fishing.” (e.g. “Where did you grow up?” “What do you do for a living?” “What’s your favorite color?”) but this can get boring FAST. That’s why I’ve created this eBook, with 100 great questions to make your date more interesting and fun! Because high quality questions generate more fun, ignite deeper connection, and create high quality dates…which means more dates for you 😉
This meditation is designed to energetically align you with a state of love-abundant energy, perfect before a first date! Connecting to this state of love abundance connects us to a field of love which gives rise to more joy, generosity, and positive energy. This way of being leads to you greater possibilities for love in your life.
An affirmation is typically a sentence or phrase that you state to make a formal declaration to yourself and the Universe of your intention for your life. When you repeat an affirmation you send a signal to your brain that you are committed to a certain result. Your brain then generates feelings and helps you make decisions that are in alignment with the reality you are affirming. Your brain also goes on the lookout for opportunities and resources that will help you create what it is you want. In this eBook, I challenge you to partake in a 21-day practice…
Words have the power to evoke emotions in us, break us, or heal us. They ALSO have the power to ignite desire. In this eBook, I share the 15 phrases, word-for-word, that are guaranteed to ignite the desire in your man and amplify his attraction for you.
This eBook will teach you to become a “TEXTpert” in this digital world with tips on how, when, and what to text to ignite his desire and keep him interested without losing your state of love-abundance. In this eBook we’ll cover topics like how to initiate texting conversations with your guy while remaining in the feminine and igniting his desire, how to respond in specific texting situations, what to say when the conversation falls flat, the key to re-establish connection when he disappears and how to text in a way that avoids miscommunication and confusion, while remaining fun and flirty!…
This kit, equipped with an affirmation eBook and meditation, is specially designed to help elevate your sense of self-worth quickly and easily. With these resources you’ll find yourself exuding authentic confidence that is magnetic to the high quality man you’re looking to attract.
In this free eBook, you’ll learn the 5 qualities that great men most cherish in a woman and how to shine these qualities so that your man will be drawn to you. After traveling over 12,000 miles interviewing America’s greatest marriages, I discovered what it takes to find and keep lasting love. One of my primary discoveries was just how important masculine and feminine energy are for building passionate, lasting relationships. This book is a fantastic step in deepening your understanding of what you can do to bring out more of your feminine energy to ignite your masculine man.