Pursuing Life Coach Certification Is One of the Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make – Here’s How to Ensure Success
Do you feel called to become a life coach or are you currently a life coach? And would you love to know the proven steps you can take to make a profound and lasting difference in your clients’ lives as quickly and effectively as possible?
After investing the last 40 years coaching and mentoring tens of thousands of people, and training and certifying hundreds of life coaches to do the same, here are three very important life coach tips that you can follow to fast track your success.
3 Crucial Life Coaching Tips
1. Find a mentor willing to show you what steps to take, and in what order.
When looking for a mentor, it’s important that you don’t settle with just any mentor, but that you find a mentor who meets the following qualifications:
- Your mentor knows how results occur. Whether through circumstance or coincidence, your mentor should be someone who understands the Universal Laws of Success.
- Your mentor has a long track record of achieving the results that you want. Not only are your mentor’s results evident, but he or she should be willing to show you how to create the same results in your own business and life.
- Your mentor cares deeply about you and your success. This one can be hard to measure, but it’s usually a gut feeling.
I met my own mentor in 1987. I’d been ordained as a minister since 1975, but I was struggling in my business. I’d had some success, but not the success I really wanted. Then I heard about a man named Jack Boland who was doing what I wanted to be doing, but on a much larger scale.
I didn’t want my speaking and life coaching business to look exactly as Jack’s, but I wanted the same level of success in my life that he had, so I traveled to hear him speak.
I could immediately tell by the way that he spoke that he knew how to create success in his life and business, and I knew I also wanted this kind of success.
How to Tell if Life Coaching is Your Dream Career
Although he was leading a seminar at the time, I begged him to have breakfast with me.
He said, “I can’t have breakfast with you.” Then he paused and said, “But I’ll meet you for coffee. I’ll give you 30 minutes.”
During that 30 minutes, he asked how he could help me and I said, “I want to do what you’re doing.”
I didn’t know at the time that he had already found two men that he wanted to mentor and he was looking for a woman to mentor, as well.
During our 30-minute conversation, I made the decision to invest in mentoring with him.
As part of our agreement, I went to Detroit the following weekend to meet with the other two people he would mentor, Les Brown and Wayne Dyer.
The three of us were the only people that Jack Boland mentored in his life.
2. Look for an established coaching certification program that trains you in building the “economic engine” of a coaching business.
It’s important to find a life coaching certification program that’s established, has a long track record of success, and from which many successful coaches have been certified.
I highly recommend that you find a program whose core values align with your own core values, and is led by a gifted mentor with decades of experience coaching others and years of experience certifying other coaches.
It’s also essential to look for a faculty that won’t just teach you what they’ve learned from reading books, but a faculty that has highly successful, multi-six-figure coaching businesses themselves so that they can lead you as you create and build your own highly successful coaching business.
In addition, your ideal life coaching certification program should allow you easy access to this faculty so that all of your questions are answered promptly.
There are many good (even great!) coaching certification programs out there that will teach you how to coach.
At Brave Thinking Institute, we train coaches to use a particular kind of coaching model that I deeply believe in, and that’s “evocative coaching.”
The evocative coaching model is based on encouraging clients to look within themselves for the answers they seek, and is a form of coaching that is highly effective for helping clients create the results they desire in life.
In addition to training coaches how to create transformation in their clients’ lives, we also train our students in the economic engine of a coaching business.
Here’s what I mean by economic engine: When you think of coaching, it’s common to imagine sitting across from someone in a one-on-one setting.
Don’t misunderstand me – coaching IS the core of the business, but don’t forget that coaching is a business.
As well as coaching clients, being a successful coach also means knowing how to enroll clients, track enrollment, track your clients, and so much more.
When you understand that coaching is a business, and that it can be simple and easy as long as you’re given everything you need, you have the potential to be a successful coach.
3. Surround yourself with other like-minded coaches.
One of the most valuable pieces of advice I can give is to be around other coaches who share your values, and who are in the business because they really care about people.
These are coaches who have successful coaching businesses – businesses whose economic engines run smoothly and who use coaching models that match your core values. These like-minded coaches will support you and be cheerleaders for your success, as well as you for theirs.
Let’s recap the 3 life coach tips you can follow to fast track your success and the success of your clients
To set yourself up for great success, first find a gifted mentor. Ideally, that mentor will have a coaching certification program they can guide you through that has a long history of success.
Next, invest in a coaching certification program that is in alignment with your core values, and that has a faculty that is highly successful. Make sure you have access to this faculty over time to help you build your business.
Last but not least, make sure that you are surrounded by a community of coaches who can be your cheerleaders, who can provide a tremendous level of support and whom you can also support.
By following these 3 essential life coach tips, you are setting yourself up with a proven system that produces success as a life coach.
And if you have a question about start and growing a successful life coaching business, go ahead and share your question with me in the comment section below.
I’d love to hear from you!
Would you love more life coach tips to help you determine if life coaching is the right career for you?
If so, I’d love to give you a free copy of my ebook, “Are You Meant to Be A Life Coach? How to Tell if Heart-Centered Coaching is Your Dream Career.”
In it, you’ll discover step-by-step tools and proven strategies for starting or growing a highly successful life coaching business, one that makes a profound and lasting difference in the lives of others and allows you to earn an abundant income while working from anywhere that you choose.
Click here to download your free ebook now.
I know that I would be great at life coaching! I’ve been a Registered Nurse Educator for 18 years and I know that life coaching is exactly what I want to do for the rest of my career.
This sounds very interesting to me.
This sounds like exactly what my heart and soul has been craving. I look forward to my call shortly! Thank you so much.
I already know this is what I should be doing. How do I start? how much will it cost me?
cost is the one thing that isnt mentioned anywhere which tells me its very expensive
thus far I have noticed 2, I believe, free ebooks, I think I’m going to give it a try see how far I can ride for “free”
update later
Thanks so much Mary and team.
I would love to build a coaching business.
I would also love to find a mentor who I can singularly work closely with.