The World’s Top Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets To Success to Help You Skyrocket Your Coaching Business!
In an interview with, successful entrepreneurs from many different industries shared how they’ve created businesses that make a difference in the lives of others.
The business-building secrets these entrepreneurs revealed are actually quite surprising!
Apply them to your life coaching business to continue to expand your impact. You’ll be empowered to fulfill your purpose and help more people through the work you do in the world!
1. Do what you love
“One of the most important decisions you will make in your life is the career path you choose… You’re going to spend half your waking hours working, so make sure you enjoy your job.” – Emerson Spartz, founder of digital media company, Dose
As a life coach, you’ve already chosen to do work that you love in the world.
But you may not always love the tasks required to grow your life coaching business. After all, you didn’t become a life coach because you love sending invoices or writing emails.
As you invest time in the more tedious parts of building a successful coaching business, take time to simply notice what you’re noticing.
Pay attention to the tasks and requirements that tend to drain your energy. Make note of those that you tend to avoid or procrastinate finishing. Use that insight to help you reconnect with the parts of your business you DO love.
These opportunities might look like:
- Exploring creative solutions for support in the parts of running a business you might not love
- Re-assessing whether or not the things you believe you “have to do” actually fit into your vision
- Reconnecting with the greater purpose of the work you are doing – remember, you’re changing people’s lives!
- Employing strategies to do what you need to AND still avoid burnout as a coach and entrepreneur
The more love you bring to everything you do, the more your clients and your business will thrive!
2. Don’t wait, just start
“Just go ahead and do it!”– Rujul Zaparde, co-founder of FlightCar (which sold to Mercedes-Benz)
Whether starting or growing a life coaching business, it can be easy to get stuck in over-planning. So many aspiring and growing coaches fall into the trap of waiting until everything is perfect before taking action.
Remember that you are in the business of helping people – those people are waiting for you to start! Your ideal coaching clients need you to follow your intuition and do what’s next.
And if you aren’t sure what that is…
Or you find that you often get stuck in perfectionism, procrastination, and second-guessing…
Ask yourself this: “What can I do now from where I am and with what I have?”
And trust that taking just one step of inspired, aligned action will lead to even more opportunities.
Vince Lombardi famously said, “It’s the start that stops most people,” and it’s true. So start, and keep starting. Suddenly you’ll be so much further along in building your business than you even realized was possible.
3. Surround yourself with success-minded people
“Entrepreneurs should never lose sight of the fact that achieving a true tribal community is an end in itself.” – Jordan Fliegel, founder of CoachUp
The late Jim Rohn, celebrated success expert, used to talk about something he called the Law of Averages.
Put simply, it can be understood like this: Average the income of the five people you spend the most time with. That number is what your income will likely be as well.
You see, the way people tend to think is contagious.
So, think about the five people you spend the most time with. Are they difference-makers? Are they success-minded people?
Do they encourage you to grow and expand in your life and business?
Ensure you spend a good amount of time with people who are up to big things. When you surround yourself with people who support you and your dreams, both your clients and your business will benefit!
Looking for a community of success-minded, spiritual coaches? Join our free facebook community!
4. Adopt a growth mindset
One of the most important things you can do when starting and growing any business is to practice building a growth mindset.
Many people believe that this means focusing on growing your business in the sense of finding more clients or getting more exposure.
But in truth, successful people know that all sustainable growth begins with the energy you put into what you’re doing.
As you start each day, reconsider the time you spend focusing on the things you need to DO. Instead, stop and take a moment to set an intention about who you’re going to BE as you accomplish those things.
Are you going to be a change agent?
A difference maker?
Someone who is dedicated to helping others create lives they love living?
Allow the intention you set to inform how you are going to go about all the things you need to do. Use it to help you prioritize where you put your time, focus, and energy. And let it influence the decisions you make and how you respond to the obstacles and opportunities you face.
Do this, and you’ll achieve much more powerful and sustainable results for you, your ideal clients, and your business!
5. Lead with a smile
“We all have a tendency to think that people who seem super-stressed and ultra-serious are the most successful. In my experience, almost the exact opposite is true. Try to smile a lot – it makes you feel better and makes people want to be around you more.” -Scott Tannen, co-founder and CEO of Boll & Branch
Starting and running a high quality coaching practice isn’t always easy! There will be times when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated. You may even feel like giving up every once in a while.
Even though you can’t control the circumstances you face, you always have the power to decide how to respond.
So if you’re having a challenging moment or challenging day, stop whatever you’re doing. Take a moment to think of something you’re grateful for.
Do this for even a few seconds, and you’ll soon feel a sincere, authentic smile come across your face.
Not only will this make you feel better, it will also attract people to you!
Ready to start a life coaching business? Want to skyrocket the success of your online business?
Download your copy of our in-depth guide on how to start and scale your THRIVING, SUCCESSFUL life coaching business!
The Thriving Coach Checklist will show you exactly what you need every step of the way so you don’t have to waste time and money figuring it all out on your own.
I do not feel you need a degree in anything to become successful. You just need to have the willingness and determination it takes to reach your goals.