Clients are everywhere!
Listen to this true story
Just after her first DreamBuilder Coaching boot camp, Marilyn decided to take that leap of courage and tell her friends and family she had become a DreamBuilder coach.
She told her friend, a travel agent, what she was doing, and that friend was so excited for Marilyn she gave her this opportunity: Marilyn’s friend was booking an inaugural Mediterranean cruise, and asked Marilyn if she would offer a workshop on the cruise?
So Marilyn, a brand new coach, got a (f.r.e.e!) 10 day cruise in the Mediterranean on a five star ship!
And not only that, she taught her first workshop with 16 people attending and two enrolled in her program.
Now that’s a working vacation!
It gets better.
When Marilyn got home, her brokerage leadership meeting heard she was a certified DreamBuilder Coach and invited her to speak: 90 minutes on authentic goal setting where she enrolled more new clients!
…and that’s just the beginning for Marilyn.
But you know what the best part is?
The people who attended Marilyn’s workshop would have never been impacted if Marilyn hadn’t said, “YES,” to her dream.
Their lives are different because Marilyn had the courage to say, “YES,” I will be a difference maker!
“YES,” I will be a DreamBuilder!
There are people out there that only YOU can impact.
There are people out there that will only hear YOUR voice – YOUR message.
I want to help you make the difference you were born to make.
My faculty and I are here to support you and get you going in living your dream as someone who truly helps people achieve their dreams.
But you’ve got to take the first step…
What dose it cost to become a certified coach? How long is the coarse?
Hi Clayton,
Please connect with our team.
They will be happy to give you all the updated information you need of any course that we have!
Have an awesome day!