The truth is some people do very well while ‘winging it’ in their coaching and get great results. Even without a life coach curriculum.
Maybe you’ve been doing this yourself. But there are some very serious hidden dangers in this method, which every coach should be aware of.
#1: You could end up missing steps
When you don’t have a consistent system in place, it’s easy to end up giving your client one piece of the solution, while missing other pieces that they need in place in order to make real, sustainable changes.
You could help them to make a shift in one part of their life, only to have it sabotaged by another area that you didn’t address.
Or they could start to make progress, only to find out that they’re missing a piece of the foundation that they needed to make that progress permanent.
I’ve found that it’s much better to have a system that walks them through the entire journey, making sure that nothing slips through the cracks along the way. This allows me to give my clients much more consistent results.
#2: You’ll tire yourself out a lot faster
Let’s face it: helping people to overcome an endless variety of obstacles, and to reach goals that vary from one person to another, takes a lot of mental energy.
If you’re constantly coming up with everything from scratch, you’re spending a lot more effort per person than you need to be, and limiting the number of people you can serve.
#3: It traps you in a cycle of dollars for hours
‘Freestyle’ coaching also limits your impact because you can only use it on one person at a time or a small group at most.
But with a proven, repeatable curriculum, you can create courses and events that serve hundreds of people simultaneously, vastly expanding your reach.
What kind of curriculum do you need in your business?
Ideally, you want your system to be flexible enough to adapt to any client’s needs, but consistent enough that you know you’re covering everything they need to know and do to create the results they want.
Your curriculum should include a system for learning, to make your teaching easy to absorb; a system for implementation, to be sure that they actually put their new knowledge into practice; and a system for support, to help them stay encouraged and accountable throughout the changes they’re making in their lives.
You can accomplish all of these elements through transformational life coaching. The next section will break down how you can create a reliable, proven life coach curriculum for your own clients.
Transformational Life Coaching: A Breakdown
Unlike traditional life coaches, transformational coaches release any authority they hold over their clients.
The natural impulse for many coaches is to tell their clients what they should do to obtain their desired results. This is called directive coaching.
In contrast, when you guide your clients through a transformational life coaching curriculum, the journey is all about tuning into their own inner wisdom and allowing it to guide them.
And it all starts by asking your clients how they feel about their current experiences, particularly in these four quadrants:
1. Health and Wellbeing
2. Love and Relationships
3. Vocation
4. Time and Money Freedom
By rating their satisfaction in each of these quadrants and then writing out what they would love, your clients will have a clearer vision of where they currently are and where they want to be.
Coaching Methodology Based on Spiritual Laws: Explained
Setting the vision on the results your clients would love lets them dream big and decide for themselves what success looks like in each quadrant. In other words, the role of a transformational life coach is to help clients tap into their unlimited potential and empower them to make the changes they desire for their lives.
This technique is an “evocative coaching style” that focuses on outcome/results-based transformational coaching.
Asking questions like “what would you love to experience in this area?” or “how would you love to change this part of your life?” puts them in the driver’s seat, guiding your clients toward their ideal outcome.
Rather than having them focus on what they should do (directive coaching), this approach guides them toward action steps based on what they want to achieve.
So when you shift from telling your clients “what to do” to instead helping them find their own answers, you allow them to tap into their innate wisdom and give them an opportunity to take inspired action.
The spiritual law behind this technique is primarily based on the Law of Attraction (you can learn more about it here). In short, it explains the connection between our thoughts and how they influence our habits and ultimately create our results.
And one of the most powerful spiritual tools that help make transformation possible is understanding how each and every one of us contains the power to overcome our current challenges, shift our paradigms, and manifest our dreams.
Shifting Paradigms
Paradigms are the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that we develop and carry with us from childhood and other major influences (culture, family, religion, media, etc.). These thinking patterns manifest in our adulthood and define our “normal”.
But these thoughts aren’t innately “good” or “evil”. However, they can trap you in your comfort zone through subconscious beliefs that you may not even be aware of.
So the first step in shifting or changing these limiting beliefs is by becoming aware of them. We have an entire guide on how you can shift your paradigms and manifest your dreams here. For our purposes, we’ll introduce this topic by using these brief definitions:
Contractive Thinking (a.k.a. “Common Hour Thinking)
This is our default. Our mind often relies on our memories, past experiences, and “realistic” expectations to determine our limitations and decisions. It’s the mindset behind “if you lower your expectations, you’ll never be disappointed.” But this mindset only attracts more lack and creates a low vibration that does not align with the frequency of abundance. In fact, it may be why you haven’t been getting results with the Law of Attraction.
Expansive Thinking (a.k.a. “Brave Thinking”)
This thinking pattern is the key to manifesting our dreams. It uses conscious, uplifting language that focuses on unlimited possibilities and potential. With expansive thinking, you’re able to envision a life you love beyond what you’ve been able to accomplish in the past. And by building an attitude of gratitude and positivity, and pairing it with bold action, you’ll align with the frequency of abundance and truly begin to attract what your heart and mind desire.
With these definitions in mind, I encourage you to explore the following resources:
- Real-life examples of paradigms you can share with your clients.
- How to use events to help your clients shift their paradigms.
- 31 Law of Attraction affirmations your clients will love.
Each of these resources will expand your toolbox and help you create measurable, repeatable results in your clients’ lives.
Now that you understand the spiritual foundation of a transformational life coach curriculum, let’s take a deeper dive and discover why it’s so successful.
5 Differences Between Directive Coaching and Transformational Coaching
(Through Vision-Driven Dream Building and Brave Thinking!)
We’ve broken down the differences between evocative and directive coaching earlier in this post. And while I’m not saying there isn’t a place for directive life coaching, I still want to emphasize the difference between the two.
Let’s use our health and well-being coaching division – which is led by Jennifer Joy Jiménez, as an example.
Traditional health coaches are directive because they focus on behaviors and habits. They provide guidance for how to eat better, sleep more, exercise more, etc. This type of coaching is great if you’re looking solely to lose weight or get fit. However, it doesn’t always translate over when you want to change your state of being. For instance, if you want to feel happier, healthier, more vibrant and energized, then directive health coaching alone won’t cut it.
Transformational life coaches are mainly evocative because they focus on thoughts and beliefs. They help clients build new thinking patterns — and replace old ones — that support their goals.
As an example, here are the top five elements that make a transformational health coaching different curriculum from a directive health coaching curriculum:
#1 – We tell our clients they have an inner physician within, intuition, inner wisdom, and innate body wisdom.
#2- We know there is a power breathing our client that is more powerful than any circumstance, situation or physical condition, or health diagnosis.
#3- We put a higher emphasis on the Infinite Intelligence breathing our client to source answers to “what empowered action step they can take to become healthier” or heal, trusting their higher power to guide their healing process.
#4- We use proven evocative questions that partner with the power breathing them, versus only directive solutions to help our clients become healthier.
#5- We trust our own intuitive guidance as coaches to hold space for healing and transformation to occur.
These elements get to the root of the paradigm as opposed to just dealing with the symptoms (dieting, exercise, etc.). That’s why an evocative life coaching curriculum works so well to heal emotional wounds, break unhealthy patterns, and move toward greater self-awareness. And we empower these principles by believing in people and the innate power they have to heal their mind-body-spirit connection.
Let’s move on to real-life testimonials and determine whether a transformational life coaching curriculum is a good fit for your business.
Transformative Life Coaching Curriculum: Proven to Change Lives
Life coaches at Brave Thinking Institute learn a proven curriculum they can use to create results in their own clients. But this process transforms not only the lives of their clients, but also their own.
Let’s take a look at a few of our alumni coaches as an example of what’s possible:
- Tamia went from having $50 in her pocket to generating over half a million dollars in only nine months after getting certified with us.
- Lauren jumped from making $45,000 a year to $400,000 in her life coaching business.
- Adelina quit her $43,000-a-year job for a six-figure income as a life coach.
- David made a good living but worked over 80 hours a week. Now as a life coach, he makes over a million dollars and enjoys a life of time freedom!
These examples of exponential success reflect the number of lives these coaches have been able to impact, and how they didn’t have to sacrifice time for money and vice versa. The same results are possible for you.
Now, we’re well aware that we don’t offer the only coaching certification program out there. So, as you explore and research which program best fits your desires and goals, I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:
Does the training curriculum align with who you are?
Does the program have a proven business model?
Will you have guidance from an active, successful coaching mentor?
You’ll find that Brave Thinking Institute not only provides these three elements, but also our 50-year track record of successful transformation.
We offer a structured life coach curriculum, instruction guides, community support, ongoing support after you graduate, and so much more.
If you’re interested in learning more about how our program can support your dream of becoming a successful coach, schedule a strategy session with us today.
Think bravely and act boldly,
Mary Morrissey
Thank you for the valuable information and insights on coaching!
It is our pleasure, Shiyama. Stay tuned for more!