Life coaching is becoming a popular “next-career choice” for successful people who would love to make a difference in the world and enjoy more time freedom!
Because as nice as it is to be successful and make an extraordinary living, what if your career doesn’t allow you the time to pursue what you love and spend time with your loved ones?
That’s why transitioning from a corporate job to a life coaching business can be a great choice because it makes it possible to sustain (and exponentially increase) your current income level, while also providing more time freedom, a sense of purpose, and personal growth.
However, life coaching isn’t for everyone.
In this post, we’ll cover: why more and more people are leaving their current careers to become life coaches, the 5 questions you must ask yourself before deciding whether a life coaching business is the best choice for you, and how to get started on your journey as a transformational life coach!
What is a Life Coach?
People work with life coaches to create remarkable change in their lives faster than they would on their own.
There are two types of coaches, but also hundreds of niches like relationships, fitness, and business.
The first type is what most traditional life coaches use to help their clients overcome challenges through their own expertise and solutions. They support clients in creating healthier habits, clearer life goals, a realistic plan of action, and enhanced decision-making. Additionally, they focus more on the practical details and immediate, attainable goals than the spiritual side of success.
This is known as “directive coaching“.
The coaching technique we train our transformational life coaches is the opposite: evocative coaching.
Instead of “telling” clients what to do, you help them transform their lives by asking high-quality questions that evoke (bring forth) their intuition and inner guidance throughout your coaching conversations. This requires a more spiritual approach with a high level of active listening and the ability to connect with the Infinite!
Evocative coaching questions are a series of “open-ended questions” that are a powerful part of any transformational coaching process.
In this way, you’ll lead each life coaching session with the belief that your client is their own highest authority. You’ll be supporting your clients beyond their current reality and setting them up for lifelong success through a repeatable, transformative system of coaching using tried-and-tested spiritual principles.
#1 Why Should I Become a Transformational Life Coach?
As a transformational life coach, your clients will come to you to share their dreams, desires, and fears.
You could help them:
- Release their limiting beliefs and shift their paradigms.
- Overcome difficult circumstances, situations, and conditions and experience major breakthroughs in all areas of their life.
- Discover their purpose and empower them to create a life they love.
With each person you help, you don’t just make an impact on one life – you create a ripple effect of positive change and influence far beyond your own comprehension!
Because as a transformational life coach, you wouldn’t just be creating temporary change for your client’s current challenges.
You would be focusing on time-tested spiritual principles, the evocative coaching model, and the invisible side of success.
So, I invite you to ask yourself:
Are you more interested in telling coaching clients how to solve their current challenges through your own expertise?
Or would you love to create change that will last them a lifetime as a transformational life coach?
If you’re leaning towards fast, effective, and lasting transformation for your clients, you’re in the right place!
Using the dependable, repeatable system of transformation we teach at Brave Thinking Institute, our graduates are confident that they can deliver what they promise. And if you know how to make lifelong transformation happen for one person, you’ll have the tools necessary to make a huge difference in the world through your coaching practice!
As a result of this sacred calling, transformational life coaches make more money and impact with ease and confidence.
#2 Would I Love Being a Transformational Life Coach?
As I mentioned earlier, transformational life coaching can be a dream career, especially for those transitioning out of corporate and desire a greater sense of fulfillment and time freedom.
Running your own coaching business empowers you to create your own schedule,
Now you may be wondering, “Well, there are a lot of other ways to create fulfillment and more freedom in my life. How do I know this is what I would love to do?”
That is a fantastic life coaching question to ask yourself. To help you answer that question, I invite you to read through what almost 4,000 people shared as their top 7 things they love about being a life coach:
1. “I create real impact in people’s lives.”
As a life coach, you can affect the world by helping people create lives they love and build their dreams.
2. “I have no cap on my income.”
When you run your own coaching business, your income isn’t determined by your boss – you decide how much you earn, and you can take it as high as you’d love.
3. “I create my own schedule.”
You set your own hours, which means you have complete control over how you balance your personal and professional life (without sacrificing one for the other).
4. “I get to work from anywhere in the world.”
You can run your coaching programs from anywhere in the world, which expands your impact in a borderless, unlimited way!
5. “I get to reach people from across the globe.”
Life coaching empowers you to share your message and influence to audiences all over the world in multiple formats so you can create a global impact right where you are.
6. “I get to choose my clients – and I can work with the ones I love over and over.”
You’ll be able to work with clients you truly enjoy and can keep working with them for many years to come.
7. “I get to experience real, deep connections.”
People will come to you with their most precious dreams, their greatest fears, and their challenges – and you’ll help them create the results they desire through 1-on-1’s, group coaching, or even retreats!
If the above reasons resonated with you, and you love the concept of helping people take action towards their dreams — it’s highly likely you’ll love being a life coach!
#3 Do I Have What It Takes to Succeed as a Life Coach?
If you’re at a point where you’re starting to feel more aligned with life coaching as your calling, but you feel intimidated by “how” you could possibly help anyone make their dreams a reality, I invite you to lean into that question instead of fearing it!
It’s one of the life coaching questions to ask when you’re starting to get serious about your decision:
What does it take to succeed as a life coach?
Not only do successful life coaches have a genuine desire to help others, but they also have the determination and discipline to invest the time, energy, and money required to take one step after the other towards their dream.
So even though the educational requirements and investment to become a transformational life coach are at a minimum compared to a traditional 4-year degree, it calls for the same level of commitment.
Knowing this, we’ve supported thousands of coaches in their coaching businesses by helping them identify their blind spots and offering a structure of support. A structure of support consists of three essential ingredients to create a thriving coaching business:
- A proven, reliable, repeatable system of transformation.
- A simple business framework
- And a deep understanding of the underlying spiritual principles that create real results.
With this structure of support, our coaches:
1. Learn exactly how to step out of their comfort zone, befriend their fears, and consciously shift themselves into a more positive mindset.
2. Get access to a supportive community where they can participate in all throughout their program and even after they graduate. It also empowers them to tap into partners in belief and receive mentorship from our faculty of coaches who actively run their own successful coaching practices.
3. Develop the resilience to fail the fastest.
4. Embrace being a life-long learner – especially as students of transformation.
5. Care and believe that people are far more powerful than any of their circumstances, situations, or conditions.
Not only do these principles make them skilled life coaches, but it also builds sustainable, profitable businesses.
That’s why “short-cuts” like cheap certificates or “overnight” programs only result in vanity and nothing more. It’s like grabbing a post-it note, scribbling “life coach” on it, and then slapping it on your chest!
At the end of the day, you’d be wasting money on a program that doesn’t teach you any proven models of transformation, how to grow a business, or give you any access to mentors who are actively creating results in their own practice.
#4 How Do I Get Certified as a Transformational Life Coach?
The best timing for this life coaching question to ask yourself is when your longing evolves from answering “Should I become a life coach?” to “How do I become a life coach?”
The fastest and easiest route to success is by learning from those who have already done it. Because as possible as it is to become a life coach without certification, it takes the right heart, drive, and skills to become a profitable life coach.
As a rule of thumb, any coaching certification program that doesn’t accelerate your success in a tangible way is likely a coaching scam. In fact, if you’re wondering whether something is a coaching scam, it more than likely is.
And if you don’t have years of trial and error to back up your coaching career, think twice before trying to short-cut experience with a random certification.
Ultimately, clients aren’t going to look for a piece of paper. They will look for your results. There’s no faking expertise when it comes to your proven ability to help clients transform their dreams into a life they love.
That’s why it’s important to know what to look for in a life coach training program.
With a proven path to follow, you can bypass all the beginner mistakes and:
- Get to where you want to be in your coaching business faster than doing it on your own.
- Equip yourself with a proven system of transformation instead of building a program and curriculum from scratch.
- Learn business skills and how to create a sustainable, profitable coaching business from the ground-up.
- Discover a step-by-step guide on how to take your clients on a transformational journey with repeatable results.
The question then becomes, “Who knows the path to success as a life coach and who can teach it better?
If you loved the list of benefits I outlined above, you’d be thrilled to know that we offer all those things and more within our own coaching certification program!
Our training faculty at the Brave Thinking Institute is led by coaches who are actively running their own practices and living what they teach. They know how to stay ahead in the industry, and implement the latest friends and tools.
We also have a curriculum that outlines deliverables and expectations, so you’ll know exactly what you’re getting out of the program from the start. Additionally, we have extraordinary success stories from people like you who took the leap and landed in their dream career and business after working with us!
#5 What are the Benefits of Becoming a Certified Life Coach?
Anyone can say they’re a life coach without a certification or training, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be able to help clients achieve results or run a profitable business for the long-haul.
An effective coaching certification program, on the other hand, will provide you with the following advantages:
- You’ll build credibility faster because you’ll be confident in creating results for your clients.
- Achieve work-life balance as you grow a predictable, thriving business.
- Immediately start creating impact in the lives of others and yourself.
- Get access to tools that will easily help you attract your first coaching client and know exactly how to run great life coaching sessions.
- A structure of support in the form of mentors, community, continuing education, and personal growth.
- Access to a repeatable, reliable system of transformation.
- A toolbox of proven spiritual principles to help you overcome your own fears, doubts, and blind spots!
What If I Already Have a Coaching Certification?
If you’ve tried to start coaching on your own or held a different certification with no success, I encourage you to look for a program that fills in the gaps of your previous certification and more.
In fact, graduating from a solid coaching certification program can result in an exponential shift in income!
For example, one of our graduates, Ricardo Gonzalez, had a coaching certification but only made a maximum of $25,000 per year in his coaching business.
Life coaching was the dream career he envisioned, but he wasn’t generating the results he envisioned, especially in time and money freedom!
But after attending one of our signature events, DreamBuilder LIVE, he enrolled in our coaching certification program and immersed himself in training. Within his first month after certification, he generated $7,000. Three months later, he made $25,000 — his previous annual income!
Ricardo’s story is worth celebrating – but it’s not a rare result! We have coaches who enroll in our programs because their previous certifications failed them.
At the Brave Thinking Institute, we’ve trained thousands of coaches from all backgrounds and experience levels. From people pivoting from successful corporate careers to coaches who would love to scale their current coaching businesses, they’re all part of a wide range of people who choose to work with us.
If you’d love to be the next to learn how to start a successful, life-giving career as a transformational life coach, let’s talk about how we can work together to make your dream a reality!
Make the Brave Thinking Institute Your Community and Home!
If you feel called to become a life coach after answering the questions we laid out in this post, I have one final thing to ask you.
But before I do, let’s break down how the Brave Thinking Institute can help you answer the call and guide you through your coaching journey:
- Our “Done-For-You” curriculum includes a proven roadmap for your clients to follow so that they can bridge the gap from where they are now to where they would love to be!
- You’ll have access to mentors in active, successful practice as well as a supportive community all throughout the program and even after you’re certified.
- We work with you to create a coaching business system that fits the vision of a life you love instead of using manipulative sales or cookie-cutter tactics.
- We’ll train you in the evocative coaching model and how to lead successful life coaching sessions.
- You’ll learn how to attract and qualify your ideal clients and make confident, highly profitable heart-centered enrollment calls.
If you’re feeling excited and ready to take the next step, here’s the perfect life coaching question to ask yourself in this moment:
Would you love to make the Brave Thinking Institute your community and home?
The journey into life coaching doesn’t have to be taken alone. If you’re feeling inspired, I encourage you to lean into that energy – the part of you that wants to expand and grow.
And know that we would love to accompany you on your journey to a life more fulfilled, abundant, and
So, here’s my gift to you:
Download a free copy of our e-book “Are You Meant to Be a Life Coach?“
This resource goes far beyond what we’ve talked about in this post. It will help you dial into the truth of your calling and how you can make a difference as a transformational life coach.
By the end, you’ll know exactly what it means to be a life coach, how to avoid the most common mistake beginner coaches make, and discover the fastest, easiest method to launch a successful coaching business (and so much more).
And if you loved this post, I want to invite you down in the comments to share your favorite question and your answer to it! You might help someone else find the answers they’re looking for!
To your dream career,
Mat Boggs
You made a good point that being results-oriented is one thing to consider when planning to get inner balance coaching services. I’d like to look for such services soon because I recently had a breakup that got a bit messy. The event really left me feeling directionless right now.
Thank you for your courage in sharing that story, Alice! Mat Boggs, our Executive Director and Transformational Coach in Dating and Relationships, recently published a video that could help:
Have a BRAVE day!