“Success is liking who you are, what you do, and how you do it.” – Maya Angelou
When you run your own coaching practice, one of the most beautiful things you’ll experience is a level of freedom you’ve likely never experienced before.
Successful life coaches show up as the highest, most authentic version of themselves, decide what they want to offer, and design how they want to serve their clients.
As lovely as it sounds to have all that power and freedom, you may also feel a heavy responsibility in delivering an amazing experience for your life coaching clients. After all, coaching sessions are meant to be fun, transformative experiences!
But how can you show up consistently with a high vibration, energy, and flow, so that you create the best experience for yourself and your coaching clients? Not only that, but make it as easy and predictable as possible for your clients to create results?
That’s exactly what we’re going to be unpacking today! I’m going to share the 5 steps to manifest your dream life coaching sessions, no matter what your current circumstances, situations, or conditions may be.
That way, you’ll be confident about showing up in the way you’d love and fully serve your coaching clients! Let’s get started 🙂
Shift Your Vibration Before a Life Coaching Session
Have you ever walked into a room where, just moments ago, someone was having an argument?
You might have felt a heaviness in the air or some kind of inexplicable discomfort.
That sensation is your spirit recognizing a vibrational shift. In the same way you’d walk into a concert hall and feel energized, or in a sacred place and feel peaceful, you’ll automatically pick up on these shifts in energy from people and places.
As spiritual beings, every thought we create carries a vibration, whether we are conscious of it or not. Your thoughts carry energy, and that energy generates an emotion, and that emotion creates a vibration.
But where two or more people are gathered, these vibrations converge into a frequency and make up the “vibe” of a room.
This effect can happen virtually in the same way, even when two people are in distant cities, you can either feel love, fear, anger or a peaceful vibe with the person you’re talking to or zooming with.
That’s why preparing your mindset before a coaching session is of vital importance, no matter where it takes place.
As a life coach, the vibration you enter a session with is the baseline of the entire experience.
If you start at a low vibration, it’s likely your clients will meet you at the same level. But if you walk into a session with radiance and confidence, you’ll be better equipped to surprise and delight your coaching clients!
As an added note, coaching sessions can happen anywhere, at any time, with anyone. Therefore, knowing how to prepare for a great life coaching session whenever the opportunity arises is a fundamental tool that will continue to grow with you at every stage of your business.
With that in mind, let’s talk about how you can prepare your energy before a coaching session.
How to Bring Your Highest Vibration into Every Coaching Session
If you have a genuine heart of service and a deep desire to create more abundance, joy, and success in the lives of your clients and yourself, you’re already at a great start.
This means the best environment for clients during a coaching session is one that encourages them to look within themselves for the answers they seek.
We call it “Heart-Centered Life Coaching.” This methodology naturally creates a high vibration for every coaching session by:
- Believing that your clients have more potential and power than any of their current challenges — no matter how big they seem to be or how long they’ve had them.
- Helping your clients connect with their inner, fundamental goodness, work with it, and bring it forth to create a life they love living.
- Encouraging clients to tap into their inner wisdom and greatness that is already inside them instead of telling clients what they can be, who they are, or what they should do.
This methodology sets apart a transformational life coach from a traditional life coach. Instead of a client following your expertise, advice, or direct coaching, transformational life coaches support their clients through the process of self-discovery by tapping into their own intuition and inner guidance.
With that foundation set, let’s take a look at a leadership mindset you can use to walk into every life coaching session with confidence and clarity!
Envision Yourself as the Coach You Would Love to Be
The energy in which you think of and envision yourself is the same energy that you bring into every coaching session.
With that said, if your thoughts are powerful enough to shift the energy of a room, how can we make that shift as intentional and transformational as possible?
This is where the mindset of a transformational coach comes in.
Your mindset plays a significant role in your success and even the results you help your clients create.
Most coaching styles are about what you “do” within the circumstances, situations, or conditions that you or your clients are in.
Transformational coaches, on the other hand, find the good in their current experiences. And as the premier training center for transformational coaches, we believe that people are more powerful and contain far more potential than any circumstance, situation, or condition.
How is it possible?
Through Brave Thinking™!
The Basics of Brave Thinking™
Through Brave Thinking™, you can transform thoughts like, “What if I don’t have an answer to one of my client’s questions?” into, “I am connected to the Infinite side of my nature which has ALL the answers.
“Or, “What if my clients can’t afford my coaching services?” into, “I magnetize clients who value my energy and are willing and eager to invest!”
There are other subtle, yet powerful ways Brave Thinking™ can change your entire vibration. A major part of this shift is being aware of the language you use in your thoughts and affirmations.
Brave Language brings the positive into the “now” instead of pushing it into the future. It’s also specific about the results you would love
.Ex: “I will have time and money freedom as a life coach,” vs. “I attract wealth and have the freedom to set my own schedule so that I can invest as much time as I would love with my family, hobbies, and friends.
You can use the same principles to envision yourself as the life coach you desire to be for your clients.
Whatever that may look like, write down your affirmations as if you already are the best version of yourself and lock that mindset into place before each coaching session.
This way, you can show up to each coaching session open to the Universe’s guidance, prepared to surprise and delight your clients! Now that you have a better idea of how to calibrate your thoughts and your vision, it’s time to give you the step-by-step guide on how to prepare yourself for an amazing life coaching session!
5 Steps to Manifest the Best Coaching Session
Understanding the fundamentals of vibration will come in handy for this section onward. That’s because your thinking which creates your vibration, also determines whether you’re in alignment with the Law of Attraction.
You can get the full guide to the Law of Attraction here, but to summarize: This Universal Law talks about how “like attracts like.”
So, if you’re thinking about negative things, you’re radiating a low vibration, which means you’ll attract more of the similar experiences in your life. (Ex: I’m always broke, I’m never going to find a better job, I never have enough time for myself, etc.)
But if you’re trending your thoughts in a positive direction, you’ll attract more of those experiences into your life.
The frequency of gratitude, for example, is in alignment with abundance and magnetizes the results you would love in your life. For instance, on your journey as a life coach, one of the things you may want to manifest is being a successful coach with happy clients who are living the lives they would love for themselves.
How can you best prepare yourself to bring those results into reality? By preparing to make the most out of each coaching session through your mindset and manifestation!
Let’s take it step by step.
1. Visualize
Imagine the version of yourself that already has the results you desire, and stepping into the higher version of yourself during your coaching session with your client. (Ex: Imagine walking into a coaching session with confidence and clarity, surrounded by clients who are smiling and excited to work with you!)
2. Harmonize
As you hold the vision of how you would like to show up, acknowledge and then release any thoughts that are not aligned with your dream coaching session.. (Ex: As you envision yourself running the session, your thoughts may try to steer towards, “Who am I to do this?” But when you trade those negative thoughts with positive ones that are in harmony with your vision of facilitating breakthroughs for your client during the coaching session, you’ll be filled with an energy and radiance that empowers you to show up with confidence!)
3. Sensorize
When you step into the vision of the best coaching session, imagine how you would feel if you were delivering the coaching session in real time. What would you experience? Use all five of your senses to live out your vision. (Ex: In your coaching session, you feel energy and excitement fill your chest. You see all your clients with big smiles as they reach new epiphanies and enlightenment. The smell of your favorite tea wafts into the air all around you. You pick up your cup and taste the warm, calming tea as you pause to take a sip. You hear people scribbling in their notebooks as you’re coaching them. )
4. Actionize
Move forward boldly, taking the steps toward your dream coaching session.. They can be baby steps, as long as they are expansive and help you progress towards your vision. What actions can you take to be your best self, fully prepared and centered for your session. You could have water and tea at your desk. You could take 5 mins to ground your energy, take a few deep breaths to de-stress, and connect to source, before your session. This allows you to be the best version of yourself when you come to the sesion.
5. Realize
I recommend using Brave Thinking™ principles to guide your thoughts and determine your feelings (vibration). Feelings influence your actions. Actions create your habits. Habits generate your results.
Each step empowers the next, and you’ll realize the results of whatever vibration you are holding most often. If you visualize struggle, you will realize struggle. But if you invest your time, attention, and energy in actions that move you towards your dream, you’ll attract your desired results into reality.
What to do right before your coaching session
With this step-by-step guide to realizing your best life coaching session vision, let’s take a look at how you can best prepare for your session:
- Take a moment to recenter and clear your energy from whatever you were doing before (including any previous client sessions).
- Connect your human mind with the mind of the Infinite. And remember that you’re not here to solve the client’s problem, but to tap into the infinite intelligence within yourself, and to help your client tap into the infinite intelligence within them!
- Prepare your mind for evocative coaching rather than directive coaching. This coaching model helps your clients find their answers – their solutions – and their inspired action steps – from within themselves and harmonize with their vision. From there, they’re able to source the actions that they’re going to take to then move their vision forward.
- Bring to mind your client’s vision and see your client living that life.
- Focus on the belief that your client is far more powerful and contains more potential than any circumstance, situation, or condition that they’re currently facing.
I encourage you to implement these five steps as you lean into being the life coach you would love to be, making the unique impact you would love to make in the world!
How to Get the Most Out of Every Coaching Session
Now that you know how to manifest your best life coaching session and step into the best version of yourself, let’s talk about how you can get the most out of them.
At Brave Thinking Institute, part of our coaching curriculum includes preparing a structure and curriculum for your clients to go through. This proven process leads to confident graduates who feel completely qualified to run their life coaching sessions with ease.
Among the techniques we teach our students are evocative coaching and laser coaching.
Both of these techniques are important to building a more structured, predictable life coaching session – which we’re about to dive into!
We’ll start with the evocative coaching model.
Evocative Coaching
Plenty of beginner life coaches share the same concern: “What if I don’t know what to say to my client? What if there’s a question I don’t have an answer for?”
This confusion and uncertainty can impact the flow and vibration of your entire coaching session. So instead of focusing on your clients and trusting the power within them, you’re putting pressure on yourself in providing the answers for them.
The truth is, you won’t have all the answers. And at the end of the day, as a transformational life coach, it isn’t about your answers anyway.
We use an evocative coaching model at Brave Thinking Institute. It’s a coaching style that’s based on the belief that your clients already have the answers they seek within them.
They are the ultimate authority in their life, and your role as life coach is to help them unlock the inner knowing within them.
You’ll guide your clients using powerful, high-quality questions that will help them along their journey of self-discovery.
You can prepare yourself before a coaching session by opening yourself up to the Infinite. Connecting to Source will help you spark the type of questions that will help your clients tap into their inner wisdom and potential.
However, sometimes coaching conversations can wander to the point where they fail to produce the desired results.
This is where laser coaching can bring more focus into your coaching sessions.
Laser Coaching
Laser coaching is about setting an intention to give your coaching conversations. To prepare for this kind of session, follow these 5 steps (that you can learn more here)
:1. Be crystal-clear about what you want to accomplish in the session.
2. Let your client know about the intention of the call at the beginning of the session.
3. Support your clients in taking action towards their dreams.
4. Check in with your clients and help them track their progress.
5. Celebrate their progress, wins, and breakthroughs (no matter how small they might seem to be)!
Using this method, you can direct your evocative questions in a way that gets them to their desired results at an accelerated pace.
And after all is said and done, prepare for your next coaching session by properly ending your last one.
I’m talking about clearing your energy after each coaching session.
Refresh Your Energy After Each Coaching Client
If you want to perform at your best, most vibrant self for each of your coaching clients, it’s vital to release any negative energy and restore yourself after each session.
Life coaches are usually empathic, energy-sensitive people, so it’s especially important to avoid feeling drained, burned out, or imbalanced.
This could be as small as taking a 15-minute break between coaching sessions for yourself. But instead of going to your favorite distraction, I invite you to unplug.
You could release tension off your body by shaking one part of your body at a time — arms, legs, torso, etc.
Maybe taking a walk out in nature or sitting outside for a breath of fresh air could help you release any stagnant energy inside you.
Even taking a few minutes to focus on your breathing, stimulate your vagus nerve, and practice meditating could do wonders for resetting your energy!
Whatever a mindful pause may look and feel like for you, allow it to form a protective, energetic bubble around you filled with light, positivity, and radiance!
This practice is a great way to prepare your mind, body, and soul before a coaching session, so you can show up with confidence and clarity.
Every Successful Life Coaching Session Starts with Brave Thinking™
Stepping into the best version of yourself for your clients is more than a daily practice. It’s a personal ritual that recenters, rejuvenates, and recalibrates your energy and aligns you with your higher purpose.
Brave Thinking™ empowers you to do your best work in the world and create lasting transformation in your clients. I encourage you to shift the vibration, surround yourself in love and light, and radiate the type of energy you would love to share with the world.
If you would like to learn more about what it takes to be a successful life coach, I invite you to download our free ebook:
>> Download “Are You Meant to Be a Life Coach” (How to Tell if Heart Centered Coaching is Your Dream Career)
The sensation you’re experiencing, like a tug at your heart, is not a coincidence. If you feel called to make a difference in the world while making an abundant income and working where, when, and how you please, this is a great next step for you.
This e-book will help you clarify your dream and discover if life coaching is your true calling. “Are You Meant to Be a Life Coach” is full of helpful, guiding questions that will help you make a confident decision.
Remember, you already have the power within you to make your dreams a reality. It’s in your hands to offer your unique gifts to the world and take the first step towards creating a life you would love!
Think bravely and act boldly,
Jennifer Joy Jiménez
I think l would do a great job as a life coach. I need guidance to help me become the best coach l can. I am 77 retired and desiring to see people younger than I progress!!!
We are so thrilled to hear that you are ready to step into your life coaching calling, Sandra! Would you like one of our Program Experts to contact you and support you?