How to Enroll More Clients, Build Professional Relationships and Increase Retention
You know those speakers, teachers and coaches who seem to have a natural talent when it comes to enrolling clients, whether from the stage or over the phone?
Well, let me assure you that being a successful salesperson is definitely NOT something that certain people are born with; it’s a skill that they’ve relentlessly learned and applied to their businesses!
You see, I believe that at the end of the day, selling is actually serving. The following are three key skills you can learn that I like to call “X factors.”
So What Makes a Good Salesperson?
When applied, these three X factors will help you easily enroll new clients, build your relationships with them and increase retention rates, so that you can ultimately serve more people.
1. Be Exact
As a coach, speaker or teacher, it’s essential to be exact or precise in your work.
When you have an exact method for helping people take a step in the direction of their dream in some support with you, you’re able to close clients quickly and easily, and start helping them right away.
The following are some great questions to ask yourself to gauge how exact you are right now, and where you could use some improvement:
- Am I being the client that I want to attract?
- Am I investing in myself?
- Am I paying in full when I invest in my own personal development?
- Do I show up on time?
- Do I give 100%?
- Am I really going after a vision and working with a mentor or coach to help me achieve my vision?
- What are a couple of ways that I can be more exact in my work?
The action steps you take each week, as well as the method in which you present your services, pricing and payment plans always works best when you have an exact system in place.
2. Be Exclusive
Zig Ziglar once said,
“You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”
The easiest way to help your clients get what they want is to help them feel special by getting to know them and by helping them get clear on their visions.
Here are three powerful questions you can use to help your clients get clear on their visions:
- What would you love?
- What if you could achieve your dreams?
- What if it were easy?
The second part of this exclusive X factor is to help your clients understand the sacredness of this moment with you.
Don’t be afraid to share your values with them.
For example, I don’t believe that any conversation I have with a client is a coincidence. I believe we’re meant to speak, so I tell my clients this.
3. Be Expectant
Imagine being single at a singles’ event. Most likely, you wouldn’t walk up to a new person and say,
“You don’t want to go out with me, do you? Yeah, I didn’t think so.”
Of course not! You expect the ‘yes.’ (I call this the difference between being Eeyore or being Tigger.)
This same concept applies when you’re on the phone with potential clients.
If they say,
“I don’t have the money for coaching,”
you probably wouldn’t say,
“I figured you wouldn’t…”
Instead, expect your clients to invest with you and be prepared to say,
“Great. Let’s get you signed up. I have a registration form right here. Let’s get it filled out. I can take PayPal, or we take credit or debit. Which one is easiest for you?”
That energy – that flow is expectation. And when you fully expect the yes, and you get a no, let yourself be shocked.
At this point, it’s okay to fumble a bit. It’s okay to be honest and say something like,
“I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m a bit shocked. I mean, most people who are such a great fit like you sign up right away. So, I mean, I know we can figure out a way to work together. I know in my heart we can figure this out.”
In addition to expecting the ‘yes,’ expect more from yourself.
When you write down your goals, expect that you’re going to achieve them. Don’t give in to anxiety, doubt, fear or worry.
Because successful people believe that they don’t have to know the “how” to know that they will achieve their goals.
Destiny favors the prepared.
All successful coaches, speakers and teachers prepare themselves by being more exacting in their work, helping their clients feel exclusive and improving their expectations.
By practicing the above three X factors, you will increase your chances of success in business.
Happy enrolling!
And now, here’s a free resource for you…
Would you love to have more step-by-step tools and proven strategies for starting or growing a highly successful life coaching business?
Do you want to make a profound and lasting difference in the lives of others, earn an abundant income and work from anywhere that you choose?
If so, download this FREE ebook by Mary Morrissey, Are You Meant To Be a Life Coach?
Mary Morrissey is the Founder of Brave Thinking Institute. Through her books, live events and programs, she has empowered millions of people worldwide to achieve new heights of spiritual aliveness, prosperity and authentic success.