As we move through 2019, check in with yourself by considering the physical spaces around you. Are you feeling disorganized, cluttered, or cramped?
One way to know for sure if the state of a physical space is serving you or not is to ask yourself, “If my [insert name of someone you care about] could see this space, would they think it was organized and clean?”
Trying to see the space through another person’s eyes can help reveal if you may have some work to do with organizing and tidying things up 🙂
Your physical space reflects and affects your mindset and how you are feeling
If you find yourself dealing with a lot of clutter, you may find yourself feeling scatterbrained, or even tired and sluggish!
Yet for most people, decluttering or organizing can feel overwhelming. It makes perfect sense as to why so many of us will put this task off for so long.
But I’ve got good news!
If you start by investing small snippets of time into organizing a small area, like spending 10 minutes cleaning out a junk drawer, accomplishing these small tasks can create BIG momentum and energy.
Once you feel the “high” of finishing a small organizing project, you will automatically feel motivated to do more!
The first part of a new year is the perfect time to work on decluttering your space. Here are a few simple tips to begin the process of getting organized, without going crazy!
DECLUTTER TIP #1: Donate something, even one item, from your closet
A lot of us find that our closets have become full of all kinds of things like clothes, purses, shoes, belts and so on… some of which we no longer even wear! Maybe you bought these items yourself, or perhaps they were a gift.
A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t used or worn something in six months, you’re probably not going to! So if you have items like this in your closet, the new year is a perfect opportunity to pass it onto someone else, and create space in the process.
So this week, I invite you to go into your closet and really take a good look at what’s in it.
What do you actually love and wear frequently? Definitely keep those items!
And also try to identify at least one item you can donate. Maybe it’s a shirt that has never fit quite right, or a purse that you just don’t love anymore. Maybe you bought something and decided you don’t love it and it still has the tags on it!
Take this item, throw it in your car, and when you see an opportunity, donate it to a Goodwill, a church, or a shelter in your neighborhood. Even though it may only be one item, you’ll begin the process of freeing up space in your life, and someone is bound to absolutely love your donation.
DECLUTTER TIP #2: Do a quick clean-out of your fridge
Your fridge is another great example of a small space that you can clean up quickly and easily. And you don’t have to do a deep cleaning of the entire inside of your fridge. That’s ideal, but your first step could even just be to get rid of anything that’s expired, or that you don’t actually use.
Most people’s fridges are filled with condiments and sauces that are expired or that have rarely been used.
Mustard from last summer’s barbecue? Take it out. Expired salad dressing? Same. Obviously keep anything that is still good that you might realistically use, but if it’s just cluttering your fridge, it can go.
Once you rinse out and recycle any unused items, notice how much space you’ve created! This five-minute clearing out of your fridge door frees up room for you to put delicious food in it that you’ll actually eat!
And if your fridge doesn’t need a quick power clean, choose another area of your kitchen that could use a cleanup, like a junk drawer or even one cabinet shelf.
Our physical spaces reflect and impact our mindset and mood, so whatever space you choose, keep in mind that the purpose of this quick decluttering activity is to create more freedom and flow in your life.
DECLUTTER TIP #3: “Magnetize” your wallet
Organizing and “magnetizing” my wallet is one of my very favorite ways to symbolically improve the energy flow around me. Our wallets represent of one form of our wealth, a symbol for the freedom of financial flow.
The state of our wallets actually reveals our relationship to our financial freedom and abundance… and the good news is that we are in charge of that relationship!
If you feel a little disorganized or stressed about your finances, take a look at your wallet. Is it disorganized or cluttered with unnecessary receipts, business cards and other random items?
Take a few minutes to empty your wallet of absolutely everything that doesn’t need to be in it. Then face your bills from highest bill to lowest, in the same direction. You can’t accomplish anything facing in two different directions, so make sure your bills face the same direction to signify your intent to create more financial flow in your life!
Once you’ve removed the clutter and organized your money, why not add a symbol of wealth to your wallet in order to “magnetize” it and attract more abundance to you.
A really fun way to do this is by putting a piece of play money of a huge amount in there. Try a million dollar bill! It doesn’t matter that the bill isn’t real, the FEELING of having it in there will absolutely change the energy surrounding your wallet!
As you know, money is only one form of abundance. But the more we have of it, the more creative freedom we have to live our lives to the fullest and give our gifts to the world.
Simplifying and decluttering our physical spaces rejuvenates the energy around us and creates literal and symbolic space for new types of abundance and opportunities to emerge.
The great thing about these three decluttering techniques – donating a closet item, cleaning out your fridge and “magnetizing” your wallet – is that they require very little time and effort. Even still, it’s amazing how much lighter and freer you’ll feel instantly when you do them!
Out of the three decluttering techniques I just shared with you, what’s one that you can commit to doing this week?
Or what’s one of the weirdest things you’ve found expired in your fridge, or the most random thing you’ve ever found when decluttering and organizing another part of your home?
Share your answer with me in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you!
I love these easy to apply decluttering Tips. They are AWESOME
Thanks, nice to read new declutter ideas, I started in January this year in my kitchen and have been selling things bit by bit that I have not used in 10 years. So far I an on room 3, and only half way through the home. but my kitchen is a breeze to be in now.
Fabulous nice job ?
I REALLY APPRECIATE your three tips !!! I see the relation between clutter and emotions. I had just finished ‘cleaning out’ my wallet before reading the article. A few days ago, I got rid of some stuff in the fridge. Now I am going to relocate boxes in the ‘living room.
Love it Esther ?
Although I do keep my bills in order, I love how you said that you cannot accomplish anything facing in two directions. I am using that as a theme for order while decluttering other areas such as my desktop, drawers, and shelves as well.
Awesome Margie ??