I’m excited to share with you a special TranscenDance™ workshop I did for our worldwide community on April 18th! More than 123 of us registered to attend from all over the United States and Canada, and from as far away as the United Kingdom and South Africa.
I created TranscenDance™ as a conscious dance modality for people to help them create and live a life they love living. The free-from movement of conscious dance both reduces stress and aligns us with a higher emotional frequency, so we can be in the energy of peace of mind, openness of heart, and vibrance and radiance in our physical body. And it can also help you to embody your vision, so you can bring forth your dreams!
It’s also an opportunity to move our bodies, have some fun, and shake off any stress! And as you’ll see, we had a lot of fun moving and grooving!
Conscious dance helps to unlock stuck energy, like “unkinking” a garden hose, allowing more life force energy to flow and move through us. In a time when so many of us are experiencing stress and uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, practices like breathwork, visualization, mindset work, and allowing your body to move and dance can help relax your body, reduce tension and soothe your soul.
You might wonder how I came across conscious dance and how it became a part of my life and spiritual and wellbeing practices.
Today I’m in my mid-40s and I am confident, energized and THRIVING in my body temple, and feel amazing in my skin! This freedom fuels my entire life, including my marriage, mothering, and the work I do in the world.
But it wasn’t always this way, and some of my journey included unlearning what I had been taught as a professional modern dancer!
When I was 18 I traveled to New York City to become a dancer, the fulfillment of one of my first dreams. But even though I had been dancing, over the years I had learned not to like or trust my body.
My body had become disconnected from the waves, the rhythms, and the cycles that comprise the ocean of my being. The girl that grew up on a farm who twirled in the fields and stomped in mud puddles and danced to music her own way had grown up to become an adult who was taught to move in a very formal, trained way. And while I love all formal training and dancing, I had become taught out of how to move freely.
Before I left for New York, my mom gave me a book called Maps to Ecstasy by Gabrielle Roth. For years, it kind of just sat on my nightstand until my soul was ready to hear and receive this book’s deep wisdom and teaching for me. Gabrielle writes that “Only when you truly inhabit your body can you begin the healing journey.” And I had not been fully inhabiting my body!
She writes:
“So the body is where the dancing path to wholeness must begin. So many of us are not in our bodies, really at home and vibrantly present there. Nor are we in touch with the basic rhythms that constitute our bodily life. We live outside ourselves – in our heads, our memories, our belongings – absentee landlords of our own estate. A brochure I saw at a chiropractor’s office says: ‘If you wear out your body, where are you going to live?’
But my real wake-up call was when I became pregnant with my daughter, and I made it my goal to have a natural birth. I trained hard, used affirmations, created a birth plan, visualized every night, and practiced everything I learned.
What happened? I had a 50-hour labor. And even though it felt like a major failure, it was probably one of the best gifts I could’ve ever been given.
Because as much as my brain had been reading that birth vision every night, listening to visualization tapes with ocean waves, what I had been doing to my body was programming it to resist – with an unhealthy dose of control, self-loathing, and struggle that had been wired and fired into my subconscious over many years. And the combination of that energy created fear, the tension in my body, control, and resistance in my birth.
My 50-hour labor and birth was a wake-up call. Oftentimes our own failures and life challenges become our soul’s calling. In an effort to find the answer for, “what had happened,” I went on a journey and I became thirsty for everything I could find in the areas of the mind-body connection.
It led me to recall my very first experience in mind-body movement with conscious dance pioneer Vinn Arjuna Martí. It was a transcendental experience that helped me recondition my body and my emotional state, to generate feelings that are of a vibrational match with my higher power.
I walked into a beautiful room, where there were no mirrors like in a typical dance class. Vaulted ceilings, wood floors, dimmed lights, and amazing souls. These were people who look you in the eye, with no one sizing you up to determine if you’re a good dancer. None of that, just soul-to-soul connection.
The music began, and I’d never experienced anything like what I was about to experience. It simply felt like I had been a caged bird all my life and I was being released into freedom, flying out of that cage. I felt so connected, and I was dancing freely through space, experiencing uninhibited freedom and abandoned purity of mind, body, and soul. One with my breath, one with my heartbeat, the rhythm of my feet and harmony with the music, a beautiful symphony of body, soul, beauty and being. It wasn’t about dance at all. It was about becoming one with my God, with my creator. Experiencing a little piece of heaven on earth.
It ultimately led me to mind-body movement, energy medicine, conscious dance and other healing and transformational modalities that tap into the subconscious.
I’ve taken the best of all of these components, and put them into my own conscious dance modality called TranscenDance™.
My daughter Allie who is now a young woman of 20, loves to claim that she brought me to my purpose to the world – and she absolutely did. My purpose and passion now is to help all individuals, no matter their age, size or physical ability find the joy and freedom of conscious dance. And to help them connect to the power breathing them through music and movement, and re-connect to their body as a sacred being, and as a chalice for the soul.
The 8 Surprising Mind-Body Benefits of TranscenDance™ Include:
This conscious dance practice has completely transformed my life, my health, my self-confidence and everything I do to be successful in life.
I am also so happy and grateful to say that I have learned what many professional athletes call “being in the zone.” It’s when you move from overthinking something, or the push-effort, to ease, flow, and feeling like all time and space stops. It’s pure joy in action. Being able to tap into this space of “being in the zone” has helped me accomplish many things.
A few examples include:
Accomplishing all-natural dream births with my two beautiful sons.
Becoming an author, being a successful entrepreneur, and recently celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary to my soul mate.
And helping thousands of people all over the world to become more alive, confident, healthy, and full of life through my programs and coaching.
Which leads my back to you. What would you love? To release some stress, and tension from your body, to increase your energy, to shake off the blues and increase your happiness? To learn for yourself how to get out of your head and into the “zone of genius” as well?
I hope you enjoy this GIFT of this free workshop. It’s something you can do when you need a pick-me-up, or as a way to decompress from a stressful or busy day, or as a moving meditation, or simply in place of other typical exercise routines.
Lastly, if you want to continue to dive deeper into this conscious dance practice, here are some ways you can do that:
TranscenDance™ Facilitator Training
Coming soon, August 6th-9th: Either ‘in- person’, or virtually, if we are still in social distancing. You can choose one of two paths.
Path A – Facilitator Training (for those wanting personal development, professional empowerment & the ability to teach and facilitate others as a TranscenDance™ Facilitator.)
Path B – Personal Training (for those wanting a personal development path.)
Also, if you loved this workshop and you would like to keep practicing TranscenDance™ from the comfort of your own home, I have created a digital TranscenDance™ Program just for you!
GET The Virtual TranscenDance™ Body Vitality Program
(discounted 50% off to $29.97 – only for a limited time)
The TranscenDance™ Body Vitality Program is based in authentic movement as a transformational and healing art. It’s a powerful blend of relaxing stretching, deep-breathing, fun free-form movement and conscious dance, positive-creative visualization, energy healing, embodiment coaching, and life empowerment.
Now it’s your turn! What did you get out of experiencing the live TranscenDance™ training? What visions and dreams would you love to bring forth into your life? Leave a comment below for our amazing community. We love to hear from you!
Best described as “pure joy in motion”, Jennifer Joy Jiménez is the founder of the Health & Wellbeing Division of Brave Thinking Institute, and she's a world renown transformational coach, international speaker & author, and the creator of the highly acclaimed conscious dance modality, TranscenDance™
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