My #1 Secret to Less Tension and More Flexibility!
That feeling you get when you know you’re on your best game?!
Isn’t it WAAAAAY too easy to overwork, under-rest, and get into a “ho-hum” fitness routine that is ALL work and little fun?
I admit I’m a hard worker, and maybe the best “type-A” person out there. However, I’ve also learned that when I give myself a little infusion of fun, even during my most jam-packed day, I’m so much happier and much more productive!
How do I do that? Through joy-filled DANCE! Because I have learned that movement and dance is one of the things that brings me the MOST joy!
Ask yourself: What brings you joy in your life?
The trick to bringing joy into my workday is overcoming the “I’m too busy” mindset that makes it all too easy to say no. And I’ve learned how to bring in this joy into my day or week in just 5-10 minutes. Otherwise, I will usually find an excuse as to why I can’t do it!!
Here’s how it works for me (and notice how this can work for you as well):
It’s a normal work day, and I’ve been sitting at my laptop working for a few hours. And it’s usually right at that 3pm lull that the stiffness starts to “set in.”
- My shoulders feel tight and are slouching.
- My legs are stiff and stuck to my chair.
- My lower back is aching.
- And I’ve got brain fog.
Before I know it, I’m craving coffee or sugar. My inner adventurer, or Soul, wants a break, some fun, and to decompress a bit.
You see, we ALL have a little rebellious side to us. It’s that side of ourselves that craves adventure, fun, play, and even a little risk or danger.
For many adults, the ONLY place this side gets expressed is through eating that sugary snack, salty treat, fatty lunch, or sneaking in that cigarette! And sometimes it seeks an outlet through drugs, alcohol or promiscuity.
We have been trained to work hard, keep our heads down, and behave. And THEN we’ll get results… and somehow be HAPPY?
In school, we actually had a time and place where we could run free, get that recreation fix, and express our “wild and crazy” side.
It was called RECESS!!! Remember running free on the playground, playing hopscotch, tetherball, kickball, swinging on the monkey bars, doing cherry drops and slam dunks?
Well, what if you install a little 5-10 minute “free recess” to dance and FUEL that wild rebellious side with something healthy, joyful and life giving? I’m not even asking you to stop doing anything else. But what I know from working with countless clients is when you add something FUN into your life — like dance — your craving for that other less-healthy stuff diminishes.
So what do I do when the workaholic mind wants to be in control? I put my FUN on autopilot, and schedule it in as a non-negotiable! I set my alarm to every 2 hours to get up off my tush, push back my chair, and turn on my favorite world beat and dance!
I simply shake off the stress and tension. I let my body lead, I fill my lungs with energizing oxygen, and I let my heart groove!
It feels sooo refreshing, life-giving, and simply AMAZING!!!
I used to think I needed a full hour dance class to get my “dance high,” but with the addition of my hubby, 3 kids, and 2 businesses there are now WAY too many days when I simply don’t have time.
When I remember to do this during my day, I crave all the “other stuff” much less, if not at all.
To help me keep this a regular practice, I’ve created a few simple movement methods that I now “plug into” ANY busy day.
My 5-minute dance breaks give me back my JOY, lightness, positive mindset, energy, and aliveness, no matter what I’m facing! ??? And then that sinful cookie loses its luster, and no longer calls to me.
Here are a few of the ways I dance in 5 minutes or less:
- 5-minute “Dance of Stress Release” (think Taylor Swift’s song “Shake It Off,” and shaking all your body to release stress).
- 5-minute “Dance of Joy” energizer
I filmed this fun, short and sweet(home-made) dance video with my kids several years ago. It’s still one of my favorites to dance along to, to this day. It gets me smiling from the inside out every time!
- 5-minute “Full-Body Stretch & Move Dance”
Check out this super simple home-made video I made at the beach to remind myself and my clients to breathe, stretch and destress.
And when I dance, even just for 5 minutes, I feel:
- Lighter
- Happier
- Less anxious and stressed
- More energized
- Stronger and more flexible
- Connected to my intuition
- More confident
- Full of joy, laughter and fun
- And sooo much more!!
So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready to get your groove on, starting today?
I know you’ve got 5 minutes, so just replace a few of those boring minutes wasted on non-important stuff, and give yourself a little toe-tapping, hip-swaying fun!
Life is too short – so remember to dance!!
P.S. If you’re interested in exploring more about dance with me, check out TranscenDance™ Live Virtual – a live, virtual class held twice a month that take the mindfulness of yoga and infuses it with free-form, joyful conscious dance. Classes are held on Zoom and open to all.
Click here to learn about the TranscenDance™ LIVE Virtual classes available via Zoom.
Hi, Jennifer.
I love the energy of both videos: fun, calming, mindful. Thank you for the inspiring and motivating reminders to move and celebrate life.
I loved these videos. The beach one truly allowed me to release any stress I was holding and to be in fluid movement .
Thank you Jennifer!
Jennifer thank you so much for this post. This is a new area for me. Growing up we
we’re not allowed to dance for religious reasons. Then Elvis Presley came on the
radio and my sister and I would dance in the kitchen after cleaning the dishes and
no one would see us. I really loved all of this today.
I have been watching the bonus of hooping (another activity not allowed) and I have
wanted to learn how to do hooping. Now is there a hoop that is recommended?
Thank you Velma
Love this! Thanks Jennifer