Sharpen your vision, overcome limiting beliefs, eliminate procrastination, and make NOW your time!
Tell the truth:
As you look upon this shiny new year, does a part of you feel like now is your time…
While another part of you remembers all the other years you thought the very same thing and asks: “Oh yeah? Why would this year be any different?”
If this is you, keep reading, because I’m about to share the missing ingredient that will truly empower you to manifest your dreams this year.
It’s my 5 proven steps for turning dreams to reality––the actual process for taking your vision off the planning pages and into the visible world.
Now before we dive in, do yourself a favor and emotionally unplug from all of those years where things didn’t work out.
Avert your eyes from what you don’t want to experience. Suspend all thoughts of what could go wrong. And get ready to imagine, with total disregard for what’s “practical and realistic”, how you would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to spend the new year!
With this positive mindset activated, let us discuss the five proven steps, or what I call The DreamBuilding System.
Step 1: Break Ground On Your Dream
The first step for turning any dream into reality is what I call breaking ground.
In this stage of the process, you are laying the foundation for a life where—starting right now––the focus is fully and firmly on what you would LOVE.
And that starts with defining a dream that is so specific, vivid, and compelling that you can almost taste it.
Although you will be adding depth and dimension to this dream as you go, start by defining the part of the dream you already know you want.
Importantly, this description should be in positive terms, expressing what you do want (not simply the pains or stressors you no longer want.)
- “I want a life where I wake up naturally each morning, am in total control of my time, and work my dream job from a home office.”
- “I want to feel dynamically alive in my body––light, flexible, resilient, and full of energy most if not all of the time.”
- “I want to be the best in the world at what I do, make a massive difference, and be highly compensated.”
Remember: this dream vision will change and evolve over time. The idea at this stage is simply to set a True North that ignites your heart. Something you genuinely feel called to.
Once you’ve done this, the next part of Breaking Ground is to do a life assessment of your current results in each of the four quadrants of life that matter to us:
- Vocation
- Time & Money Freedom
- Health & Well-Being
- Love & Relationships
Reflect on where you are right now in each of these four quadrants, and then give each quadrant a score between 1-5. A score of 1 means that you are not fulfilled at all in this quadrant of your life, while a score of 5 means you are very fulfilled.
Finally, for each of those quadrants, write down how long you’ve felt the way you have about it. Is it 3 months? 6 months? 5 years?
The point here isn’t to judge ourselves or have negative thoughts about how dissatisfied we might be in a given quadrant (or even in all four) right now.
Rather, it’s to bring the way we truly feel about our lives more fully into awareness, where it can serve as fuel for our dream.
Step 2: Blueprint Your Dream
The second step in manifesting your dreams is blueprinting.
At this stage, you’ll want to select ONE of the four quadrants of life that we just talked about to focus on.
Rest assured: focusing on one quadrant for now will not stop you from feeling happy and fulfilled in all of them (or what I call Full Spectrum Wealth).
It’s just the opposite: by going deep and getting specific about what you want in one quadrant, you’ll actually set off a ripple effect of manifestation into all the others as well.
The dream definition you wrote in Step 1 may reflect the quadrant you want to start with. Or you can pick a different quadrant now.
Whatever area of your life you feel would benefit most from profoundly intentional transformation is the quadrant to choose!
Once you’ve chosen a quadrant (let’s say, Love & Relationships) it’s time to write a future-paced description of how you feel already having achieved this dream.
The way I teach my clients to do this is by starting off with the phrase, “I am so happy and grateful now that…”
Why this phrase? Because it shifts your mind into a state in which you already have the dream, and can actually see, taste, touch, feel, and hear it in the present tense. (Which activates significantly more manifestation power.)
So go ahead––write down a 1 or 2 paragraph long description of your dream as if it’s all worked out and come to pass, starting with the words “I am so happy and grateful now that…”
For greatest effect, write this description as a snapshot moment that feels real and visualizable. Capture the specific shapes and forms of what you would love.
For example, you might write:
“I am so happy and grateful now that my partner and I feel like we’re dating again––even though we’ve been married for 10 years. We’re fully present in conversation (not just flipping through our phones.) We text each other fun date ideas during work. Whether we’re grocery shopping or cleaning the house or driving on the highway, it feels like we’re the only two people in the world. Even when we get into an argument, which is rare, we’re laughing and hugging a few minutes later. Before, it often felt like we were business partners who shared a bed. Coexisting and keeping the house afloat. Now we have that real soulmate level connection.”
Your version may be something totally different, but notice how this one creates a picture, a mood, and an energy level. (It’s not just words about some abstract idea of feeling happy!)
That’s what you’re going for: something that, upon verbalizing it, actually starts coming to life that very second in your mind.
Once you have this written-out description, there’s a reliable “test” you can use to know that you truly have a viable dream. Rather than just a passing fantasy.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Does imagining my dream life give me life?
- Does this dream align with my core values?
- Will creating this dream cause me to grow?
- Does my dream require help from a higher power?
- Will creating this dream bring good to others?
If the answer to all 5 of these questions is an absolute YES, you have a viable dream and are ready to proceed!
Step 3: Bridge Your Dream
The third step in turning dreams to reality is called bridging.
And this is when you might start to notice some inner resistance to this dream that you’re building.
Now that you’ve expanded your awareness of how you truly feel about your life––and begun creating a far more appealing vision for it––your brain probably won’t just stand down and let it happen.
In all of us, there is a pull towards the familiar, to the status quo of our lives as we’ve known them so far.
This “pull” usually manifests itself in the form of limiting beliefs: who are we to think we could pull something like this off, if we were going to we would’ve already done it by now, life is too busy, not enough money, on and on and on.
These beliefs may sound logical, but it’s critical to understand that none of them are actually true! They are simply our thinking mind, spinning and smoking its wheels, saying anything it can to make us keep everything the same.
There are five main sources of these limiting beliefs:
- Dissuasion
- Distraction
- Defcon1
- Disdain
- Deficiency
There is more to each of these than we could possibly cover today (join us in Los Angeles for DreamBuilder LIVE on January 24th, 25th, and 26th for a full immersion) but here is the key truth to understand.
The way to not be stopped by these limiting beliefs, is to use techniques that “bridge us” beyond them.
For instance, take Distraction, one of the most challenging sources of limitation for everyone.
To begin overcoming Distraction, you can write a letter to yourself in which you acknowledge all of the ways in which you have given in to Distraction up until now––and why your dream matters to you enough to change this.
Through a set of systematic exercises like this, you rewire your mind to reject limiting beliefs and clear the way for your dream to blossom.
Step 4: Build Your Dream
The fourth step in truly manifesting dreams is building.
Each step so far has been about priming your mind with a vision that activates and awakens your power to build it.
Now it is time for inspired action. After all, simply thinking about something or wishing for it doesn’t manifest it.
If you want to truly harness the invisible laws of success that you’ve heard of (like the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration) then YOU have to make the first move.
There are several powerful techniques for figuring out what that best first step towards your dream will look like. These are what we teach and guide you through at our DreamBuilder LIVE events (like the one coming up in Los Angeles on January 24th, 25th, and 26th.)
For now, though, the simplest way to start building your dream is to ask this question:
“What can I do right now, from where I am, with what I have?”
The power of this question lies in its refusal to let us “hide” in the seemingly huge scope of our dream.
The bigger the dream, the more our minds try to convince us that nothing we can actually do today will matter––and to just keep on waiting. Forever.
The truth is: even if you have grand, soaring, “put a dent in the Universe” visions, there is always something you can do TODAY to start moving the needed energy.
You will find yourself asking this question constantly as you build your dream, until it actually becomes second nature. (Which is when progress starts happening at lightning speed!)
Step 5: Become The Best You
The final step in bringing your dream to life is to notice that who you become in the process often overshadows the dream itself.
And no––this isn’t some pre-emptive waiving of the white flag, where you secretly expect to fail but tell yourself it’s fine because at least you’ll become more spiritual or something.
I’m saying that even if you get EXACTLY what you dream of through these five proven steps (as many of my clients do) you often transform personally in ways that mean more to you than the achievement.
Think back to Step 1, when you inventoried how you actually feel about the four quadrants of your life.
All the dissatisfactions you have about those areas of your life, are the way they are, because you are the way you are.
As you start breaking free of these limitations, you don’t just get the dream (the money, the relationship, the success, the health, the whatever.)
You get the experience of living your life as a more expansive, capable, and complete human being.
Give us 3 days, and we’ll make sure 2025 is your best year yet.
Join us in Los Angeles for DreamBuilder LIVE on January 24th, 25th, and 26th!
As I said earlier, this article is an entry level version of the DreamBuilding System we teach at our 3-day DreamBuilder LIVE events.
This transformational event is designed to give you the clarity, tools, and support you need to start taking real action towards your dreams.
I’ve used this system to achieve my own dreams (writing bestsellers, building eight-figure businesses, marrying the love of my life, bringing clean water to developing countries.)
It’s worked for thousands of people worldwide. And it will work for you, too.
Over three days, we’ll go deep into the exact steps that will unlock your potential and show you how to start building your dreams—without needing to rely on motivation or willpower alone.
All you need to do is show up and be in the room with us on January 24-26 to see the magic unfold as you discover the system and how to apply it to your life.
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