Break through these common misconceptions about meditation and start experiencing the profound benefits of this simple tool today!
You may have heard or read about all the ways that meditation can improve your life- mind, body, and spirit! But, so many people miss out on the life-changing benefits of meditation because it seems so… hard.
If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I can’t meditate”, or “It just doesn’t work for me…”
It might be time to explore the truth about meditation and reconsider these common meditation misconceptions.
Meditation Myth #1: Meditation practices require you to “empty your mind“
Many myths about meditation have to do with what your mind is “supposed” to be doing while you meditate.
The truth is, the goal of meditation is awareness, not emptiness, silence, or stillness.
By bringing a deeper awareness to our thoughts we can focus on those that serve us and release those that don’t. This is how we develop mindfulness.
This mindfulness empowers us to rise above the normal chatter of habitual thoughts and inner voices that aren’t our own. When we practice this awareness and simply give ourselves permission to notice what we’re noticing…
We increase our ability to experience calmer, more positive, more aligned thoughts even outside of the time we actively meditate.
Meditation Myth #2: If your mind wanders, you’re doing it wrong
A mindfulness practice like meditation helps us interact with our internal landscape with intention…
Not change it by force!
When it’s time to meditate, your mind will probably wander. You will probably have thoughts, feelings, and urges that feel like they’re interfering with your focus. Your nose might itch, you’ll want to look at the clock…
And you might find you suddenly can’t stop thinking about that thing that happened way back in 9th grade…
Instead of trying to “fix” it in an effort to meditate perfectly, remember this instead…
You’re supposed to notice your thoughts and feelings during meditation! The more you practice meditation regularly, the easier it will become to notice your thoughts without getting caught up in them.
Meditation Myth #3: Meditation is religious (or against my religion)
Many different cultures and religions use a form of meditation in their spiritual practices.
However, meditation is neither for or against any particular religion. It is simply a neutral tool that anyone can use as a part of their own spiritual or religious practice.
If prayer is asking, think of meditation as receiving. Meditation helps you direct your focus and attention to whatever or whomever you choose.
Meditation Myth #4: Meditation takes a lot of time
People often assume they don’t have enough time to meditate and experience any real benefits.
But the truth is, meditation only requires a few minutes a day! In fact, recent studies have shown improvement in mood, memory, and emotional regulation meditating for just 13 minutes a day.
I recommend you approach meditation the same way I suggest people pursue anything they desire. Start by doing what you can, from where you are, with what you have.
so you only have 10 minutes before bed each night? Or 5 minutes during your lunch break? Just 20 minutes here and there throughout the week? Meditate anyway!
You’ll still experience meaningful benefits in your life.
Meditation Myth #5: You have to be still and silent to do mindfulness based meditation
There are many types of meditation, and ‘still and silent’ aren’t requirements unless you want them to be!
Mediation only really requires your intention and the present moment. In fact, your meditation practice can be:
- On the go: Count your breaths, use a breathing technique like 4-7-8 Breathing, or simply bring awareness to your body while you walk. You don’t have to be seated or still to meditate.
- Done wherever you are: Lying in bed, in the car, or in the bathroom at work. You can meditate wherever you are. No fancy meditation rooms required!
- Noisy: Sing your favorite inspirational songs, hum to activate the Vagus nerve, or narrate your experience out loud. You can even find peace in a noisy environment. Some people love silent meditation, while others prefer to do it out loud.
People who meditate with the most success do so in the ways that work best for them. There is no ‘right way’ or ‘wrong way’ to meditate.
Meditation Myth #6: Meditation is only for yogis, hippies, and women
One of the common meditation myths that keeps people from experiencing its benefits is the belief that it’s only for some people.
Some people think that meditation is only for people who do yoga all the time. Others might believe that meditation is something crunchy or woo, only for hippies and new age spiritualists.
Men often report a belief that meditation is too “soft” or “feminine” for them.
But, the truth is…
Meditation is a proven tool that helps reduce stress, improves blood pressure, and alleviates anxiety and depression. It improves sleep, increases productivity, and enhances creativity. Meditation reduces emotional reactivity and increases happiness… and more!
Not to mention all the ways that it can help raise your vibration!
The profound benefits of meditation are good for everyone.
In fact, I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t love that kind of impact in their lives.
Meditation Myth #7: You have to know how to meditate right before you can start
The most common misconceptions about meditation are based on the idea that there’s a “right” way to meditate. When in actuality, there are many ways to meditate.
The real key to experiencing the benefits of meditation is finding an approach that works best for YOU.
But, if you’re just starting out and feeling unsure, a great way to begin is with guided meditations.
Guided meditations feature auditory instructions and cues helping you tune in and focus. There are many forms of guided meditation you can use- from guided visualizations to guided breathwork. No matter which you choose, they remove the pressure of having to figure out how to meditate on your own.
In fact, you can start now with one of my favorite 10 minute guided meditations!
Click here to download the free Grateful: Happy, Healthy, Wealthy guided audio meditation!
You’ll tap into an instant wave of gratitude for yourself and your life…
And shift your focus away from what seems to be missing or wrong, so that you can more easily direct your awareness toward what you would love to experience more of in your life.
After listening to this, you’ll start to see golden opportunities, creative solutions, and unlimited potential! Gratitude is an open door to a happier, healthier and wealthier life!
This is wonderful and thank you. I have been enjoying my meditations in many ways and will show this to my wife Maria who is almost there!
GOD bless you