Uncover your life purpose and get inspired to fulfill your highest potential and make your dreams a reality
Click here to jump straight to the 15 questions!
Do you believe you’re called to a greater purpose?
Do you long to live a life full of meaning and intention?
Do you believe that your passions and purpose hold the key to real fulfillment?
Did you answer “yes!” to each of those questions, but aren’t sure what your life purpose actually is?
If so, rest assured- you are not alone.
These 15 questions will help you connect with clarity around your unique purpose and inspire an action plan to help you make your dreams a reality.
Before we begin, here are a few tips to help you as you explore our list of questions
- There are no wrong answers. The most important thing to remember is this: practice listening to your inner guidance and answer honestly, without judgment or editing.
- Your answers might change. This exercise is meant to give you insight and tools to connect with your true self. Living a life of purpose is a practice, not a one-time answer.
- If you get stuck, skip to the next question. This isn’t a test! If you find that you’re having difficulty answering any of the questions, just make note and move on. Some of these questions might not come with an easy answer, but the questions that follow might offer you just the insight you’re looking for.
15 Questions to Help You Discover Your Life Purpose
1. What would you love?
This simple, yet powerful question is the first step to uncovering your true life purpose.
The truth is, we can’t think our way into our life’s passion and purpose — the answers live inside of us, and we can get there by getting out of our heads and connecting to our inner guidance. Asking yourself what you would love supersedes all the other questions you’ve been taught to ask like, “What should I do?” “What do I have permission to go after?” and “What do they expect of me?”
Big Insight Tip: Get into the habit of asking yourself this powerful question throughout each day, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly your insight and connection to your inner wisdom increases!
You can also ask variations of “What would I love?” like:
- What would I love in this situation?
- What would I love to do?
- What would I love to learn?
- What would I love to be?
2. What could you do for hours on end and enjoy every moment of it?
In other words, what activities, hobbies, or work make you lose track of time? What things do you do or have you already done that get you into the zone, make it easy to focus, and help you completely lose sight of outside distractions or stressors?
Big Insight Tip: Try not to edit yourself with things like, “That’s not a career,” “No one would ever make a living doing that,” or “How much money could I ever make with that?” Instead, give yourself permission to experiment with what it would be like to just gather information without judgment.
3. What did you love to do as a child?
When we were kids, most of us were able to express ourselves fully through play and focus on what brought us the most joy. Following those clues can lead you to your purpose! Think about the type of play you most enjoyed as a child. Does similar play (or activities that mimic that sort of play) bring you a childlike joy now, as an adult?
Big Insight Tip: Imagine your 8-year-old self. What was he or she most interested in? What did he or she enjoy doing or learning the most? What did your 8 year old self dream about doing, being, or creating?
4. What are your strengths, talents, and unique gifts?
Your purpose is deeply woven into the very core of who you are. It’s usually tied to your innate gifts and the natural talent you bring into the world. Ask yourself: What am I particularly good at? What do other people ask for my help with? What do I find easy that others find difficult?
Big Insight Tip: Sometimes our own gifts and talents are so natural to us that we have a hard time identifying them. If you’re struggling to make a list of your strengths, ask someone you trust how they would answer this question. Their insight can be a valuable resource!
5. What matters most to you in the world?
Another way to get clear on your true calling is to identify the things you care most about. Notice what makes your heartache or break. What would you most love to change in the world if you could? What causes do you feel most passionate about? What can you do with your gifts to help others and make the world a better place?
Big Insight Tip: Remember that change in the world doesn’t have to be a radical change by anyone else’s standards- consider the positive impact you’d most love to make, regardless of how that would measure against anyone else’s opinions or achievements.
6. What are your deepest values?
Your core values are the things you consider most important in your life. Think of your values as guiding principles by which you choose to live and measure your success. Examples of core values might be: health, hard work, authenticity, security, freedom, trust, and so on.
Big Insight Tip: If you’re having trouble thinking of your values, consider the moments in your life that held the most meaning, were most satisfying or happy, and where you felt the most accomplished. What did all of those moments have in common?
7. What hardships or challenges have you overcome?
Your journey of personal growth holds a lot of insight into the kind of person you are and the kind of person you’re becoming. What have you overcome that you are the most proud of?
Big Insight Tip: When you think about the hardships and challenges you’ve overcome, also consider what those experiences have taught you along the way, especially those things you believe have impacted your values and beliefs.
8. If you were to teach something to a large group of people, what would you most love to teach?
Imagine you had the opportunity to teach one thing to a lot of people- the thing you believe would be most important or impact their lives the most- what would you choose to teach?
Big Insight Tip: At the same time, consider what you would also most love to teach. The overlap of what you believe would be most impactful and what you would most love can tell you a lot!
9. How would you most love to use your talents, passions, and values to contribute to something or someone else?
Your talents, passions, and values inform who you are and how you use your time and resources in your own life, but how could you use that information to contribute to something outside of yourself?
Big Insight Tip: Challenge yourself to think beyond a traditional career path when answering this question- consider all of the possibilities, even the ones that don’t involve a job you’re already familiar with.
10. If you didn’t have any limitations in time, money, or resources, how would you spend your days?
What would your daily life look like if you had no external limitations? What would you do if you had all of the time, money, energy, and other resources you could ever want?
Big Insight Tip: Consider if your answer to this question would change if, in addition to external limitations, you also removed internal limitations like the fear of failure!
11. What have you always wanted to do that you’ve never done?
Consider a life goal you have, or, simply, something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t.. Maybe it’s even something you’ve never told anyone else! What secret yearning is in your heart?
Big Insight Tip: Consider what the answer to this question might be if you truly had no limitations, real or perceived. Let your mind be as “illogical” as it likes, and see what comes up!
12. If you knew you only had a year left to live, how would you spend it?
What kind of things would you most want to do, be, create, or experience if you knew you had a very finite amount of time left on this earth? Sometimes, we procrastinate on our dreams because we think we have plenty of time, but, the decisions we would make might be completely different if we knew we didn’t have that luxury.
Big Insight Tip: To go deeper, also consider how you would want to be remembered.
13. What have your failures been preparing you for?
There is great potential in exploring your most unpleasant experiences. If your failures, struggles, and challenges were preparing you for great things, what would those be?
Big Insight Tip: When you consider the failures and difficulties you’ve experienced in your life, look for patterns and themes. What lessons have you learned and how have they contributed to your personal development?
14. In 15 words or less, what is the purpose of life?
How you craft the most simplified answer to this big question will reveal a lot about why you believe you’re here and what you believe you’re meant to do.
Big Insight Tip: Challenge yourself to make your answer to this question even shorter and even simpler, and see what comes through for you!
15. If I were to live the kind of life I most desire, how would the world be a better place because I had lived?
Consider the intersection of your desires- the life you would love- and the impact you want to make in the world. How do they support each other? How does the vision of your best life support your personal mission?
Finally, ask yourself this:
With all of the information I have now and insight I’ve gathered, what do I think I’m meant to be, do, or create in the world?
Remember, you aren’t limited to a single expression of your purpose!
I believe that throughout our lives we have many opportunities to answer the call to our higher purpose, and those opportunities may look different at different times or in different areas of your life.
If you’re still exploring what your unique expression of purpose is in this life, I’d encourage you to revisit these questions often (go ahead and bookmark this page!).
I’d also invite you to download my Building the Vision of Your Dreams Meditation. It’s completely free to you and will help you connect with the deep inner voice that’s calling you to a greater level of existence, achievement, and becoming.
Thank you so much for sharing… With those questions, I am walking in purpose. I can see a great Emem!
Thank you so much for sharing… With those questions, I am walking in purpose. I can see a great Emem!
Thank you
These questions made me think deeply about the life I have lived. It’s very clear that I have hardly even begun to live up to my potential. I didn’t really ever realise what my hopes and dreams were. Or what my talents and strengths are. The questions are challenging and I have to go through them again …some are difficult to answer, and need some deep musing and meditation.
I am old. But I know that’s not an excuse to just sink into old age. I have ‘dwelt carelessly’ but by tomorrow morning I will have a whole list of answers to these dynamic questions, and a renewed determination to become the best I can be for the life I have left.
My brain is buzzing, my spirit is feeling the surge of excitement at what lies ahead, and I am smiling! It’s going to be a great future!
Thank you
I have worked with children for over 30 years . I love to be around kids , I love their trusting ways & enjoy teaching them about life . I’m truly a very maternal person . I love being around younger adults & telling them about my life & what I’ve done to improve it . I want to leave a legacy of being a person who had a good heart & helped people of all ages !
Excellent reflective questions, Mary.
They are real time compass actually. I have never intensionally asked myself such a dig deep serial questions.
I thank you.