The 3 Steps To Turning Setbacks Into Stepping Stones
“Am I not cut out for this?”
There may have been times when you set your heart on something — when you took action, stepped outside of your comfort zone to achieve your dream…
And still didn’t experience the results you wanted.
Or maybe you experienced some success, only to slide back again.
That feeling of failure can be tough. I know this from personal experience!
And yet, one of the defining traits of highly successful people is that they have the perseverance to bounce back from failure quickly and easily.
Because the truth is…
Every person experiences failure.
Whether that failure is the loss of a job, a painful divorce, or a business going down…
You cannot live life and NOT experience failure. It comes with the territory!
But even though failure is a natural part of life, feeling defeated after a setback or the fear of failure can keep a lot of people stuck.
The good news is that you can learn how to recover from failure like a pro – and actually use it as fuel to get out of your comfort zone, stay focused on your goal, and make your dreams come true!
How To Overcome Failure
One of the secrets to facing failure is separating the experience of failing from your identity.
Afterall, a single situation cannot define who you are!
Highly successful people don’t allow failure to dictate their self-image and they don’t use it as an excuse to stop moving toward their dreams.
Instead, they view failure as a learning experience — then using that knowledge to correct course and to propel themselves further and further.
This approach may not come naturally at first, but with some practice it can become second nature. With time, you can actually train your brain to bounce back quickly and easily to achieve your goals.
So today you’ll discover 3 simple steps you can take to overcome failure and bounce back to even greater success.
These steps apply to both the small, everyday setbacks and the big, life-changing events that may seem hopeless — transforming failures into opportunities for growth and advancement.
1. View Failure as Feedback
Somebody once asked Thomas Edison, “How in the world did you keep going after you sustained 10,000 failures on your way to discovering the incandescent light bulb?”
He replied, “What do you mean failure? I never had a failure. It was all feedback.”
This is exactly the kind of successful mindset that will empower you to overcome failure.
You see, to others, Edison’s first 10,000 attempts were failures. But to Edison, they were key experiences to uncovering pieces of information that he used for his next experiment.
When you experience a failure, ask yourself:
“What meaning am I giving to this?”
In other words, what story are you telling yourself about it?
Will you choose to believe this situation means that you’re stupid, that you “should have known better,” or that you’re somehow unworthy or incapable of creating great things?
Or will you choose to see what happened as nothing more than an experience…
One that might actually SERVE you as a stepping stone toward your goals.
So instead of being hard on yourself when you stumble, look at it as feedback.
2. Ask yourself, “What did I learn? What was the gift in this experience?”
Napoleon Hill says:
“Every adversity has within it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
But like any seed, it must be planted, nourished, and then harvested.
The first step to harvest this ‘hidden benefit’ is taking a look at the experience. Sure, it may be uncomfortable – it may not be your favorite memory, and you may still be feeling bad about it…
But there are powerful lessons to unlock once you look back at what happened.
So take a couple of minutes to ask yourself:
“What lesson can I take away from it that will help move me forward?
Then, write down a list of every possible lesson you can extract from the situation.
Congratulations! You just found the hidden seeds of success within your momentary ‘failure.’
3. Take action
Once you’ve discovered the lesson within the failure, ask yourself:
“How can I use this to get closer to the results I want?”
For example, if the failure in question was an argument with a loved one, you could use this as an opportunity to talk to them and open your heart – taking your relationship to a new, deeper level of intimacy.
Or, if you’ve lost your job, you could go out and get the dream job you always secretly desired or start the business you’ve been meaning to launch for years.
What if “failure” is actually the chance to go after what you really want?!
Come up with a plan of action or at least one step you’ll take to use your new learnings from the experience to get you closer to your goals.
You’ve Bounced Back From A Setback… Now What?
Bouncing back from setbacks is one of the ways that you can set yourself up for success and start creating a life you love…
But there’s more to achieving your goals with speed and ease. If you’re ready to manifest your dreams faster than you imagined, I have a special treat for you:
Watch the “3 Keys to an Extraordinary Life Masterclass” for free!
This unique masterclass will demystify the 3 foundational elements you need to build the kind of life you want – even if you have no idea how to make it happen, and no matter how many failures you may have experienced in the past.
It will help you avoid the mistakes keeping people stuck and propel you forward so you can create a “quantum leap” in your life. And you get access for free!
Propel yourself forward with the “3 Keys to an Extraordinary Life Masterclass”
I absolutely love you and your teachings. Although I am not in a position at this moment to purchase this program I am watching all your webnars and learning all I can. Honestly, I can’t seem to get enough! Very thankful for you, and I’m noticing what I’m noticing!I am a work in progress 🙂 God bless you!!!
I watched your webinar and was very excited. You showed me briefly how I can turn my life situation around. Unfortunatley, I do not have the funds to do your 12 week course as I am also disabled.I will keep reading your blog though. Thank you so very much. I am definitely going to use the principles you spoke about. God Bless.
Sherry, thank you for sharing your situation! I appreciate you trying to keep it up no matter what!
Please check your gmail inbox since I will send you an email with great info you will find useful. In the meantime, please share the article with friends and family!
Here’s for you keeping up the great attitude!
Hi Mary, thank you for your inspirational emails. I’ve just been reading about turning failure into success and it has rung a bell in my head. I am teaching yr 12 high school students who are going into their final few months before leaving. Some are fine but others are terrified of failure and are procrastinating and falling behind. I am going to start my lesson with them tomorrow by talking about thinking of failure as feedback. How it alerts us to something that needs our attention and that this knowledge is a gift towards success. That is a powerful thought that I know my students will respond to as it gives them hope and a starting point.
Thank you!
Best regards
Hi Lorraine! I appreciate very much sharing your experience about your journey with those students! Let me know how it went!
Stay tuned! My newest article is coming very soon!
Guten Tag,….:-) liebe Mary,
mein tiefster Dank an Dich,durch Deine Lektionen und durch deine Videos,verstehe ich plötzlich,wie das,was in meinen Leben sich ereignet hatte,geschehen konnte und ich weiß jetzt was ich zu tun habe.Ich muss meine Schwingungen ändern.Ich muss meine Gedanken ändern und ich muss meine Angst annehmen.mein fester Glaube an Gott,..:-)..die Verbindung zur Liebe.Meine Liebe zu mir.DAS WUNDERBARE WIR SIND ALLE VERBUNDEN,ALLE UND ALLES.WIR SIND LIEBE UND WIR SIND ENERGIE. GOTTES GUTER SEGEN.ICH LIEBE DICH…:-)..liebe Grüsse Isolde
Hi, I hope you like the article and you can share it with friends and family!
Stay tuned!
Thank you
Thanks to you Kelly!
Stay tuned! My newest article is coming very soon!
Thank you for your wisdom Mary.
I appreciate you
Thanks to you Hamilton!
Stay tuned! My newest article is coming very soon!
I agree with your points that events are not failures – they are feedback and learning tools. I prefer this word: mis-takes. So much nicer and probably more real.
Thank you Virginia! I like it: mis-takes! So true!
Stay tuned! My newest article is coming very soon!