And the chasing-money alternative to wealth & abundance that most of us are never taught.
What if I told you that the #1 thing keeping you in a state of financial lack is asking yourself how to not be lacking?
To most people, that sounds preposterous. If you don’t have the wealth you want, the most logical thing in the world is to ask: “How do I get it?”
“After all,” you might continue, “if I kick my feet up and lay on the couch, it’s not like money will just magically appear. It doesn’t grow on trees, as they say!”
This is correct––and yet there is a lot of ground between hustling your way to wealth and idly waiting for it to fall into your lap.
The answer lies neither in action nor passivity, but in a greater awareness of the truth about how money moves. (And what’s stopping it from moving towards you.)
You see, if you remain at the level of “how do I get more money”, that very question limits you with its assumptions.
Namely, the assumption that there are activities that will quickly grow your wealth, if you could only find out what they are and “just do them”.
This is such a seductive belief that it is the foundation of all conventional thinking about financial success.
When you examine common financial tips, they all boil down to chasing money in one way or another.
Some of this advice comes from a frugal place:
- “Keep a budget––track every expense down to the penny.”
- “Make your coffee at home and you’ll be a millionaire in 57 years.”
- “Don’t take a vacation unless your Chase Sapphire points cover the cost.”
And some of it comes from hustle culture:
- “Bro you gotta get in on this big crypto run.”
- “Steal these 10 secrets of drop shipping products on Amazon.”
- “Quick, flip a few houses while the market is hot. You can retire by 45!”
While these two camps seem to have different values, the truth is, they’re exactly the same.
Both start from a place of: “Money is scarce. It’s hard to earn or keep. And your only chance at financial freedom is to obsessively strategize your way there.”
Very few people ever come to understand that money can flow to them without it becoming an obsessive fixation.
So let’s talk seriously about that right now.
Why Sincerely Abandoning Chasing Money Attracts More Of It
First of all: “abandoning the chase” isn’t a shift you can make just by reading the words on this page.
It would be a mistake to read this article and put “don’t chase money” in your pocket as a take-home message or homework assignment. You would then be chasing the idea of not chasing!
Why? Because the reason you’re chasing the money in the first place is that you deeply believe you need to.
Abandoning the chase isn’t something to force upon yourself. Or try to live up to out of correctness or idealism.
It’s what naturally happens once you truly see that chasing money is ineffective, and most importantly, why.
So for today, set aside all thoughts of trying to “achieve” non-chasing, and simply open yourself to understanding.
“Understanding what?” you might ask. The first pivotal shift is to see that money doesn’t stand still––it moves. And what money moves toward is value creation, not desperate efforts to keep or earn it.
Value creation isn’t simply working harder, either. (Quite the opposite: it’s often about doing less than before, while doing a few key things extraordinarily well!)
At its core, value creation is about identifying, expanding, and amplifying what you do that naturally benefits others.
How Do You Stop Chasing Money In Practice? (How I personally learned this lesson and how it changed my life forever)
For many years, I traveled the country, giving talks and holding workshops on personal development for one group of people at a time.
This was highly valuable work in its own right. I received appreciative letters on a regular basis from people who told me that my insights changed their lives. And I earned a strong income from my time on the speaking circuit.
As thankful as I was for my current level of success, though, I sought to make a much bigger difference in the world. And, quite frankly, to increase my own personal wealth in the process.
I was working nonstop, yet I felt like I had hit a ceiling. No matter how much I refined my talks, I couldn’t scale impact—or income—past a certain point.
What I truly desired was a quantum leap. Not a linear 5% or 10% improvement.
What I soon realized, thanks to years of training and mentorship from people who had made massive leaps themselves, was that there was a limit to how much value I could create on the speaking circuit.
I remember one day, standing in front of yet another packed room, delivering what I knew was one of my best talks.
People were nodding enthusiastically, taking notes, even tearing up. As I walked offstage, though, something gnawed at me.
My talk, for all its power, would only reach these few hundred people in the room. Then, next week, I’d be back on a plane starting all over again.
It dawned on me that my next level of success was not going to come from being a “better” speaker, or raising my rates, or anything like that. It wasn’t going to come from chasing money.
Instead, what I decided to do was create an online education company, and translate the insights I shared on stage into digital programs that people could view from all over the world, day or night.
This one pivot –– and the thoughtful work that went into executing it –– took me from earning a healthy 6-figure income to earning millions of dollars per year.
Now please understand: the key here was not simply “creating digital programs.” The world is filled with digital programs.
My programs had to be exceptionally valuable and transformative––which they are. Impact and value always come first. Income and wealth are simply the natural results.
And by the way, this does not mean that the only way to achieve financial freedom is becoming an entrepreneur. There are infinite ways to align yourself with (and amplify) value.
Therefore, the essential mindset shift is to see that chasing money fails not because it’s “wrong” or “bad” or “unspiritual.” That has nothing to do with it at all!
Chasing money fails because it keeps you so focused on earning money that you don’t have the attention and energy to focus on truly creating value.
Whether your way of chasing involves hoarding the money you have now (frugality) or cycling through get-rich-quick schemes (hustle culture) makes no difference.
In both cases, you are focused only on the end result of having money rather than on creating so much value that you inevitably attract wealth.
What Value Do You Create (or could you create in the future) That You Can Amplify Even Further?
As I said: abandoning the chase for money is not going to be a casual flip of the switch.
Reorienting your mind towards value creation, rather than quick, in-the-moment fixes, takes time and practice. Until, one day, you look back and realize you’ve stopped chasing money altogether.
An excellent starting point is to begin thinking about the kinds of value you already create (or could create) in your work or personal life today––and how you might amplify that.
If you’re coming up blank, here are three questions to ask yourself:
- What do other people struggle with that comes naturally to you? (Playing the piano? Writing great emails or texts? Hosting dinner parties?)
- What do your friends say you’re amazing at? (Ask them. Maybe it’s organization, dressing well, or reading people.)
- What if you had 3 extra hours per week? What would you do? (Maybe watch fashion TikToks? Go to the gardening store? Talk about relationships?)
Every single one of us adds value to other people, often in ways we don’t even realize when we’re doing it.
Once we learn to see and expand these things, wealth moves towards us almost effortlessly.
THIS is how your pursuit of money finally becomes fun and effective!
If today’s insights resonated, imagine how much more clarity you’ll gain when you uncover the three biggest hidden “abundance blocks.” Ones that even successful people unknowingly fall into. Register to watch my new masterclass, Overcome The 3 Most Common Abundance Blocks To Unlock Greater Joy, Fulfillment, and Time & Money Freedom, right now!
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