As We Celebrate This Magical Holiday, Know That There’s So Much More to the Story of Christmas Than Gifts, Family and Parties
As a student, teacher and mentor in transformational principles for over 40 years, I’ve studied many different religions. I’ve been to India ten times to walk in the footsteps of Buddha, and I’ve been to Israel 14 times to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.
I’ve studied many other great teachers who have transformed lives around the world through what they’ve taught and their ways of being.
And when it comes to Christmas, I celebrate for many reasons. One reason is to celebrate the amazing life of Jesus of Nazareth and the lessons that, 2,000 years later, have impacted and framed my life and countless others’ worldwide.
I believe that there’s a metaphor in the message of Christmas. Christmas isn’t simply Jesus’ story. I believe it’s YOUR story, my story and the story of all human beings. For millions of people around the world, this time of year reminds us of the real meaning of Christmas.
Perhaps the following perspective will resonate with you, and help you to deepen your understanding of why this holiday is celebrated all over the world.
She was an ordinary woman on an ordinary day
About 2,000 years ago, an ordinary woman on an ordinary day walked to the well where she always gathered water. This woman’s name was Mary.
While Mary was at the well, an angel of the most high, Angel Gabriel, told her,
“You are favored among women and something wonderful is going to happen to you.”
And Mary said,
“What is that?”
Angel Gabriel answered,
“You’re going to give birth to something that is going to change the world.”
In this story, of course, the angel was talking about giving birth to a baby named Jesus.
But Mary didn’t believe him. She said,
“I can’t have a baby! I haven’t even been with a man.”
But the angel said to Mary,
“You have the support from another dimension for this gift. So don’t look to circumstances for permission – know that there’s a source within you that knows how to do this great thing. But it’s looking for your consent to bring forth the light into the world in a way that only you would love to bring forth that light. And no one can know that for you, but you.”
So Mary gave her consent. She said,
“All right, then I will be the handmaiden of the Lord. I will do the thing that has invited me to do itself, by means of me.”
There is a sacred power inside every single one of us
Metaphorically speaking, an angel represents an idea. In the story above, an idea came to Mary that she could actually bring forth something wonderful that would change the world.
As with Mary, the first thing that usually happens when we have an idea is that we look at our circumstances. We wonder if we really have the tools, support, resources and skills required to bring the idea to fruition.
Great ideas are usually beyond anything we’ve ever known we could do, and so we look around us and say to ourselves,
“I don’t have what it takes to do this.”
But here’s something important to remember: We didn’t create ourselves. It’s impossible to even make ourselves breathe just one breath.
There’s a presence, a power and something very sacred that’s happening within you right now. It’s moving into and through you and animating.
The story of the Immaculate Conception isn’t just true about Mary and Jesus; it’s true about every single one of us.
This means there is an innate perfection that is seeking to express itself ever more fully through the growth of our daily lives.
This Christmas, as you admire the pretty lights, remember that there is a light within YOU
This holiday season, as you go through the motions of your daily routine, notice the ideas that come to you.
Perhaps ideas will pop up that you’d love to bring into this world that could positively change your life, family, community or workplace.
Maybe you’d love to incorporate more self-care into your life, start a new family Christmas tradition or volunteer at your local soup kitchen on Christmas Eve.
When you find yourself thinking, “I don’t have what it takes to do this,” remember that when an idea makes you feel more alive, the very source that idea comes from – that Intelligence, that power – knows exactly how to bring it about.
It’s not necessary to look to your circumstances for permission. If your idea makes you feel alive, then give your consent, even in the absence of knowing how you’re going to make it happen.
This Christmas, as you admire the pretty lights, know that Christmas lights on a tree or lights on houses represent the light that is seeking to emerge at the darkest time of year in the northern hemisphere.
There is a light seeking to make itself known – a light that’s in every single one of us that comes from a holy source.
I wish you the most wonderful holiday, whether you spend it with your family around a Christmas tree or whether you don’t celebrate at all.
And remember that the gifts you give and receive represent the love that will never fit into a box, but are expressions of your love for one another and for the world.
So, if you’d love to create more love and light in the world, comment below “Love and Light.”
Merry Christmas!
Love the testimony I heard of your life bravo Mary I stepped out of the assemblies after my wife of 14 years left with one of the students in our youth group of 150 plus young folk .I was devastated and hand in my credentials haven’t looked back the man Jesus , changed my life in a similar wonderful experience that will never change , kind regards Michael Angel
Love and Light
Love and Light – Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Thank you Mary
You are right , life is that power in each of us and when we allow that power to express itself we become the light for others
I thank you for reminding me of this
Blessings this holiday season and a very prosperous, healthy and productive new 2019
Love and light!
“Love and Light” begins with finding the love within yourself so that your light can be shown unto others, as you have done Mary, thank-you. I also enjoy helping others see that we always have a choice to see and be whomever we so choose to be.
Wishing you lots of love and light for the Holidays, and always!
“Love and Light” always
Love and Light.
Merry Christmas!
Love and light
Thank you, Mary, for a beautiful reflection on Mary’s part of the Christmas story – and the encouragement to give ourselves permission to accept that miracle for ourselves.
Fabuloso y maravillosamente creíble y sentible
Thanks for the wishes lady Mary, I wish you a Merry Christmas, you have spoken well, and am glad someone understands what Christmas is,christmas is a day to remind humans to adjust their state of being to the ways of Christ Jesus as he thought and lived,which is what the Almighty Father wants of humankind, but millions thinks it about food and drinks, they merry without the fulfillment of the required task Christmas is intended to pass, I pray the light with you continue to shine itself forth, for you have seen the light.
Love and light
Have a Very Mery Christmas and a Happy New Year
to you Mary and your family.
Love this video. You are a true inspiration to me.
Thank you.
Love and light.
Thank you Mary for helping me live my dreams.
Love and Light
Beautiful just beautiful