You are never too old to dream a new dream! Discover how to let go of the dreams that you’ve outgrown and go after those in alignment with your purpose.
We all have dreams. But sometimes, we get so absorbed in our lives that we forget to pause and consider what we’re striving for.
- Is this really my dream or is it someone else’s?
- Is this a dream that still matters to me?
- Is this dream still what I really want?
- Does this dream speak to my life purpose?
- Have I already accomplished part of this dream and long for something new?
The good news is, there’s no end date for dreaming bigger or setting new goals. Whether you’ve already manifested some of your dreams or you know it’s time for something new…
This post will help give you the courage to start dreaming again and pursue a new path in life.
How Do You Know When it’s Time for a New or Bigger Dream?
When you notice a desire in your life, know that there is something greater available to you.
Wherever longing or discontent exist, there is an opportunity to consider what you would really love. What would make you happy? What would help you fulfill your purpose?
Signs you’re chasing the wrong dream:
- You’re doing it for the money: If the only reason you have for pursuing your goals is money, there’s a good chance you’ll never be entirely fulfilled. Money is a real factor in our lives, but only part of the equation to living lives we truly love.
- You think you “should”: Dreams that feel like a “should” have been externally created with the influence of someone or something else. These dreams don’t come from our true selves.
- It’s the easiest or most logical thing to do: The easiest, most logical choices are usually the safest, but don’t always represent what we want at our core.
- You already know you can do it on your own: If you know you can achieve your dream on your own, it probably isn’t big enough!
- You’ve already achieved your goals: If you’ve already achieved your dream, it’s time for a new one!
If you’re feeling called to a new dream… The D.R.E.A.M. Model is a great resource for choosing the right path and identifying a bigger dream for your life!
Brave Thinking® Principles: What is a D.R.E.A.M.?
If you’re new to Brave Thinking, I’d like to introduce you to the D.R.E.A.M. model. You can use these steps to help your dream big and turn your dreams into a reality you’d love.
What is a D.R.E.A.M.?
- D. Desire & Discontent
- R. Realistic Goals
- E. Explore the Energy
- A. Attention & Action
- M. Mentorship and Mastermind
D. Pay Attention to the Desire and Discontent
The first step of creating a new dream starts with noticing your desires and discontent.
Start by dividing your life into four areas:
- Relationships
- Vocation
- Health & Wellbeing
- Time & Money Freedom
If you look at each of the areas of your life, where do you experience longing and discontent?
What areas would you like to change?
Perhaps you wish you had more work life balance or your relationship isn’t as loving as you would like. The more honest you can be with yourself about what elements of your life you do not love…
The more you can use that insight to cast a vision for what you would love instead.
For each area of longing and discontent, ask yourself, “What would I love?”
Be as specific as possible. Create a vision of what it would look and feel like if you had everything you desired.
R. Realistic Goals
Your dream doesn’t have to be realistic or feel possible.
But, your goals do.
This is where many people struggle when it comes to manifesting. They build a vision, but don’t take action.
Set achievable, measurable goals that will move you in the direction of your dreams.
Your commitment to your goals will put you in a place to be open to new opportunities when they arise. Inspired action will help you align with the version of yourself that already has everything you dream of.
Theodore Roosevelt said it best, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
E. Explore the Energy of the Dream
Next, explore the energy of your vision. Put yourself in the mindset of living in that dream.
Your thinking creates energy, and each thought holds its own vibration. The more clear you are about what thoughts support your vision, the more likely you are to manifest your desire.
The easiest way to connect your thoughts with your reality is by writing them down. This works because it engages the right (imaginative) and left (logic) hemispheres of your brain.
To attract positive results with this exercise, challenge yourself to:
- Be as specific as possible: Create a crystal clear image of success that you can focus on
- Only write what you DO want, not what you don’t want to attract
- Write your vision in the present-tense, as if it has already happened. For example, use words like “I am”, “I have”, and “I feel” instead of “I will be”, “I will have”, and “I’m going to feel”
- Describe what you’re manifesting as well as how you feel experiencing it
- Commit to re-visit, add to, and expand upon your vision regularly
Then bring that energy into reality by challenging yourself to live as the person who has already achieved your dreams.
A. Attention & Action
Have you ever decided to buy a particular car, and then notice you start seeing those cars everywhere you go?
The truth is, those cars were always there. You only notice more of them because you’ve been focusing on that kind of car.
In the same way, when you practice visualization regularly, you start to notice more of what you’ve been focusing on.
This is a function of the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It can help you focus on your dreams and notice opportunities to help you achieve them.
The “A” in D.R.E.A.M. stands for attention as well as action. As you practice paying more attention to your dream, you’ll be presented with opportunities.
Pay attention to the opportunities that are presented to you. As they pop up, ask yourself:
- Will this opportunity take me farther away from my dream, or will it bring me closer?
- Would the version of me who had already achieved my dream pursue this opportunity?
Your attention and action will help you stay in the frequency of your dream and create results that might surprise you!
M. Mentorship & Mastermind
The final step in achieving your dreams is to surround yourself with “Partners in Believing”- other people who support your dream.
Think about the people you interact with day in and day out. You might notice that most of the people around you are living the same type of life as you. If you want to create something different, bring people into your life who are living in the vibration you desire.
You can connect with partners in believing through:
- Mentorship
- Events, Retreats, & Workshops
- Masterminds
- Networking
- Courses, Classes, & Learning Opportunities
When you connect with other people who believe in your dreams, a ripple effect is created. The immersion in high vibration connection impacts your mental, emotional, and spiritual reality in profound, powerful ways.
If the people you surround yourself with are on the frequency of growth and success, you will generate similar results!
Dreambuilder Events are fun, immersive opportunities to find your own partners in believing!
Plus, at these events, I personally walk you through the steps of qualifying your dream… so you leave with the confidence of knowing you’re pursuing the dream that’s most aligned with your highest potential and a life you’d truly love!
Is it Too Late to Go After a New Dream?
One of my favorite stories about dreaming a new dream regardless of age is actually my own mother’s story.
My mom’s name was Dorothy Manin. When she was 84 years old, my dad passed away and she became very depressed.
One day, she called me and said,
“Well, I guess if God’s still breathing me, then there’s something I should do with my life. Let me try that dream-building thing you do.”
I asked her if there was anything she wanted to do that she hadn’t done. During that conversation, she mentioned that she always wanted to try china painting.
So, Dorothy signed up to take classes to learn to paint china. She created beautiful gifts for her children and grandchildren. She became so good at it that some of her work was even featured in galleries!
As Dorothy neared her 90th birthday, she was a well-known china painter.
She started thinking of new dreams she might want to achieve. She wanted to do something that would leave a legacy.
Her new dream was to create a nonprofit that provided loans to the spouses of people who had been injured or killed in war. So, that’s what she did.
One of the ways she funded the nonprofit was by writing a book called, 90 Ways to Put a Zip in Your Day.
Even after the age of 84, my mom was able to create a whole new career for herself as an artist. And then, she founded a nonprofit and authored a book that is a lasting legacy.
So is it too late for you?
Absolutely not!
Manifesting the Life You’d Love – Are You Ready to Become a DreamBuilder®?
There is no end date to dreaming. You deserve to live the life you love. And we live in an abundant universe where all of your dreams are possible!
If you want to:
- Make DreamBuilding® a part of your everyday life
- Learn the step-by-step, practical tools you need to make your dreams a reality
- Connect with partners in believing
- And manifest a life you’d love
I encourage you to register for one of our DreamBuilder® Events.
It’s a three-day event that is truly life-changing. Attending will give you all of the tools you need to start blueprinting, bridging, and building the life you would love.
Register today and learn how to live into your purpose.
I recently began to have a desire to live more. More effectively, be more productive, generate new activities, do new things have a greater purpose. I have suffered from self low esteem for a long time but recently I decided enough is enough! The low self esteem and lack of self confidence had completely paralyzed me that I couldn’t step out/go to public places without having panic attacks, anxiety attacks. I couldn’t speak publicly or do a presentation without blundering or shivering. Now I decided enough is enough and started using affirmations and positive self talk and my self confidence is back and I feel worthy of myself. I feel its time for a new massive dream!
This is amazing! Thank you for sharing your journey here 🙂
Mindset is everything.
Be in control of what goes on in your mind.